Phenibut XT Video Review
By: Rob MillerThinking about trying Phenibut XT? I’ve personally tested it. Watch my video review here and learn more about the ingredients, side effects, where to buy, and more.
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Video Transcription
Hey guys. Rob here again with And in today’s review we’ll be talking about Phenibut XT. Phenibut XT is made by a company called serious nutrition solutions, and it’s basically designed to help support mood relaxation, and help induce restful sleep. I’m gonna talk a little bit about the product first before I get into my results. But if you can’t wait for that, then just go ahead and click on the link at the bottom of this video here, and it’ll take you to my website, where I go into my full review and results with taking this. Anyway, the primary ingredient in Phenibut XT is Phenibut, which is used for anxiety fear, trouble sleeping, tension, stress, fatigue, all sorts of different problems. It’s also helped, helps to improve your memory, learning, and thinking, as well as people that are suffering from like depression or PTSD or even alcoholism. So anyway, one capsule of Phenibut XT contains 500 milligrams of the substance, and the directions on the label state to take one to two capsules, one to three times per day, but not to exceed four capsules. You can buy this on their official website for about 32 bucks, that’s a 90 capsule supply. And I believe there’s a few other retailers that actually sell it as well for a pretty similar price. My personal results with Phenibut XT were actually pretty good. I’ve never taken Phenibut before, so it’s kind of a new thing for me. I started off with the lowest possible dosage, because I wanted to assess my tolerance for it. So I took one capsule around like 7:30 at night, and I started to feel the effects pretty quick. For me personally, the effects were pretty similar to the claims that they had actually mentioned on their website. I kind of felt like an improved mood, relaxed, and just kind of like an overall, you know, sense of well-being. The problem is, with that one pill, it seems to kind of Teeter off at about 4 hours after I took it. The second night I decided to try it a little bit differently, actually ended up taking one pill around 5:30 in the afternoon, and got the same kind of effects. I would say probably about a half hour to an hour after I took it just, you know, overall sense of well-being, and then I took another pill at about 8:30 at night. Both times I took it on an empty stomach, I had a meal at like say 6 o’clock after the first pill. And then the second pill, I had a meal maybe like a half-hour, 45 minutes later. You’d probably get the best results if you take it on an empty stomach. But obviously, if you want to assess your own individual tolerance, might be better to take it on a full stomach, but yeah the second night was actually really good. It almost felt like it was better than the first night, probably because I took more, but I definitely noticed much much better sleep the second night. The first night I woke up once or twice, and the second night I slept through the entire night, probably a solid eight hours, and I woke up feeling great. As you can see, I, you know, pretty much already finished it. So there’s only six capsules in the sample that I was actually sent by serious nutrition solutions. But I definitely think this is something that’s worthwhile if you have anxiety or you’re awkward, you feel awkward in like social situations. You might want to consider taking something like this or even if you’re having problems falling asleep at night, this might help you out as well. So anyway, that’s all I pretty much have for Phenibut XD. I go into a little bit more detail on my review. At the bottom of the video here, there’s a link to my site, and I talk a lot about the product, and what exactly it’s supposed to do. If you have any questions just leave them below in the comment section, and if not, I will see you at the next review. Take care.
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