Vertigrow XL Review

By: Rob Miller
Fact Checked On: 1-4-2022

Male enhancement pills generally come in 2 different types:

  1.  The kinds that work
  2.  The kinds that don’t

Unfortunately, the vast majority that I’ve tested do NOT work.

At least not as good as they say they will.

I first came across Vertigrow XL when I was doing research of a completely different product.

Up until this point I hadn’t heard of it, but when I saw them claim that it will give you an erection within 60 seconds, I had to check it out.

vertigrow xl works in 60 seconds

Update! 1-3-2022

If you’re looking for a REAL solution to your ED issues, check out a product called Vigrx Plus.

vigrx plus medium
Read my full review here.

It’s an effective male enhancement supplement that is by FAR the best over the counter ED remedy on the market.

Click Here to read my full review.

1.  What is Vertigrow XL?

vertigrow xl reviewAccording to their website, Vertigrow XL is a “complete breakthrough in male potency”.

It’s designed to help not only with erectile funciton, but also with pleasure, performance, and control.

How does it do all of that?

Through the ingredients of course, which unfortunately, they don’t appear to mention what they are.

I sent out an email to the FOMDI customer service department, but have yet to hear back from them.

2.  Has Vertigrow XL won awards?

They cite several awards, including:

  • 2015 Scientific Achievement in Male Potency Award
  • National Society of Urologists 5 Star Award
  • And 3 International Scientific Achievement Awards

However, I think these awards are made up.

For example, when you run a search for “2015 Scientific Achievement in Male Potency Award”, this is what shows up:

2015 scientific achievement in male potency award

Noone else (apart from the FOMDI website) even talks about this “award”.

How about the “National Society of Urologists Award”.

Well, if you run a search for that and you include the term “Vertigrow XL”, here’s what you get:

national society of urologists award

Again, the only ones talking about this “award” was FOMDI, the manufacturer of Vertigrow XL.

3.  What About Vertigrow XL Reviews?

There’s not a ton of information online available for Vertigrow XL, but the few websites we scoured didn’t have very nice things to say about the pills.

vertigrow xl reviews
^ Don’t believe these guys

Both of these sites rate the product below 3 stars, but I wouldn’t believe a word either one of them say.

Why’s that?

Well, it turns out that they both sell a product called Virectin.

Essentially, they just wrote a review of Vertigrow XL to bait-and-switch you over to their product.

They do this with 1,000’s of products across several different categories of supplements, including pre workout supplements, weight loss pills, and testosterone boosters.

Other than these 2 sites, there’s virtually no one else talking anything credible about Vertigrow XL.

Sure, there’s the site “Health Supplement Facts” dot com, which asks the age old question:

Are those sex enhancement supplements really work? content/uploads/2018/04/health supplement

That’s a good question, glad you brought it up!

Vertigrow XL Ingredients

If you look on the FOMDI website, you’ll see that they don’t list the ingredients in this supplement.

I reached out to the manufacturer via email, and they got back to me within 24 hours.

Here’s the full list of ingredients:

• Zinc
• Epimedium
• L-Lysine
• Cranberry
• Cistanche Bark
• L-Arginine
• L-Carnitine
• Di-Calcium Phosphate,
• Microcrystalline Cellulose,
• Stearic Acid,
• Croscarmellose Sodium,
• Magnesium Stearate,
• Silicon Dioxide,
• FD&C Blue #2,
• Titanium Dioxide

This list is pretty typical of many male enhancement supplements we’ve personally tested.

For example, the ingredients L-Arginine and L-Carnitine cause a process called vasodilation.

Vasodilation is what happens when you take a prescription ED drug like Viagra or Cialis.

Related Article:  7 BEST Over The Counter Viagra Alternatives

Vasodilation causes the smooth muscle tissue surrounding the cell walls to relax, resulting in increased blood flow to the penis.

The process generally looks like this.

how vasodilation works
^ How vasodilation works

With this increased blood flow comes enhanced erection quality and control.

However, it’s not without some downsides.

4.  Vertigrow XL Side Effects

The manufacturer doesn’t mention anything about adverse effects.

However, I can tell you from experience that fast acting pills like this do tend to produce some unwanted effects.

Those include:

  • Nausea / Upset stomach
  • Hot flashes
  • Dizziness
  • Heart palpitations
  • Heart problems
  • Decreased blood pressure

That last one (decreased blood pressure), is a direct result of L-Arginine and L-Carnitine.

Since blood is flowing more freely, the heart doesn’t have to work as hard to pump blood through the body.

As a result, blood pressure drops.

This is not necessarily a bad thing, especially if you already have normal blood pressure.

HOWEVER, if you are already being treated for blood pressure issues, this process can cause your blood pressure to drop to unsafe levels.

5.  How Do I Take It?

According to the product label, you’re supposed to take 1 Vertigrow XL capsule 5 – 10 minutes prior to sexual activity.

In my opinion, that seems a bit ludicrous.

5 – 10 minutes is not NEARLY enough time for a pill like Vertigrow XL to start working.

In fact, I would recommend you take it as much as 45 minutes to an hour before you plan on having sex.

In many cases, fast acting male enhancement pills like this could take several hours to fully kick in.

Related Article:  4 BEST Male Enhancement Pills That Work Fast

6.  Where Can I Buy Vertigrow XL?

According to my research, the only place you can find it is on a website called FOMDI.

FOMDI stands for “Finest Online Merchandise Distribution”, and it appears they sell a wide range of products we’ve reviewed in the past.

They include:

1 box of Vertigrow XL will cost you $39.95, plus the cost of shipping.

You can save a little bit of money by placing a larger order, but no matter what quantity you buy, you are still responsible for covering the shipping.

One nice thing about Vertigrow XL is their not scamming guys by entering them into a free trial.

A free trial sounds nice in theory, but usually turns out to be a nightmare down the road for most guys.

Find out why here:  Free Trial Supplement Scams – The Ugly Truth

7.  Who is FOMDI?

According to my research, FOMDI is a company located in Royal Palm Beach, FL.

They’ve been in business for quite a long time, and as I mnentioned earlier, make a wide variety of products.

According to the Better Business Bureau, they have a C+ rating.

They received this rating because of a failure to respond to one complaint filed against the business.

You can read that complaint below:

fomdi complaints

8.  Recommendation

There’s way too little known about Vertigrow XL to come to any conclusions.

The fact that they make no mention of the ingredients is disconcerting, to say the least.

How are you supposed to trust taking it if you don’t even know what’s in it?

Maybe FOMDI is relying on you to believe that Vertigrow XL is an award winning product, and that you can just trust them.

Unfortunately for them, we’ve proven that those so-called “awards” are fake as hell.

Why even do that as a manufacturer when there are dozens upon dozens of similar products that have success without drumming up some fake awards and stories about themselves?

It is because there is very little behind their product to actually warrant repeat business and they are doing what they can to sell what they’ve already produced.

If I were you, I would take a pass on Vertigrow XL for now until we’ve had a chance to test it out.

I’ll update this review when I do that.

Have You Used Vertigrow XL?  Leave Your Review Below!

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Author: Rob Miller

Supplement Critique

Rob Miller founded over 7 years ago, and has been the chief editor ever since. He has a diploma in Advanced Dietary Supplements Advisor, and worked at GNC for 3 years. He KNOWS supplements, both inside and out. Rob currently resides in Jupiter, FL, with his wife of 4 years.  Learn more about him in his Bio here. Follow him on Twitter , Facebook, LinkedIn, or find him on Google +.

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