Meristem Review – The Cure For 120 Diseases?
By: Rob MillerFact Checked On: 4-6-2020
What Can Meristem Do For You
Here’s a direct quote from the brochure
How Does Meristem Work
Meristem Ingredients
Meristem Reviews
More Red Flags
How to Buy Meristem
Our Conclusion
We’ve been getting a lot of questions about a new miracle product called Meristem.
There’s a brochure that shows up in the mail, and it to say that it makes some pretty powerful promises would be an understatement.
Not too uncommon for products of the like.
It comes from a company called Jackson and Hart Juvenescence, and it claims to be able to not only make you feel 10 years younger after one treatment, but also to stop 120 age related diseases, including Macular Degeneration.
With promises like that, it’s no wonder our readers are taking notice.
Well we finally got our hands on one of their brochures, we’ve taken a look, and we’re ready to share what we’ve found.
What Can Meristem Do For You?
The brochure goes into great detail about the benefits you’ll see, but in a nutshell, after just one dose, you’ll:
- Renew all the cells in your body (every single one).
- Rejuvenate our body’s 11 vital systems.
- Restore PERFECT health.
Well there you have it.
Who wouldn’t want to take this stuff? Meristem promises that starting the very first day, you’ll feel decades younger.But it’s not just the fluffy feel good stuff.
They promise to restore your blood sugar and cholesterol levels, reduce your blood pressure to normal, eliminate joint pain, cure arthritis, eliminate cataracts, and “stop over 120 diseases.”
Enticing, sure, but what does that even mean and is that really possible out of any one supplement?
These claims are far from uncommon as far as similar products go, but let’s take a closer look and see just exactly what Meristem does to put their bold claims to the test and whether or not they actually hold up.
Here’s a direct quote from the brochure:
“The effects of Meristem are so powerful that at the end of their treatment, all patients had the same medical result: dramatic rejuvenation of all 11 vital body systems and their health was fully restored regardless of their age or their state of health prior to testing.”
They are flat out claiming that Meristem cures diseases and restores you body to a state much younger than you are today.
While this is quite a bold claim and more than likely is the reason why it would draw someone’s attention, is it even really true?
How Does Meristem Work?
The basic idea behind Meristemis very simple.
It replaces all the old, age-worn and damaged cells of your body, and replaces them with brand new ones.
Your arthritic joints are filled with old arthritic cells.
Take Meristem, those old cells will be replaced with new cells, and your arthritis is gone.
Your sagging skin is filled with old droopy damaged cells.
Take Meristem and it replaces all those old cells with new ones, and you’re skin is young and beautiful again.
Do this over and over for every age related issue your body faces, and you’ve got the gist of how Meristem works.
Meristem Ingredients
The ingredients in Meristem are all natural.They based on plant stem cells that come from a very specific part of the Hornbeam tree, where all the stem cells live. That part is called the Meristem.
The Hornbeam tree was chosen for its high auxin and gibberellin content, the key plant hormone ingredients that supposedly stimulate your body’s own cells to rejuvenate themselves.
Meristem Reviews
The Meristem brochure is full of testimonials from users who were healed and cured of various age related debilitations like joint pain, high blood pressure, diabetes, digestive issues, you name it.
But if you look online, you’ll find nothing. Huh? This is 2015 people?
Do you really expect us to believe there’s a cure for aging that hundreds or thousands of people know about and are using, but nobody’s talking about it online?
Not likely.
More Red Flags
There are so many more reasons to questions the integrity of Meristem.
- First of all, you won’t find Jackson and Hart Juvenescence online, and you won’t find Dr. Peter Langfeld either.
He’s their Director of Health Sciences.
How can there be an amazing miracle supplement that puts you in “perfect health” exist in 2015 without any indication of it on the internet?
How can Dr. Peter Langfeld be a world class scientist who discovered the fountain of youth and holds the job of Director of Health Sciences at a supplement manufacturer, and not have anything written about him online?
These things are just not possible in today’s world.
With a lot of digging, I came across a forum discussion about Meristem.
One of the participants had called and asked Meristem why they weren’t online. The response from the customer service rep was that they wouldn’t be able to handle all the orders if they were.
Okay, if you want to believe that, you can, but it doesn’t explain there not being anything about the company or the doctor. - Secondly, their mailing address is a mailbox in a UPS store.
This miracle cure doesn’t have a physical plant or address?
How is that possible? - Third, we’re starting to get some feedback trickling in from readers who’ve tried Meristem, or at least tried to order it.
Several people have told us that when they called to order, the customer service rep on the phone tries very aggressively, and even rudely, to get you to buy more products.
They even talk about being hung up on. - Fourth, the brochure talks about how all of Hollywood is captivated by Meristem treatments.
Star after star uses it, with Amazing results.
But they don’t mention a single name.
Wouldn’t they be able to convince even one of their famous clients to share their experience with the world?
After all that, if you’re not convinced this is just a flash in the pan scam, go back and read the promises again.
They’re trying to tell you that Meristem cures 120 diseases.
Diseases that doctors can’t cure, but this Meristem from Jackson and Hart Juvenescence can?
It makes no logical sense.
How to Buy Meristem
Meristem is only available to order by phone or by filling out and returning the order form in the brochure. (What is this, 1992?) They sell it by the “treatment”.
One treatment is 30 day’s worth and it costs $39. Each treatment in addition to the first costs $20 more dollars.So 2 treatments cost $59, 3 treatments cost $79, and so on.
Your order is covered by a 30 day guarantee.It states that if you are not satisfied, you can request a refund (less shipping and handling) any time within the first month after you order.
You’ll also need to return your treatment(s), even if they’re empty, to get your money back.
Our Conclusion
We first starting hearing about Meristem this past summer, and the questions and comments are rolling in pretty fast.
We haven’t tried it ourselves, but there are so many red flags associated with this, I don’t think we have to.
The fact that this amazing new discovery can’t be found anywhere on the internet should be evidence enough that Meristem doesn’t cure 120 diseases.
Trust me, if this stuff did what it says it does, we’d all know about it in a hurry.
More than anything, when you see such bold claims, it is usually little more than them desperately trying to get you to part with your money no matter what kind of business it is and supplements that do so are no exception.
Have You Used Meristem? Leave Your Review Below!
1 Star User Reviews
Have you used this supplement?
Glo's Review
I have been using it for over 2 months. NOTHING, I mean NADA results.
762 out of 773 people found this review helpful.
Meristem scam
I have been using this product religiously for 3 months and it does absolutely nothing. I did call them within the trial period and was coaxed into staying with it - which means, no refund. Very disappointed.
637 out of 650 people found this review helpful.
The Meristem SCAM
Completely ineffective product. Empty promises - I have empty bottles to prove it. If something sounds to good to be true, it is. Tried to return it without success. You will be ripped off, ticked off. I can make that promise to you.
44 out of 46 people found this review helpful.
Failed all claims
A complete hoax, my wife and I both begin taking Meristem, she having diabetes and other heart related problems. The claims of complete reversal and obtaining new and better health is not so. She has just been released from the hospital. Congestive heart failure with four plugged arteries. She cannot have surgery to correct the problem and she for sure did not regain the health promised. It is no miracle cure.
42 out of 43 people found this review helpful.
Patricia's Review
I have used Meristem since last summer (2015) and have not seen any significant results of what is claimed by brochure. I don't think any damage has been done by its use, but who knows? I have since learned when I receive any of these "back to youth" brochures to do more checking and then toss them. The money I spent is lesson well learned.
40 out of 40 people found this review helpful.
This product is a scam. I have taken the product for over a month without any results!!! And when I phoned customer service I was told that I was past the 30 days and the company would not entertain a refund of the defective product. I will never do business with this company again.
34 out of 34 people found this review helpful.
Meristem cure?
I have been taking Meristem for 1 month now and have seen no improvement in my health at all. If anything I feel a lot worse than before. I am 85 years old.
25 out of 25 people found this review helpful.
60 day trial, did absolutely nothing for me, as per risk free money back guarantee, returned empty bottle, awaiting $119 refund, not that hopefull, will advise.
13 out of 14 people found this review helpful.
John martin's Review
I am 70. I started taking this product and after about a week I came down with shingles.
I have been using the product every day for about 5 weeks and outside of feeling crook with the after effects of the shingles,I feel the product has done me no good.
10 out of 10 people found this review helpful.
Anna king's Review
I ordered Meristem November 2016 I eventually received the product and used it for over a month. I sent the half used bottle back to Greenstay Laboratories as it didnt do a thing for me. I have yet to receive my refund!! The date now is 20th April 2017.
9 out of 9 people found this review helpful.
2 months
I didn't have any effects from it, I rang them, they said send it back and they would refund me. I sent it back. But have not received any refund. Last time I will send for any medication.
7 out of 7 people found this review helpful.
i seem to have been scammed, ordered top quantity @ $297 , have been taking for over 3 mths with no improvment at all anywhere, foolish not to look up on here first
5 out of 5 people found this review helpful.
This product would not be able to be sold through a retail business in Australia, as it would need to be approved by the Therapeutic Goods Act. In order for this to happen all claims need to be submitted with relevant scientific Information. Because, none of the claims can be substantiated that is never going to happen.
5 out of 5 people found this review helpful.
Didn't do anything
I thought that I would give it a try as I have bad arthritis in my fingers. After consuming one bottle and feeling no different I have decided to return both the full and empty bottle for my refund.
4 out of 4 people found this review helpful.
No change
I took Meristem exactly as directed for almost 90 days and have finished all that was supplied. I have noticed no appreciable difference in my blood pressure or arthritis at all.
4 out of 4 people found this review helpful.
Ask about the ingredients before you order
In Short: I would NOT recommend this to a friend.
I am in Australia and I received the Meristem mailout in the post the other day. I was amazed by the testimonials and thought it might worth a try. I rang the number and asked the chap who answered about the ingredients because I'm very careful about what I ingest. Along with the Hornbeam ingredients, he mentioned a number of food additives, plus Maltodextrin, which is a polysaccharide used as a food enhancer. There were also some unpronounceable chemicals in there. I declined to order. I will stick to a plant-based diet and avoid all processed foods and artificial sugars. Much healthier than taking a dubious supplement.
Australian launch
In Short: I would NOT recommend this to a friend.
Hi Rob,
I am a doctor based in Melbourne Australia and for the past 30 years our team treat up to 500 patients each week. My 92 year old mother received in the mail a pile of garbage from Meristem and Dr Powell from greenstay laboratories. This is a 100% scam operating in Australia from a po box in sydney. Their so called 3200 patient validation trial never happened, except in the mind of the person behind this scam. I have contacted the four corners program on the ABC television here in Australia and they will expose this scam on national television. Please understand any person reading my blog that this Meristem exists only to part you from your money....nothing else. It's not for health...the only thing that wont get rejuvenated is your me i'm a Doctor.
Kind regards,
Dr Rowan Sawers
Total rubbish
In Short: I would NOT recommend this to a friend.
Does nothing at all, no website, a phone call achieved nothing, no refund, big SCAM IT IS. Check out the ingredients, what a joke.
In Short: I would NOT recommend this to a friend.
It does not do what was stated. It's a fail.
In Short: I would NOT recommend this to a friend.
I have been using Meristem (liquid form) for a couple of years now, and was happy with the overall results, until I received the latest order and found the contents had been altered. The original orders contained Hornbeam extract, but the latest has no Hornbeam at all, and now consists of Ash Leaf and Red Vine Leaf extracts, and tastes like "sh..t", and seems to have no good effects at all. A waste of good time and money now, and my last order as well!
Ask A Question
User Questions and Answers
My dad, age 89, recently purchased Meristem and has been religiously taking it since he received it (about 2 weeks). He recently developed a rash on his right arm and it has spread to his other arm. He states that it itches and stings - I am trying to find any information on this product - like possible side effects, for example. I have not been able to find out much on line about this product at all. I almost don't want to call them, but it sounds like I may have to. -Janice
Yeah, information online is extremely limited. I'm afraid you're going to have to call. Here's their number: 1-855-839-9520.- Rob
217 out of 225 people found this question helpful.
when am I going to receive my product? I sent my check on 9/12/15. The check cleared on 9/28/15. No product yet. I would like an answer. THANK YOU -Dean is a review website. We don't sell Meristem (and we don't even recommend that you buy it). You'll have to call the number on the brochure. Hopefully, they'll have an answer for you. That's a long time to have to wait.- Rob
184 out of 193 people found this question helpful.
Does Meristem could help to improve -Antonio Betancourt
Unfortunately, I don't think so. It's basically a multivitamin.- Rob
153 out of 161 people found this question helpful.
I see where several people called them. I can't find them on the internet. Can you give me their phone number? -CARL
The number on their brochure is 1-855-839-9520 .- Rob
102 out of 115 people found this question helpful.
Have you reviwed thrive? -Karen
I have. Here's a link to our full review: Rob
37 out of 58 people found this question helpful.
I had already tried that the night before, and found that such a site DOES NOT EXIST – and their OWN REP didn’t know that! However, if you want a beverage that TASTES like you think ROSE JUICE would taste – then BUY THIS.
Otherwise, save your money.
You need a miracle cure: IODINE!
It has been hidden from us by big pharma since the 70’s!
A great IODINE product is IODORAL – google it.
THERE is your miracle cure – prevents cancer, brain fog, hypothyroidism, gives you energy and a MYRIAD of other benefits as well.
Take 50 mg / day to start – contrary to the lies of big pharma, DANGEROUS doses begin up around 900 / 1000 mg!
We’ve been LIED TO!
Thanks again,
Normally I throw these types of advertising away, but this one caught my attention because it related stem cells which I have been researching, especially relating to injecting your own back into a problem area. As I am in Australia and they do not do it here, I had to put it aside, but have been wondering (and hoping) you could take something to do the same.
I have arthritis in my left hip and after 15 falls on that leg during the night (due to not sleeping for two months, due to the drug for RLS no longer working and doctor experimenting with six others that did not work) my leg is so bad I cannot walk without a crutch. So am longing for something that will grow back the cartlidge.
However, I appreciate your site and comments and won’t fall for this ‘miracle’ supplement nor future ones that promise the world.
Yeah I hear you. There are so many supplements that make promises like this that it can be nearly impossible to keep up.
Glad I could save you from making a costly mistake! You might be better off with a simple chondroitin / glucosamine supplement combo.
I’ve done some pretty extensive research on this, and apparently the 2 work great when combined to help with the natural regeneration of cartilage. Unfortunately since you’re in Australia I can’t make a specific supplement recommendation, but I would check with your local vitamin store.
Try MMS, I have been using it for over 10 years For everthing,
I get mine from
There is a mass of information on the site.
Also when on the site check out DMSO also for your leg.
Kind regards.
Shellharbour, NSW.
Tania Miller
Thank you so much for being diligent in calling out this company. I got a copy of there advertisement in the mail today and read the entire pamphlet and I’m thinking, Wait a minute, this sounds vaguely familiar.
About three years ago I got this same ad about this miraculous elixir known as Meristem, and before that it was called rejuvenence or something. I remember doing a lot of research on this product because, frankly, it sounded too good to be true.
A miracle! Why wasn’t it on TV or in the American Medical journals. I also researched the address on Western Ave, which is a Fedex drop box.
To make a long story short. This PMB is a drop box for college kids trying to make some extra money by sending out these unbelievable advertisements and it’s a scam.
The products don’t do what they are advertised to do and it’s nearly impossible to get your money back. You’ve just been had!
I have just read Blake’s comment that you should try a supplement before you comment on it.
I truly believe Blake is not sane. If a product says you can take and jump off a ten story building hit the pavement and not get hurt please have Blake try it before commenting.
Noticed these reviews dated 2015.
We actually haven’t had a chance to update our Meristem review in quite sometime, but I do have it on the list for a refresh. Check back in a couple of weeks, we should have additional info.
My niece had , in the meantime, sent me your critique. Thank you and your contributors for saving me the money and heartache of waiting to feel better.
Do you have any answers for chronic and terrible pain. I’ve tried so many things.
Much of it is nerve pain. I’ve tried 2 different brands of cbd.
It did nothing for me. Yet I’ve heard of many people for which it’s been a great blessing.
I feel we’re missing something big in the information we’re getting.
No problem at all, glad we could help! Check out a substance called Kratom. It’s a bit controversial, but it’s VERY effective at helping with chronic pain, and is a great replacement for powerful pain meds. I talk about exactly what it is, how it works, etc. in my full review of Coastline Kratom (my preferred vendor for various reasons). Here’s my review:
Was I to gullible.?
I am interested in it for my joints as I recently tore my meniscus. Do you think it might work?
I’m afraid it is one of those things that sounds too good to be true.
I haven’t checked this particular one out before. A quick Google search doesn’t yield a whole lot of information.
From what I can tell, it’s similar to these others – making a lot of big promises, but really it’s just a glorified multivitamin. I would probably not recommend it.
I also thought it sounded too good to be true and was targeting the elderly who often don’t use the internet a lot. Pretty low tactics.
Sounds like a scam and definitely won’t be trying it
1 months treatment $70A
Thankyou for your site as at 71 was really tempted.
Thes scams seem to move here after a few years in the US
Thanks again.
Thanks again.
Thanks for that, glad I could help! What’s your primary goal?
Are you looking for something to help lose weight, or more for helping to gain muscle? Let me know what your goals are and I can recommend some great supplements.
All the best
Here’s my reviews of each:
Prime Male –
Nitrocut –
Also, I’m sending you my free “How To Get Larger, Stronger, and More Powerful” ebook. It’s packed with tons of tips on diet and exercise to help you get faster results.
Hope this helps and let me know if you have any questions.
Just sent you an email.
For anyone else looking for the free ebook, click here to sign up for your free ebook.
All the best
I purchased one bottle of 30 capsules for $39 just to prove to my wife that we should eat more of Jerusalem artichoke that our yard was full of it and I couldn’t stop them from taking over all the empty spaces of my yard. I wish there was some law to stop/prosecute this company from fooling people.
I have 1 question do you know anything about a company called BetterYou as they seem to be more informative about their supplements
Thanks in advance for your help
Regards Roy
I don’t have any knowledge of or experience with this company. Check for customer reviews of both their products and their customer service.
They should be pretty telling about how good of a company they are.
Having now done my own research I say no thanks
It is too good to be true people should be very careful and sensible
Wild Raspberry Keytone is a scam, for sure, all they want is your money & they are quick to take it.
They even take your money BEFORE you have any of the product & this was on a FREE TRIAL. Keep well away from this.
I live in Brisbane Australia, and I got their product brochures in the mail the other day too, and so searched (hoping to find journal references to their said “clinical trial”) but alas there are no reported trials in any journals – the only published info about those plant stem cells is within plant biology research. Not convincing.
Furthermore, since natural compounds cannot be solely licenced, the big question is why arent other natural therapy manaufacturers manufacturing this product if its claims are correct? I think its another scam, and way overpriced, a bit like Herbalife.
I nearly fell victim to the idea…of course everyone would want this if its claims were true. I can agree an individual anecdotal positive response might happen, but then again there is always the placebo effect, and the results are not ubiquitous among the majority…to your point Rob that if this product was so astounding the world would be hearing about it big time and the Dr in its science department wouldn’t be stuck in his non-existent lab…thanks Rob for the review, and the obvious truth..Pete
I don’t believe there are any clinical studies on record for Meristem.
Greenstay, P.O.Box 6399 Alexandria NSW 2015 . In the brochure they show all the elderly men and women are rejuvenated after taking this MERISTEM.
Sounds like the movie “Cocoon” where all the elderly folks jump into this swimming pool got out and were young again…. thanks for your feedback because I dont buy this promotion if its real why are they not promoting this on the media and let the whole world know about this miracle portion that cures athritis and kidneys etc the photos of the doctors are so fake they dont look real person? Guess the authorities should look into this too good to be true I reckon.
This time Quercetin Max from the Iceland alps where a species of never before found Rhododendron has grown in the volcanic ash. Needing miracle relief and wanting to believe but being sensible enough to try and research this company ..ouch !!! cruel
I certainly will heed yor advice and not order anymore. These sorts of “supplements” are rife and it surprises me that there is no regulation.
There is another product called NutriO2 promisig cellular rejuvenation. Have you heard of this.
I believe it is another Scam. I look forward to hearing from you.
Yeah, I completely understand. We want something to work so badly, we allow ourselves to become convinced.
I hadn’t heard of NutriO2 before, but I looked at it quickly, and it sounds like the claims are way overblown. There may be something to “oxygen therapy”, but according to WebMD, evidence for its effectiveness is not really there.
My educated guess is that while there may be minor benefits, I’m sorry to say, it won’t be all you would hope for.
I have had no colds, flu , teeth probs , earaches , Infections , Sores all over cured after 3 months of oral protocol that lasts 6 months ,and daily dabbing with the 3% solution which aturally found in our bodies
I too was here to see if the MERISTEM review ,worked.So tempted — they have a great front , but guess it’s like the other 3 I’ve tried before , great blab , and no results !
Look up HYDROGEN PEROXIDE 35% food grade and this product CURED the pneumonia outbreak when the Suez was being built.
The writer was Madison Cavanaugh , the BOOK was the” One \Minute Cure”and like many other s, was “BURIED ” Too cheap for the big players in the health game .3 of us used it for 6 months , one bottle costs. $50 , the distilled water $6 , and you need lots of that !
She said it was not a good idea to be drinking all the water that I’d be coming in contact with—so I bought a distiller from a company in Florida. It fits nicely in the MH.
I also buy the 35% peroxide and mix it 11 / 1 for washing all my fruit and veggies (even if they’re organic.) I also drank the peroxide/distilled water for quite a few years (I never got a cold while doing so—It was from some Organization that I think was named Echo. is a review website. We don’t have any affiliation with this product, so you’ll have to contact the company you made your purchase from to cancel your order or billing.
While no supplement can be considered completely side effect-free, but they don’t list any reported effects, so it should be considered safe. If you have concerns, check with your doctor.
I haven’t had personal dealings with them, so I don’t have a definitive answer for you. On the one hand, some of their products get great reviews from customers, but on the other hand, I’ve seen a little negative feedback about their customer service.
It’s a tough call.
The only time I contacted customer service they were great.
NO NO NO NO NO these so names specialist in their field DO NOT EXIST. People it is A SCAM, put your purses away and talk with your GP of Naturopth and be guided by people who can help you with your health.
Eat correctly, and exercise, even if it is only gentle walking 5-6 times a week. Retired Grandmother (74) but not from LIFE.
So you can see that they are concerned and are legit. i hope i didnt bore you with this Regards Ladislau.
Yeah, I looked them up too and didn’t find anything. All signs point to these guys being phonies.
I was skeptical of the marketing material and want to believe it but am wondering why there is nothing on the internet. I’m more suspicious now that you say it’s been narketed hy different fiunding “doctors” and companies.
I am in Australia. I hope you can update me on this.
Thank you
I haven’t looked into anything from Greenstay Laboratories, but their MO sounds a lot like the others (Meristem, Regenify, etc). I would not trust them if I were you.
I did wonder if such drastic cell regeneration could actually be a cause of cancer rather than a cure but was hopeful of getting imoroved mobility and pain relief. Ah well… very cruel of these people to prey on the potentially vulnerable.
BUT I’ve learned to be sceptical, so off I trundle to find a review – and you had done one. Damn – no instant cure.
So, I’ll save my money and stay sick anyway. At least I’ll be sick and richer!
Yep, it sure would be nice, wouldn’t it?
I don’t know for sure that they’re the same company, but yes, I believe they’re both scams. They’re either the same company, or two different companies running the same scam. They’re just multi-vitamins. There’s no way they can cure all those issues and illnesses. We have a review on the website for Panaxcea you can check out here: My recommendation is to stay away from all of them.
Most of these claims are just marketing ploys, same used with everything out there.
I haven’t yet, but I’ll look into it, and see if maybe it’s something we should review. Thanks for the heads up.
I agree with you completely on Meristem. I find it amazing that they’re getting people to fall for it.
As for the Omega Q Plus, I’m glad it worked out so well for you, but I really don’t know anything about it. I try to stick to what I know – workout supplements, male enhancements, and nootropics.
The only reason I commented on the Meristem is that I had about 20 readers ask me about it in a about 3 days. I figure they’d just sent out a mass mailing, haha.
I haven’t really looked at it. I mainly focus on workout, male enhancement, and nootropic supplements.
It’s really a shame Meristem is not the “super food” supplement it’s advertised to be. Really, they ought to be sued for making such promises!
Guess it’s the old “buyer beware." Anyway, thanks for your site and your comments on Meristem.
Agreed. It’s a real shame these guys can get away with preying on people like us.
And then they signed me up without my knowledge for 2 programs that began charging me $17.95 each per month. Check your credit card bills!
It does lift my spirits, but with your review I am afraid to use it more.
Have anyone had it tested for ingredients?
I haven’t had it tested for ingredients. I wouldn’t think it would be dangerous, but you never know.
We’ve got a review posted on the website. Here’s a link:
In a nutshell, I don’t recommend it.
I’ve read your reviews on Panaxea and Meristem but you have not personally tried either. Don’t get me wrong, As I am very skeptical about their claims as well.
However I received the Panaxea 22 page magazine in the mail and your claim of them stating that it MAY help with this or that is no where in the literature. All their claims state that it will work for anyone who tries it guaranteed.
I can send you the copy I received in the mail if you would like. In the future though, if I were you, if you truly are just writing this information to review products and not trying to sell your own then you should be giving a true and honest review by actually trying the product before you review it online.
I welcome your response.
I understand your point, but at what point can you be confident a product won’t live up to its claims. What if a supplement guaranteed to cure cancer, to make you 6 inches taller, to regrow a lost limb.
There is no science to support any of those claims. Would I have to try each of them to state that they probably don’t work?
I have well over 1500 reviews on my website. Some of the products I’ve tried.
Some reviews are just researched. I’m upfront and clear about each kind.
I’ve researched and tried enough supplements to recognize scams and false promises. They usually fit into one of several very predictable patterns in terms of their marketing and business practices.
But if you try either one of them, I’d be happy to hear how they work out for you.