Xtreme Nitro Review – Does It Work?

By: Rob Miller
5 User Reviews
Fact Checked On: 3-27-2020

Home » Pre Workout » Xtreme Nitro Review – Does It Work?


My Personal Results
Side Effects
Pros and Cons
Where to Buy

Xtreme Nitro boldly calls itself an “Advanced Bodybuilding Agent.”  The attractive benefits promised on the label include:

  • Rapid Fat Loss
  • Insane Strength
  • Raging Energy
  • Maximized Libido
  • Wicked Pumps

And that is exactly the type of over-the-top tone used in marketing this product. Frankly, it’s very hyped up. The packaging and website feature plenty of jacked guys, bulging with muscles lifting heavy weights. They also mention that their product has been seen in Men’s Fitness, Men’s Health, and Muscle and Fitness. When we reached out to the advertising departments at all of those publications, however, they said they never heard of it.

If you’ve done any amount of research on this supplement, you’ve probably come across some blog post somewhere all about how if you combine Xtreme Nitro with another supplement like Maxx Test, you’ll get some insane gains in both size and strength.  We’ve seen the ads, blogs and newsletters too, and we’ll let you know the real truth about them later.  For now, let’s dive into the ingredients list and supplement profile to learn more about how it works.

If you’d like to skip ahead to my review than just click here.

Xtreme Nitro Ingredients and How They Work

xtreme nitro reviewAs the name suggests, Xtreme Nitro is a nitric oxide boosting supplement.  Nitric oxide dilates your blood vessels to allow more blood to flow through them.  The more blood pulsing toward your muscles during workouts, the more oxygen they get, the better they perform, and the more quickly they recover.  This is especially true if you’re performing high intensity exercises, because if your workouts are that much more efficient, they will be that much more effective.  Not to mention the sexual benefits of increased blood flow. Nitric oxide has been proven to be a key component of thick, hard erection.

The ingredients in Xtreme Nitro are:

  • Green Tea Extract which is an antioxidant that boosts and protects overall health.  It also helps you keep focused for longer and more intense workouts. (1)
  • L-Arginine which is a precursor to nitric oxide. The truth is that nitric oxide is a gas so you can’t actually supplement it. You can, however, give your body precursors that it can convert into the gas.
  • Chromium enhances the body’s metabolism of sugar and helps with fat loss.
  • Yohimbine HCL also increases nitric oxide levels in the blood, much in the same way as L-Arginine. Extracted from yohimbe, this compound has also been used for hundreds of years as a libido and vitality booster. Yohimbine has actually been shown to be quite effective, but it can also cause dangerous side effects, and is not safe for those with diabetes, blood pressure, or heart problems.  It only contains 5 mg of yohimbe , so the side effects would probably be minimal.

Xtreme Nitro should be taken twice daily, according to the label, with one dose of 1 – 2 capsules.

At a glance, the formula should work; All of these are proven ingredients and are present in reasonable dosages. The problem with this supplement, as you’ll see later, is not with its contents though.

My Personal Results

Energy / Vascularity:  My Results With Xtreme Nitro were mixed.  On the one hand, it seemed to give me a boost in energy, and a more pronounced vascular look.  The biggest issue was this only seemed to last for the first week, and then it went away.  It was like my body adapted to the ingredients, and flushed them out of my system very quickly.

Muscle building / Getting Ripped benefits:  I didn’t see any major changes in size as a result of using Xtreme Nitro.  When I first started taking it, I weighed in at around 197 lbs. and after a month I had only lost about 2 lbs.  I didn’t change my diet or anything, but I was working out a bit longer each session, maybe 10 – 15 min. more.  But a six abs or chiseled arms or chest?  Not at all…

Sexual Benefits:  I definitely felt the libido boosting benefits, probably because of the yohimbe.  Yohimbe bark extract is actually a very well known aphrodisiac that has been used for hundreds of years to promote sexual prowess and well being, and Xtreme Nitro has 5 mg of it.

However, this didn’t come without a price.  Like the dozens of times I’ve used yohimbe, I got side effects ranging from dry mouth to light nausea.  I didn’t throw up or anything, but definitely felt the effects.  Another thing I wanted to note is that the capsules are HUGE, so if you have trouble swallowing you might want to break open the capsule and dump it into some water or something.

Potential Side Effects

Apart from a greatly decreased bank account, some of the ingredients in Xtreme Nitro can cause some fairly worrying side effects.

Large doses of chromium, for example, can cause stomach discomfort and even damage to the liver and kidneys. Chromium is also so good at its job of increasing sugar metabolism that you may experience drastically low blood sugar.

Arginine can also cause stomach problems including bloating and diarrhea. In extreme cases, it’s possible to have severe respiratory issues, especially if you already have allergies and/or asthma. Arginine, as a vasodilator, can also cause low blood pressure and nausea.

Perhaps most concerning, though, are the potential side effects of yohimbe. Among these are nausea, vomiting, increased blood pressure, rapid pulse, irritability, anxiety and skin flushing. In rare cases, much more severe reactions have also been reported which included extreme pain in the fingers, toes and penis of patients.

I do have to stress, though, that these sort of reactions are extremely rare. Yohimbine – the active compound in yohimbe – is a very potent substance but, when used correctly, absolutely works.

Impressions From the Internet

It’s always interesting to see the general feel for a product that you can get by spending just a brief time with your favorite search engine. For me, personally, huge red flags start to fly whenever I see promotional material that is this replete with typos and grammatical errors. If, for example, a website promoting the product asks a question like Who Xtreme Nitro Perform? I get worried.

There are also several, extremely suspicious websites out there selling Xtreme Nitro and advertising their free trial under different names. In addition to the aforementioned terrible English used in these promotional efforts, the websites often have such odd and ridiculous names as “Strenght Muscle.”

More convincingly, though, negative reviews about this product can be found all over the internet. Primarily, these complaints are in regard to the “free trial” and overall suspicious billing practices. The Better Business Bureau (BBB) has processed 12 complaints about this company, all of which had to do with advertising, sales and customer service issues. According to customer complaints, once you are locked in to this trial, it is nearly impossible to get free. Calling customer service seems to be a dead end, with representatives that are full of excuses and claim to be totally incapable of issuing refunds.

Some disgruntled customers have even gone so far as to as cancel their credit cards to get free of this financial trap. In fact, it is extremely suspicious that this product is only available through this troublesome auto-refill program and cannot be purchased in stores. Although, there is the occasional bottle available for sale on Amazon and Ebay from former customers hoping to recover some of their loses.

This is not good and I have a hunch that it points to the true integrity of the product more than you may even think.

I mean, why even tarnish people’s opinion of your product before they have even had the full chance to form an opinion on it by practicing rather sketchy business maneuvers that swindle people out of money and themselves out of genuine repeat business.

When it comes to actual results, however, customer reviews are mixed. To be fair, we need to be clear than it’s common practice for supplement companies to pay people to write favorable reviews for them so you can’t always trust when you see on blogs and comment sections of various websites. That being said, some customers do report good results – particularly with regard to sexual performance.

For the most part, though, people are largely dissatisfied with the results they get from this rather costly product – especially when they encounter the issues discussed above.

Xtreme Nitro Pros and Cons

A quick comparison of what’s good and what’s bad about a product is a great way to come to a smart decision about whether or not to buy.


  • It’s beneficial to muscle building and sexual function.


  • It’s only available through a free trial offer which signs you up for a monthly auto-shipping program.
  • It contains Yohimbine which can be potentially dangerous, particularly with daily use.
  • It can become quite expensive.
  • 12 complaints on the BBB website about problems with the product, giving it an F rating

Where to Buy

You can order Xtreme Nitro through a free trial offer online.  You are sent a one month supply for $1.95.  If you don’t cancel within 14 days of your order date, you are automatically enrolled in a monthly shipping program where you’ll receive a new supply every month, and your credit card will be charged $74.95 each month as well.

Like most of the other “miracle” supplements we come across, this one cannot be found in stores like GNC or Vitamin shoppe, not that it would make a difference anyway.  My guess is that this supplement will probably be off the market in a few months, primarily because they don’t seem to be building a brand. On the contrary, it seems like this company is doing all that they can to lay low. One customer was even told that they recently split into “sister companies” and there are several websites all using the same promotional artwork claiming to represent the company

Another thing I wanted to mention is that if you got stuck in one of those monthly rebilling deals with Xtreme Nitro, if you have any unopened bottles you don’t want you can always try selling them on Ebay.  I recently saw a guy pushing a bottle for $46, so at least you can get some of your money back.


Bodybuilding supplements are serious business.  There are several reputable brands that you can go with that don’t charge an arm and a leg for you to try their product.  They’ve got the knowledge and experience to help you get what you need to perform at your best.  Xtreme Nitro is not one of them.  They pack nothing proprietary or “essential” into their supplement, and their sales tactics are gimmicky and deceiving. Overall, there are much more reliable companies out there offering products that are better formulated and more affordable.

Even if it worked (which it didn’t for me), Xtreme Nitro is a fly-by-night product that cares far more about getting you locked into a monthly billing cycle than they do about your well-being or your ability to achieve your goals.

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User Questions and Answers

I'm I in the trap by ordering free trail -kyle

Use the phone number listed on your credit card statement to call as soon as possible and cancel you subscription.- Rob

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How do I cancel my stuff so I won't have to pay $74 a month -Tyler

Use the phone number listed on your credit card statement to call as soon as possible and cancel your subscription.

- Rob

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19 out of 21 people found this question helpful.

If the card I used got cancelled would they no longer charge and send bottles -Robert

Yes. Once they can't collect the charges from the card, they will stop charging and sending bottles.- Rob

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4 out of 4 people found this question helpful.

Is there any bad side effects -justin studdard

Not that I'm aware of.- Rob

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2 out of 2 people found this question helpful.

Will my bank have the # for the co so i can cancel asap?!!! -Kevin

The bank should have it.- Rob

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Author: Rob Miller

Supplement Critique

Rob Miller founded SupplementCritique.com over 7 years ago, and has been the chief editor ever since. He has a diploma in Advanced Dietary Supplements Advisor, and worked at GNC for 3 years. He KNOWS supplements, both inside and out. Rob currently resides in Jupiter, FL, with his wife of 4 years.  Learn more about him in his Bio here. Follow him on Twitter , Facebook, LinkedIn, or find him on Google +.

63 comments on “Xtreme Nitro Review – Does It Work?”

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  1. I’m 5’7 127 lbs. I’m trying to get bulk meaning muscular. I do have a fast metabolism and all I’ve seen so far from the reviews about this pills is losing weight.

    But,I don’t want to loose weight. I actually wants to gain and get my body muscular and big not lose what i

  2. The fact that it was totally ineffective is one issue, but the real scam here is the way they do business. Everything said 10 day free trial, so I made a calendar entry for the tenth day after it arrived and e-mailed them on that day, canceling.

    All their correspondence with me had been via e-mail and NOWHERE did it state how to cancel. They still billed me and, when I called, refused to refund, because (a) they do not accept e-mails and (b) because I had canceled one day too late, referring me to their terms and conditions (which I had never been shown during the ordering process or in the e-mails).

    I found them (only by searching for them) and they state “Cancel 14 days from today” (i.e. from the ORDER date, not receipt date) – they do not specify how and certainly do not state “e-mail does not count”.
    In the end, after I threatened to sue, they agreed to refund 50%, so I accepted that as being better than nothing. Don’t get taken in – whatever the possible value of the product, the way it is marketed is a straightforward, indisputable, Internet SCAM.

    1. Hey Justin,
      Yeah that would probably help haha. There’s not a supplement out there that will build muscle without working out.

      Any company telling you otherwise is lying to you.

  3. I got a free sample and they started sending me orders i didn’t order so stop sending me orders i didn’t order Gerard Blankenbaker
    1. Hey Gerard,

      SupplementCritique.com is a review website. We don’t sell supplements, and we have no affiliation with Xtreme Nitro.

      You’ll have to contact them directly to solve your billing and order issues.

    1. Hey Ryan,

      I don’t see their number anywhere online. Check your credit card statement.

      Usually they list the number in the transaction. If not, call your credit card company.

      They’ll have the number.

    1. Hey Romeo,

      I haven’t checked it out yet. I’ll put it on the list, and let you know when we get a review posted.

    1. Hey Steve,
      Stack a fat burner called Instant Knockout along with a pre workout supplement called Nitrocut. They work synergistically (and safely) to help boost your metabolism, build lean muscle, and burn fat. Here’s my reviews:

      Instant Knockout – https://www.supplementcritique.com/instant-knockout-fat-burner-review/

      Nitrocut – https://www.supplementcritique.com/nitrocut-review-our-1-pre-workout-supplement/

      Also, click here to sign up for my free “How to get ripped” ebook. It’s packed with tons of info on diet and exercise to help you get the best results when used in conjunction with the supplements.

  4. I wanna thank you for responding to me Rob :). And what muscle supplement would you recommend most that’s not gonna charge me $80 for one bottle a month?

    1. Hey Shawn,

      SupplementCritique.com is a review website. We don’t sell Xtreme Nitro. We don’t even recommend it. You’ll have to get in touch with the company directly to cancel your order and your commitment. Here’s all the contact information I found from their website:

      Phone: 1-877-374-0182
      Email: ccbillsupport@ccbill.com
      Product Support: Xtreme Nitro – 1-877-699-6810

    1. Hey Derek,

      I haven’t had a chance. If you give me some time, I’ll check it out and let you know when I’ve posted a review.

  5. Worst customer service ever. Claim you can try for $5 and neglect to acknowledge the fine print on the real cost.

    Will not refund your money and the product does not work.
  6. I bought both the extreme nitro, and the fb1 test, I am 5ft5in tall, about 125 pounds, obviously I have no fat to lose, so are these products still good for someone my height and weight to increase muscle? Looking to gain, not lose, please help.

    1. Hey Pete,
      First off, be carefull with those 2 products. If you signed up for the free trials they will start billing your credit card astronomical rates 14 days down the road. Personally speaking, I don’t think either of these supplements work. I tried the Xtreme Nitro and got no results from it.

      Sign up for my free “How To Get Larger, Stronger, and More Powerful” ebook, it’s packed with tons of tips on diet and exercise to help you bulk up and get strong quickly.

      As far as supplements, I would recommend you go with the Crazy Mass Bulking Stack. I personally had great results with it, and it’s perfect for hard gainers like yourself. Here’s my review: https://www.supplementcritique.com/crazy-mass-bulking-stack-review/

  7. This article is very well written and absolutely true. Products like Xtreme Nitro or whatever are just another medical bill waiting to happen for the consumer.

    Don’t get it! Don’t believe the hype.

    These people that claim it works are paid to say that. I workout 3 to 4 days a week.

    I did not use the product but for 3 days and it made my entire self seem sick, stressed, rapid palpitations while I slept and I took only 2 tablets in the morning not at night. It’s been a week and a half I still don’t feel right.

    Stay away stay away don’t bother, unless you want to die of high blood pressure and heart problems.
  8. They go by the name Nutra Pump and Protosterone now. Every few months they change the names and a few more mugs fall for it.

    Think about it, even real anabolic steroids cannot bulk you and shred you in 4-6 weeks.

    It’s total bs.
  9. Do Not purchase Xtreme Nitro! They are a scam, they tell you only pay the shipping cost of $4.95 but what they don’t tell you is 14 days after you’ll be charged $79 and be set on auto-order!!!! So BS BEware

    1. What number do you call? I was dumb and ordered it today for the 4.95 price but want to cancel asap.

  10. Definite scam. Be sure to read EVERYTHING.

    They do not mark the legal information as such so you may overlook it to your sorrow. One star because you can’t leave fewer.

  11. Hi Rob,

    Thanks for hosting this site. It’s sites like this that help people save time and money.

    I have to laugh at some of the stupid questions some people are asking you along with the incredibly awful spelling and grammar written by the person writing the question.

    It makes you wonder if they are people from the scam company messing around with you.
    U no iam knot tu sure I think is cases sometimes.
    Anyway, I sincerely thank you for your time and effort in helping to warn consumers about such scams.

    I do have a question about the product Nitrean +.

    Do you have any reviews on that protein powder? I’m just looking for a good protein product that is free of chemicals and is as natural as possible.

    Thanks again and keep up the greT work.
    1. Hey Evan,

      I actually haven’t reviewed Nitrean+, but if you give me a few weeks, I’ll look into it and post something to the site. I’ll shoot you an email when the review goes up.

  12. If I could give Xtreme Nitro a 0 I would. Very bad product. does not work at all.

    When you call very bad customer service and sup are really unprofessional plus they have the freedom to speak to you the way they want and to hang up on you and place you on hold as many times they want as long as they want.
    1. Hey Jay,

      Check out Nitrocut. It’s a great pre workout supplement that will get your blood flowing with an increase in nitric oxide.

  13. From reading the many comments I received both positive and more negative feed back and i was interested in purchasing the product and don’t know what to believe
    1. Hey Jesse,

      You’d be much better off with Nitrocut. It works great. It contains no stimulants. And they don’t play “free trial” games like Xtreme Nitro does.

  14. To cancel…

    I called my bank and have them reverse any and all fees they took out from them saying i didnt authorise this. And refuse any other payments these people try to charge.

    It worked. I got free bottles of Xtreme Nitro and no bother from them.

  15. I personally order the stuff and put a hold on my account for all other charges from it lol, they rob everyone else, why not get a couple of bottles of the crap for 5 bucks lol
  16. so.. seems everyone is upset with the CS and how much $$ they were charged.. is anyone using the product.. eating well.. and exercising?? or is everyone just upset with the company?? I have been using this product for 2 weeks and I am seeing results in my endurance and energy. I feel better and my sex life has improved.. no jokes.

    I do admit tho. the company has terrible service.. but the product is real. I don’t use a gym and my main sport is rock climbing..

    I was looking for a way to push my recovery and endurance. this has worked so far.. and I am giving it a shot..
  17. SCAM SCAM SCAM! I really hope people do alot of research and homework on Xtreme Nitro before they buy!

    They keep charging me for a product I haven’t received. It took me three times to get it cancled!

    Lost money and time messing around with this scam of a company! Do YOURSELF A FAVOR!

  18. This product is a joke. Don’t waste your money on this crap.

    If you don’t cancel your free trial within 14 days they will charge you $75. DON’T GET CAUGHT LIKE I DID IN THIS SCAM!!
  19. For all of you looking at sites to see if you should get Xtreme Nitro, DO NOT get this product.
    1. Product does not do a single thing. My multivitamin gives me more of a boost than Xtreme Nitro does.

    2. If you order their “free trial”, i guarantee you will lose more than $50 and hours of your life.
    3. Their customer service is the worst ive ever had. They hung the phone up in my ear 3 times, put me on hold for 20 minutes until i realized that nobody would be coming back so i hung up myself and called again.

  20. Thanks for the very timely response – I can’t believe these people, I’m returning an unopened product in it’s original unopened mailer, and they cannot accept a return for a full refund??!! wtf? People like this are only in it to cheat customers out of as much money as possible!
    thx again Rob,

    1. This is a total rip off.
      they do not want to get the product back.
      hang up on me time after time when i call.
      when i call it sounds like a “working from home” speakerphone kinda deal.
      **they wont return my money back!
      if u want or not, you will be paying full price for the next order “as mentioned on the terms of agreement”
      what a rip off deal!!!!
      I will NEVER do business with them!!!!

  21. Do NOT get involved with this fraud.
    I responded to the FREE Trial offer for Xtreme Nitro, but after reviewing the entire web site offer, I couldn’t find out how much the product was going to cost month to month and I didn’t see any instant monthly installment program – they buried this negative/sales killing information in the fine print terms and conditions – which no one reads anymore.

    After realizing I had been slammed into automatic monthly payments of $75.97 I immediately went back to the customer service website page and cancelled my monthly subscription – THREE TIMES!!!!!! No response and they had the balls to ship me another monthly product and charge. Now, less that 30 days, I called the company and requested a RMA# to return the unopened product and get my fair re-imbursment.

    No, they said the product had been “out there” for less than 30 days and could not accept the returned product and refund my money. WTF?

    Again, some hidden policy in the terms and conditions. These people are thieves and should never be allowed to continue conducting such fraudulent business!!!

  22. This company is sneaky and they will not work with you. It should state on the front page that you have to call within 14 days to cancel the free trial instead of in the terms that are difficult to find as they are located at the very bottom in tiny print.

  23. I Have been Using Xtreme Nitro for 3 months now and can definitely say that I REALLY Like the results. I did call Customer service last week to cancel the subscription because it was a bit expensive.

    However, I spoke with a customer service rep name Jessica who offered me a really good discount for a monthly membership which was 29.95 a month. ( You can order a non trail bottle on their website as well , I just overlooked it)
    1. It happened to me today. I talked to this Julie, and she refused to reimbursed my money.

      I hate this company, and I will place a bad review everywhere warning people about this scam.
    2. It happened to me today. I talked to this Julie, and she refused to reimbursed my money.

      I hate this company, and I will place a bad review everywhere warning people about this scam.
      THIS IS A SCAM !!!!!!!!

  24. This company is a complete joke. My 16 year old son signed up for this, without permission and I tried to take care of it, to no avail.

    The customer service rep “Judy” is obviously the only person that works for the company, since she answered the phone all three times I called. If it was a legitimate company, they’d have more than one person working in customer service.

    She blamed me for allowing him internet access. I take partial responsibility, but I do NOT need to hear from her.

    On top of that, she refused to refund the money of the product. I’ve already contact the BBB to file a complaint, this should be ILLEGAL!

    And “Judy” should be out of a job because she does NOT know the meaning of customer service.
    1. It happened to me today. I talked to this Julie, and she refused to reimbursed my money.

      I hate this company, and I will place a bad review everywhere warning people about this scam.
  25. Hello,
    Do product like Xtreme Nitro work on a 49 year old man? Im a little apprehensive but trying a product that will not be beneficial to someone my age.

    1. Hey Saul,
      Sure, it can definitely work for men of pretty much all ages. It’s always best to check with your doctor if your unsure.

    1. Hey James,
      You’ll have to contact either your credit card company or their customer service line.

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