Accelleral Review
By: Rob Miller
Imagine popping one ‘smart pill’ and suddenly becoming the most productive person at your job.
Within a few weeks of taking the pill you get a promotion…
Then a month later you get another promotion.
Your co-workers start calling you ‘Superman’, and before you know it you’re running the joint.
That’d be nice. Right?
Well, that’s essentially what the product Accelleral promises to do for you.
This ‘Breakthrough Brain Enhancing’ pill is being sold as a fast-acting ‘Adderall replacement’.
Check out this advertisement I recently came across.
But is Accelleral legit?
Or is it just another bogus product being marketed in the scammiest way possible?
I’m gonna share everything you need to know about Accelleral, and blast it for what it is.
So hang tight, we’re gonna have a little fun.
What is Accelleral?
Supposedly it’s a memory enhancer brain-booster that will change your life on a dime if you’ll only give it a try.
According to a breaking ‘news story’ about Accelleral…
Fake marketing behind Accelleral
Just the other day I was served an advertisement that looked a helluva lot like breaking news from a reputable site.
So I did what most people would do, I clicked in to read the news.
And here’s what I saw…
At first glance, it looks harmless enough.
But I’ve been doing this long enough to know better.
This is just the tip of the ‘scam-berg’, if you will.
This is becoming a HUGE problem.
So many good people are being scammed out of their hard-earned money by fake products that don’t work.
AARP is one of many reputable sources now warning their readers of this possibility. (Ironically enough, I’ve been served ads by AARP for similar product scams… but that’s neither here nor there).

But what should you be looking out for?
And how do you know Accelleral is one of these scams?
Well, let’s take a closer look at the Accelleral advertisement and have a look at some common themes you’ll find in fake articles, or ‘Farticles’.
#1 – Notice that fake URL?
Go ahead and type it in your browser, it’ll take you nowhere.
That’s because it’s not a news site at all, it’s simply a landing page that cannot be tracked to an owner.
#2 – Very ‘newsy’ headline in look and tone.Accelleral uses the tried-and-true scam-tactic of name-dropping prominent figures to catch our attention, and a little mystery to keep us reading. What IS Carson’s discovery?!
And damn right I should have access to it!
#3 – A picture of Ben Carson himself.We’ll see this scam-tactic used all throughout the ‘news story’.
#4 – More BS to keep us on the edge of our seats.Ben Carson is a doctor after all, so if he says it’ll be ‘the biggest event in human history’, we should listen up!
#5 – Ben Carson now credits his incredible focus to a specific brain booster. What ever could it be?
By this point, we’re hooked. What is this breakthrough brain booster? What is Ben’s discovery?
And how can I get MY hands on it?
They pull us deeper into the story, dropping even more celeb names (this time Bill O’Reilly) and even include a super-generic video about brain pills that saysnothing about Accelleral.
As we read on we come acrosseven more name dropping, this time accompanied with BOLD claims about the product’s effectiveness.
The ‘news story’ says…
“Everyone that has taken this, from athletes like Tom Brady to actors like Robert De Niro have nothing but praise for the brain booster, which doubles IQ, skyrockets energy levels and connects areas of the brain not previously connected.
Accelleral works so well for these guys, we had to ask… Is it safe?”
Hell no it’s not safe! (But we’ll get to that in a bit).
Sheesh, these claims are so ridiculous that I wonder how anyone falls for it.
I mean, Tom Brady and Robert De Niro?
It’s like they just Googled “famous celebrities and sports stars” and pulled from the top of the list.
So little effort. Tisk, tisk.
BUT… people are falling for it.
Because it’s human nature to strive to be smarter, more focused, more energized, and better all around.
In other words, we want everything that Accelleral is selling.
We want it to be true.
Moving right along…
At this point, I’m sure you’re wondering who’s the brainchild (or brainchildren) behind this miracle pill?
Well Harvard Scientists of course!
They go on to add a few fake testimonials for fake social proof. Works every time.
Then, why not add an image of a couple more celebrities for good measure?
I’m gonna go out on a limb and say this pill does NOT work for an ordinary person like me.
Also, thanks Accelleral for doing me a solid and updating the story on July 14… AKA the VERY DAY I’m reading it!
Seriously, check it out… some may call it a coincidence.
I call it a scam-wincidence.
Oh, and btw, Denzel Washington endorses the product too.
Go figure.
Also, they claim “CNN broke the news first and uncovered that Accelleral raises levels of focus and performance every day by 300%.”
Well, I took the liberty to do a quick search for “CNN + Accelleral.”
And guess what? I got NO results.
Zip, zero, zilch, nothing!
OK, well I did get something… I got this Forbes article all about how fake news articles are using billionaires to market their products.
Talk about Irony! (Forbes has served me similar ads in the past, too).

The ad goes on to show a photo of Stephen Hawking, who supposedly has “admitted to using Accelleral to triple his memory.”
What’s that I smell?
Is that some more Accelleral bullshit?
As we scroll down toward the bottom of the ad, fake Bill O’Reilly shares his fake experience taking Accelleral.
He gives us a play-by-play of his 14-day experience with the product, which is 100% glowing of course.
And sums it up by saying…
Riiiiiight. Thanks Billy.
I mean, seriously, who do they think they are fooling?
I am sure some people fell for it and believed Bill O’Reilly actually endorsed the product, but using a little deductive reasoning should tell you that he probably has bigger fish to fry and wouldn’t put his name on something like that.
Now the moment of truth.
They try to sell us on a ‘Risk Free Trial’ of the fake brain-booster supplement… Will we bite?
Didn’t think so.
Related Article: How To Cancel A Supplement Free Trial (and get a refund)
Accelleral Reviews
You can search to your heart’s content looking for real user reviews for Accelleral, but you won’t find a damn thing.
However, in the fake news story, they really lay it on heavy with the ‘social proof’.
That’s right, at the very bottom of the ‘news story’ you’ll find a whole thread of Facebook comments praising the supplement. #bogustestimonials #faketestes
Yup, just like everything else in the advertisement, THESE ARE NOT REAL! Seriously, try to leave a comment of your own and you’ll see it doesn’t work. Scam-tastic!
Accelleral FAQ’s
Who makes Accelleral?
That’s the million-dollar question.
Or one of them at least.
Probably some shady, off-shore factory.
I did a search for the makers of the product, and I came up bone dry.
But after scrolling down the page some, I found a company called ‘Excelerol.’
Notice the difference in spelling…

Now I doubt this is the same company/product as Accelleral, but you never know.
It is a “brain health supplement” after all.
At least Excelerol has a legitimate website.
What are the ingredients in Accelleral?
Let’s be real…
It’s a mystery cocktail of who-the-heck-knows?!
If they go this far to scam people into buying the product, who’s to say the formula is legit.
I can almost guarantee it’s not.
In the advertisement, the only mention of ingredients is this…
“Natural vitamins and minerals.” Gee, thanks.
Accelleral side effects
The side effects of Accelleral include everything up to and including:
- You flushing your hard-earned money down the toilet
- So just don’t do it
- Seriously

If you DO buy the stuff, the best case scenario you can hope for is that you a.)actually get a bottle in the mail, and b.)don’t die.
Well OK, in all fairness, while the product might not be harmful (I honestly can’t say either way), I’m almost certain it won’t increase your memory or focus by 300% as it claims to.
I think by now you know where I stand on this product.
Accelleral is definitely a no-go and not worth it.
Unfortunately, good people are getting scammed left and right by fake news stories selling fake products like this one.
So I hope I was able to shed some light on what to look out for, and how not to get duped.
If for some reason you do happen to get scammed, AARP educates us on how to possibly recoup our losses.
They say…

Anyhow, best of luck out there in the wild west of the interwebs, and happy hunting for a brain booster supplement that actually works.
There are so many good brain boosters out there that don’t rely on robbing you blind and not thinking twice about it.
Have you tried Accelleral?
If so, write your review in the comments below!
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User Reviews
Have you used this supplement?
Stephanie mckown's Review
I was one of the idiots that fell for this scam. Until now I didn't think it was even though the product didn't do anything for me. I received my free bottle thinking that if I liked it I could contact them to set up an auto-ship or something. I made sure I read all the fine print because I don't like getting roped into those auto shipments before trying the product. I got another bottle in my mail today. I tried calling the 2 numbers given on the shipment paper and no answer at either number. I called my bank and told them this was an unauthorized purchase, so they shut my card down. Never again I guess. I'm all about supplements and feeling better naturally so this was a lesson learned.
47 out of 49 people found this review helpful.
Mary kuffner's Review
My husband took this product for four days and he lost his coordination. He could not remember simple things and he wanted to sleep all the time. It took four days for him to get back to normal. If you take any other medications do not take this!
31 out of 33 people found this review helpful.
Pos Drug Test from "supplement" Accelleral
In Short: I would NOT recommend this to a friend.
I fell for this scam last year. I had to cancel my bank card and couldn\'t get a refund like others which really pisses me off!
Sadly my experience with this supplement almost cost me something that\'s priceless!
I was pregnant when I received these so waited to start taking them till here recently. I\'ve been on prescription medication (the same two prescriptions) for multiple years now.
Recently I came up positive on a drug test and it was for a substance that I know I definitely had not taken. After they sent it to the lab still came back positive which blew my mind because I couldn\'t figure out how or why I failed a drug test!
Then another test failed!
2 days ago someone who performs drug test daily took one of the pills out of the bottle that I had left and they let it dissolve in water.
Then poured it into the cup and the pill came positive for amphetamines, methamphetamines, and buprenorphine (which is generic for Subutex) to my surprise along with hers, and the other two ladies that were there!
This is a very dangerous product, and there’s no way to actually know what’s in it unless you actually have it tested.
Yes, losing money sucks.
But imagine if it was your job or your children?!
Please do not take Accellerall or any other \"supplement\" if it’s not FDA approved and produced by a real and reputable company!
14 out of 15 people found this review helpful.
It’s a Fraud
This stuff is total BS, and yes, I fell for it. Even if you request they stop shipment, they continue to bill you. I canceled my card to finally stop the billing. When I was a kid, it was the Sputnik that caused everything wrong with mankind.
Now it’s bullshit and fake news which needs investigating versus the again bullshit Russian meddling. We have bigger problems in this country, and crap like this needs to be stopped and prosecuted.
14 out of 17 people found this review helpful.
Allergic reaction to this product
In Short: I would NOT recommend this to a friend.
I was given 3 bottles of accelerall, by a friend. The first bottle told me to take 2 capsules a day, which I did, and to be fair, it did seem to help (not eliminate, but lessen) my ADHD symptoms. Took it for a month, and opened the next bottle, which has larger capsules and says to take 1 per day. I do, and don't notice a difference, but on the 3rd day, about 15 minutes after taking it (every morning I took it with a multivitamin and FloNase) I started getting a burning itch in my forearms. My skin turned bright red in the affected areas, felt hot, itchy and swollen, and was then it showed up on my knees as well. Took a Benadryl, waited 20 minutes and took another, then in half an hour, everything was back to normal. The next 4 days, no problem, then yesterday I got the reaction again. I suspected it might be the Accelerall, so today, I took it by itself, and less than 10 minutes later, the reaction happened again. It's not going away as quickly, and today it was on my face and ears, in addition to my arms and knees, so it seems to get worse, so I won't be taking the supplement again. I don't know what ingredient(s) I'm allergic to, but the reaction is uncomfortable and a little scary, and one Benadryl doesn't seem to do the trick, it takes 2, so I hope this can help someone.
I have recently tested positive for substances I don’t take nor am I prescribed. We finally tested one pill and it came back positive for amp., meth, & bupronorphine!!!
This product almost ruined my life!! DO NOT TAKE THIS “SUPPLEMENT”!!!
We will see if that is true. I haven’t noticed any difference I have taken it a total of 5 days no with nothing to show for it.
I would not buy this product as it dose not do anything remotely close to what it says. Funny is I got a 89.00 charge from the company and when i called they offered it to me for 22.00 to continue the shipments.
Which I kindly declined. DO NOT BUY THIS PRODUCT……NOT WORTH IT…….
Beyond the ridiculous alleged celebrity endorsements, I couldn’t find an ingredient list — which I thought was mandatory for supplements due to how some ingredients may cause harm when taken with prescription medications. Nope, no info.
The terms and conditions link showed a very harsh, unapologetic cancellation policy.
Don’t ever sign up for a “trial” that automatically starts shipping the product — ever! Seriously evil people selling this snake oil.
Same goes for the claims of Ben carson who is also in desperate need of some brain boosting powers.
Just didn’t gel. Sooooooo I come up with your artificial.
I took the time to read it all the way through. So happy that I did.
I’ve ordered some products like creams that have been OK but I knew that they would not be as great as they claimed to be. If it’s going to be a winner it’s going to be on the open market where more can be sold.
At least that’s what I think but I do thank you for all the information you give. Hope if I see something else I can get your opinion on it.
I would like to know about Procera if you have an opinion on that.
Check out our full Procera review. Here’s a link:
aka Premium Fitness Power. I didnt want the product so I called all of the phone numbers I could find on-line on the bottle.
But there’s a website you can e-mail to. I email them included my order number, name address etc.. I got a response with in an hour!This was the e-mail I received. This is the e-mail
any open subscriptions on your account have been cancelled. Nothing further will ship or be charged to your card. We cannot refund the $4.95 since this has already been shipped out. If you like the product simply call the 800 number to place a new order. We often offer special pricing so be sure to ask the agent about any discounts. Sometime you need to go back to the website where you did your first order. Good Luck!!
Contact your credit card company and let them know you don’t want to accept any further charges from this company. If you can reach Accelleral, tell them your next call is your State Attorney General, then the Better Business Bureau.
It’s no guarantee, but they may change their minds.
He said this happens a lot. He closed my card down and re-issued another.
He said he was pretty sure I could get my money back. I too had a charge of $89.95 (don’t have a clue what that was for)!! and two charges for $24.99 (one of which was credited back to me).
If this happens to you, you have to act quickly. The bank can probably get your money back but it may take a week or two.
It has to go through a legal process (you’re not a part of). I sat on the phone for the last two days (one hour the first day, then 45 minutes the next day), trying to talk to a nyone (a human).
All I got was a stupid piano tune I couldn’t stand. It was painfully clear they will never answer the phone… you really can’t cancel the order, much less prevent more to come (with more charges).
Unless you shut down your “bank card” this may never end!! I did receive the product anyway, and two others I did not order (but was billed). I wanted to talk to them and offer to send everything back if they would send me a prepaid shipping label—–all I got was that same piano tune!! I took the “brain product” for almost a week now.
I really do not feel one bit smarter. YES—this is a scam!! A BIG SCAM!