King Size Male Enhancement Review – Worth It?
By: Rob MillerFact Checked On: 1-7-2022

If you want to spice up your sex life with better performance, you’re not alone.
If you want a bigger tool for the job, you’ve got a lot of company.
Trust me, we get hundreds of guys each week asking us what they can do to improve this aspect of their lives.
And it sometimes seems like there’s a new wonder product arriving on the scene almost daily.
King Size Male Enhancement is one that’s been around for a couple months.
It’s popped up on my radar a couple times lately, so I thought it was time we took a look.
But first…let’s talk about where you first learned about this and what would be…
Update! 1-3-2022
If you’re looking for a REAL solution to your ED issues, check out a product called Vigrx Plus.

It’s an effective male enhancement supplement that is by FAR the best over the counter ED remedy on the market.
Click Here to read my full review.
What King Size Male Enhancement PromisesDoes King Size Male Enhancement Make You Bigger
How It Works
Where to Buy
Cancel the Free Trial
My Personal Results
Frequently Asked Questions
Pros and Cons
User Reviews
Kates Blog
Most men watch porn, some more than others.
Among the surprising amount of “cheating” websites being advertised on those sites, you’ll almost undoubtedly see tons of ads proclaiming some “weird trick that makes you bigger” or something to that effect.
One of those huge banner ads I came across had the following caption “Only 1 Pill and my husband doesn’t cum for 2 hours”.
You click on it and it takes you to a site called Kates blog. On this “blog”, Kate talks about how her boyfriend can’t get it up, no matter what they try.
She stumbles across an interview with porn star Johnny Sins, who says that King Size male enhancement will not only give you a raging boner, but will help you have sex for HOURS on end.
Kate orders a bottle, slips it to her boyfriend telling him “it’s just a vitamin”, and an hour later they’re humping like 2 teens on prom night.
Sounds intriguing, right?? There’s plenty of Facebook comments that seem to substantiate her story, with other dudes claiming it works miracles for them.
It’s interesting to note that several other supplements are being marketed in the EXACT same way, most notable Herbal Virility Max and Viarexin.
What King Size Male Enhancement Promises
With a name like King Size Male Enhancement, what’s the first thing you think of in terms of benefits?
Size, of course.
You can pretty much bet that King Size Male Enhancement promises to make your penis bigger. But actually, you’d lose that bet.
Unlike supplements like Xanogen and Blackcore Edge, what they actually promise includes:
- Better, longer lasting erections.
- Increased intensity.
- Greater stamina.
- Improved orgasms.
- Greater sexual confidence.
It sounds to me more like an alternative to viagra more so then an “enlargement” pill.
Does King Size Male Enhancement Make You Bigger?
That last benefit – confidence – is key.
The King Size Male Enhancement website pushes this one pretty hard.
They talk about how being down on yourself and doubting yourself is no way to please a woman.
The company behind King Size Male Enhancement knows that most men wish their dicks were bigger, and that a big dick equals confidence in bed for a lot of guys.
They also know that no pill, including their pill, can make that happen. And since there are rules about false advertising, they call their product King Size Male Enhancement and tell you about how it boosts your sexual confidence.
The whole point is to make you believe this stuff makes your penis bigger without actually saying it.
Here’s a hint…
When a male enhancement pill claims to make your penis bigger, they’re stretching the truth. These are performance pills.
They can help you get bigger and harder erections. That’s true.
But they can’t magically make your member get bigger in any permanent way.
Want To REALLY Get Bigger?Click Here to sign up for my free "Enlargement Exercises" eBook. |
King Size Male Enhancement Ingredients
The King Size Male Enhancementformula is all natural and is pretty in line with what we’re used to seeing in a daily male enhancement supplement.
The list includes:
- L-Arginine which can improve erections by increasing nitric oxide production within your body.
NO is opens up the blood vessels in your penis, which allows an increased amount of blood to enter.
A more engorged penis means a fuller, harder erection. - Panax Ginseng which also improves blood flow throughout the body, leading to better erections and increased stamina.
- Maca Root (Lepidium Meyenii) which is a popular herbal aphrodisiac.
- Mucuna Gigantea (Velvet Bean) which also affects mood and energy through the pathway to increased dopamine.
- Polypodium Vulgare which increases energy and stamina.
- Saw Palmetto which supports the health of your prostate.
- Epimedium which is an herbal aphrodisiac that stimulates blood flow during erection.
- Tongkat Ali which can increase free testosterone by inhibiting the action of Sex Hormone Binding Globulin.
Other ingredients include sasparilla, pumpkin seed, muira puama, oat straw, nettle, oyster extract, tribulus terrestris, and orchic extract. It should be noted that orchic extract is derived from the testicles of cattle 🙂
How King Size Male Enhancement Works
The recommended dose is 1 capsule in the morning and 1 at night each day.
The theory is that as these herbal ingredients build up in your system, you become more primed and ready to go at any and all times.
Your libido is up, your time to erection is down, your energy and stamina are up, and all this sends your confidence through the roof.
Sounds perfect, right? The only question left to ask is how do I get my hands on this stuff?
Where to Buy King Size Male Enhancement
Here’s where things start to fall apart.
King Size Male Enhancement is only available online with a free trial offer.
You’ll most likely end up on what looks like a review website.
But really it’s just a portal to get you to sign up for their offer.
This would imply that you’re getting a small sample bottle, right?
When you click the button and get to the offer, it’s easy to get swept up on how easy it is, and the “fact” that it’s free.
But here’s how it really works.
In order to get your free trial, you need to enter your credit card information to pay the small shipping fee of $4.95. They’ll send your package off right away.But in the teeny tiny print at the bottom of the order screen, there’s a little message that says:
By submitting, you consent to having read and agreed to our Terms and Conditions and after your 12 days trial period has expired, bing enrolled in our membership program for $139.97 plus shipping per month.
King Size Male Enhancement is not free at all.
By signing up for the “free trial” you’re consenting to a charge on your credit card of $139.97. And not only that, but you’re consenting to that charge every single month for a bottle of pills.
As of this review, it doesn’t appear to be sold in any retail stores like GNC, Walmart, Walgreens, Rite Aide, or Vitamin Shoppe. I also checked online retailers like Amazon, Ebay, and others and came up short.
How To Cancel the Free Trial Subscription
If you’re reading this review before ordering King Size Male Enhancement, that’s great because even if you do decide to go with it, at least you’re going in with your eyes open.
If you’re reading this review because you’ve discovered the outrageous charge or charges on your credit card bill and you’re pissed, we can help you out too.The first thing you need to do is call their customer service phone number: 1-855-511-2250. Tell them you want to cancel your subscription and you don’t want any more charges.
If you want a refund for money you’ve already been billed for, ask for it.
You may have to return the bottle or bottles.
If so, follow the instructions on the call, and make sure you keep a record of all your interactions.
They also list as their customer support email address.
If you’re still having troubles, you can call your credit card company and tell them you no longer wish to pay charges billed by this company.
My Personal Results
In an effort to be absolutely fair, it only makes sense to try the supplement out before we can come to any concrete conclusions. I ordered a one month supply of King Size male enhancement to test out, and just received it a few weeks ago.
Now if you remember from the “Kates blog” story above, apparently this stuff is supposed to start working quickly….VERY quickly. Like 1 hour.
So I was safe in my assumption that if it does indeed work at all, I should start feeling the effects after just one dose.
The directions on the bottle state that you should take 2 capsules daily, but doesn’t specify whether it should be on an empty stomach or not. I decided to take it on an empty stomach, because generally speaking you should get the full effects because your stomach is not working on anything else.
An hour passed and I didn’t feel any different. Then 2 hours. Then 3…literally no change in anything.
I decided that maybe it takes a few days to start working, so I continued taking it for a few more days.
The result….again, absolutely nothing. There was no increase in sex drive, libido, or even size. Nothing. I might as well been taking sawdust.
That is of course disappointing, especially when you are really counting on good results but I gave it as many chances as I could.
Frequently Asked Questions
Can I buy this in GNC, Vitamin Shoppe, Walmart, etc.?
As far as I can tell, no. I checked with all of the major retailers and none has ever heard of King Size Male Enhancement.
Will this trigger a blood test?
There’s nothing in this supplement that I believe would cause you to have a false positive on a drug test.
How long does it take to work?
Well, according to them, you should start feeling the effects from the first dose. Obviously this wasn’t the case with me, but that’s what they say.
Are there any side effects?
Well, since there are no harsh stimulants in King Size male enhancement, the risk for side effects is low, but NOT impossible. For example, the ingredient Tribulus Terrestris has been known to cause a wide range of adverse effects, including prostate issues and may even decrease blood sugar levels.
King Size Male Enhancement Pros and Cons
We try to be fair and share both sides of every product we review.
Advantages of King Size Male Enhancement
- The formula is all natural and most likely safe.
- If there are any side effects, they would be minimal.
Disadvantages of King Size Male Enhancement
- The price.
This stuff costs $139.97. That’s just outrageous. - The free trial offer gives you only 12 days from the date you place your order to try it out and decide whether it’s for you.That’s just not enough time.
- Ingredient amounts are not disclosed.
- There are no King Size Male Enhancement reviews from customers who’ve actually used it, just these fake “review websites” that are actually trying to sell you the stuff.
King Size Male Enhancement is just another free trial scam, only worse.
Most free trials like this give you 14 days, King Size Male Enhancement gives you only 12.
Most free trial scams charge you about $80 for their supplements.King Size Male Enhancement charges $140.
They are pretty bold in their not caring about how obviously a scam their “free trial” is as well as their marketing, but they certainly fall short in their effects or virtually any possible area.
The formula looks fairly decent and probably safe, but there’s no way you want to get caught up in the cost and frustration of a King Size Male Enhancement free trial.
Have You Used King Size Male Enhancement?Leave Your Review Below!
Top 3 Male EnhancementAffiliate Disclosure
Out of the 100+ male enhancement products Ive tried, Vigrx Plus was the best.
The Bathmate is a proven water-based vacuum pump that can help dramatically increase your size.
Phallosan Forte is a GREAT option for those looking to grow both length AND girth, permanently.
Honorable Mention/Inexpensive Alternative:Magnum Rings
Magnum Rings are a VERY affordable option to getting both girth and length gains, at a fraction of the price of the Bathmate or Phallosan Forte.
Click Here to see our full Magnum Rings review.
2 Star User Reviews
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Want To REALLY Get Bigger? Click Here To See Products That WORK!
Ask A Question
User Questions and Answers
I ordered my bottle and paid $4.95. I never received it. Please call me. Thank you. -armando is a review website. We don't sell King Size Male Enhancement. You'll have to call them directly to check on the status of your order. The number I found on their website is 1-855-511-2250. Make sure you're aware of the terms of the free trial. If you don't cancel with them within 14 days of ordering, you'll be charged $139.97 for the "free" bottle.- Rob
48 out of 56 people found this question helpful.
How use king size capsules -Young
The instructions say to take 2 capsules daily, and that you should start to feel it within about an hour.- Rob
21 out of 29 people found this question helpful.
Hello please my Penis is smoll u sure that whatever say is true that your Penis will be big. because buy some but still my Penis still smoll.
Thanks -Albert
These are performance pills. They can help you get bigger and harder erections. That’s true. But they can’t magically make your member get bigger in any permanent way. If you want a bigger penis, you'll need an extender device like the Phallosan Forte.- Rob
18 out of 23 people found this question helpful.
I want to buy king size pills ,but i am livning in Shanghai ,China,may i buy them ,hope get your good news -tim
I checked their website, and it looks like it's only available in the United States.- Rob
17 out of 22 people found this question helpful.
Can i take this product whir alcohol -ben
Alcohol in moderation shouldn't be a problem.- Rob
10 out of 14 people found this question helpful.
Let me know what kind of effects you’re looking for, and I’ll recommend the best choice for you.
First off, I would recommend you pick up either a water based pump called the Bathmate, or an extender device called Phallosan Forte. Personally speaking, I prefer the Bathmate. It’s easier to use, you only need to use it for 10 – 15 min. a day (as opposed to 4 – 6 HOURS a day with the extender), and it’s cheaper.
Here’s my reviews of each:
Bathmate –
Phallosan Forte –
Combine it with a high quality supplement like Vigrx Plus for improved blood flow and libido, and you’ll start seeing results in no time.
Here’s my review of Vigrx Plus:
Check out an extender device called the Phallosan Forte, and a water based pump called the Bathmate. The Phallosan Forte will make you longer, and the Bathmate will make you wider.
Here’s my reviews of each:
Phallosan Forte –
Bathmate –
If you need stronger, more powerful orgasms then check out a supplement called Vigrx Plus. It’s the most effective supplement I’ve used to date, and I’ve used DOZENS of these supplements.
Here’s my review of Vigrx Plus:
Let me know what kinds of results you’re looking for, and I’ll recommend something great for you.
Check out a supplement called Vigrx Plus. It’s the only one I’m aware of that’s actually been PROVEN in a clinical study to boost erection quality / stamina, and I’ve personally used it with GREAT results.
Here’s my review:
You do have a few options. Click Here to read my full article on viagra alternatives that are available over the counter.
The best one I've personally used is called Extenze Plus. Rob
Cannot happen. This company has no values, no ethics, and only wants to t are your money and keep it. I reported them for the frauds they are, and changed my card number so they cannot get me again.
It’s only available online using their free trial offer. I’m not sure if it’s shipped internationally or not.
You’ll have to check with their website.
Talk about hidden charges! 6.95 for the free trial, then 12 days later they charge $140 to your card! An no, sending it back is not an option the give!
Customer service, after taking only my name, seemed to know all about me, and were prepared to give me the script.
Just got king size will try them and let you know but looking to make a purchase of the vasoplex male enhancement.
I haven’t tried it myself, but we do have an informational review on the website. You can check it out here: Basically, the customer reviews on Amazon are pretty dismal. I recommend you try out VigRx Plus instead. It’s been clinically tested, I use it myself, and it’s the best I’ve used. I’ve also received tons of great feedback from other guys who’ve used it. Here’s our full review, including my personal results:
Also, I can’t stay hard for my girlfriend and I’d like to gain size too if possible.
Here's my reviews of each:
Bathmate –
Phallosan Forte –
Combine it with a high quality supplement like Vigrx Plus for improved blood flow and libido, and you'll start seeing results in no time.
Here's my review of Vigrx Plus:
Hope this helps and let me know if you have any other questions. Rob
After my purchase. I got cold feet about it.
So I googled
The this product and your review pulled up. After reading your review.
I was so mad at the hidden charges. I would receive.
For trying out a *Free Product. I called to cancel.
Upon doing so, they told me to just try it out and told me they extend my free trial 6 more days. If I was not
Satisfied then to call back.
Only after a few days, I decided to call them back and cancel. I cancelled my *Free membership yesterday and want to thank you for your review for saving me money down the road.
Like the saying goes. If it’s to good to be true it probably is.
Thanks again.
This is a bullshit scam do not buy