Ultimate Vigor Review – Does It Raise Testosterone?

By: Rob Miller
2 User Reviews
Fact Checked On: 4-3-2020

Home » Male Enhancement » Ultimate Vigor Review – Does It Raise Testosterone?

Ultimate Vigor Overview

Who wouldn’t want to take a supplement called “the hallelujah! Secret to all-night sex”?  That is pretty high praise for a male enhancement supplement, but it’s what Real Advantage Nutrients says about their product, Ultimate Vigor.  It’s designed to:

  • Boost testosterone levels in your bloodstream.
  • Increase your libido and your sexual performance.
  • Support all aspects of a surging sex life.
  • Lift your energy.

This all sounds very inviting indeed. But before we get ahead of ourselves, lets take a closer look at the Ultimate Vigor formula so we have a better, more real idea of what we can expect.

Ultimate Vigor ReviewUltimate Vigor Ingredients and How They Work

The Ultimate Vigor formula is a mix of nutrients and herbals to boost your vitality and enhance your sex life.  Included are:

  • B Vitamins 1, 2, 3, and 5 for greater energy, stamina, and mood as well as an overall improvement in your health.
  • Fenugreek Extract (in the form of trademarked Testofen).  This extract has been shown to have the ability to raise free testosterone levels.  With higher levels of this male essence running through your veins, you’ll have an increased interest in sex and an improved ability to act on that new found interest.
  • Panax Ginseng which can help improve the flow of blood throughout your body, including to your penis during arousal.  The more blood that flows to your penis, the better, harder, firmer, and longer-lasting your erections will be.

Ultimate Vigor should be taken daily for best results.  The recommended dose is 2 capsules per day taken with food.

Ultimate Vigor Pros and Cons

As is the case with all of the supplements we look at, there are bound to be both good and bad aspects to Ultimate Vigor.  We’ve made a list of each.

Advantages of Ultimate Vigor

  • The ingredients are all natural.
  • It’s covered by a money back guarantee.
  • Ultimate Vigor is offered by a company that makes several other nutritional supplements.  This means they have a greater interest in protecting their reputation than some of the other companies that have only one offering for a while, then move on.

Disadvantages of Ultimate Vigor

  • It does not contain aphrodisiacs.
  • The formula is largely limited to boosting testosterone.  There are other aspects of male enhancement that aren’t addressed.
  • There have been no clinical studies to prove that Ultimate Vigor is effective.

Where to Buy

You can purchase Ultimate Vigor through the Real Advantage Nutrients website.  A single bottle containing a one month supply costs $49.95.  If you buy multiple bottles at once, you’ll pay a lower per bottle price.


Fenugreek is a good ingredient to include in a well-rounded male enhancement formula, but to rely on it almost completely is a mistake.  There is anecdotal evidence, but it has not been proven that Ultimate Vigor can or does raise testosterone levels.  The best way to go is with something that contains a wider range of effective male enhancement ingredients.

It is always a wise decision to do your homework and look into ingredients yourself so that you are aware of whether or not any given supplement is going to have the effect on you that the manufacturer claims that it will.

With that said, everyone has different constitutions and to say that any given supplement is going to affect everyone in the same way is quite a stretch and not something that I would count on.

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User Questions and Answers

Are there any side-effects? Can i take other medication with it? -mike

It does contain Fenugreek, which can cause nasal congestion, coughing, wheezing, facial swelling, and of course allergic reactions in hypersensitive people. It could also lower blood sugar. Chances are the side effects, if any, would be mild. As far as medications go, you'll have to check with your doctor about your specific case.- Rob

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Author: Rob Miller

Supplement Critique

Rob Miller founded SupplementCritique.com over 7 years ago, and has been the chief editor ever since. He has a diploma in Advanced Dietary Supplements Advisor, and worked at GNC for 3 years. He KNOWS supplements, both inside and out. Rob currently resides in Jupiter, FL, with his wife of 4 years.  Learn more about him in his Bio here. Follow him on Twitter , Facebook, LinkedIn, or find him on Google +.

5 comments on “Ultimate Vigor Review – Does It Raise Testosterone?”

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    1. Hey Robert,

      SupplementCritique.com is a review website, we don’t sell products. You’ll need to contact them directly to cancel your subscription.

  1. Hi I have a problem in having a erection once I have it will cannot be sustain long enough . I went to the specialist and check and I had my testoetorone level was low and lh and ph level was low and my prolectine level was very high.

    I was told to take dopamine pills to reduce the lump and the prolectine level in my pituitary gland. Pls can u advice me a good supplement to consume to increase my libido and for my testosterone to improve.

    Pls advice .Thank you.
    1. Hey Suresh,

      Try a stack of VigRx Plus for better erections with Testofuel to boost your testosterone levels. But run them both by your doctor before starting any new supplements.


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