Maxx Test 300 and Nuclear NO Review – Do They Really Work?

By: Rob Miller
5 User Reviews
Fact Checked On: 6-2-2014

Home » Pre Workout » Maxx Test 300 and Nuclear NO Review – Do They Really Work?

Stacking a testosterone booster and a pre-workout supplement has been the latest fad in the past few years, and we recently came across a blog saying that by combining Maxx Test 300 and Nuclear NO you will get amazing results.  Apparently, this combination is used by holly wood actors who are preparing for roles that require a lean, muscular physique.  Do these 2 products really work to give you insane results in the gym and boost libido?  Most likely not, and your about to find out why.

maxx test 300 reviewWhat is Maxx Test 300?

Max Test 300 is an all natural testosterone booster that, like many others, is supposed to rapidly increase free testosterone levels.  By doing so, they report a number of benefits in men, including the ability to boost libido, enhance muscle mass, and increase energy levels.  It does this by using a proprietary formulation of ingredients that includes Tribulus Terrestris, Fenugreek extract, Alpha Lipoic Acid, and Horny Goat Weed.

One noticeable ingredient that stood out to me is Testofen (Fenugreek Extract), because it actually has been clinically studied to increase free testosterone levels.  There are a few other products on the market other than Maxx Test 300, including most notably Testoril, but unfortunately you will not be able to find this in stores like GNC, Walmart, Vitamin Shoppe, or even Amazon.

What is Nuclear NO?

nuclear no reviewNuclear NO, on the other hand, is an all natural pre-workout booster, which was a little bit harder to research than Maxx Test 300.  Their is no clear indication as to what the ingredients in Nuclear NO are, but we’re guessing from the claims that it probably contains L-Arginine (an amino acid), L-Glutamine (also an amino acid), and possibly some minor stimulants like yohimbe, ginseng, and maybe even caffeine.

There are pictures of ripped guys plastered all over their website, but surprisingly, there are no personal reviews or testimonials.  We searched the internet for reviews, and other than a few forum postings of guys asking about whether or not it works, came up short.

Apparently this supplement literally just came out, so there is very little information concerning it’s use and effectiveness.

So is Combining Nuclear NO With Maxx Test 300 a Good Thing?

Most likely not.  While stacking a pre workout supplement and a testosterone booster is usually a good idea, it turns out in this case it could be costly.  Why do I say that?  Well, the only way that you can purchase these products is by enrolling in a free-trial, which ultimately leads to a auto-refill program.  Let me explain…

So when you originally saw what appeared to be a mens health blog post talking about these 2 supplements, you probably saw a picture of some old ripped guy, right?  This guy’s image has been used on COUNTLESS supplement combo stacks, including that of Maxx Test 300 and Xtreme Nitro, Ripped Muscle X, Nitrox, and Muscle Rev Xtreme.  If you scroll to the bottom of the page, you will see the disclaimer that this is actually not a news article, BUT rather is an advertisement.  Don’t believe me?  Check out the photo to the left…that’s costly mistake #1.

maxx test disclaimerWhen you visit the Maxx Test 300 website, you will see a link that says terms and conditions.  The terms clearly state that when you order you supposed “free trial” of their product (that of which you only pay $5.95 for shipping), that you have 14 days to try their product.  At the end of those 14 days, if you haven’t called their customer service line to cancel, then your credit card will be billed $79.98, and you will be sent and charged for a new bottle every 30 days thereafter.  However, Maxx Test 300 is available for regular purchase at the following website:

The same goes for Nuclear NO, although it varies a bit from Maxx Test 300 in that their shipping fee is $4.95, and then they charge you $87.90 and also enroll you in an auto-ship program.  So ultimately, if you don’t cancel both of these products within 14 days, your credit card will be charged a total of $167.88.  That’s alot more than you were probably expecting.

On top of all of this, where is the proof that it works?  I don’t see any REAL before and after pictures from guys who’ve used Maxx Test 300 and Nuclear NO, nor is there any talk on forums.  If this was truly an effective stack, there would be ton’s of guys raving about it on a bunch of different forums, but this is simply not the case.  It’s actually even comical to try and find a review on Youtube, as there are literally tons of promo videos clogging up there results.

What’s My Recommendation?

We find combinations like Maxx Test 300 and Nuclear NO popping up on the internet all the time, and receive comments almost everyday about how these products scammed people.  Unfortunately, we have not had a chance to personally test this stack out, but in my honest opinion, I don’t even think it matters.  If you visit the supposed Men’s Health article you are seeing right now tomorrow or a few days later, you’re likely to see a totally different combo.  That’s because these combos are more than likely a scam, and they prey on guys who are desperate for a supplement that works.  The best thing to do to protect yourself is to not order the free trial unless you are absolutely certain that you want it and are aware of the terms and conditions.

Alternatively, you can check out some of our featured pre workout supplements and our top choice for testosterone supplements here. to see what REALLY works.

Have You Used Maxx Test and Nuclear NO?  Leave Your Review Below!

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User Questions and Answers

How can i make the payment for purchases, I don't any credit card. -Manuel D' Cruz

You would have to contact the company to see if they have any other payment options. Their customer service number is  1-800-835-4179.- Rob

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Author: Rob Miller

Supplement Critique

Rob Miller founded over 7 years ago, and has been the chief editor ever since. He has a diploma in Advanced Dietary Supplements Advisor, and worked at GNC for 3 years. He KNOWS supplements, both inside and out. Rob currently resides in Jupiter, FL, with his wife of 4 years.  Learn more about him in his Bio here. Follow him on Twitter , Facebook, LinkedIn, or find him on Google +.

27 comments on “Maxx Test 300 and Nuclear NO Review – Do They Really Work?”

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  1. If you want to boost your testosterone levels the best way will be going to a low T center and getting your levels checked. TRT has been to clinically proven way to safely boost test levels without all the dangerous side-effects.

    I’ve been on TRT for about 3 weeks and so far I’m already noticing a difference in sex, lean muscle, and decrease body fat.
  2. Product is garbage! I am an avid body builder and I have used many products, legal and illegal.

    This is basically a caffeine pill with absolutely no help to your test levels. I don’t know why I fell for this.

    I have to admit their little advertising ploy, where they Disguise their product in an ESPN news article , got me. Once I realized it was an ad for their product and not a legitimate ESPN article I knew that I’d been had.

    They initially charged my credit card $5LEANdot95. 14 days later they billed my credit card another two times for $87.47! This garbage isn’t worth 2 cents!

    I chalked it up as a loss for my being a nieve fool! I called their 800 number and I spoke to one of they’re “Elixer” salesman by the name of Steven S..

    I requested that he remove my credit card info from their database as well as any of my personal info by the following day. I demanded a confirmation email pertaining to my request.

    I informed him that if my request wasn’t initiated the following that I would contact the BBB, Consumer Protection department, and the Attorney General’s office. I’ve never written a review regarding a product before, But these crooks are down right scum bags peddling “cough syrup”!

  3. Product does not work as advertised and ingredients are like any cheaper supplement found is every health store! Also, they offer a free trial and do not allow you to cancel!

    This has class action suit written all over it! The rating would be ZERO if the option available

  4. I ordered the free trial that said risk free 30 day trial. At no time during purchase does anything display saying you have to call them within 14 days, at least I did not see anything.

    I am very careful about such things usually. I did not even open a bottle and just yesterday i saw two charges to my account for 87.47 each from this company.

    I am in the process of disputing them through my bank as I saw nothing stating this would be charged. I tried calling the company and they said you agreed to the terms no refund is available.

    I told them I had not even opened the item and would return it for a refund which they refused. The woman on the phone was very rude and not helpful in any way.

    This company is preying on people to get additional charges they are unaware of. DO NOT USE THESE TRIALS!

  5. I will be filing a dispute with my bank to have the charges stopped. This company is a SCAM!!!

    Read the terms and conditions folks! They give you 13-14 days to cancel, but it took 10 days to get my order so I can’t even tell if the stuff works.

    Then they charged my account $87.47 twice. I had them cancel any future charges but I am also cancelling my credit card and getting a new one issued to prevent future charges.

  6. I haven’t tried this product so don’t know if it works, but if you want to buy it, a cheaper alternative would be to look at the ingredients and just order them separately online. All the various supplements that are in there are available separately online, and in this case, the parts are definitely cheaper than the sum total.

  7. I ordered the maxx test 300 and extreme nitro. I did call within the 14 day trial and found out that indeed they were going to try and stick me with a large reorder Bill so I said to cancel and the rep said well there will be a one time charge for the full amount for the two I have.

    I proclaimed to the rep the ad said free trial and you only pay shipping. Of course the arguement continued until I told the rep fine I haven’t opened either one and I will ship it back to you immediately!

    He was then being very helpfully and settles at a fraction of the price, like $20.00 for both so I agreed. Wow not going to get behind the eigut ball like that again.

    I am getting ready to try these two products so keep you updated on progress.
  8. Maxx test 300 is sold by a very unreputable company. Hope they get sued by everyone that they messed over.

    Hope the company go out of business! Even better, I pray for a class action lawsuit.

  9. Bought max test 300.because of movie star thing from 300 Spartans and their results.had hopes .some .since my biggest workout is 10-20 minutes a week.not 3 a week.from “chair gym”. But did remember to cancel future orders.however did not remember had only 14 was charged about $91.thought it would be 39 or $59.but that is risk of going online with credit card. What was good though is that by taking pills 2 a day as recommended.and now just 1 before I do extra effort such as walking distance or using chair gym.I think pain is less or gone in a shoulder.rotary cuff.non surgery but 4-6 months
    I plan to buy more if I can find for $39 or less.still only half way through bottle.also think it largely eliminates irregular prostate pain .am going to use your info to contact 300….
    1. Hey Paul,

      You can try to get them to cut you a deal. I don’t think you’d have any luck getting a permanent discount, but you might a a couple of discount bottles. Who knows? Other than that, take a look at Activate Xtreme from Driven Sports. It’s just under $40 and gets pretty good reviews.

  10. I just made my order and just read all your messages. As an FBI Agent I will call to cancel my order when my product comes in and see what happens.

    They going to be sorry they even had this product out for sale. Not just the owner will be doing time, but his staff as well.

  11. Maxx test 300 /nitro is a scam thought it was a free trial 3 days later my card was hit for 167.00 no warning .it don’t work .
  12. I am truly sorry for the troubles everyone has had, but please let me leave you with this: I am am Ivy League graduate, and a certified personal trainer, and there is (NO FREE LUNCH)! Stacking works, but these products are not the way to go.

    Talk to someone that knows what is going on. If this worked, I would be all over it!

    Best, Joey
  13. They changed the name. They’re now selling these under the names FB1Test and NitroX (like you mentioned). it appears that whenever there’s too many negative reviews online, they just change the name of the product.

  14. I used maxx test and the only thing it did was increased my heart rate felt like was going to have a heart attack and their shady billing practices just makes it worse
  15. This company is scam. I tried the FREE BOTTLE and noticed no change.

    I tried to call them and got a recorded message. Many times but never reached real person.

    They have continued to draft my Bank acct every month .
    1. Hey Gerry,

      I looked up the contact information just in case it’s different than what you’re using. For Maxx Test 300 I got 800-835-4179 from 9am to 9 pm Eastern Time and for their email. I couldn’t find anything for Nuclear NO. It looks like they’re no longer selling under their same name, though I can’t be sure. I would call your bank and tell them not to accept charges from them anymore. Hope this helps. Believe me, I know how frustrating this whole thing can be.

  16. I cancelled within the free trial period and was told to keep the bottle at no charge. My account will cancelled.

    If I decided to call in and place order they wil give me a discount. Next thing I know there is a charge on my account for $87.

    I called 800-835-8179 to get it resolved. The lady told me that she doesn’t see anything about my call and the rep did not cancel it or even make a note of my call.

    The charge is not refundable. She put me on hold multiple times to speak with her supervisor, but would never put the supervisor on the phone despite my numerous requests to speak with him/her.

    She would just repeat “my supervisor reviewed the account and doesn’t see any notes. The charge is nonrefundable." I did what I was supposed to do by making the call and telling them “I want to cancel." I cannot do their reps’ job also.

    They say calls are recorded so I even asked the to pull the call. They said it would take a month or more and placed me on hold. 5 mins later they were telling me I didn’t cancel when I called in.

    This is BS! I didn’t call them to crack jokes.

    I called to cancel my account. These people are rediculous!

    I will have to file a dispute with my bank.
  17. At least the Maxx Test 300 gives you energy and increase your sexual drive. Sadly, the company behind it sucks.

    Customer service is the worst I have ever experienced in my life and no one claims responsibility.They would offer you extra time in the trial and then charge you more than $75 each before the trial ends.
  18. The product has been studied at my university and found to trigger an unsafe release of testosterone. After taking this product studies found that normal testosterone production dropped severely.

    After the study I had to pay the full $87 and change which is a ridiculous price for a unsatisfactory product.
  19. Hey Rob, I was wondering if you had heard of stacking Maxx Test 300 and Power Pump XL? I’d never even heard of Nuclear No until I came across your website but from what I can tell both combinations are essentially the same thing except that Power Pump XL is also a testosterone booster, so I was curious as to how that would work, 2 test boosters?

    1. Hey Rob,
      I think combining T boosters is a good idea, but yeah I think they are basically the same thing. I would avoid these free trials unless you completely understand their billing terms and conditions.


  20. I actually did the Maxx test bc of the testofen ingredient

    I did the buy two get one free. Not a subscription.

    Bought at

    1. Hey Joe,
      I had no idea it was available for regular purchase, I will change up my review of it.

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