Bluechew Review

By: Rob Miller
5 User Reviews
Fact Checked On: 3-15-2021

You chew, I chew, we all chew with Bluechew.

OK — every now and then a product hits the market and disrupts the status-quo. Shakes things up a bit. . . in a good way. Changes the game.

Bluechew just might be that service. And for those of you who suffer from ED, this could be the answer.

There just may be a good reason as to why it has garnered so much attention and praise, and it’s not just because of the catchy title.

But first, let’s dig into this erectile dysfunction chewable and see what it’s all about. After all, Bluechew has quite the marketing game, but just because a brand has curb-appeal doesn’t mean the product is legit.

Update! 3-15-2021

If you’re looking for a REAL solution to your ED issues, check out a pill called ForHims.

forhims ed review

It’s an effective erectile dysfunction tablet that is by FAR the best ED remedy on the market.

Click Here to read my full review.

What Do You Want To Know About Bluechew?

What is Bluechew?
Is Bluechew Legal?
Does Bluechew Really Work?
Where Can I Buy Bluechew?
How Do I Cancel Bluechew?
I Want To Know Something Else

As you might know, I’ve tried nearly 100 different male sex enhancement products over the years. So I know a thing or two about what works for erectile dysfunction and what doesn’t, and what to straight-up stay away from.

So in this Bluechew review, we’ll get to the bottom of this little blue chewy that promises to put the “life” back in your “sex life.” Is it a good alternative to Viagra or Cialis? Or is it all hype?

What is Bluechew?

Boom! You land on the Bluechew website and you’re welcomed with music to your ears. No waiting rooms? Yes please. No expensive doctor visits? Sounds good. Prescription treatments sent to your door, discreetly? Sign me up! Well. . . let’s hold off on that for now.

Welcome to Bluechew
Welcome to Bluechew. Image cred:

Bluechew is fundamentally different than most other erectile dysfunction products because it attempts to meet you where you’re at. What I mean is that they offer a “customized” treatment plan based on your individual needs.

It’s not just some pill in crappy packaging that you can buy at the local gas station.

And even on their site, you can’t just go to a “Products” page and click ‘buy now.’ You first have to go through a pretty thorough consultation.

This is not only a welcome change in the world of erectile dysfunction supplements, but it is a more than welcome and personal addition to buying products online.

About the Company

You can find Bluechew on the company’s official website, In fact, I think that’s the only place you can get the product. And when you land on their site, you can’t help but be impressed.

Bluechew(rightly) believes the healthcare system is “broken” and needs to be “re-imagined” to put the focus back on the patient.

So Bluechew created a service which puts “patients” on a prescription treatment that is right for them.

It’s really pretty ingenious.

From what I gather, BlueChews’ mission is to “help people get access to convenient, affordable, chewable tablets for more confidence in bed.”

OK — you might be saying to yourself “good for this company for creating a gold-mine of a product/service. . . but does it work?!”

To answer this, we have to understand Bluechew for what it is.

What are the Ingredients in Bluechew?

Bluechews ingredients are simple, yet powerful. They contain the same active ingredients found in Viagra and Cialis. These are Sildenafil and Tadalafil respectively.

If you go with the Sildenafil (Viagra ingredient), then you’ll get 30 mg or 45 mg chewables. And if you choose Tadalafil (Cialis ingredient), you’ll get 6 mg or 9 mg chewables.

Sildenafil vs. Tadalafil. . . what’s the difference?!

Great question. And the Bluechew website does a pretty darn good job of explaining this.

bluechew website

The main difference is how long each will last. For instance, Sildenafil should improve your erection and last for about 4-6 hours, whereas Tadalafil can last in the 24-36 hour range.

The folks at Bluechew have a helpful guide on this called. . .

“The 4 things you should know when making your decision.”

Which includes:

  • Consider your plans – Don’t take either if you plan on a night of dinner and drinks, as both ingredients require an empty stomach to get optimal results.
  • Timing is everything – As mentioned, each ingredient offers a different window of opportunity, if you will. If you’re not exactly sure when you’ll get intimate, Tadalafil is your best bet, as the window of opportunity is wide open (up to 36 hours!). With Sildenafil, you only get a handful of hours, so make them count.
  • Daily dosing or on demand – Similar to the last point, Sildenafil is on-demand, while Tadalafil is daily dosing. Which do you prefer?
  • Cost is always a factor – The higher the dosage, the higher the price.

Also, you might consider the results of one study, where it was found that the “sexual-desire domain” showed no significant difference in men who took Sildenafil, but the difference was found to be “highly significant” in men who took Tadalafil. Source

Is Bluechew Legal?

The short answer, yes.

The long answer, it depends.

Ok, So What “Depends”?

Well, for starters, it depends on where you live.

Bluechew is NOT available in the following states:

  • Alabama, Idaho, North Dakota, Minnesota, South Carolina, Puerto Rico, Canada or Internationally.

If you’re in any of those states, unfortunately you’re shit out of luck.

If you live in one of these states, check out a supplement called Hardon Helper.

It’s by FAR the best fast-acting herbal equivalent to Viagra, and is legal in ALL 50 states.

Click Here to read my review of that one.

The second “depends” is if you have certain specific medical conditions or are taking specific medications, they cannot LEGALLY sell Bluechew to you.

Those caveats include:

  • If you’re taking certain medications (like Nitrates, Ritonavir, etc.)
  • Cases where ED isn’t present
  • Cases of recreational drug or excessive alcohol use
  • If you’re not healthy enough for sexual activity
  • Specific allergies

It will all depend on how you answer their questionnaire, and if the doctor who is prescribing it has any concerns.

If he / she does, you will likely NOT be prescribed Bluechew.

Bluechew User Reviews

There’s really no way of getting completely unbiased user reviews at this point in time, as the product hasn’t hit the shelves of third-party sites like Amazon or And don’t expect it to. The nature of the custom, prescription-based service doesn’t lend well to being sold on these sites.

With that said, here are some of the reviews from the Bluechew website. Take ’em for what they’re worth.

blue chew reviews
Image cred:

And while I didn’t come across any legit video reviews of Bluechew, I did find a video that includes the thoughts of “real” Bluechew users. Again, take it with a grain of salt. They may or may not be entirely legitimate. . . (The video has been removed from YouTube)

Naturally, the men only have glowing things to say about Bluechew, including:

  • I’ve tried Cialis, I’ve tried Viagra, Bluechew works the best and it’s a fraction of the cost
  • Bluechew definitely gets the job done
  • It allowed me to have more sexual freedom because it kicked in and worked faster
  • Everything about Bluechew is fast, except how long you’ll spend in bed
  • It’s the future of manhood
  • etc.

My Personal Results

So I finally got a chance to try BlueChew out, and as expected the results were awesome!

The makers of Bluechew were kind enough to send me a sample supply of 5 Sildenafil 5 mg chewable tablets, free of charge.

5 pills of blue chew

I’m not ridiculously embarrassed if my mail man sees a package of sexual enhancers being sent to my door.

I get sent products like this all the time, so it’s nothing new.

With that said, it’s worth noting that it was delivered in a discreetly marked envelope that said “Custom Medical Group” on the return address.

blue chew is shipped discreetly
Bluechew is shipped discreetly

Now, 30 mg is the lowest dose that you can get with Bluechew (or Viagra in general).

viagra dose chart

Most men are typically prescribed about 50 mg to start, and your doctor will make adjustments from there.

I don’t really suffer from ED, so 25 mg is MORE than enough to get the job done.

The first thing I noticed was the chewable blue pill itself is actually a little big, but still less than the size of a dime.

blue chew pill size compared to a dime

Not a huge deal, and you can actually cut them in half if you prefer to take a lower dose.

Now, I’ve taken Viagra in the past, and typically it takes about 30 minutes to fully kick in.

This was not the case with Bluechew…

I started chewing the tablets and it was like a fire hose of blood rushing to my d$%k within 5 min.

I attribute this to the fact that the medicine was absorbed into the blood stream very quickly via sublingual use.

When you take a drug, your body breaks it down through a process called ADME (absorption, distribution, metabolism, and excretion).

The Result?

It works!  I mean, if you’ve every taken Viagra before, you know its the s#$t!

The only side effect I can report is a bit of facial flushing.

This seems to happen to about 18% of guys that use Viagra, so my guess is those statistics will remain true with BlueChew as well.

Is it worth it?  Hell yeah!

Where to buy Bluechew?

Currently, Bluechew is only available on the official Bluechew website,

Bluechew is only allowed to be sold in certain states at this early stage in their company’s history. I believe they currently have the green-light to sell to customers in a total of 39 states.

If you don’t live in one of the lucky states, maybe instead of saying so, they just ask you to opt-into their email list so they can reach out when they’re finally allowed to sell in your state. But that’s just one theory.

Here’s how it works…

At the top of the Home page, you’ll click on “Get Started.” There you’ll set up a profile, where you’ll be asked to answer several questions. Questions like:

Bluechew profile setup for a custom treatment plan
Bluechew profile setup for a custom treatment plan. Image cred:

They will ask for your Treatment History as well, which will include questions like:

  • Are you currently taking any medication for ED?
  • Do you have any allergies?
  • Are you able to walk 1 mile on a flat surface in 20 min.?
  • Do you have any other medical conditions or surgeries?
  • Is there anything else you’d like to tell the doctor?
  • etc.

Did you catch that? “Is there anything else you’d like to tell the doctor?” Yeah, they really try to give off that professional vibe. It’s like you’re in a virtual doctor’s office and in the care of a medical expert. Pretty cool.

At this point you’re asked to ‘Create Your Account’ by submitting your email and creating a password.

What are the Bluechew Plans?

Once you fill out your profile and create an account, you can have a look at the Bluechew plans and find the right one for your needs.

Blue chew plans
Bluechew plans. Image cred:

If you choose the Sildenafil formula (which we’ll get to), you have a few different options to choose from depending on how sexually active you are. content/uploads/2018/06/bluechew sildenafil plans on their
Bluechew Sildenafil plans on their website. Image: BlueChew website

Same goes for Tadalafil, only you’ll notice that the quantity of chewables are fewer across the board. Again, we’ll cover why this is in the Sildenafil vs. Tadalafil section below. content/uploads/2018/06/bluechew tadalafil plans on their
Bluechew Tadalafil plans on their website. Image: BlueChew website

Related Article: Male Enhancement Pills Sold In Stores (OTC)

How much does Bluechew cost?

You’ll recall that the prices start at $20 per month, which requires you to get on a recurring monthly plan. Once signed up, you’ll receive your product each and every month without having to think about it, but they’ll also debit your bank account without you having to think about it. No worries, you can cancel at any time, as there are no contracts.

    • Active plan: $20 per month for the smaller dosage, or 30$ per month for the higher dosage.
    • Busy plan: $30 per month for the smaller dosage, or 45$ per month for the higher dosage. 
    • Popular plan: $50 per month for the smaller dosage, or 65$ for the higher dosage.
    • Pro plan: $90 per month for the smaller dosage, or 120$ for the higher dosage.

Does Bluechew offer a guarantee?

They don’t accept returns, but they will give you your money back (within 30 days) if you’re unsatisfied with the results.

bluechew website
Image cred:

How Do I Cancel BlueChew?

If you’re thinking about cancelling your trial / auto-shipment of Bluechew, they actually make it easier than you think.

Simply login to your account at Bluechew, and you’ll automatically be redirected to your account.

Right below your plan details you’ll see a button that says “Put on hold”.

cancel blue chew

Once you click that your account will be deactivated and you will not be charged anything moving forward.

You can also change your plan so that you’re receiving more (or LESS) product on a monthly basis.

how to change your blue chew plan

Lastly, you can also choose to change your plan to a more frequent (or LESS frequent) order schedule.

change blue chew order frequency


How do I take Bluechew?

The Bluechew website doesn’t really give any information on this. I imagine it’s given during a ‘virtual’ consultation from your ‘virtual’ doctor before you receive the product.

But from what I’ve gathered, you’ll take one chew on an empty stomach.

how to take blue chew

And remember, Sildenafil is all about on-demand, while Tadalafil is daily-dosing.

Here’s what I found on how to take Sildenafil. . .


As for how to take Tadalafil. . .

bluechew website

How long does Bluechew take to start working?

Both versions of Bluechew are fast-acting and should only take about 30 minutes to start working.

Are there any side effects?

Bluechew adds the possible side effects to the FAQ, in the General medical question section.

The main ingredients are highly studied, so you don’t have to look too far to learn about any potential effects.

According to WebMD, Sildenafil users may experience a range of side effects. These might include:

“Dizziness, headache, flushing, or stomach upset may occur. Vision changes such as increased sensitivity to light, blurred vision, or trouble telling blue and green colors apart may also occur. If any of these effects persist or worsen, tell your doctor or pharmacist promptly.” Source

If you go with the Tadalafil version, the folks at write:

“Commonly reported side effects of tadalafil include: back pain, dyspepsia, headache, limb pain, myalgia, nausea, and flushing. Other side effects include: upper respiratory tract infection, cough, and nasal congestion. See below for a comprehensive list of adverse effects.” Source

Can I take it with a medical condition?

It depends on which version you’re taking. According to MedlinePlus, if you have certain health conditions or are taking certain meds, it shouldn’t be a problem, but your doctor may advise you to take it less frequently. Source

Also, WebMD argues that if you’ve got high blood pressure or prostate problems, you shouldn’t be taking either of the ingredients found in Bluechew.

In fact, don’t take Sildenafil or Tadalafil if you “take nitrate drugs (for chest pain), had a heart attack or stroke in the past six months, have kidney or liver disease, or have retinitis pigmentosa (an eye disease).” Source

They even list this right on the packaging.

do not take blue chew if you take nitrates

If you want to be sure either way, I always recommend seeking expert medical advice.

Can I take it with Alcohol?

Ever heard of “whiskey-dick?” (Excuse my French).

Well, it’s what can happen when you drink alcohol while trying to get it on. And if you really get smashed, you might as well kiss your erection goodbye (metaphorically speaking, of course).

bluechew website

However, if you insist, it shouldn’t be a health problem if you decide to drink a little while using the Sildenafil version from Bluechew. Source

Not so with the Tadalafil version. . .

In fact, claims, “Tadalafil can lower blood pressure, and combining it with alcohol may further increase this effect. You may be more likely to experience symptoms such as dizziness, lightheadedness, fainting, flushing, headache, and heart palpitations. You should avoid or limit the use of alcohol while being treated with tadalafil, and use caution when getting up from a sitting or lying position.” Source

Again, if you’re really concerned, I recommend seeking expert medical advice.

In the meantime, have a look at these male enhancement pills that work immediately and you can take with alcohol.

Will I get bigger by taking it?

Sure do buckaroo! Well, sorta. The active ingredients in Bluechew help to increase blood flow to the penis. With increased blood flow, the penis swells in size (mostly girth) and appears larger. Now, don’t go expecting Ron Jeremy-esque results, but yes, you might notice your penis getting bigger.


I’m really impressed with what Bluechew brings to the table. Although it contains the same active ingredients as Viagra and Cialis, it doesn’t require a potentially embarrassing doctors visit.

There are several other companies that have dove head-first into this market, including Get Roman and ForHims.

Could it be the future of healthcare? Perhaps so. Or perhaps it’s still too early to tell.

bluechew website
Is bluechew the future of healthcare?Image:

I also really like the branding and marketing, and the overall intention that went into Bluechew. They really make it seem like a premium product, which is what we all want at the end of the day. Also, the things are chewable, and who wouldn’t rather chew than swallow?

That might have sounded weird. 

In any event, I finally got a chance to test it out and can say conclusively that it works!

In many ways, it even works better than just taking a traditional Viagra pill.

The simple fact of chewing it makes it kick in that much quicker, which has it upsides and downsides.

I’m giving it a 4.5 out of 5 stars.

The only thing stopping me from giving it a 5 star review is the fact that you have to sign up for a monthly auto-shipment.

It would be nice if they gave the option to just have a one-time only shipment, but it’s still cheap enough to justify paying for it monthly.

Have you used Bluechew? Leave Your Review Below!

Other References

Top 3 Viagra AlternativesAffiliate Disclosure

#1 – Vigrx Plus

#1 - Vigrx Plus

Vigrx Plus takes longer to kick in, but once it does the effects are ENORMOUS. Vigrx Plus has been my go-to supplement since 2012.

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#2 – Erectin

#2 - Erectin

Erectin is a clinically-tested formula that helps increase erections, stamina, and overall libido.

Click Here To Learn More »

#3 – Viasil

#3 - Viasil

Viasil is a powerful supplement that can improve sexual performance like you never imagined.

Click Here To Learn More »

Ask A Question

User Questions and Answers

Does Bluechew really work? Give it to me straight please. -Mike

Simple (and honest) answer is yes, it really does work.  Sildenafil (the active ingredient in Blue Chew gum) have been clinically proven to help men with erectile dysfunction.- Rob

Was this question helpful to you?
18 out of 23 people found this question helpful.

Is Bluechew legit? -George S.

Yes it is.  They use a proven ingredient to help with ED, and they are a reputable company located in the US.- Rob

Was this question helpful to you?
11 out of 15 people found this question helpful.

Author: Rob Miller

Supplement Critique

Rob Miller founded over 7 years ago, and has been the chief editor ever since. He has a diploma in Advanced Dietary Supplements Advisor, and worked at GNC for 3 years. He KNOWS supplements, both inside and out. Rob currently resides in Jupiter, FL, with his wife of 4 years.  Learn more about him in his Bio here. Follow him on Twitter , Facebook, LinkedIn, or find him on Google +.

48 comments on “Bluechew Review”

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  1. I found my dads blue chew and tried one. Even though im only 26 and don’t have ED problems.

    It was the tadalafil one with in about 40 min my dick got the hardest its ever been. I came like 5 times in a row and it just stayed hard for hours. I woke up in the middle of the night and still had a boner.

    In the morning I woke up with crazy morning wood too. Solid boners for over 24 hours.

    This stuff is amazing.
  2. Hi Mr. Miller. Like Mr. Johnson, I too am 58.

    I’ve never used a prescription medication to aid my ED. Tried many of the over the counter and mail order stuff, with no success worth mentioning.

    I’ll get to the point.

    Is it possible to get a sampler of each of the different Blue Chews, the Sid’s and the Tad’s, for testing purposes? I do not want to subscribe to something without the confidence that it will do what it is supposed to do.

    1. Hey Ron,
      Unfortunately as far as I’m aware they don’t offer anything like that at this point. It’s a really good idea, though!

      It’s amazing how some guys just respond completely differently to various types of ED meds.
    2. I agree I’d like to try the product first before I’m stuck to a monthly subscription
      1. You can cancel at any time. Log in, click on “my account”, click on “put on hold”.

        Meantime, read for comprehension.
  3. Can I open the capsule on a hard on helper pill and put it under my tongue or mix it with water for faster results?
  4. I see that bluechew has basically two dosages 5 and 25,,does bluechew offer any higher dosages if one is not achieving results
    1. Hey Michael,
      As far as I’m aware, the highest Blue Chew dose is 25 mg. I have split a pill in half and taken 1 1/2 pills, but I would only do that if you’ve taken it several times in the past and know how your body responds.

        1. Hey Joel,
          That’s really a question best reserved for your dr. If he / she clears you for Viagra, you should be good to go.

    1. Hey Roberto,
      I would try the Blue Chew on its own first and see how you respond. You likely won’t even need the Tribulus and Longjack, but I don’t see any reason why there would be a conflict.

  5. Hi Rob,

    Anything to suggest this can/will delay ejaculation a bit longer?

    Also, if not, any reason to believe one can be “ready” again soon after first ejaculation?

    Issue isn’t getting an erection. It’s avoiding early ejaculation.

    Thanks in advance,


    1. Hey Alphonso,
      Generally speaking, it seemed to kick in after about 20 min. for me. I only needed 1 pill, but there’s been a few guys that have said they’ve needed 2 or so to get the same effect.

  6. I’m 26, and after taking my first pill I didn’t feel anything. I don’t suffer from ED, and my time of ejaculation was still the same.

    Any suggestions as to what it could be? I’m a young active male.

    1. Hey Quarius,
      Sorry for the late reply. It shouldn’t really have any effect on ejaculation time, but more for getting you erect.

      Did you try it on an empty or full stomach?
  7. How does blue chew effect your ability to ejaculate? Meaning with you have a constant erection for 3-5 hours but not be able to ejaculate? Probably my biggest concern about trying.

    Thank you – Mike
    1. Hey Mike,
      Sorry for the late reply. I never really noticed it’s effects on ejaculations, only that it seems to make them more powerful.

      I suspect that there’s no effect on ejaculations, but maybe someone else who has used Blue Chew can chime in here.
  8. So Tadalafil generic JUST got approved for manufacture, by one company that has 6 month sole distribution before anyone else can produce. I don’t believe it’s even available yet.

    This leads me to think Blue Chew’s product can’t be coming from the US. Thoughts?

    1. Hey Dan,
      Good question, and sorry for the late reply. I actually asked them directly and here was their reply:

      “We purchase from bulk suppliers who do quality assurance on the raw ingredients and then ship to us.

      The manufacturing plants are all over the world and I know sometimes the raw ingredients come from cGMP certified plants in India, but I am not sure if all the Sildenafil comes from India."

      So, in short there’s a good chance it’s coming from India. With that said, it sounds like they adhere the same cGMP standards that we do here in the US.

      I can tell you from my own personal experience that I’ve taken Viagra that was 100% made here in the US, and the Blue Chew provides nearly the same effects.
      1. Thanks Rob. I appreciate the info.

        I’m a relatively young guy who after an unfortunate accident have been left with difficulty achieving and maintaining. My girl is both incredibly beautiful and a borderline nymphomaniac, which WAS fantastic.

        I’ve used prescribed sildenafil which has worked out on occasion, but it’s really affected the spontaneity of our sex life.

        It’s not very romantic to have such a specific window of effectiveness, and if I’ve eaten recently or drank a moderate amount of alcohol, it really lessons the effects of the medication. Even in perfect circumstances it’s efficacy drops off rather quickly.
        I’m hoping the longer acting tadalafil will have a better outcome, but the cost of name brand is not realistic.
        Can you elaborate on the what you mean by “nearly” the same effect?

        What was the differences you experienced between a household prescription of viagra and the blue chew version?
        1. Personally speaking, I think the real deal Viagra works better than Blue Chew ( I mean, name brand Viagra from Pfizer is tough to beat. The biggest issue is obviously the price. Here in Florida, it costs me something like $70 per tablet, which is an outrageous price if you ask me.

          I’m not sure if it’s because you chew it or what, but the Blue Chew seems to kick in faster than regular Viagra. With that said, it also seems to wear off faster as well. I have taken 2 pills within 4 hours, and it seems to help dramatically in that regard.

          I haven’t tested their Tadalafil yet, but I’m gonna see if I can switch over my monthly subscription to that for like a month or 2 (if they allow it). Based on my personal experience and your specific issues, I think you would be better off with Tadalafil.
    1. Hey Don,
      Blue Chew is specifically made to help those with erectile dysfunction issues. I would check with your doctor to be sure, but I don’t think Diabetics would have any issues with their medication. Here’s their site:
  9. Why do you refer to it as gum when it’s just a chewable tablet? I received these in the mail and there is nothing gum– like about them

    1. Hey Bill,
      Good catch. When I originally wrote the review, for some reason I was under the assumption it was a gum.

      It wasn’t until after I received it and tried it that I realized it wasn’t a gum at all. Will get the review changed up to reflect that, thanks for the reminder!

      1. I run a blog. A blog needs traffic to survive.

        I get traffic from writing reviews of products, even if I haven’t tested them. I write my initial review which examines what people are saying about it, how their business model works, how much the product costs, how it compares to similar products, etc.

        If enough people are interested in the product, I or one of our site visitors tests out the product.

        I make it crystal clear if I’m affiliated with the product front and center at the top of the review, here’s a snapshot of it in case you missed it.

        blue chew af


        I was NOT paid by Blue Chew (or anyone else for that matter) to post this review. I tried the product, it worked, I approached them about potentially selling their product to interested site visitors, and the rest is history.

        Let me know if any of this needs clarifying.
        1. Hi Rob, thanks for clarifying that. Do you have anymore insight on it these generics are safe to consume?

          I’ve heard horror stories of other generics being laced with dangerous fillers. You mentioned you don’t believe these were manufactured overseas due to the quick delivery time, but it’s possible they could still be doing that over here as well since these haven’t been approved by the FDA yet.

          If you have anymore info on this I’d appreciate it, thanks!
          1. No problem, man. You’re not the first to point any of that out haha.

            I try to be as transparent about things as I possibly can, but there’s just so much going on throughout my reviews that things can be easily missed!
            I’m actually gonna ask them directly where these are actually made.

            I’ll update you guys here shortly.
  10. Hi
    My doctor prescribed the following Sildenafil Citrate
    50 MG Tabs but the cost to me with insurance was just too much.
    I see that the site uses Sildenafil…is this the same thing as the citrate version and or whats the difference.

    1. Hey Ron,
      Sildenafil is basically just a shortened version of Sildenafil Citrate. Chemically they are almost identical, and will produce almost exactly the same outcome (ie improved erections). (Source)

      The reason the Sildenafil Citrate prescribed by your doctor was so expensive is because I think the only company that can sell that exact brand is Pfizer, the pharma company that owned the patent. Brand name medications are almost always more expensive than generics, hence the vast price difference.
    1. Hey Allante,
      Nah you’re supposed to consume the whole thing. I generally chew it for about 5 – 10 minutes, then down the hatch it goes.

        1. Sorry for the late reply Trey, your comment slipped through the cracks somehow. Blue Chew ( has sort of a fruity / chemically type flavor, with a chalky aftertaste. It doesn’t taste bad in my opinion, but it doesn’t taste like Skittles either 🙂

          Hope this helps and let me know if you have any questions.
    1. Hey Floyd,
      Not available in stores.  Not sure if you read the review, but the whole point of Blue Chew is that you don’t have to go through the motions of visiting your doctor, getting diagnosed with ED, getting a prescription, etc. It’s all done from the comfort of your own home, which is great in my opinion.
  11. Where are the blue chews made? Name of company that produces these?

    Are they a generic version of Viagra and Cialis? Have they been approved by the FDA?

    1. Hey Raf,
      Good questions.  I’m not sure exactly where they’re made or the name of the company that produces them.
      With that said, my suspicion is that it’s made in the US by a US manufacturer.

      Why do I say this?  Because it arrived at my doorstep in a couple of days after filling out their questionnaire.
      I’ve ordered Viagra / Sildenafil from overseas dealers in the past, and generally speaking it takes a REALLY long time to get here.

      Realistically, it takes as long as 3 weeks and as short as 10 days when you get it from overseas vendors.
      It has to be shipped, cleared through customs, and then enter the US mail system.

      If Blue Chew was made outside the US, there’s no WAY it would have gotten here as quickly as it did.
      Also, I’m pretty sure these are generic Viagra.  I’ve taken both real deal Viagra and generic, and there is a subtle difference.

      These felt like generics from my experience.  They have definitely been approved by the FDA, otherwise they wouldn’t be allowed to do what they’re doing.
  12. Recently ordered from BlueChew. They mixed up my delivery address and my billing address.

    I emailed them to fix the problem and the responded quickly, but didn’t actually fix the problem! So now my pills are being sent to my parent’s house, instead of to my home.

    I will have the order sent back to them after it arrives. This is perfect actually, because instead of using the pills to help me fuck my wife I would much prefer BlueChew use the pills to go fuck themselves!

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