High Rise Pill Review – Does It Really Work?
By: Rob Miller
With a ton of male enhancement supplements on the market today, it’s hard to tell what’s real from phony.
If you are looking for something that will give you better performance, higher quality erections, and more of a boost in energy then it’s important to find the right supplement.
However, is High Rise Pill something worth looking at?
And is it one of the real deal supplements that you can find on the market today?
We’ll make that determination in this review.
The problem with the supplement industry is that a lot of them are available online.
Most of them try to be copycats of various supplements that focus on one or multiple areas of health.
Think about it…do you want a knock off of a multi-vitamin like Centrum or a male enhancement knockoff like Viagra or Extenze?
Here’s why such supplements get a bad rap these days.
Not only are they saturating the market, but they are also using sales and marketing tactics that make a supplement you’ve never heard of the next big thing.
Any smart marketer or advertiser can distinguish hype from something that should be “matter of fact” and to the point.
Not to mention, it’s easy to sniff out the fake claims like their media appearances.
All it takes is a simple Google search to see whether or not they have actually been on shows like Shark Tank, NBC’s “Today”, or any other major television show.
Unfortunately, there are those who believe such claims and testimonials at face value and purchase a supplement.
Not only is this a poor logical move on the consumer’s part.
But it’s also risky.
These unknown supplements that are created out of some random lab can contain ingredients that can be harmful and trigger serious side effects.
Not only that, but they lack the credentials needed by the FDA to be taken seriously.
High Rise Pill is (or was) claimed to be one of the most highly recommended male enhancement supplements on the market.
However, it’s undergone some kind of a major change as of late.
Here’s what we found about High Rise Pill (and it’s apparently new identity).
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Table of Contents
What are High Rise Pills?
We could not find anything named the “High Rise Pills”.
In fact, if you clicked on the link that mentions a certain supplement, you’ll notice that the names are different.
For example, we went through this advertorial and clicked on a link that leads us to a supplement known as “TestoFuel”.
When we backed out and clicked on the article again, the name of the supplement had changed.
This is yet another one of the handfuls of red flags that we’ve discovered during this research.
Of course, the sales page looks roughly the same as far as the claimed benefits were concerned.
At the top fold of the sales page (which we managed to retrieve via one of the advertorials written for “High Rise Pill”), it claims the following: enhances sex drive, achieve bigger and harder erections, longer sexual staying power, and increased penis length and girth.
The last claim is quite common in Internet folklore.
For as long as the Internet has been around, there have always been claims of supplements that claim to make your penis larger in size.
Time and time again, these claims were debunked.
This was one of the red flags that we’ve discovered.
But there were others.
A Google search revealed that if you were to search “high rise pill review”, the top two results claim to be a review for the supplement.
If you click on it, you are redirected to the advertorial claiming that the founders landed the largest Shark Tank deal in history.
Shark Tank is a popular TV show where business owners pitch for capital for their product or business.
These aspiring creators are pitching to the likes of Mark Cuban, Kevin O’ Leary, Lori Grenier, and others.
Since it’s a recognizable show, most people will consider it as an instant credibility booster when someone claims that they were on the show.
But if you use your better instincts, a Google search and some simple detective work will unveil that the founders of High Rise Pill were never on the show promoting the product.
The “Shark Tank Scam” has become quite common in the supplement industry as of late.
If you come across any reviews or products claiming that it was on a major TV show, you better be smart enough to do a Google search and do a bit of digging.
Of course, there were other red flags that are not worth discussing extensively.
The stock photos, fake testimonials, and the same old hypey copy.
How Do High Rise Pills work?
Here’s where things can get a bit confusing.
There is no real information on how it actually works.
However, we did discover a “How It Works” section on the product’s sales page.
Let’s take a look at how it claims to work since it’s the only information we can be able to use.
According to their page, the pills claim to increase blood flow to the corpora cavernosa, which is a major tissue that aids in penile erections.
It also claims that the pills provide cell regeneration to help this tissue to become even stronger.
One other claim on how it works is that it also supposedly boosts testosterone, which plays a huge role in sexual virility and drive.
In fact, it’s the only kernel of truth that we were able to find on their sales page.
There is indisputable proof that links testosterone to increased sexual performance.
What Are The Ingredients In High Rise Pills?
Although the name of the “High Rise Pills” tends to change, we noticed one thing on the sales page that didn’t.
It was the list of ingredients.
High Rise Pill claims to have the following ingredients:
Muira Puama Bark
This ingredient is used to help improve overall sexual health in both males and females.
It also claims to treat different kinds of joint pain.
However, there is no scientific evidence at this time supporting the claim. (Source)
Fenugreek Seed
Fenugreek seed does have some evidence in helping those who are looking to improve their sexual stimuli.
It’s also used to help boost libido in older men and women. (Source)
Boron Citrate
Boron is widely used as a supplement to help with deficiency of the same mineral.
It is also useful for relieving menstrual cramps and vaginal yeast infections.
However, the sales page claims that it can boost testosterone levels.
There appears to be no scientific evidence that supports this claim. (Source)
Eurycoma Longifolia
This ingredient is originated from Southeast Asia.
It is believed to be used for improving some aspects of male sexual health including infertility.
There is some evidence, but not enough to prove that it can also enhance general sexual desire.
There are unproven claims that the ingredient is used to combat erectile dysfunction. (Source)
Black Pepper
Black pepper is mostly used to absorb fat in the bloodstream.
However, the sales page claims that it can improve your exercise, sex drive, and overall performance.
There is no evidence that backs this claim.
Plus, the ingredient has inconclusive evidence of aiding in various health issues. (Source)
What are the side effects?
Even though High Rise Pills claim to have these ingredients, we can determine that some of these ingredients have no side effects at all.
For example, black pepper and Muira Pauma have been widely reported to have no side effects. (Source 1 / Source 2).
Another ingredient that reports no known side effects is Eurycoma Longifolia.
However, it is said that higher doses of this ingredient can lead to mercury or lead poisoning. (Source)
The only two ingredients that have known side effects are Boron and Fenugreek.
Common side effects of boron include but are not limited to irritability, tremors, convulsions, headaches, depression, weakness, diarrhea, vomiting, and other side effects.
Some have also reported that boron poisoning can occur if the dosage is too high. (Source)
Fenugreek is known to have side effects such as nasal congestion, coughing, wheezing, facial swelling, and other side effects (Source).
Where can you find High Rise Pill?
The short answer: nowhere.
You can’t find it anywhere unless you somehow access one of the sales pages of the supplement that has many names.
It’s probably for the better anyway since it happens to be more of a scam than anything else.
Another short answer: no.
High Rise Pills are not worth the money nor is it worth taking despite its claim of containing mostly natural ingredients that contain no side effects.
At this point, you’ll need to find a male enhancement supplement that is actually the real deal.
If you are unsure of which supplements are the best, you should consider consulting your doctor to see if male enhancement supplements are right for you.
If you want legitimate male enhancement supplements, sites like Roman can be able to help you find the right kind for you.
Top 3 Male EnhancementAffiliate Disclosure
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