Trylo Flex Review – Should You Try It?

By: Rob Miller
Fact Checked On: 4-5-2018

Home » Pre Workout » Trylo Flex Review – Should You Try It?

If you’re looking for one workout supplement to provide all the benefits you need to support your fat loss and muscle building efforts, you’re not alone. All you have to do is start a quick Google search for workout supplements, and you’ll be hit with an overwhelming number of products, ready to answer the call. But are they really ready? Do they actually provide the benefits they claim?

Not too long ago, I had a reader ask me to check into Trylo Flex. It’s one of these all-around workout supplements, and I have to say it promises all the right stuff. But promises are one thing. Does it deliver?

Trylo Flex Benefits

The Trylo Flex website is very clear when it comes to what Trylo Flex can do for you. And I have to say the list is quite impressive. When you take Trylo Flex in conjunction with an appropriate diet and workout plan, you’ll see results like:

  • Explosive energy.
  • Increased metabolism for better fat burning.
  • Greater strength for better workouts and subsequent results.
  • Improved endurance.
  • Greater flexibility.
  • Removal of toxins from your body.

While an impressive list, it’s not really any different than a whole lot of other brands. So it’s important to look at how Trylo Flex claims to achieve these ends.

Trylo Flex ReviewHow Trylo Flex Works

The mechanism of action that Trylo Flex claims to use is based in solid exercise science and physiology. By boosting your body’s production of key hormones, namely Human Growth Hormone and Testosterone, it stimulates the cell growth and repair necessary to turn your efforts into solid muscle.

Additionally, Trylo Flex boosts your body’s production of nitric oxide. NO is a vasodilator that opens up blood vessels by relaxing blood vessel walls. An increased amount of blood flowing through your body means many things to your muscle building efforts.

  • First of all, blood delivers oxygen and nutrients to your muscles before and during workouts, providing them with the energy they need to get the job done.
  • Secondly, more blood means you get that extreme muscle pump everyone wants.
  • Thirdly, with more nutrient delivered to your muscles, your post workout recovery is accomplished faster, more efficiently, and more completely, so you’re able to get back to work at full capacity quicker, leading to better results in a shorter period of time.

Trylo Flex Ingredients

Trylo Flex says all the right things about how a supplement can help you reach your goals. But much to our disappointment, it says nothing about what ingredients the formula uses to make it happen. This happens more than you would think, but it’s still always disappointing when it does.

Without knowing anything about what makes up the Trylo Flex formula, it’s basically impossible to make an educated assessment about what it can do.

Trylo Flex and Trylo Fire

If you look for Trylo Flex online, you’re likely to also see it associated with another product called Trylo Fire. The two are promoted as a stack. You can use either one individual, but when you use them both together, your results are multiplied. That’s the claim anyway, but again, without the ingredient information, it’s tough to know just what kinds of results you can really expect.

Trylo Flex Free Trial Offer

Trylo Flex is only available online, and only through a “free trial” offer. You can’t just buy a bottle or two. In order to try this stuff, you have to sign up for their free trial. What this means is that you pay a small shipping fee, and they send you a full 30-day bottle of Trylo Flex. From the moment you order, you have 14 days to decide if you’re happy with the product. If not, call and cancel your subscription. Otherwise, you’ll be automatically signed up for their monthly autoshipping program where they send you a new bottle each month for the price of $108.91.

It’s hard to even begin to cover all the things that are wrong with this setup.

  • First of all, they make you think you’re getting your first bottle for free. You’re not. You’re getting it now and paying for it in 14 days. That’s not free; that’s delayed payment.
  • Second of all, your 14 day trial period doesn’t start when you receive your product. It starts when you place your order. So in a perfect world, your order would arrive in about 4 days and you’d have 10 days to try Trylo Flex. Clearly this is not enough time to determine whether or not a workout supplement gives you the results you want.
  • Third of all, $108? Really? For a supplement that won’t even tell you what’s in it? Unless it’s gold plated, it’s probably not worth that price.
  • Lastly, while the actual terms of the offer are spelled out in the “Terms and Conditions,” they do their best to make sure you don’t see them. They’re hidden in the fine print that you have to go out of your way to find. Most people think a company is not allowed to say something is free unless it really is. So they believe what they read and the next things they know they’ve been scammed.

How To Cancel Your Trial

Trylo Flex isn’t the only supplement that uses this phony “free trial” ploy. Far from it. Just like with all the others, if you don’t want to be charged full price either now or month after month, you have to contact Trylo Flex to cancel. If you want to avoid any charges, you have to reach them within 14 days. But if you’ve already missed that deadline and you’re looking to avoid future charges, contact them any time and let them know you want to cancel your subscription.

The contact numbers I found for Trylo Flex are:

1-888-563-0374 in the US and Canada
+61-291912796 in Australia
+44-808-168-3668 in the UK

Their email address is

If you are unable to contact them directly, your next course of action would be to call your credit card company. They may be able to help you get in contact, or they can agree not to accept charges from Trylo Flex.

If all else fails, cancel your credit card and get a new number.

Trylo Flex Reviews

There’s not a lot of real customer feedback out there about Trylo Flex, and what there is mainly talks about the free trial scam, and the nightmare of repeat billing that goes along with it:

One guys says: “Don’t buy this. Called and canceled, and they continued to take money when told no. Have called consumer affairs against this company.”

Another says: “It’s a scam.. Cancel your credit card ASAP.”

A third states: “I like a lotof you got sucked in, ordered the so called free sample, and had money taken out of my account before the sample even arried. I went to my bank and cancelled my card. Not to have been sent an invoice seems poor business practice.”

And this one is the most alarming: “Don’t get sucked in!! Avoid at all costs!! You Get The Initial Order, Then All Of A Sudden Your Credit Card Is Being Slugged For $130 + & It’s Bloody Impossible To Contact These Bastards To Cancel Future Shipments You Cannot Email Them & The Phone Numbers DON”T Work !!
& On Top Of That, After Using Trylo-Flex For About A Month, With My Usual Gym Work Outs, It Has Made NO Difference AT ALL. Stupidest Decision EVER To “Trial” This Scam Of A Product !!!”

Trylo Flex Pros and Cons

Advantages of Trylo Flex

  • Nothing comes to mind.

Disadvantages of Trylo Flex

  • They don’t list their ingredients.
  • They make promises with nothing to back it up.
  • You can only try it by signing up for the free trial offer.
  • According to customer reviews, it’s nearly impossible to cancel once you’ve unknowingly signed up.


If you see the free trial offer for Trylo Flex, run in the other direction. It sounds too good to be true, and it is. We have no idea what’s even in this stuff. The free trial isn’t free. And if you are unfortunate enough to have signed up for their monthly autoship plan, good luck getting out of it. You’ll probably have to change your credit card number in the end.

Have You Used Trylo Flex? Leave Your Review Below!

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Author: Rob Miller

Supplement Critique

Rob Miller founded over 7 years ago, and has been the chief editor ever since. He has a diploma in Advanced Dietary Supplements Advisor, and worked at GNC for 3 years. He KNOWS supplements, both inside and out. Rob currently resides in Jupiter, FL, with his wife of 4 years.  Learn more about him in his Bio here. Follow him on Twitter , Facebook, LinkedIn, or find him on Google +.

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