Nitridex Review

By: Rob Miller
1 User Reviews
Fact Checked On: 3-30-2020

Update (8-31-2018):  We’re looking for one health volunteer to test out Nitridex!

The product will be provided free of charge, all we ask for is a detailed review of your personal results.

Click Here to learn more!

Warning:  Some of this content is not suitable for work (NSFW), viewer discretion is advised.

It never ceases to amaze me how many supplements come out each and every day.

I would say, conservatively, that there’s a new supplement released to the market every 27 minutes.

That’s 53 new supplements every single day, 371 supplements per week, 1590 supplements per month, and 19,345 supplements per year.

I can only write about so many of them, and one recent one I came across was called Nitridex.

I first came across it when I saw this giant banner ad at the bottom of a porn site video, that looked like this:

nitridex ad

I’ve actually already reviewed Alpha Force Testo, but something told me to click on it anyway.

When I did, I came across a page that I’ve seen countless times before.

Throughout this supposed “Fox News” ad, they claim that Nitridex is so effective, large Pharmaceutical companies are actually trying to ban it.

nitridex fox news

They also claim that Hugh Hefner uses it, quoting him as saying “Anybody can last 2 hours in bed with this pill”.

And of course, nothing would be complete without a customary before and after picture showing what Nitridex can really do:

nitridex before and after

So do these pills REALLY work?

What is Nitridex?

nitridex reviewsJust like 90% of male enhancement supplements, Nitridex is all about 1 thing.

And that’s SIZE.

They have mentions all over their website about how, by taking Nitridex every day, you’ll see gains in penis size.

And when I say “everywhere”, I literally mean you can’t scroll more than a few inches down the page without them making that claim.

It is basically the most noticeable thing aside from some of the more, let’s say “eye popping” photos that they have, and clearly they want you be aware that it apparently increase penis size.

Whether or not that is even true, they certainly want you be aware that size gains are what you should expect here and they remind you every chance that they get.

At the top of the page:

nitridex size gains

Just under that:

Girls will practically be BEGGING you to date them.

bigger penis from nitridex

So does Nitridex REALLY make you bigger, or are they completely full of s$%t?

Want To REALLY Get Bigger?

Click Here to sign up for my free "Enlargement Exercises" eBook.

They’re likely full of it, but let’s give them the benefit of the doubt until we learn more.

Nitridex Ingredients

According to them, Nitridex works by using a uniqe and proprietary blend of ingredients that includes:

  • Tongkat Ali
  • Maca
  • L-Arginine
  • Ginseng

So how do these ingredients work?

They correctly point out that size and stamina is all about one thing:  blood flow.

Without sufficient enough blood flow, you won’t be able to sustain an erection.

Without a sustained erection, there’s no sex.  Period.

The only ingredient in Nitridex that I’m aware of that increases blood flow would be L-Arginine.

L-Arginine is an amino acid that causes a process called vasodilation.

During vasodilation, more blood is pumped into the penis.  As a result, you get larger and firmer erections.

It looks like this:

how vasodilation works
^ How vasodilation works

There are literally 1,000’s of supplements that contain L-Arginine, and for good reason.

It works!

However, there are 2 caveats to this:

  1. You need to have the correct dose, and
  2. It typically needs to be taken with another compound to get it to work

That compound is called yohimbe, which Nitridex is notably absent of.

The combo of L-Arginine and yohimbe has been clinically studied and proven to work at helping with erectile dysfunction issues. (Source)

Notice I didn’t mention anything about size?

That’s because, despite Nitridex claiming otherwise, there is NO effect on permanent size.

It will help to give you the biggest erection possible, but it will not give you any sort of magical increase in size.

Nitridex Reviews

If you’re looking for credible reviews of Nitridex, you’ll be sorely disappointed.

Practically every site that has written a “review” of it is in one shape or another selling it.

Case in point, take a look at some of these sites which rank near the top of google for the term “nitridex reviews”.

nitridex review google search

If you go to the website “male enhancement direct” dot com, you’ll see a link to “rush my trial” right near the top.

buy nitridex online

The same goes towards the other sites listed near the top, like “Health offers review” dot info:

health offers review dot info

And “Wellness Supplement” dot com:

wellness supplement dot com

If you read some of their content, you’ll see that they’re not REALLY reviews.

In fact, most of the time the content doesn’t even make sense.

The simple fact of the matter is, the sole intention of these websites are to get you to buy the product.

If you visit their website, click on the “Rush my trial” button, and order the free trial of Nitridex, they get a commission.

Some may stop and say, “Wait a minute!  Don’t you do that too!”

My answer to that is “Why yes, of course I do!”

However, unlike these shitty blogs that hire writers in the Philippines to write a $5 article, I ACTUALLY do REAL research and testing of these products.

What about that Fox News report on Nitridex?

We started off this review talking about how Nitridex was featured in a Fox News special, but the simple truth is, it’s a completely bogus article.

Same goes for Anamax as well.


Nitridex is a scam, fellas.

There is NO way in hell that it will increase the size of your penis, especially not permanently.

Click Here to find out why there is no such thing as a “permanent enlargement pill”.

Their sole intention is to get you to sign up for their free trial.

So what’s such a big deal about that?

The free trial may sound like a good deal, but it’s not until you read the fine print that you’ll see what they’re REALLY up to.

From their terms and conditions:

nitridex free trial is a scam

That’s right.

If you don’t call to cancel, they will charge you a whopping $90.25 for that ONE bottle of Nitridex that you thought was a sample.

I’ve been writing about these free trial scams for YEARS at this point, and it never ceases to amaze me how many people get sucked in to them.

If I had to recommend one thing and one thing only, it would be to STAY AWAY from Nitridex at all costs!

Have You Used Nitridex?  Leave Your Review Below!

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Click Here to see our full Magnum Rings review.

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User Questions and Answers

If you could please to get me the free trial of Nitridex? Thanks for your respect. -Mr. Richard is a review website. We don't sell or distribute Nitridex, nor do we have any relationship with the product at all. You will need to contact them directly through one of their websites if you want to order the free trial.- Rob

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What is the email to cancel my order? Nitridex charged my PayPal and when I reported that, I got the money back but then they somehow got a hold of my personal bank card (debit) and charged it of which I canceled the card as reported fraud. I need to cancel so they stop shipping and charging -Tim

Hey Tim, I didn't see an email address, but their phone number is 1-866-879-0122.- Rob

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Can I get Nitridex in doha Qatar and how? -Rajkumar

You sure can. Order it through the official website. Here's a link: Rob

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Author: Rob Miller

Supplement Critique

Rob Miller founded over 7 years ago, and has been the chief editor ever since. He has a diploma in Advanced Dietary Supplements Advisor, and worked at GNC for 3 years. He KNOWS supplements, both inside and out. Rob currently resides in Jupiter, FL, with his wife of 4 years.  Learn more about him in his Bio here. Follow him on Twitter , Facebook, LinkedIn, or find him on Google +.

6 comments on “Nitridex Review”

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  1. My question is about Vigrx Plus. Does it help men last longer than usual time?

    Is it required to be taken every day or only “As needed”?

    1. Hey Singh,

      Good questions. Vigrx Plus will definitely help to not only help you last longer, but also help you get it up way faster. You have to take it every day, and it takes about 3 months to fully kick in. Once it does, though, you’ll be glad you chose it!
    1. Hey Raj,

      You might want to read the review. It’s a scam.

      You can’t gain size by taking a pill.

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