How Do Porn Stars Last So Long?
By: Rob Miller
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It’s no secret….
A lot of guys envy porn stars. I mean, how cool would it be to have sex with hot women, AND get paid to do it?!
I’m not an avid watcher of porn, but I’ll occasionally watch a couple videos if the Mrs. either isn’t in the mood.
Or is out of town 😉
I was watching a video recently, and what struck me the most was simply how long this dude was lasting.
I mean, he was pounding away for a good 30 minutes!
That’s not normal, at least not for me.
So it got me thinking, how come these porn stars last so long?
So I decided to do a bit of research….
I searched through dozens of interviews with porn stars, read countless articles, and even interviewed a doctor to get the skinny on why porn stars last as long as they do.
Update! If You Want To Last Like A Porn Star, Use This…
If you’re looking for an all natural supplement to help give you porn-star quality erections and lasting power, look no further then Prosolution Plus.
It’s by FAR the best premature ejac. supplement I’ve ever tested, and I’ve tested well over 100 of them.
Click Here to read my full Prosolution Plus review.
#1 Porn Stars Use Distraction Techniques
This has been a staple of premature ejaculation remedies since the dawn of time.
Quite simply, during the act of sex you basically just think about something mundane (like multiplication tables).
You would do this about 1 – 2 min. before you’re about to cum.
The idea being that taking your mind of the glorious goods will prolong the ultimate payoff.
Us guys are visual….
We get turned on by big titties and / or a nice round ass.
Next time you think you’re about to blow your load, just close your eyes and think about something boring.
Like gasoline prices….
Or traffic…
Or even dealing with Comcast customer service….
Literally think of ANYTHING that will get your mind off of it.
#2 -Porn Stars Do Penile Exercises
I’ve been preaching the use of enlargement exercises for god knows how long at this point.
Techniques like jelqing, wet and dry milking, and kegels should be a staple in every guys life.
Unfortunately, this is usually not the case.
Some people are put off by actually having to do exercises and put in a little bit of work, but the best results are simply not possible with a little elbow grease, so to speak.
The absolute BEST exercise to help you last longer would be kegels.
It’s sort of hard to describe how to do them, but here’s the jist of it:
How to Kegel step-by-step:
- EQUIPMENT: Sit in a chair, preferably a hard chair.
- STARTING POSITION: Sit up straight with your hand in your lap.
- EXERCISE: Contract the PC Muscle (see above to locate the PC muscle)
- Basically you’ll be pretending that you’re about to fart, and then do what you would normally do to “stop” the fart.
Note: You shouldn’t feel your stomach contract.
I also have a great video demonstrating this, check it out below:
Not only will kegels help you last longer during sex, but they can also help with male urinary incontinence.
There are a ton of other exercises you can (and SHOULD) be doing to help you last as long as a porn star.
Too many to list here…
Click Here to sign up for my free “Enlargement Exercises” ebook below!
Want To REALLY Get Bigger?Click Here to sign up for my free "Enlargement Exercises" eBook. |
#3 – Porn Stars Use Pills
It’s a simple fact that some porn stars use a wide variety of pills and supplements to help them last longer.
“Which ones?”, you may ask….
Well, the answer to that is it depends on the situation.
Pills For Huge Loads
If a guy is looking to blow a huge load, he’ll likely use a volume enhancer.
These typically involve the use of proven ingredients like zinc, L-Carnitine, and L-Arginine.
I’ve personally used supplements containing these ingredients, with some really surprising results.
Take Volume Pills or Semenax for example.
Volume Pills were one of the first volume enhancing pills I ever used, and I was VERY skeptical that they would do anything.
The first week, I didn’t really notice much.
But after about 3 weeks, I was shooting a MINIMUM of twice the amount of sperm that I normally did.
Not only was I shooting bigger loads, but I also noticed my orgasms were WAY more intense than they ever had been.
You can read my full Volume Pills review here to learn more.
Pills To Last Longer
It’s no secret that a lot of porn stars use Viagra to help them get the best erection possible.
However, not every guy can use Viagra.
Sometimes it’s because they have a heart condition, and other times they just don’t want to deal with the side effects.
I have personally tested well over 100 different Viagra alternatives.
If you’re looking for something that works similarly to Viagra, but without the side effects, then you NEED to read this article.
Alternatively, there are some supplements that can help you last as long as a porn star.
The best one I’ve personally used would be Prosolution Plus.
It contains a number of ingredients that REALLY do work to get rid of premature ejaculation.
You can read my full Prosolution Plus review here.
#4 Porn Stars Use Desensitizing Creams
An often overlooked remedy for premature ejaculation is the use of desensitizing creams.
These work EXACTLY how they sound…
They desensitize the stimulation of the penis.
One Ask Me Anything (AMA) I read on Reddit from an anonymous porn star actually recommended it as one of the best ways of helping him last longer for sex.
There are all sorts of creams, oils, and gels on the market that can do this.
In stores, you’ll see products like KY duration spray, Stud 100, and Mandelay.
I’ve actually used several of these, with modest results.
Online, you have a TON of alternatives.
For example, the best desensitizing cream I’ve ever used was Vigrx Delay spray.
It uses a specific ingredient called Lidocaine, which is a topical anaesthetic.
Once applied, it virtually eliminates all sensation in the penis, allowing you to last for as long as you want to.
You can read more about that in my full Vigrx Delay spray review.
#5 Porn Stars Use Penile Pumps
One interview I read specifically mentioned the use of pumps.

Traditionally, pumps are used to help you get bigger (especially in the girth department).
However, a side effect (if you want to call it that) of using pumps is that they can actually help you last longer in bed.
They do this for 2 reasons:
- You’re essentially creating an erection each time you pump, but without reaching a climax.
- You’re literally “training” your penis to be ready for sex.
With consistent pumping, you’ll be lasting just as long as porn star within 1 month (maybe less).
I realize that this whole article looks like one huge sales letter for the various products on the market.
Guys, this is no B.S.
These techniques and products REALLY do work.
Porn stars are not some super-human beings that can control their orgasms at will.
They’re just like the rest of us, and don’t naturally last longer without having to do something about it.
Use any of these techniques, products, or tricks above, and before you know it you’ll be lasting just as long or longer!
Top 3 Male EnhancementAffiliate Disclosure
Out of the 100+ male enhancement products Ive tried, Vigrx Plus was the best.
The Bathmate is a proven water-based vacuum pump that can help dramatically increase your size.
Phallosan Forte is a GREAT option for those looking to grow both length AND girth, permanently.
Honorable Mention/Inexpensive Alternative: Magnum Rings
Magnum Rings are a VERY affordable option to getting both girth and length gains, at a fraction of the price of the Bathmate or Phallosan Forte.
Click Here to see our full Magnum Rings review.