Xtreme Muscle Pro Review – Is it a Scam?

By: Rob Miller
7 User Reviews
Fact Checked On: 4-27-2020

Home » Pre Workout » Xtreme Muscle Pro Review – Is it a Scam?

Xtreme Muscle Pro Overview

It can get dizzying trying to find just the right pre-workout supplement.  I swear I think 10 new ones come out every day.   Of course, I’m looking at these things all the time, so my perspective may be a bit skewed.  But if you’re in the market for one, your head may be swimming too.  So allow me to break it down for you a little bit.  As we begin to take these supplements one by one, you’ll begin to notice that they all belong to categories, and you can use these categories to narrow down the field.

Take Xtreme Muscle Pro for example.  This is a pre-workout supplement made by a company called LabGenix.  One thing we noted right off the bat is that Xtreme Muscle Pro is the only product LabGenix makes.  This is a little bit of a red flag, but not a big deal so we keep looking.

I have seen tons and tons of supplements pop up from manufacturers that only produce that particular supplement, and many times, not all of the time, it is an early warning that it might not be a great one.

According to the website, Xtreme Muscle Pro (which apparently works great with another supplement called Alpha Fuel XT) is made for men and women who are serious about their commitment to bodybuilding.  It’s apparently not for the faint at heart, and the results are, well, extreme.  In a matter of weeks, you’ll see a visible increase in muscle definition, more strength, improved mental focus and aerobic endurance, faster muscle recovery rates, a delay in muscle fatigue while lifting, and an increased sex drive.

Xtreme Muscle Pro ReviewXtreme Muscle Pro Ingredients and How The Work

Unfortunately, the entire ingredient list is not shown on the website, but they do mention a few highlights:

  • Creatine Ethyl Ester which increases muscle energy so you can work out longer and harder.  Use of Creatine Ethyl Ester should improve lean muscle mass and help you achieve a more favorable body composition.
  • L-Arginine which is an amino acid which acts as a precursor to nitric oxide which opens up your blood vessels, allowing more nutrients and oxygen to flow to your muscles while workout out and after.  This leads to better pumps and quicker recovery times.
  • Beta Alanine which helps build lean muscle mass.

Also unfortunately, the one-page website does not contain dosing information or a FAQ page, so a lot of questions about how Xtreme Muscle Pro works are left unanswered.  (Another red flag!)

Where to Buy

Here’s where the red flags start piling up.  The primary way to purchase Xtreme Muscle Pro is through a trial offer.  They very deliberately don’t use the word “free” because it isn’t free.  Upfront, you pay only shipping.   (This is how they get your credit card number).  Then if you don’t cancel and return the unused portion of the bottle within 14 days (of the order date, not the delivery date), you’ll be charged $87.50 for that trial bottle.  You will also be signed up to receive a new bottle every 30 days for the same price.  This information is on the website, but it’s buried in the fine print and you have to go digging through the terms and conditions to find it.  Check out my related post on these kinds of supplement scams.

There also appears to be an option to buy Xtreme Muscle Pro outright at full price with no further commitment, but when you click this link, you’re sent to an outside website and asked to create a Google Wallet account.  This is something I’d never seen before when ordering supplements online.  I didn’t follow this all the way through so I can’t tell you what might happen when you do.

If you do decide to get Xtreme Muscle Pro, be careful about the “free trial” and be ready to cancel and follow up on it if need be, and pay attention to your credit card account to see if you are continually being billed.

Xtreme Muscle Pro Pros and Cons

Advantages of Xtreme Muscle Pro

  • Creatine, Beta Alanine, and L-Arginine are all good ingredients for a muscle building formula.

Disadvantages of Xtreme Muscle Pro

  • There are several complaints lodged against Xtreme Muscle Pro at online consumer websites.
  • It’s expensive.
  • The trial offer is shady and scammy.
  • There are no independent Xtreme Muscle Pro reviews from customers who’ve used it.

The Deceptive Practices of Xtreme Muscle Pro

Finding an honest and genuine review of this supplement was next to impossible.  I thought I had come across one when I saw this youtube video below:


But, then I realized something…I know I’ve seen this face before.  Well, it turns out after some research that this guy is a paid actor that has reviewed other supplements as well.  Check it out below:

fake xtreme muscle pro review
This guy was obviously hired to speak highly of the product, and pretty cheap too if you ask me!


This one is easy.  Without further ado, you can confidently place Xtreme Muscle Pro in the “not worth my money or time” category.  I was thinking about trying it out to gauge it’s effectiveness, but in all honesty I don’t think it would even be worth the time.

Have You Used Xtreme Muscle Pro?  Leave Your Review Below!

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User Questions and Answers

Please can you tell me how i go about cancelling the ordering of muscle max xtreme...I have been advised by my medics to no longer take this product. thank you. -hamish

You'll have to call them directly to cancel  The phone contact information I found on their website is:  +44 020-8144-9893 in the UK, +1 210-807-4404 in the US, and +61 02-8006-1605 in Australia. Let them know you want to cancel your subscription.- Rob

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Give me $130 back as this is not the product I wanted give me my money back and you can have these dickgead tablets you sent me back -Noel barford

SupplementCritique.com is a review website. We have not affiliation with this product. You'll have to call them directly to cancel  The phone contact information I found on their website is:  +44 020-8144-9893 in the UK, +1 210-807-4404 in the US, and +61 02-8006-1605 in Australia. Let them know you want to cancel your subscription.- Rob

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How do I return Xtreme Muscle Pro and get a refund? -adolf kowalchuk

You'll have to contact their customer service phone number, here it is:  1-866-883-4981- Rob

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appeler moi 705 je ne veux plus que est des retrait dans mon conte visa debbit contact moi par email Français -

SupplementCritique.com est un site de critique. Nous ne sommes pas ceux qui chargent votre compte. Vous devrez contacter l'entreprise que vous avez commandée.- Rob

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I am just 17 years old, which suppliment may i use ? -Omkar

Most supplements are not recommended for anyone under the age of 18.  Stick with a good protein like 100% Whey Gold Standard along with Creatine if you're looking to put on muscle mass.  For diet and exercise guidance, sign up for my free "getting strong" ebook.- Rob

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Author: Rob Miller

Supplement Critique

Rob Miller founded SupplementCritique.com over 7 years ago, and has been the chief editor ever since. He has a diploma in Advanced Dietary Supplements Advisor, and worked at GNC for 3 years. He KNOWS supplements, both inside and out. Rob currently resides in Jupiter, FL, with his wife of 4 years.  Learn more about him in his Bio here. Follow him on Twitter , Facebook, LinkedIn, or find him on Google +.

52 comments on “Xtreme Muscle Pro Review – Is it a Scam?”

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  1. They are fu$%ing stole our money!!!
    I called them and some fucking Philippine guy answer me after 30 minutes waiting!

    And he as the customer service and the supervisor and the manager! He will keep sucking your money for no thing!


    1. Hey Aston,

      SupplementCritique.com is a review website. We don’t have any affiliation with this product.

      You’ll need to contact the company directly. Check your credit card statement for the phone number.

  2. Hello, I was charged for products coming from you to the invoice amount of 6.81CD + 125.04CD + 111.27CD that I never received by mail and that I have ever ordered. This is a big mistake on your part.

    I can not explain what happened but I would like to sincerely and I ask for refund on my credit card. I will be able to provide a picture of the invoices received.

    I can guarantee that I have mostly received nothing from the products in question and I have to pay an amount of $ 243.12 CD. I ask for immediate refund because I currently consider that I am victim of a very big error and I feel victim of a scam.

    I would like you to follow up on this email and I will be able to send you a picture of the payments that are requested from you. Please respond to this email by thanking you in advance

    1. Hey Daniel,
           SupplementCritique.com is a review website. We don’t have any affiliation with this product, so you’ll have to contact the company you made your purchase from to cancel your order or billing.


  3. I gave them my credit card number for a sample on February 12 2017. I got charged 2 shipping charges right away.

    And then within 14 days 4 charges of over 100 dollars each. The company says it’s a free trial of the product.

    Do not order this product cos I’m out 370 dollars cdn so far and how much more to this day.
    Like everyone says stay away from this company.

    Especially if you don’t read fine print about 2 week cancellation policy.
    1. I agree. We got the same treatment.

      We did not see the fine print about getting charged for an order every month when we order their so called trial order. It’s a scam and dishonest.

      I lost interest in even trying out their product. We are out of some 230$ and we also got charged twice for shipping.

      We didn’t even ask for a second product they shipped. They are dishonest in their publicity.

      Do not trust them.
  4. i was meant to receive a free sample of muscle pro extreme from u guys and instead u charged me $119.00 plus and overseas fee. i would like ny money back
    1. Hey tania,
           SupplementCritique.com is a review website. We don’t have any affiliation with this product, so you’ll have to contact the company you made your purchase from to cancel your order or billing.


  5. Does it work? Hard to say.

    What I can say is be careful to read the terms. 2 weeks free, but they send u a mnths supply. If u don’t cancel and send the other 2 weeks back, u pay for the whole month !!!

    So even if you like it, you get no deal as a customer. Those who don’t want to be customers and cancel are the only ones that get a deal.

    Stay away from this company….
  6. It’s a scam and you should not try or order products. They will charge you without consent.

    Do not use this company!!!
  7. This is how the deception gets you: The bottom text box is not clearly visible in the browser so one has to scroll the entire 2 inch x 1 inch text box to read the fine print where in it states :”Every 30 days thereafter, you will be charged for the $99.99 and shipped another bottle." LEARNT MY LESSON
  8. pura chased one bottle thought was sAMPLE next
    thing charged on visa. that’s not allnext month another bottle it will be on visa also.I want a refund on all so where do I send return to. Please advise
    Don’t tell me you cant find my order Bullswool
    What a rip off of a product.

    1. Buddy,

      I can’t help you. You have to contact Xtreme Muscle Pro, the company you ordered from.

      This is a review website. We don’t sell anything.

  9. Ive seen this product on a rerouting Facebook page along with another one Trylo Flex, both being touted as a great remedy for helping with ED, erectile dysfunction, and a pile of reviews from many people about its effectiveness saying they the bees knees! Both have apparently been aired on CNN promoted by a renowned figure saying they work perfectly!

    Both products content lists are vague & I havent seen anywhere a decent straight forward explanation as to how exactly one acquires a firm long lasting erection from these ‘muscle enhancing’ products; pardon the pun. I wish there was a magic pill to help my partner achieve this state but I wont be shelling out my credit card number to these gold digging marketing miners any time soon.

    I smell a rat!!
  10. I thought it was a free sample as stated online. It arrived and no where did I see I had to return it in two weeks or else be billed $89.90 for the one bottle.

    I ended out purchasing it from them for $44.95 because I am stuck with it. I have been trying to see it on Ebay for $29.95 for months, and no takers yet.

    So sorry I received the sample of Extreme Muscle Pro.
  11. One star for Xtreme Muscle. Not sure if the product itself is a scam, but given it’s list of ingredients I’d say it’s legit.

    I’ve only had it for 4 wks and didn’t start using till a couple of wks ago so no comments on the effectiveness. But as for the business?

    Yeah, seems shady. I took an online survey that said it would offer a free gift. So of course I’m not looking for fine print around subscription fees.

    That’s where they get you. Sucker you in to thinking you’re getting something free then bury the all important fine print.

    Lesson learned – always read the fine print even if the initial offer says you’re getting a “free gift”.

  13. Big mistake. I had to cancel my credit card because they charged me even after I called to cancel the “free trial” which I did before 14 days.

    I called them again to claim about the charges and they said they didn’t. I didn’t even bother to keep call them, I just cancel my credit card and got a new one

    1. Hey Steve,

      I found their contact information on their website. You can email them at support@xtrememusclepro.com or call them at 1-866-883-4981. Their customer service hours are M-F 8:30-4:30 Pacific Standard Time. Give them a call and let them know you want to cancel.

  14. I was going to try this product as its readily available quite cheaply on eBay but after reading this I think I won’t bother, is it a good idea buying this sort of stuff from ebay? And can you recommend a safe alternative?

    As I would like to lose weight and add lean muscle, thanks
    1. Hey Wayne,

      Yeah, I wouldn’t bother with it if I were you. Go with a stack of the pre workout Nitrocut and the natural testosterone booster Testofuel. I had great results similar to what you’re looking for.

  15. I didn’t order this product my wife thrown away the box in which it were received in the products tst fuel and extreme muscle pro never been open and I would like to return it to you could you please send a returned address so it could be returned to u thank Kenneth west 1002 e beetree av Nashville ga 31639
    1. Hey Kenneth,

      We don’t sell products (we’re a review website). I looked up the customer service phone number for you.

      It’s 1-866-883-4981. You’ll want to give them a call and let them know you want to cancel your subscription.

    1. Hey Brian,

      Generally, good products don’t have to trick their customers into buying them. I haven’t tried it personally, but I wouldn’t expect much in the way of results.

  16. Please someone help me, I weight 120 lbs my height is 5’6″ Age 35. I don’t go to the gym but I walk a lot everyday, eat a lot any time, but I have never gain weight, I have try few gain weightnet products I would love one day to be like 135 or 140 lbs.
  17. Hey thanks for the review I just barley got it in the mail I’m going to call customer support now thanks for helping me out, and also does anyone know if there is anything that can help me gain a lot more muscle/ weight because I got really sick and lost over 30 pounds and most of it was muscle and it really makes me feel like I’m a pussy now
  18. This is on of the biggest scams around. I called in and cancled this product in july and 9-14-14 i get charged for anther bottle.

    The customer service claims that i never cancled the service. Why would i keep it since it makes me sick to my stomach when i use it. dont fall for the scam. its not worth it !!!!!!!!!!

  19. I placed my order for my free trial 2 weeks ago and when I woke up today i was charge $90 for each bottle. Thats $180!! I called in to try to get a refund and cancel my order and the customer rep went on and on and it seemed like he wasnt listening at all to me.

    Finally after 5 min, he said he would give me a 50 % refund on each bottle and I can keep the bottles that I have. This may or may not be a scam, but please read the terms and conditions before placing your order!!

  20. I would like to thank you for this amazing blog. I think it is unique, not other website is so reliable like yours!

    Greetings from Germany!
  21. I just called the service center & spoke with a representative named “Sam”. He was very helpful & of course attempted to retain me as a customer.

    After reading the ingredients I observed something called Magnesium Stearate, which according to the site I will attach, says it has been known to actually break down your body’s cell structure. How scary is that?

    1. Hey Jason,
      Thanks for the heads up. I checked out the information on magnesium stearate, and there seems to be a consensus that you’d have to ingest way more than what you find in pills in order for it to be toxic.

      In fact, it’s found in a lot of the foods that we eat every day. The thought is that the naysayers are trying to see their own supplements by discrediting the others.

  22. First of all, everyone should ready the fine print before buying ANYTHING online. The Terms and Conditions is where you will find that fine print. its usually at the bottom of the webpage.

    Also, if you missed this on the initial page, before you type in your credit card info, that fine print disclaimer telling you that you will be charged for the 14 day trial, is in plain site without having to go to the Terms and Conditions. The catch is that nothing is truly FREE, the site and/or company states that its a FREE Trial which gets you interested, thinking you will only pay for shipping and if you don’t like it, you don’t buy more.

    THATS THE CATCH, if the stuff truly worked, they wouldn’t have to hide that trap in the TERMS and CONDITIONS and you would buy more no matter what because it worked. Bottom line is the company didn’t do anything un-ethical.

    They told you what to expect, but we as Americans want free, fast, results and that’s just not the easy way to do anything now a days. Its 100% your fault if you got beat for the product.

    What to do now? If you get the chance to return the product within the 14 days, do it if you feel like you were scammed.

    Likely you didn’t read about the product or its ingredients before buying the trial, so why not do that before taking what you received or before sending it back. Know what you are getting into and also what you are eating before buying something.

    They truly give you the 14 days to try it first and give you the ability to return it before you get charged the $87. Now, if you will receive the refund after returning the product, that’s a whole different issue.

    You no longer have the product, they do, and they still have your money. Be smart and Good Luck All….

    1. Hey B,

      Their customer service hours are 8:30-4:30 Pacific Time, so I suggest you give it a try then. I was also able to locate their email address as support@labgenix.com. Try to get a hold of them through those channels. If you still can’t connect with them, contact your credit card company and tell them you do not want to accept any further charges from the company.

    1. Hey Ben,

      Give them a call as soon as you get the product, and tell them you don’t want to pay any more than the initial shipping you already paid. Hopefully, they’ll cooperate and take care of it for you.

      Just make sure you do it within 14 days. Their customer service number is 1-855-522-4364.

  23. So I just called LabGenix to cancel. Spoke to Brandon.

    Very polite, told me I could cancel and that there would be no additional charges. I simply told him that I could not afford the $87 a month.

    He understood and cancelled my order. I offered to send the remainder of the bottle back and he said that I did not need to do that.

    We’ll see what happens next month..:)
    1. has anyone had any luck with finding out who to contact. that phone number does not exist. wat number did u call. its saying its not connected.
  24. I cancelled my order after I found out they were going to charge me 78 dollars. The guy offered to drop the price to 21 dollars a month I still said cancel.feel scammed

  25. Marketers behind this product label this supplement as a Free 14 DAY TRIAL or sample, when indeed it is an autoship 14 day “Trial” which could end up costing you $100’s without your knowledge. Scam Alert!

    Buyer beware! They have deceived many people out of 1000’s of dollars!


    The only way to stop them from charging your card is to cancel your card and get a new one with a new number.

    They even boast how they win 95% of all charge backs! What a scam!

  26. It’s a scam, don’t buy it. How are these people even allowed to fool customers like that?

    They should get punished
    1. Hey Fantuo,
      You’ll have to contact them directly and tell them you would like to cancel your trial of Xtreme Muscle Pro. Here’s their contact info:

      Email – support@xtrememusclepro.com

      Phone – 1-866-883-4981

      Hope this helps and let me know if you have any other questions!


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