Purus Labs Recycle Review – Does It Work?

By: Rob Miller
Fact Checked On: 9-23-2013

Home » Testosterone Boosters » Purus Labs Recycle Review – Does It Work?

Purus Labs Recycle Overview

As you age, your body will produce less testosterone than you used to.  It’s a simple fact.  And while it doesn’t necessarily need to be considered an ailment, it is a pain in the ass because you just don’t have the strength and energy, or get the results, like you used to.  There is something you can do about it, however.  You can take a natural testosterone boosting supplement, like Purus Labs Recycle.

There are a few different key compounds that can help the body produce more testosterone.  Most testosterone boosting supplements choose one and surround it with a supporting cast of helpers to get your testosterone making cylinders fired back up.  Purus Labs Recycle is no different in that respect.  But let’s see if it accomplishes its goals better than any of the others.

The benefit Purus Labs Recycle claims to offer is an “enhanced anabolic hormonal environment conducive to gaining lean muscle and reducing body fat accumulation.”  But what we want to know is whether or not the ingredients support that goal.

Purus Labs Recycle ReviewPurus Labs Recycle Ingredients and How They Work

Like a lot of testosterone boosting supplements, the Purus Labs Recycle formula is broken down into a couple of different proprietary blends, each with its own purpose to serve.

  • The HPTA Upregulation/SHBG Inhibition Complex contains Tribulus Terrestris as its key component.  What Tribulus does is signal to the pituitary gland that it’s time to secrete some Luteinizing Hormone.  The LH then communicates to the testes that it’s time to produce testosterone.  This complex also contains Epimedium which regulates cortisol levels so high stress situations don’t shut down the testosterone producing function, and Stinging Nettle Leaf Extract so the testosterone you do have remains free of SHBG which renders testosterone unusable.
  • The Aromatase Inhibition/Estrogen Modulation Complex uses Bladderwhack to inhibit Aromatase, or the conversion of testosterone to estrogen.  You need this because the more testosterone you have, the more likely you are to have some that will convert to estrogen.

The recommended dose is 4 capsules taken daily.

Purus Labs Recycle Pros and Cons

Here’s where we figure out which side has a more powerful argument.

Advantages of Purus Labs Recycle

  • It helps maintain and grow lean muscle mass.
  • Purus Labs Recycle increases your sex drive.
  • The price isn’t too bad.

Disadvantages of Purus Labs Recycle

  • There are plenty of Purus Labs Recycle reviews from guys saying they were disappointed in the results.

Where to Buy

You can buy Purus Labs Recycle online through any number of supplement retailers.  Prices vary, but as far as we can tell $35 is about the midpoint.


Purus Labs is a good company, and they offer some great products.  Unfortunately, I don’t see anything particularly great about this one.  With all the choices you have available to you, skip the Purus Labs Recycle.

Have You Used Purus Labs Recycle?  Leave Your Review Below!

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Author: Rob Miller

Supplement Critique

Rob Miller founded SupplementCritique.com over 7 years ago, and has been the chief editor ever since. He has a diploma in Advanced Dietary Supplements Advisor, and worked at GNC for 3 years. He KNOWS supplements, both inside and out. Rob currently resides in Jupiter, FL, with his wife of 4 years.  Learn more about him in his Bio here. Follow him on Twitter , Facebook, LinkedIn, or find him on Google +.

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