Progain 350 Review – Is It a Scam?

By: Rob Miller
Fact Checked On: 7-4-2015

Home » Pre Workout » Progain 350 Review – Is It a Scam?

Progain 350 Overview

On the one hand, the explosion of the natural supplement market has been a great thing. More research has created better products, and what we have available today without having to resort to illegal and unsafe steroids is truly amazing. On the other hand, the huge and super-quick growth of the market has provided the opportunity of plenty of scammers to come in trying to get their hands on a piece of that growing pile of money. Part of our job here at is to identify those scammers and spread the word so fewer and fewer guys get scammed.

Progain 350 is a bodybuilding supplement available online. There used to be an article in what looked like Men’s Health Magazine about how one of their reporters used Progain 350 to transform his body in just 4 weeks. Pretty amazing stuff if you believed it. But none of it turned out to actually be true. That It wasn’t actually Mens Health Magazine, and that article is long gone, having been replaced with the same article only touting a different product. But Progain 350 is still out there, available to purchase through a free trial offer, so let’s take a look.

Progain 350 ReviewProgain 350 Ingredients and How They Work

It’s fairly typical for these free trial offer products to conceal their ingredients. Progain 350 does this too, but we were able to find an abbreviated list through a third party source. It’s not 100% reliable, but it’s the closest thing we’ve got. According to our source, Progain 350 contains 2 kinds of L-Arginine which is a precursor to nitric oxide. NO is a vasodilator which opens up your blood vessels so more blood can flow through more easily. More blood delivers more oxygen and nutrients to your muscles when you work out. It also causes an increase in pumps, that vein-y look and feel when you lift hard. Other ingredients include:

  • L-Citrulline which also helps increase nitric oxide.
  • Nicotinamide Adenine Dinuicietide which helps increase energy and stamina.

It’s pretty typical of pre workout formulas to contain L-Arginne and L-Citrulline to boost nitric oxide. We don’t know amounts, but if there’s enough, you will definitely see some benefit in terms of pumps and probably energy.

Progain 350 Pros and Cons

Advantages of Progain 350

  • The ingredients are safe and natural.

Disadvantages of Progain 350

  • It’s sold only through a free trial offer that signs you up for ongoing shipments, in many cases, without your knowledge.
  • The formula is relatively week.

Where to Buy Progain 350

We touched on it a little earlier, but it’s important so we’ll flesh it out more here. Progain 350 is only available through a free trial offer. How it works is that you sign up for a free trial, they send you a full months supply, and if you don’t call and cancel within 14 days of placing your order, you will be charged full price for your original “free trial” bottle, and you’ll be sent a new bottle every 30 days at full price until you cancel your membership. There are several problems with this setup. Firstly, it’s only revealed in the small print, so most guys don’t know about it when they sign up. Secondly, you only have 14 days from your order date (not your delivery date) to try it. This is just not enough time to know. Lastly, Progain 350 is expensive, much more than your typical pre workout you’d pick up in a store.


Whatever small benefit you’d get from using Progain 350 is far outweighed by the scammy way they try to sell it to you. Skip this one completely. Go with something with a proven track record of success.

Have You Used Progain 350? Leave Your Review Below!

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Author: Rob Miller

Supplement Critique

Rob Miller founded over 7 years ago, and has been the chief editor ever since. He has a diploma in Advanced Dietary Supplements Advisor, and worked at GNC for 3 years. He KNOWS supplements, both inside and out. Rob currently resides in Jupiter, FL, with his wife of 4 years.  Learn more about him in his Bio here. Follow him on Twitter , Facebook, LinkedIn, or find him on Google +.

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