D Bal Max Review – 2 Big Reasons It’s Not Worth It
By: Rob MillerFact Checked On: 3-24-2020

What Is D Bal Max
How D Bal Max Works
D Bal Max Ingredients
How To Use D Bal Max
DoesD Bal Max Work Like Dianabol
D Bal Max Side Effects
D Bal Max Customer Feedback
Who Makes it?
Where to Buy
Pros and Cons
The Bottom Line
Readers ask me all the time to check out new products they’ve just heard of.
Usually, I do a quick preliminary search to determine if it’s worth taking a look at.
If it is, I put it on my list and get to it within the next couple weeks.
Sometimes, the product is pretty obscure and it takes a lot of digging to find anything out.
Other times, it will keep showing up on my radar over and over, reminding me that I really need to get to this one. WithD Bal Max , it was the latter case.
About 3 weeks ago, a reader asked me to check this one out.
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Since then, I’ve had a handful of other readers ask the same thing.
There are a few different things this could mean.
It could meanD Bal Max is great stuff and word of mouth is spreading its popularity like wildfire.
It could mean it sucks, and people are talking about what a rip off it is.
Or it could just mean that the folks atD Bal Max have put together a great marketing plan.
Whichever is the case, I finally had a chance to dive in and research this product, so by the end of this review, you’ll know.
What Is D Bal Max?
According to the official product website,D Bal Max is “Pure Bodybuilding Dynamite!” The idea that you can get steroid-like results without negative steroid issues and side effects is a popular one.
It’s basically the holy grail of workout supplements.
With a name like D Bal Max, clearly this product aims to achieve that goal.
If you’re not familiar with steroids, the name might not mean anything to you.
But if you are, you’ll recognize immediately thatD Bal Max is reminiscent of the popular steroid, Dianabol, known for getting you huge muscle gains in a very short period of time.
Names like these are often confusing – leading to questions of whether or not the supplement is legal an if it will cause steroid side effects like testicle shrinkage.
But no.D Bal Max is perfectly legal, it’s natural, and it leaves your boys intact.
WhatD Bal Max does claim to do, however, is give you Dianabol-like results.
By taking this and sticking to a strict diet and workout program, you’ll get explosive workouts leading to mind-blowing strength and huge gains in muscle, and all this can happen in just a matter of weeks.
And they want you to remember that all this can come without the expense, side effects, or legal worries that are a big part of actual steroid use.
And that’s becauseD Bal Max is NOT A STEROID.
HowD Bal Max Works
The idea behind D Bal Max‘s success lies within 3 basic principles of creating the perfect anabolic environment for creating lean hard muscle.
It increases protein synthesis, which of course is fundamental to building and repairing muscle fibers.
It reduces serotonin levels and increases intra-muscular energy so you work out longer and harder and power through plateaus.
And it naturally increases testosterone and growth hormone levels, so your entire body becomes the ideal environment for building muscle.
D Bal Max Ingredients
Okay, so ifD Bal Max is not a steroid, what exactly is it and how does help you achieve your goals?
The answers to these questions lie in the formula.
The website doesn’t reveal a label image and doesn’t provide a comprehensive list, but here are the three primary ingredients the makers have chosen to highlight:
- Pro BCAA Complex.BCAA’s (Branched Chain Amino Acids) are the important building blocks for repairing and building muscle after your hardest workouts.
They generally include leucine, iso-leucine, and valine in specific ratios designed for your best effect.
In addition to improved muscle repair, BCAAs can lower serotonin levels in your brain, which can cause fatigue.
This means you’ll have more energy and stamina for your workouts, leading to longer, more effective sessions.
The science backing up this assertion is a little tricky.
It’s true that valine can inhibit the conversion of tryptophan into serotonin, which would decrease workout fatigue.
But this effect is more completely described by its relationship with dopamine, specifically, the higher the ration of serotonin to dopamine, the more fatigued you will be.
But while valine lowers serotonin, leucine lowers dopamine, so the ratio effect is entirely lost.
So while BCAAs in theory should help minimize workout fatigue, in reality, it doesn’t necessarily work that way. - 20-Hydroxyecdysterone.This is often referred to as a “plant steroid” because it’s plant based, but as the ability to mimic the effect of a steroid.
Its three major workout benefits are that it increases muscle energy (aka ATP), it improves protein synthesis for effective muscle building, and it increases your muscles retention of nitrogen with helps provide your muscles with longer lasting energy.
This class of plant steroids may also have the side benefit of lowering cholesterol and blood sugar levels.. - Whey Protein.Most people are familiar with how a protein shake taken before or after a workout, or any time throughout the day, can help you stay lean and build muscle.
Protein is the primary building block for muscle, and there’s no disputing you need it in order to bulk up and/or stay lean.D Bal Max doesn’t indicate on their website just how much whey protein is included in the formula, but given that this comes in capsule form, it can’t really be very much.
This is why you generally find protein coming in the form of a powder you mix with water or another beverage to make a shake.
In order to be effective, you want your protein supplement to contain about 15 grams.
Like I said,D Bal Max doesn’t offer this information, but I did find what looks like an image of theD Bal Max label online. If this is real, it contains just 100 mg of the stuff in a 3 capsule serving, hardly enough to notice at all.
How To Use D Bal Max
The recommended dose is 3 capsules per day.
The packaging is a unique tube-shaped container, each containing 45 capsules, or enough for 15 days.
There is no indication of when you should take it, which indicates that it probably doesn’t matter, provided you take it at approximately the same time each day.
They do, however, recommend that you take it with food.
DoesD Bal Max Work Like Dianabol?
This is the million dollar question.
It’s what they want you to believe, but is it true? Does it really?
After looking at what we know about the ingredients, I’d have to say “probably not”.
BCAAs are great, but they’re nothing new, unique, or revolutionary.
Lots of supplements include them in their formulas.
Don’t get me wrong, they’re good to have, they just don’t setD Bal Max apart from other supplements.
Whey protein is great, but at 100 mg per serving, it may as well not even be there. That leaves the 20-hydroxyecdysterone.
This is probably the most impressive part of the formula.
The trouble is, however, that we don’t know how much is used.
According to the limited research we have, 200 mg per day is a good dose.
IfD Bal Max contains this much, it will likely be effective.
If there’s less than that, you probably won’t get much benefit.
The steroid Dianabol is one of the most commonly stacked bulking steroid in the business.
Used with testosterone, it’s particularly good at increasing on the muscle and strength build.
Judging from what we know of the formula,D Bal Max won’t be nearly as effective.
D Bal MaxSide Effects
This is the real positive.You won’t get any of the side effects associated with anabolic steroids.
In fact, it’s likely you won’t get any side effects at all.
D Bal MaxCustomer Feedback
One of the things that drew us and our readers toD Bal Max is the buzz that seems to surround it.But upon closer inspection, that buzz does NOT seem to be coming from happy customers.
There are plenty of affiliate reviews, and the product is very well marketed online through Facebook and other social media, but there are no independent reviews coming from customers who’ve actually used the stuff.
Who Makes D Bal Max?
The company behindD Bal Max is called Bauer Group DMCC, aka Bauer Nutrition.
They’re a British company that makes other nutritional and workout supplements, most notably TestoGen.We weren’t able to find out much about the company, but it is good to know they are a muli-product company.
It means they have to be more accountable to their customers’ concerns than a fly-by-night company that only puts out a single product.
Where to Buy
D Bal Maxis not available in stores, nor is it sold at big online retailers like Amazon.com or Bodybuilding.com.
You can make your purchase through their official website.
The most basic package comes with 2 tubes, which will get you through the month, and it costs $68.95. There are other money saving options, one of which is the 6 month supply for $279.85. This package includes a bonus supply of Muscle Repair Tea, with antioxidants and anti-inflammatories to help you recover post workout.
The company offers a 60-day money back guarantee.It is required that you return all bottles, both full and empty, but if you do, it looks like you can score yourself a complete refund.
D Bal MaxPros and Cons
Advantages of D Bal Max
- The ingredients are all natural.
- While no supplement can guarantee to be completely side effect-free, you won’t experience any of the side effects typically associated with steroids.These would include acne, “bacne”, aggression, hair loss, and testicle shrinkage.
No worries of these side effects with D Bal Max. - There’s a 60-day money back guarantee.
- The company that makesD Bal Max also makes several other supplements, so they are more accountable for maintaining good customer relations.
- There is no free trial scam associated with this product.
Disadvantages of D Bal Max
- The entire ingredient list is not provided.
This is especially concerning because it means we don’t have reliable information on the amount of each ingredient included.
In the case of Whey Protein – one of the featured ingredients – we are left to believe there is a measly 100 mg per serving.
This is clearly not enough to have a positive effect. - They claimD Bal Max approaches the effectiveness of steroids, but it would appear this is not the case.
- There are no customer reviews available online.
The Bottom Line
We started off this review talking about how we keep hearing about this potentially great new supplement called D Bal Max.
It was exciting to think there might be something out there helping guys make great gains, along the lines of steroids, but without the negative effects associated with actual anabolics.
After researching the product, we have to admit to some disappointment.
When the biggest positive is that it doesn’t cause side effects, that’s a big sign there’s not much to write home about.
There’s no official published ingredient list, and what we did find, shows it to be lacking.
The 20-hydroxyecdysterone is good, but with 100 mg of whey protein being touted as some sort of big deal, we have to call foul.
After that, consider the fact that we found not a single review from an actual customer, and our mind is pretty close to made up.
You can get much higher amounts of whey and other better ingredients in products that you can find both in stores and online and really there is no reason to spend so much on something that may not even work.
The one redeeming factor is that it comes with a lengthy 60-day money back guarantee.
With that in your pocket, you can giveD Bal Max a try knowing that with a little effort on your part, it’s virtually risk free.
But in the end, a money back guarantee doesn’t make a supplement effective, and judging from all we’ve found out about the product,D Bal Max won’t be nearly as effective as they want you to believe.
Save up your hard earned cash for another supplement that will actually work as it promises and not waste your time and money.
Have You Used D Bal Max?
Leave Your Review Below!
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Yeah I’ve heard some pretty good things about GVT. I would recommend stacking creatine, BCAA’s, and Beta Alanine, if you’re looking for serious growth. Check out an online store called Absorb Your Health (http://www.AbsorbYourHealth.com).
They sell very high quality, and they’re REALLY cheap because they ship direct to the consumer.
Here’s a link to each:
Creatine – https://www.absorbyourhealth.com/product/creatine-monohydrate-powder/?ref=4349
BCAA’s – https://www.absorbyourhealth.com/product/bcaa-211-branch-chain-amino-acids/?ref=4349
Beta Alanine – https://www.absorbyourhealth.com/product/beta-alanine-500mg-100-capsules-muscle-bodybuilding-supplement-get-ripped/?ref=4349
Hope this helps and let me know if you have any questions.
I would recommend you stack a fat burner called Instant Knockout along with a pre workout supplement called Nitrocut. The 2 work great when combined, and will help you get fast results. Here’s my reviews of each:
Instant Knockout – https://www.supplementcritique.com/instant-knockout-fat-burner-review/
Nitrocut – https://www.supplementcritique.com/nitrocut-review-our-1-pre-workout-supplement/
Hope this helps and let me know if you have any other questions.
Not seen much.
I want muscle size but also would like to loss some abdominal fat. I also am almost 40 years old.
Could you recommend what would be best to get bigger and a bit leaner.
I saw my best gains when I used a preworkout ( i know this was not to increase size but it did) called Craze the original. Do you know of anything close…new Craze is not working.
Yeah I agree, the old Craze pre workout was freakin awesome. Unfortunately, since it was basically legal meth, there isn’t really anything comparable legally over the counter. Anyway, from the sounds of it I would recommend you stack a t booster called Testofuel along with a fat burner called Instant Knockout.
The 2 pair very well, and will help you gain size AND lose stubborn belly fat. The IKO actually doubles as a GREAT pre workout as well, here’s my reviews of each:
Testofuel – https://www.supplementcritique.com/my-personal-testo-fuel-review-and-results
Instant Knockout – https://www.supplementcritique.com/instant-knockout-fat-burner-review/
Also, for your convenience I’m emailing you my free “How To Get Ripped Quick” eBook, as well as some bonuses. It’s packed with tons of tips on diet and exercise to help you get fast results.
Hope this helps and let me know if you have any other questions.
Just sent you an email.
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