Super Hard Male Enhancement Pills Review
By: Rob MillerFact Checked On: 3-27-2020

Update (9-17-2018):We currently have someone testing out Super Hard Pills.
Click Hereto see his results!
Pros and Cons
Our Test Results
Where to Buy
User Reviews
Super Hard Male Enhancement Pills Overview
I’ve mentioned this before, and sometimes it’s worth repeating.
There are lots and lots and tons and tons of players in this male enhancement supplement market.
And not all of them are smart, savvy, and professional.
In fact, some are downright amateurish and even a little silly.
To the point that it’s hard to believe they are actually in business and trying to get you to buy something.
Not too long ago, I came across a product called Super Hard Male Enhancement Pills, and this is what made me think to mention the above fact again.
There is no official product website, but it’s sold through several online retailers who all use pretty much the same marketing copy.
The thing is, the marketing copy is staggeringly poorly written, with made up words and sentences that have no discernible meaning and no end in sight.
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Of course, what’s important isn’t grammar.
It’s whether or not a product works.
So let’s see what Super Hard Male Enhancement Pills is meant to do and whether or not it delivers.
The promise of this fast acting supplement is that it will increase your libido, give you hard, lasting erections, control premature ejaculations, and grow your penis.
Not grow your size.
Click Here to find out why there is no such thing as a “permanent enlargement pill”.
More or less, it’s just straight up an erection pill.
Or is it?
Super Hard Male Enhancement Pills Ingredients and How They Work
Super Hard Male Enhancement Pills lists its ingredients as:
- Caulis Cynomorii
- Ginseng
- Tortoise Plastron
- Sea Horse
- Penis Ettestis Cervi
- Yak Testis
- Wolfberry Fruit
- Velvet
- Cynamorlum
These are mostly things I’ve never heard of so that leaves me a little skeptical to say the least. (Does that say Yak Testis?!) The recommended dose is 1 Super Hard Male Enhancement Pills capsule taken with warm boiled water about half an hour before sexual activity.
Super Hard Male Enhancement Pills Pros and Cons
Advantages of Super Hard Male Enhancement Pills
- You only have to take it when you need it.
There’s no commitment necessary. - It’s inexpensive to try.
- The effects can last a couple of days.
- You can find lots of positive Super Hard Male Enhancement Pills reviews from customers who’ve used it.
Disadvantages of Super Hard Male Enhancement Pills
- The ingredients are pretty unfamiliar for the most part.
- The label warns you not to take Super Hard Male Enhancement Pills along with prescription medications.
This could possibly be an indication that there may be undisclosed ingredients (like those found in prescription medications) that could interact dangerously with other medications.
Super Hard Pills Test Results
As part of our STEPuP program, we had someone claim a free box of Super Hard Pills to test out and provide his review.
Here are his results so far:
The reason I wanted to try Super hard male enhancement pills:I wanted to try this product because it claims to help with premature ejaculation.
Also to see if it helps to stay harder longer.
Day 1: Testing Super Hard Pills on an Empty stomach
I took one full dose (one pill) on an empty stomach.
I noticed that it started working much faster than 30 minutes, I would say it took effect within 20 minutes.
Some slight side effects also occurred within the 20 minutes.
My nose got stuffy and myeyes became a little red and felt swollen, but no pain.
The product did exactly what it claims to do.
I was able to last much longer than normal.
Also, I noticed that my heart rate stayed at normal pace, no palpitations.
After the first night of intercourse I also was able to perform the same as the night.
Day 2: Testing Super Hard Pills on a full stomach
Taking 1 dose of the product after a normal meal had no effect on the performance of the pill.
It took approximately 35 – 40 minutes to actually start feeling the product start to work.
The side effects were also less than the previous experience on an empty stomach.
My overall sexual performance was just about the same as when my stomach was empty. Super Hard pills are powerful, and the side effects don’t last as long as some of the other products out there.
Where to Buy
There are a several online retailers that carry Super Hard Male Enhancement Pills.
A box of 6 pills sells for about $4.00.
On the one hand, Super Hard Male Enhancement Pillsis easy to find and cheap to try.There are some good reviews where guys say it just plain works.
On the other hand, the formula is made up of mostly unfamiliar ingredients and despite the fact that every ingredient listed is natural,they warn you against taking Super Hard Male Enhancement Pills with prescription medications.
I’ve seen enough male enhancement pills recalled because of undisclosed ingredients for that to make me suspicious.
Super Hard Male Enhancement Pills may be great for a young, completely healthy guy, but I would recommend that anyone with heart or blood pressure problems just stay away.
It is never worth taking a supplement if you are not sure whether or not it is safe to take in combination with supplements or medications that you are currently taking, so be sure to check that is not the case with Super Hard Male Enhancement Pills.
Have You Used Super Hard Male Enhancement Pills?
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Top 3 Male EnhancementAffiliate Disclosure
Out of the 100+ male enhancement products Ive tried, Vigrx Plus was the best.
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Honorable Mention/Inexpensive Alternative:Magnum Rings
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Click Here to see our full Magnum Rings review.
User Reviews
Have you used this supplement?
Hey man super hard is betterthan viagra or cialis as far as i am concerned. I have experienced all of them and by far super hard is in a class of its on. I am 45 and it works fine for me. Had intercourse with two different women in one night and performed extremely well with both of them. My stamina was unbelievable and one pill takes you on a 3 or 4 day ride. I lie..
72 out of 80 people found this review helpful.
It Works
Very effective. I came across this article: So basically what the article said "FDA laboratory analysis confirmed that Super Hard contains sildenafil, the active ingredient in the FDA approved prescription drug Viagra, used to treat erectile dysfunction (ED)." Bottom line it works for me!
36 out of 39 people found this review helpful.
My husband uses these and they really work and are inexpensive I personally but them for him now
37 out of 43 people found this review helpful.
I have used this and its the only product that has worked for me.
14 out of 16 people found this review helpful.
Jerome prince's Review
Super Hard Male Enhancement Pills do not work. I tried it with no success. It's a waste of money.
1 out of 1 people found this review helpful.
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User Questions and Answers
I've noticed with Super Hard and a few Other Natural pills I've tried that Sometimes there seems to be a "Dud" pill,... That doesn't work,... My face doesn't turn red like it normally would and I Don't get an Erection. If that happens,.... Is it safe to take Another Super Hard pill right away or is that dangerous? I look forward to your response. Thanks, Keih -Keith
I wouldn't trust it. Â There's reason to believe that Super Hard may have undisclosed ingredients in the pills. With that being the case, I wouldn't risk taking more than the recommended dose.- Rob
13 out of 16 people found this question helpful.
Where can I buy super hard -Jeffery
There are several online retailers. Â I can't vouch for any of them. You can find one with a quick internet search.- Rob
15 out of 22 people found this question helpful.
Como ordenar Super hard pills -Jose
It's sold online through their website.- Rob
14 out of 21 people found this question helpful.
How many super hard pills can you take at one time? -william
The label says you should take 1 capsule 30 minutes prior to sex.- Rob
6 out of 6 people found this question helpful.
I placed a order November 11th and you took my money ($65.00) on the 13th and I still have not received my order. can you tell me when to expect my order. -Timothy is a review website. We don't sell products. You'll have to contact the retailer you purchased from to get the information you're looking for.- Rob
7 out of 10 people found this question helpful.
How to take it -Daran
The recommended dose is 1 Super Hard Male Enhancement Pills capsule taken with warm boiled water about half an hour before sexual activity.- Rob
1 out of 1 people found this question helpful.
I took the tablet but only half alone it helps me with errection. I am 45 and a diabetic patient but what I am experiencing is lower lim pain to my spind for some days now like 10 days and not going and also it is affecting me with stooling regularly in the toilet. I need some info and advice what to do. -Kirk
I'm not sure what's causing the side effects, but you should discontinue taking it and see your doctor if you're still experiencing them.- Rob
1 out of 1 people found this question helpful.
How long does it take for super hard to kick in? -Reggie
You should expect it to work in about half an hour.- Rob
1 out of 1 people found this question helpful.
I'm 30 yrs old. Is it okay to take it with my age? Or can I just take half of the pill? You think it will work? -Patrick
You age is not a problem at all. If you want to start with a half dose just to make sure any potential side effects are more mild, that's fine, but you should quickly be able to move up to the full dose.- Rob
1 out of 1 people found this question helpful.
I have prostate cancer is it safe for me -Ronald
Whenever you have a medical condition and/or take prescription medication, it's best to check with your doctor. He or she will know if there are any issues exacerbated by the supplement.- Rob
Hi. If I take any type of tablet, but it dosent work for me, what's the problem? -Kencho lhagay
I'm really not sure. I'd have to have a lot more information, though you may want to discuss it with your doctor.- Rob
Where can I purchase these pills? -Dale
There are several online retailers that sell it. A quick Google search should find you several.- Rob
Can you drink while on a super hard pill? -Alex
Drinking in moderation should be fine. Just don't overdo it.- Rob
How long you have to be using this until you see results? -Mohammed
It should start working in about half an hour.- Rob
Can I just use it together with amplodipine
It was cited by the FDA for containing undisclosed prescription ingredients:Â So I wouldn't trust taking it with another prescription drug, especially one that also affects blood flow.
- Rob
Can super hard be taken with vigrx -Romeo
Super Hard was recalled by the FDA for containing undisclosed ingredients, so it's tough to tell what it would be safe to take with. Given that the undisclosed ingredient was similar to Viagra, you're probably fine to take it while you're taking daily VigRx Plus- Rob
I need the phone number to order Superhard Male Enhancement Pills -EDWARD
There are several retailers online. Do a quick search for one that lists a phone number.- Rob
Does this pill make u cum loads? -Colin
It's not designed to increase semen quantity, so probably not.- Rob
tengo 83 anos y sufro de presion arterial controlada -jose de diego
Usted tendrá que consultar con su médico sobre qué suplementos son seguros para su condición médica.- Rob
My wife ordered a order of the super hsrd pills. The order name was Marrilyn [redacted]. We would like to know when we can expect our order? We've tried the product and swear by it.
-Steven is a review website. We don't have any affiliation with Super Hard. You'll need to contact them directly to discuss the status of your order.- Rob
Maximum healthy dosage per week or month.
They say the effects could last up to 180 hours, which is about a week. It was found to contain undisclosed prescription ingredients, ie, the same active ingredient that's in Viagra. Because they haven't disclosed what's in the formula, it's difficult to judge the product's safety.- Rob
How much of the Super Hard can I get for 50 dollars, and what are the side effects if there are any? -Mark
I've seen 5 boxes for $ 50. You're going to have to look around for the best price. As for side effects, it's been recalled by the FDA for containing undisclosed ingredients, so it's very difficult to know the type and extent of the side effects.- Rob
I'm looking for something like Viagra or Cialis, that doesn't cause headaches. -Robert Navarro
You might try Extenze XR. It does contain Yohimbe Extract, which could cause headaches in some users. But it's effective and side effects vary a lot depending on the individual.- Rob
Does super hard cause you headaches like Viagra? -Robert Navarro
Probably. Super Hard was recalled by the FDA because it contains undisclosed prescription ingredients. Rob
Well where can you purchase it from? Don't see the site? -Jr Edward
I prefer not to link out to their site, it looks a bit scammy and don't want to lead people to a potentially dangerous site. If you go to google and search "super hard male enhancement pills" it's the first site to show up.- Rob
Can you drink alochol and that super hard pill and get same effect as if you dont drink -Trevorn
There is suspicion that Super Hard contains the same active ingredient as prescription medications like Viagra. If that's the case, it's not recommended that you drink alcohol while using it. Not only can it lessen the effectiveness, but it can increase the chance of side effects.- Rob
1 out of 2 people found this question helpful.
Precio de las cajas Súper Hard -Pedro es un sitio web de revisión. No vendemos superduro. He visto 5 cajas por $ 50. Vas a tener que mirar a su alrededor para el mejor precio.- Rob
What can happen to a female uses the product called SUPER HARD -Mona
I suspect it would have the same effect as Viagra, which would be increased blood flow to the genital area, headache, stuffy nose, and blue vision. Â And nobody should take it if they have blood pressure or heart issues, or if they take medication for either.- Rob
1 out of 2 people found this question helpful.
Can u guys ship these pills to the United Kingdom? Cheers n tks -Brian is a review website. We don't sell Super Hard. There are several retailers that do. You'll have to see if you can find one that ships to the UK.- Rob
1 out of 3 people found this question helpful.
Sorry for the late reply. Check out a supplement called Hardon Helper. Works way better than Super Hard, and they’re not pumping anything illegal into it. Here’s my review:
Tough for me to make that call. Personally speaking, I don’t even think the supplement works. With that said, I would run it past your doctor to be sure it’s safe for you to take Super Hard male enhancement pills. You might want to check out a supplement called Hardon Helper.
I just finished testing it not too long ago, and it’s by FAR one of the best fast-acting supplements I’ve ever tested (and I’ve tested 100’s). Here’s my review:
I would recommend you check out either a supplement called Vigrx Plus, or a supplement called Hardon Helper. The benefit to Vigrx Plus is that, while you have to take it everyday to get the best results, the effects are enormous. The benefit to Hardon Helper are that you just need to take it on an “as-needed” basis like 1 hour prior to sexual activity.
Either one will give you GREAT results, it’s just a matter of personal preference. Here’s my reviews of each:
Vigrx Plus –
Hardon Helper –
Hope this helps and let me know if you have any questions.
I need something stronger
Check out a supplement called Hardon Helper. It’s by FAR the best fast-acting male enhancer I’ve ever tested, and I’ve tested dozens of these over the years. Here’s my review:
Let me know what kind of benefits you’re looking for, and I’ll recommend something great for you.
Placed order for 51.60 ( 9 boxes). Please contact at 856-369-6493. Thanks is a review website. We don’t have any affiliation with this product, so you’ll have to contact the company you made your purchase from to cancel your order or billing.
It’s been recalled by the FDA for containing undisclosed prescription strength ingredients.