GoBRO2 Extreme O2 Pre Workout Review – Does It Work?

By: Rob Miller
Fact Checked On: 11-17-2014

Home » Pre Workout » GoBRO2 Extreme O2 Pre Workout Review – Does It Work?

GoBRO2 Extreme O2 Pre Workout Overview

If you’ve ever gone to Amazon.com looking for a supplement, you know there are too many to count. Some are legit products that you can also buy in GNC or Walmart. (Not that that makes them necessarily effective, but it does give them some credibility as legitimate). And some others seem to be nowhere else besides Amazon. This is the case with GoBRO2 Extreme O2 Pre Workout. It’s made by a company called BioBro, but we could find very little additional information on the product or the company. In this review, we’ll share with you everything we found.

The promise of GoBRO2 Extreme O2 Pre Workout is that it’s the best pre workout supplement for building muscle fast. It starts working quickly to increase your energy and pumps so you’re pushing harder and getting better results.

GoBRO2 Extreme O2 Pre Workout ReviewGoBRO2 Extreme O2 Pre Workout Ingredients and How They Work

This is where we ran into a little trouble finding information, and that’s because there is none. GoBRO2 Extreme O2 Pre Workout doesn’t reveal its formula, not even the highlights. The closest thing we get to information is that it’s based on the formula of the original GoBRO2 with an added “O2 performance booster.” But without knowing what was in the original formula or what O2 performance enhancer they added, we’re really left knowing very little.

GoBRO2 Extreme O2 Pre Workout Pros and Cons

Here’s where we lay out the good and the bad that we know about the supplement that we’re reviewing. A comparison of the two sides helps a lot when figuring out where we land.

Advantages of GoBRO2 Extreme O2 Pre Workout

  • There’s a money back guarantee.

Disadvantages of GoBRO2 Extreme O2 Pre Workout

  • We have no idea what’s in it.
  • We have no idea how many pills to take and when. There are 30 capsules in a bottle, but without knowing the recommended dose, we don’t know how long the bottle will last.
  • Even though its sold on Amazon, there are very few customer reviews (only 2, and they are favorable.)

Where to Buy

GoBRO2 Extreme O2 Pre Workout is available at Amazon.com. A bottle of 30 capsules sells for $25 which is cheap if the bottle lasts the whole month. There’s a 100% money back guarantee.


We talk a lot about the fact that there are so many pre workout supplements on the market. The great thing about that is that none of us has to settle for something inferior, sketchy, or unknown. Judging from the lack of information out there, I’d say GoBRO2 Extreme O2 Pre Workout is all of those things, and because of that, we don’t recommend you bother with it.

Have You Used GoBRO2 Extreme O2 Pre Workout? Leave Your Review Below!

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Author: Rob Miller

Supplement Critique

Rob Miller founded SupplementCritique.com over 7 years ago, and has been the chief editor ever since. He has a diploma in Advanced Dietary Supplements Advisor, and worked at GNC for 3 years. He KNOWS supplements, both inside and out. Rob currently resides in Jupiter, FL, with his wife of 4 years.  Learn more about him in his Bio here. Follow him on Twitter , Facebook, LinkedIn, or find him on Google +.

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