Muscle Supplements For Men Age 31 – 45
Fact Checked On: 11-10-2018 By: Rob MillerWhether you’re looking to get back in the gym after years of “taking a break”, or are looking for something that will help push your physical limits, this stack is right for you.
Keeping up with the younger guys on the court can be tough, but there are supplements out there that can help you feel like your in your early 20’s again. These supplements were designed with the middle-aged male in mind, and are perfect for anyone looking to pack on solid muscle.
Combine ALL of these supplements into your daily routine, and make sure you LIFT heavy when you hit the gym. Signup for our free “Get Ripped” ebook to get helpful diet and exercise tips that can give you the results your looking for.
Our #1 Stack – Crazy Mass Strength Stack
Getting old sucks. Right around the age of 30 our bodies start to notice a gradual decline in testosterone levels, which inevitably leads to decreased muscle mass, a loss of strength, increased fatigue, and lowered libido levels. This stack is intended to help reverse all of that, and essentially acts to “mimic” the effects of illegal steroids, without actually being one.
The Crazy Mass Strength Stack is made up of 4 different supplements, which includes A-Drol, Testosterone-MAX, Deckadrolone, and Dianobal. While they do work quite well independently, it’s the stack of these products that makes it so effective. Some users have reported gains of as much as 20 lbs. of lean muscle mass in just 8 weeks, which is nearly impossible to do on your own without the use of supplementation.
Click Here to read my official review of the Crazy Mass Strength Stack.
Other Supplements We Recommend
The Crazy Mass Strength Stack is just one (albeit the best in my opinion) line of supplements that can help you achieve your goals faster. Our team of product testers has personally evaluated hundreds of supplements that can help guys in their 30’s and 40’s not only increase muscle mass and strength, but also help with reduced fat storage and quicker recovery times. Check them out below:

Muscle Advance Creatine


Optimum Nutrition Gold Standard Whey

Omega Daily

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User Questions and Answers
I'm 36 I work around steel I have to pick IP heavy stuff 5 days a week for 8 hours a day DAT can be a work out without DAT gym I'm 6'3 195 want a few more muscle and get a better ripped wat do I need dats not to high on my money -jarvis
Check out Blade Nutrition Test Booster. You can find my full review here. It's a pretty good supplement for muscle growth and it's on the inexpensive side.- Rob
Nitrocut how is that for a pre workout -Jim
It's great. It's my top pick for a non-stimulant workout.- Rob
0 out of 1 people found this question helpful.
Tks hoping to hear back from you Bernie
Sorry to hear about your situation. I’m not exactly sure when you came out of your coma, but it’s probably going to take some time for your body to get back into a rythm. One thing is for sure, and that is if you’re feeling worse from working out hard, then you’re probably working out too hard.
I would slow things up a but and cut your workouts down by a third for now and see how you feel.
Supplements wise, you may want to check out a T booster called Prime Male. At 45 years of age, there’s probably a good chance you’re suffering from Low T, and the Prime Male will help to restore lost levels.
Here’s my review:
Hope this helps and let me know if you have any questions.
1-Physicaly weak, Underweight, weak muscule
tired early during work
2- Sexualy weak like ED, early discharge, soft penis
so please tell me which is suitable suppliment in above point
Check out a supplement called the Crazy Mass bulking stack ( It contains all the necessary amino acids and ingredients to help you build muscle and improve your libido. Check out my review here:
Yeah there shouldn’t be any interactions between the two. Always best to check with your doctor to be sure though.
This is matt again. I have read your free e-book and the work out section is very good and detail.
Thanks for that. But do you have any advice how should I perform it in combination with crossfit?
I’ll have crossfit class on monday, wed, and fri. Should I also do practice on the same day as my crossfit class or how to manage to get the optimum result?
Many thanks and best,
It really depends on how you feel. On your crossfit days, if you feel like you would benefit from your regular workout, then go for it. Often, the crossfit workout won’t use the same muscles as your other workout, so you won’t be overworking any particular group. Just make sure you get enough rest when you work out hard, and get a good post workout protein shake, so you’ll be ready to go again the next day.
I’m 31 years old, 5’10”, 181 lbs. Never worked out before, only cycling during summer. Plan to start working out with cross fit training.
My goal is to loose weight and have in shape body. How long would it takes approximately and what supplement that I should consume?
Go with the Crazy Mass Cutting Stack. It’s a stack of 4 supplements to lean you down and get you strong and cut. Crossfit is great and you should stick with it, but sign up for my free “getting ripped” ebook for additional workout and meal advice. I can’t tell really give you a time frame as there are lots of variables, but if you stick with your program in terms of both eating and working out, you’ll make steady progress that you’ll be able to see week after week.
I’m 41, 6’1″ 190 and it’s beer fat I have on me.
I know to stop the beer calories but it’s the only way I gain “weight” = fat.
I don’t eat very often or very well.
To start I’m going to add to and change my diet. I take a 1000cal shake a day and will cut down on the alcohol sugars as well.
With a p90 or bowflex type work out routine should I use the nitro cut WITH the crazy mass stack? Planning on the post p90 shake.
I’ve been using another pre but it’s too racy…
I use some powder creatine and glut WHEN I work out. Which I’ve failed in my commitment to do more often than not.
Can you help a guy out?
Thanks for your time and effort..
Sure thing. It sounds like you don’t like speedy pre workouts, so for you I recommend you stack Nitrocut and Testofuel instead of going with the CrazyMass Stack. The pre workout in the stack does use stimulants. The Nitrocut/Testofuel stack with keep you loaded with energy and motivation all day, but it’s clean energy with no jitters. It’ll also make it easier to lose that fat and build muscle. And you can keep taking the creatine and glutamine as you’ve been doing.
If you find a supplement that you like from the list above, you can either click on its review for more information, or click over to its website if you’d like to place an order.