Viantis Advanced Blend Male Enhancement Review
By: Rob MillerFact Checked On: 3-23-2020

Have you seen this ad for Viantis?
I did too. I was browsing through an “ahem” adult film site when I came across it.
When I clicked on it I was led to an article on CNN that said the following:
“How To Become a Sex God And Add 3.6 Inches To Your Penis In Just 6 Weeks Without Any Pumps, Or Bullshit!”
That’s a pretty bold claim now, isn’t it?
Personally speaking, I’ve tested about 50 different pills that claimed to increase my penis size.
And wouldn’t you know it?
Not one of them worked the way they said it would.
Shocker, right?
Well, is Vyantis any different? Let’s find out.
1. What is Viantis?
Viantis Control Max Male Enhancement is a quick remedy for men experiencing low libido and low testosterone levels.
Notably, the aforementioned booster integrates nutrients and minerals that play a critical role in increasing sexual power and nourishing lean penis.
The working principle behind Vantis is that it increases blood flow to the penis leading to erection and increasing sexual desire.
Furthermore, the booster helps to increase the hormone testosterone, which offsets the male sexual characteristics.
According to a rumor that has been making rounds on the social media, Viantis advanced blend causes bulging of muscles.
According to the experts opinion, the booster increases sexual stamina and makes you become a pro in the bedroom not to mention giving your partner sexual gratification.
2. How Does Viantis Advanced Blend Work?
The booster works in two unique mechanisms namely hormonal regulation and increasing testosterone levels.
To understand the hormonal regulation concept we should first have a peek at the erection process in details.
- The first step the body relays a message to the brain when you are sexually aroused
- The brain then responds by sending another signal to the body to increase the flow of blood.
- Blood is pumped towards the penis
- The blood is accommodated by special tissues in the penis known as erectile making the penis bulge and erect.
Notably, Viantis pills increase the level of blood flowing to the erectile tissues by increasing the quantity of nitric oxide in the body.
The second mechanism, the booster has unique supplements that increase testosterone levels in the body.
The supplements send an explicit signal from the body to the brain that the body requires more testosterone.
The brain sends a signal to the organs that produce it, leading to the release of more testosterone.
Notably, this hormone greatly influences sexual drive and makes men last longer in bed.
3. How to Use Viantis Male Enhancement?
You should make sure you take two pills in the morning and evening and continue until you get positive results.
Importantly, if you experience some allergic reactions you should contact your doctors for more directions.
Viantis is a sure bet when it comes to healthy sex life.
4. Ingredients In Viantis
Many people are always curious to know the composition of anything before they take it.
Some of the sexual boosters have been attributed with detrimental side effects such as causing prostate cancer.
Below we have prepared a short ingredient list of items present in Viantis.
- Saw Palmetto Berry– A palm tree that grows in warm climate—southeast US coast to be precise.
Saw Palmetto extract is an herbal solution obtained from its berries and believed to have effects of increasing testosterone.
Additionally, it helps to reduce stress, since the latter condition is a sex inhibitor. - Tongkat Ali– Before civilization Tongkat root was used as an aphrodisiac and to treat sexual-related disorders.
Also knownas Eurycoma Longifolia, this remedy increases testosterone levels in the blood.
According to a study conducted on animals, Tongkat Ali has given conclusive results in increasing sexual libido.
The most comforting fact about the remedy is that it has been there since the ancient times. You’ll find Tongkat Ali in numerous other supplements, including Super Male Vitality, Adams Secret, and Viritenz. - Arginine– Arginine is a crucial compound in the human bodies.
Its functions include facilitating cell division, healing wounds, eliminating ammonia, and not to mention helping in the release of hormones.
Importantly, the hormone helps in the production of energy.
Probably, you know that sex is a very physical activity and involve a lot of energy consumption.
The ingredient helps to replenish energy giving you maximum stamina in bed. - Ginseng Extract– Notably, there two types of this species the American and the Asian.
The most important thing is that both of them help in cholesterol elimination and reduction of stress.
Of course, we mentioned earlier that stress as a negative impact on sexual libido. - Horny Goat Weed Extract– The hilarious name goes without saying about the function of the extract.
If this extract is not used to the required ratios it can have a detrimental effect on human health. It is in this regard that Viantis control max as gone through the required standards to make sure that the extract does not affect your normal.
Moreover, the extract will give you the sexual drive that you require to live a healthy sexual life.
5. Viantis Advanced Blend Side Effects
Even the moon has a darker side.
When using sexual boosters you should be aware, many of them have both long-term and short-term effects.
Most of the boosters if used for a long time they can cause some irreversible damages at the end—not the nicest fact to know.
Viantis Advanced Blend comes in handy because it is made from natural extracts.
The combination is tested and proven by doctors that are good for sexual health. Nonetheless, the formula has some shortcoming such as
- If you are allergic to one of the ingredients in the compound, you can end up having a very bad reaction.
- If not controlled you might fail to function without using it.
- Cannot be used by people with the cardiovascular condition because it increases the flow of blood.
Therefore, before you embark on a journey to use Viantis male enhancement, you should seek advice from your doctor for further directions.
6. Does Viantis Work?
Of course, if you have been paying attention to the composition of the remedy and their functions then you probably know that Viantis works.
The formula has been tested on rodent and indicated conclusive results of its functionality.
Additionally, the doctors have given positive feedback on the patients they have put under the medication.
The most important thing you should note before using it is that you need doctor’s direction just like any other prescription drug.
With Viantis, you will bid goodbye to the days of premature ejaculation and lack of sexual libido.
7. Was Viantis seen on Shark Tank?
The answer is hell no. probably; you might have read some fake news of people insinuating how Shark Tank featured some Testosterone boosters.
The fact is that there is no possibility that one of those boosters could have been Viantis Male enhancement.
Additionally, I have followed the show up to season 9 and I have never come across Viantis.
You can read more about these types of scams in the following articles:
Shark Tank Testosterone Booster Scam
Shark Tank Weight Loss Pill Scam
8. Where to Buy Viantis
The booster is available in a risk-free trial.
Notably, the conditions that come with the free trial include
- Only one order per household
- You can only order directly from the Viantis male enhancement website
- They don’t ship outside the US
- You’ll be billed an exorbitant amount 14 days after ordering
If you have finished your free trial, you should visit their website, fill information about yourself, choose the bottle size, and place the order.
9. Who Should Use Viantis?
- Individuals above the age of 18 years should use the formula.
- People with heart conditions should refrain from using the formula.
- If you experience premature ejaculation and lack of libido then the booster comes in handy.
10. Conclusion
That being said, sexual health in men is of the essence in maintaining a relationship.
Many women will probably dump a great guy if they do not give them sexual gratification.
There is enough about Viantis to point to it having potential to boost numerous aspects of male sexual health, and in general it does not seem to have that many side effects that would deter someone from giving it a chance or two.
Viantis control max is a great formula made from natural extracts to help in boosting sexual libido and lasting longer in bed.
However, it is important to seek a physician help before using the formula.
Change your sexual life for good with Viantis male enhancement.
Have You Used Viantis? Leave Your Review Below!
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User Reviews
Have you used this supplement?
Make Sure to Cancel Subscription Immediately
In Short: I would NOT recommend this to a friend.
When ordering the free bottle, make sure that after you receive it to cancel immediately and don't wait for the result as advertised. Otherwise, you'll end up paying almost a hundred dollars for nothing. I am not sure how many bottles you have to take before it will truly work. There are quite a few ads and endorsements from different makers with almost exactly the same ingredients that offers the same offer of shipping and handling fees only. Nothing is comparable to the original Viagra.
I found nothing on it
They likely tricked you into buying an up-sell bottle when you went to check out. It’s very common with scams like Viantis.
They will tell you that you need to combine it with some other supplement to get the best result, and put the “no thanks” button in really small font at the bottom of the page.
Most guys end up clicking the “Yes” button instead, ending up with another trial subscription.
If you don’t want to be charged for both Viantis and the other bottle, then you need to call them and cancel both. Here’s their phone number: 800-471-4603