1285 Muscle And XM Recovery Review

By: Rob Miller
1 User Reviews
Fact Checked On: 6-2-2015

Home » Pre Workout » 1285 Muscle And XM Recovery Review

“Lean muscle in a bottle? Get six pack abs in just one month with these two muscle supplements that celebrities use”. That’s the ad that I just came across while browsing on Facebook. Have you seen it as well? Well, these ads are popping up all over the place and there seems to be a new one posted everyday. Apparently, some celebrities have been using some secret combination of supplements that help to get them ripped. And all of a sudden they want to release this info to the general public.

Click Here to skip to my personal review and results from taking 1285 muscle.

Apparently, staff reporter Brian Stevens has investigated this weird muscle solution that is quickly becoming popular around the world. Celebrities like Daniel Craig and Gerard Butler have lost count of body fat while using these two products.

The editor of this supposedly Men’s Life and Health article goes on to establish his results over a four-week time.. In the first seven days, he says that he gained 3 pounds lean muscle mass. After just two weeks he had more energy and was sleeping more selling than ever. By the end of this test, he says that he gained an unbelievable amount of muscle up to 16 pounds. But, of course, he couldn’t have done it without 1285 muscle and X and recovery.

What is 1285 muscle and XM recovery?

1285 muscle and xm recoveryHe goes on to say that these products not only build lean muscle mass, but also flush out toxins out of the body. They even say that 1285 muscle and XM recovery have actually been featured in ESPN magazine, although we couldn’t find any evidence of that.

1285 muscle has apparently been clinically proven to enhance athletic performance, pump more blood into the muscles, and deliver nutrients to muscles at a faster rate. Initially, I thought that 1285 muscle would contain L Argentine, but was surprised when I found out it didn’t. According to the proxy official website, it contains calcium, Foley, else, vitamin C, lovage, and L citrulline.

L taurine and L citrulline are both nonessential amino acids, and are often found in many of the foods that we. We all know that calcium helps build strong bones, but it does so more likely in the development stage of growth, and not as much when you are in your 20s and 30s. Folate is just a fancy term for vitamin B12, which is supposed to help repair cells.

XM recovery on the other hand has been proven to increase the number of calories burned, fight free radical damage, and help to increase energy and fight the peak.  Otherwise known as extreme muscle recovery, this formula supposedly helps you recover faster from your workouts to help build lean muscle. It’s actually an HGH supplement, and claims it has results within just a few weeks of starting it.

Unlike 1285 muscle, finding the ingredients and XM recovery was a bit of a mystery. Undoubtedly, it probably contains some other sorts of branched-chain amino acids. I tried searching for a picture of the label, but came up short.

Just like 1285 muscle, it does not appear to be sold in stores like GNC, vitamin Shoppe, or Walmart.

So what’s the catch?

bryan stevens mens health
Will The Real Bryan Stevens Please Stand Up

The first thing that we noticed was that there is actually no Men’s life and health magazine, that was the first red flag. As a matter fact, if you try and click on some of the other links on this editorial they all go to the 1285 muscle or XM recovery pages.  Don’t believe me? Click on the login, subscribe, or any of the social sharing icons at the top of the page. Does anything happen? I didn’t think so.

Second, Brian Stevens, as a writer, doesn’t exist… At least not on paper. The second thing I noticed was, that this is clearly an advertisement. And it says so right at the top of the page if you look very, very closely.

Another thing I noticed was that they had said that their products have, other than ESPN, been seen in such numerous publications like Maxim magazine, Playboy, and men’s health. But when I searched these products website, and even emailed some of their editors, they have never heard of them. Go figure.

Free Trial Scam

What really is the kicker here is the free trials of 1285 muscle and XM recovery. You see, these are really just free trials, not free samples like they would lead you to believe. I know this, because I actually ordered 1285 muscle. Click here to read my review. What they essentially do is charge you about 14 days after you place your order for the product, usually in the area of around $80 EACH! What’s worse is they actually put you into what’s called an auto rebill program, where they charge you every 30 days for the product and keep sending it until you cancel.

Sure, you can send the product back whenever you want to but there is a $15 restocking fee per unit returned, not to mention the cost of shipping. My question is, why do they even make you send it back if it was free in the first place?

Check Out My Video Review of 1285 Muscle

So will 1285 muscle and XM recovery really work?

Most likely not. They’re deceptive marketing practices are obviously out to separate you from your money. We’ve seen this scam time and time again, but it never ceases to amaze me how often these products names get changed up. They basically keep doing the same thing but they change up the name of the product. They will even register the product in a different country, making it impossible to track down those responsible.

Sometimes I feel like I’m beating a dead horse went right these articles, simply because there are so many of these combo scams floating around on the Internet. I figure that if I can just save a couple of guys, then it might be all worth it. Hopefully you will heed my advice and either cancel your order, or just not even order it at all.

Have you used 1285 muscle and XM recovery? Leave your review below.

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User Questions and Answers

Does it matter which pills I should take first?  Also, should they be taken on an empty stomach? -Arturo

I don't think it matters which one you take first, and as with all supplements I always recommend you start off taking with food and assess your tolerance.- Rob

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What is the phone number to call and cancel the 1285 muscle? Thanks for exposing -Harsha

They have 2 different contact numbers, one for the US and one if you're in Europe. Here they are: US - 1-800-969-3081 UK - 0800-019-9269- Rob

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Do both the 1285 and XMR have to be taken at the same time daily? -Selvereo

I think you just want to make sure that you take each at the same time each day. Whether you take them each at the same time or separately is up to you.- Rob

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Author: Rob Miller

Supplement Critique

Rob Miller founded SupplementCritique.com over 7 years ago, and has been the chief editor ever since. He has a diploma in Advanced Dietary Supplements Advisor, and worked at GNC for 3 years. He KNOWS supplements, both inside and out. Rob currently resides in Jupiter, FL, with his wife of 4 years.  Learn more about him in his Bio here. Follow him on Twitter , Facebook, LinkedIn, or find him on Google +.

67 comments on “1285 Muscle And XM Recovery Review”

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    1. Hey Julie,

      You’ll have to contact those companies directly. We don’t sell products.

      The number for XM Recovery is 800-592-7840, but I’m not familiar with PLN.

  1. Really wish I’d seen and read your review of 1285 and xm BEFORE ordering… Lesson learnt.
    Thanks for posting the numbers to call and cancel!

    I’ve been taking them for a month and a half and I’ve only noticed an increase in energy. ZERO weight loss.

    They also billed my cc this month for $118 and $72 respectively… Not cool.
    1. Hey Ray,

      I got absolutely no benefit when I tried 1285 Muscle. I don’t think they’re dangerous, just generally unhelpful.

  2. Hey I just ordered both and then canceled within 20 mins. They said they would void both.

    Will they actually do that?
    1. Hey Keenan,

      I can’t say for sure. Did they say they would still send the products?

      If you do get them, give them a call when you do, just to make sure you’re all set.

  3. Please help by giving me number to call to cancel muscle 1285 and XMr I to have been taken and they keep charging me I just want them to stop sending charging my card,
  4. Hey Rob
    I’m 17 .. 215 lbs.. And have muscle but have fat covering ..

    I really want slim down still want to gain muscle? I know your saying 1285 muscle is a scam and I just ordered it but how don’t I know that your Nitrocut thing is a scam too?

    1. Hey Izzy,

      The scam is not so much the product as it is the free trial bait and switch that they do. Nitrocut doesn’t do that. There’s no free trial, and you’ll never pay for something because of something written in the fine print. These products are way overpriced, which another difference. And this is all before you even consider how they work. I’ve used Nitrocut for years and it’s the best non-stimulant pre workout I’ve come across. With that said, you should probably wait on any pre workout until you’ve stopped growing. Non of these supplements have been tested on guys under 18, so you never know what affect they may have on a still growing body. A good protein powder like 100% Whey Gold Standard would be a better bet for you.


  5. Hey Rob, I accidently posted a comment on your other reviews meant for this post so I apologize for the double comments. I got charged about $100 for XMR, is there a way to cancel this even though I pass the 14 day period?

    1. Hey Daniel,

      I scoured the website and didn’t find an email address so it looks like you’re stuck having to call them. In case you need it, the number is 1-800-592-7840.

      I don’t think there’s anything you can do about that $100 charge, but I’d ask them if I were you.

  6. Hey Rob,
    I’m 16 years old, 5’11, 215 lbs. I’m mostly muscle, but i have a layer of fat covering it. I workout all the time but it doesnt seem to help.

    So really i just need to tone up and shed that layer, but i want to do it without any supplements. Also everyone ive talked to said i need to stay away from whey, so what up with that?

    1. Hey Zach,

      I totally agree that at your age, you should stay away from supplements, but I’m not sure why you’re being told to stay away from whey. My guess is that these people are probably lactose intolerant to some extent because whey can cause some gas and bloating if that’s the case. If you want to give it a try, go with 100% Whey Gold Standard. Aside from that, my best recommendation for you is to find a workout and eating plan that helps you get ripped and lose that layer of fat. Download my free “getting ripped” ebook. It’s got a great plan and loads of helpful advice. I’ve also recently added some bonus material to the package to help keep you on track.

  7. Hey Rob im 18, 6ft 130 pounds im looking to put on weight and build muscle. Im not worried about definition because im already pretty defined

    1. Hey David,

      You’ll want to download my free “get ripped” ebook for tons of advice about workouts and eating right. As for supplements, go with a pre workout called Nitrocut, and stack it with Muscle Advance Creatine. You should also add some 100% Whey Gold Standard protein to your routine as well. A couple of other tips.. eat a lot, get plenty of complex carbs in the morning, lots of protein throughout the day, lift heavy, and limit or eliminate your cardio.

  8. I’m 16 and playing varsity football and trying to find ways to get stronger and more cut any ideas?
    1. Hey Jacob,

      Definitely sign up for my free “getting ripped” ebook. It’s got tons of tips and advice for eating and working out to get in shape. I’ve also recently added a few bonuses to help you stay on track. As for supplements, at your age, you want to stick with Muscle Advance Creatine and 100% Whey Gold Standard protein. They’ll help you get strong and big, and they won’t interfere with your growth or development.

  9. I’m a boxer at 115 LB and I been looking for a protein or some thing to help me out with out putting weight on me.
  10. Hey im 15 and on the hefty side i want to get bulky and have muscle and just look good what can i do to start this and get good results
  11. Hi, Rob.
    I’m just curious as to why every product you recommend has to be ordered online?

    No disrespect but how am I supposed to take your word for a product over anything else I read on the internet?
    1. Hey Dustin,

      I understand your skepticism. Most supplements at retail stores like GNC and Vitamin Shoppe are WAY over priced, mainly because they (GNC and the like) charge heavy fees for placement on their shelves, forcing the supplement companies to jack up their prices. Buying direct from a supplement company online will assure you’re getting the lowest price possible. As for why you should take our word over anyone else’s, we’ve personally tested tons of products because we wanted to know what works. What you hear from us are our honest opinions.

  12. Im looking to burn fat/slim down and get good muscle definition. I’m not looking to get bulked up, just to get toned and hopefully have a decent flatter belly, to a point where I’m confortable taking of taking of my shirt..any suggestions?

    1. Hey Luis,
      Since diet and exercise are the real keys, download my free “getting ripped” ebook. It’s full of tips and advice for eating right and working out to get fit. I’ve also added a few bonuses including a workout log, sample meal plans, and my “Big List of Foods You Can Eat” reference guide. As for supplements, go with a preworkout called Nitrocut. You’ll get so much more out of your workouts than you will without it.

  13. Hey Rob
    Thanks man, after ordering the trial i decided to check up on it a little more. after reading your article, i called to cancel. After them giving me the run around for about 20 minutes saying ” sorry but it looks like your order has already shipped and we cannot stop it” and me being like “things dont ship out in 10 minutes are you kidding me” they were miraculously able to finally stop the shipment after wasting much of my time.
    Thanks again

  14. Looking to lose weight. 6’3 290. Any legit products to help or any advice.

    Been running using Elliptical and lifting.
    1. Hey Zach,
      Sounds like you’re off to a great start. Check out Nitrocut for you pre workout supplement and Phen375 for fat burning. You should also download my free “getting ripped” ebook for some great tips and advice for eating right and working out. And I’ve recently added some bonuses that come with the book, including sample meal plans, a workout log, and my “Big List of Foods You Can Eat.”

  15. Hey I was really curious about this supplement and wanted to try it . Seeing how it has so many negative Reviews I was wondering which supplements would you recommend for a similar result as they claimed these products would have.

    Im 18 years old 6’7 and 500 lbs. What would you advise to take with regularly workouts. Thanks

    1. Hey Auston,

      At your weight, I would recommend that you talk to your doctor before you start taking any supplements or starting a workout regimen. Download my free “getting ripped” ebook for some workout and meal plans, but make sure to run them by your doctor first, especially the workouts.

  16. I fell for this scam just yesterday I was very aprehensive but decided I would go for it I decided to go to men`s health and read the article they claim they were feature on and didnt find a thing so I decided to do some more research and found this page and I call as soon as I saw the number u gave a person. They told me I couldnt cancel until I receive the product and offered to extend the “free” trial so thanks for this page and hopefully they dont charge more than the shipping fee they said they would

    1. Hey Jorge,

      Yeah these guys will get you coming and going if you let them. Make sure you call them again after you get the product, to make sure it’s all settled.

  17. I ordered the 1285 muscle and xm recovery on a sample offer, they arrived but instead of one of each I ended up with 2 – 1285 muscles; I would like to get the xm recovery if possible.

    1. Hey Jim,

      You’ll have to contact the company. I looked up their contact information for you. The customer service phone number is 1-800-787-0252. Or you could email them at support@get1285muscle.com. Make sure you understand the terms and conditions of the offer. The deal is that you’ll need to call them and cancel unless you want to join their autobilling program. I’m not sure how or if the bottle mix-up will affect the trial period. Make sure you discuss that with customer service when you call.

  18. Hello rob, I recently got 1285 muscle and I recently just found out about these scams. I had a question and was wondering if you could give me more info.

    I called the customer service number you had posted for 1285 muscle and I was told that I could continue the trial and in a couple weeks call back and if I didn’t want a monthly billing I could do a “straight sale”. But now with all that I have read I don’t know if this would be a scam as well.??

    1. Hey Josh,

      I can’t say for sure whether or not you’ll be “scammed”, but if I were you I would call back and cancel right away. Even if you like 1285 Muscle, there are much cheaper options available.

  19. I am a Canadian and having a hard time canceling out of this scam. The 800 numbers don’t work from Canada.

    They are charging me $111.90 for 1225 and $123.09 for XMR. I really regret testing this free product.

  20. Hey rob im trying to get in shape gain weight and muscle im 5′ 7″ and 160lbs but I can’t gain any weight any recommendations on what I should take and do thanks.
    1. Hey Daniel,
      You’d be surprised how many guys have the same problem. There are a few things you need to do. First of all, eat. a. lot. Eat like 6 times a day. Make sure you eat complex carbs in the morning and get lots of protein throughout the day. The rule of thumb is 1.5 grams of protein per day for every pound of your current body weight. So for you that’s about 240 grams a day. You may want to use a protein shake to help with that. I like 100% Whey Gold Standard from Optimum Nutrition. You also want to limit or eliminate your cardio and lift heavy. If you haven’t already, sign up for my “getting ripped” ebook for a ton of tips and advice for what to eat and how to work out. I’ve also added some bonuses to help keep you on track. As for supplements, go with a stack of Nitrocut for your pre workout and Muscle Advance Creatine to pack on the muscle. The stack will have you lifting at max capacity, and you’ll put on weight.

    1. Hey Andrew,

      Yep. There’s next to no overlap in these three, and no contraindications.


  21. Hey Rob,

    I’m 6’3″ 235 and looking to get more definition. What r the best pre workout and recovery items I should use.

    1. Hey Andrew,

      Definitely stay away from these products, and anything that you can’t buy without signing up for a scammy free trial. You can check out my article about these products here. The best pre workout is Nitrocut. It works great and it doesn’t use CNS stimulants that make you all jittery until you crash. For post workout, go with AfterGlow from BioRhythm. It’s a huge help with recovery.

  22. When I saw the AD I immediately looked it up and found your site. I have a few questions Rob I am a tall young guy and I feel skinny I’m 6’2″ and weigh only 160.

    I have crohns disease and its difficult to gain weight with it I was wondering if you know of any supplements or anything which will help me gain weight/ muscle without causing any discomfort or pain
    1. Hey Mel,

      For any skinny guy to gain weight, there are a couple of standard things to do. You need to eat a not, limit your cardio, and lift heavy. Taking creatine from Muscle Advance will help you lift heavier during your workouts which will help you put on muscle, but the consensus seems to be that taking creatine might activate symptoms. A protein supplement like 100% Whey Gold Standard from Optimum Nutrition can help you get the protein and some of the calories you need to put on muscle too, but you may need to look around for a protein that doesn’t activate your Crohn’s symptoms. The problem with Crohn’s and supplements is that since no one really knows what causes it, it’s hard to know what will set it off.

    1. Hey Nick,
      If you’re looking for something to help you get ripped like these products promise to, check out a stack of the pre workout Nitrocut and Muscle Advance Creatine. You should also download my free “getting ripped” ebook. It’s loaded with tips on meals and workouts, and it now comes with several bonuses to help you stick with the program.

    1. Hey Nadeem,

      This is a review site. We don’t sell products.

      If you’re interested in XM Recovery, you’ll need to visit their website. It doesn’t look to me like they ship to India, but to be sure, you can call them at 800-592-7840 (US number).

      If you do go with this product, make sure you understand the terms of the trial. Otherwise, it’s very likely you’ll end up with charges you never intended to pay.

  23. Thanks for your critique. I immediately called the numberyou provided to cancel the whole thing.

    The free trial so-called obligated me to either paying for a month’s supply at what they said was a discount that kept changing the price from $99 down to, I think,$37.Or I would have to pay the shipping cost for returning it.
    I persisted, I threatened. t
    They claim they have canceled.

  24. Hi Rob – you are “a good egg” – thanks for your article – I know you have helped 100’s if not thousands avoid this scam. Karma will reward you.

    All the best.

  25. My bf also fell for this and got the 1285 muscle and xmr. They r charging almost 200.00 amonth and we need to know where to call to cancel and stop the bleeding from this scam.

    We are on a very tight budget and just lost money for food n kids school stuff. We r not happy and need to fix this.

    Please help asap. Thank you

    1. Hey Melanie,
      Here’s the contact info for these 2 products:

      1285 Muscle – You can reach us by calling: Call 800-969-3081 | UK : 0800-019-9269. You can also email any questions or comments to: support@1285muscleextreme.com

      XM Recovery – You can reach us by calling: Call US : 800-592-7840. You can also email any questions or comments to: support@xmrecovery.com

      Hope this helps and good luck!

  26. I knew it from the start it is a scam and I searched the net finding your page!I am glad someone tells the truth to those who look for it!God job!
  27. Maybe you guys should start reading the terms and conditions before buying anything online. it cant be a scam if it tells you the process of the trial in the terms and conditions and you dont read them, then cry because you were billed.nobodys fault but your own.
  28. I fell for this scam myself, the two products “Bryan Stevens” reviewed this time were Optimal Stack, and Trig X2, and I saw all of the comments below, and quickly clicked the links to get my trials for only the price of free shipping and handling. I was deciding to wait until my exercise and diet routine were more consistent before I opened either bottle, then while reviewing recent charges on my card noticed a charge for 87.47 for Optimal Stack and 89.99 for Trig X2, I was really upset then they gave me their pitch about if you don’t call back within the trial period, you will get charged for the full thirty day supply.

    I canceled both, at least I hope I did, and am sending back both bottles to the respective companies, and will be watching my credit card statement very closely to see if they refund me, and stop billing me. I should have known it would be a scam, I just thought oh, Men’s Health is a respected magazine, they wouldn’t allow a staff writer to post something so misleading… hopefully this lesson only costs me the price of shipping they initially charged me, and my cost to ship it back.

    Such shady and misleading business practices, wish something could be done to shut them down.
    1. Hey Dan,
      I know exactly what you mean. It’s hard to imagine how they can get away with this, but clearly, they do.

      Best of luck to you.

  29. It’s kind of ironic, but a Men’s life and health magazine online article is what led me to purchase the combo of Elevate GF and Trig X2. Their free trial products are like $87.47 and $89.99 respectively. Sounds like I am one of the ones who have been scammed.

    Luckily I ordered it tonight and will cancel tomorrow.
  30. hate to say it…but I fell for it….luckily I still have some skepticism left…hahaha…. and decided to look up more info before I actually started using the products…and came across your site….which made me realize it was a “free trial” not a free sample….which also made me ACTUALLY read the terms and conditions….so thanks….looks like you saved me hundreds of dollars on a product that doesn’t work…..
  31. I looked for the last two days for the “Men’s life and health magazine” by Brian Stevens. I read it the other day and was going to order the supplements this morning.

    Just by chance I found this page and you saved me from falling for the scam. Thanks a lot and I am going to fallow you in the future.

    1. Hey Clayton,
      Glad I could help and that you like the site. Feel free to like us on Facebook and tell your friends.

      Did you decide on a supplement yet?

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