Nitro Focus NO3 Review – Does It Really Work?
By: Rob MillerFact Checked On: 4-10-2020
There has been a surge of NO products on the market recently, with a new one seemingly popping up every day. While some of these products work quite well, most of them are a sham and should be avoided at all costs. One recent one I came across is called Nitro Focus NO3, a pre-workout supplement made by a company named Muscle Focus. So is this supplement one of those good products, or just an expensive rip-off of the others? Let’s take a look and see what Nitro Focus NO3 is all about.
What is Nitro Focus NO3?
Proclaiming that their product can build 35% more muscle mass in less than 30 days, Nitro Focus NO3 is a daily supplement used to help increase strength and get you ripped looking quick. It also promises other benefits, such as improved focus, mental clarity, and increased energy, to name a few. It’s sales page is typical of most products in the pre-workout category, with pictures of huge, ripped guys with tattoos and hot chicks around their arm.
They also mention Nitro Focus NO3 is the #1 workout supplement in the US, but, it doesn’t even appear to be sold in the #1 nutrition store in the US, GNC. That’s a pretty bold claim for a product that you can’t even find in store, don’t you think? They also state that Nitro Focus NO3has been seen on Men’s Fitness, Muscle and Fitness, and Men’s Health, however, being an avid reader of all of these publications, I have yet to see it mentioned even once.
Yeah, I know, red flags are raised, but even still let’s take a closer look at Nitro Focus NO3 and see if it redeems itself beyond its less than impressive first impressions that have done little to establish trust.
How Does Nitro Focus NO3 Work?
The products sales page spends alot of time focusing on the benefits and uses of Nitro Focus NO3, but very little information is given about how their supplement actually works. What we do know is that you are supposed to take 2 Nitro Focus NO3 pills right before a workout, presumably on an empty stomach.
After some in-depth research, we finally stumbled across the products ingredient list, and noticed that it includes the following: A-AKG, OKG, GKG, and A-KIC. The primary ingredient appears to be A-AKG, containing 1990 mg of the substance. While it is often promote to help improve vascularity and blood flow, recent studies have suggested that the use of A-AKG has no effect on blood pressure or muscular endurance. Actually, on the contrary it may appear to do the EXACT opposite, actually compromising endurance and strength.
Deceptive Marketing and Unfair Billing
One other thing I wanted to note was that the company that markets Nitro Focus NO3 uses deceptive marketing to try and influence potential buyers. For instance, when I was searching for reviews of the supplement, I found the following Youtube video:
In the video he talks about how he recommends this supplement to his client, in addition to a solid exercise routine and healthy eating. Sounds good and all, but is it legit? Well, I happen to stumble across a website called Fiverr, which basically is a site where people advertise what they are willing to do for $5. And wouldn’t you know it, the guy in the video above is advertising a service to “review” products. Check it out below:
Another deceptive practice you’ll find with Nitro Focus NO3 is their billing procedure. You see, on their official website, they ask you where you want your sample bottle shipped.Check out the image below…
To me, that says I am going to get a free bottle of the stuff, right? Well, when you look at the supposed “free sample” terms and conditions, it paints a completely different picture. See the image below:
So basically what they are saying is you have 10 days to “sample” their supplement from the day you order it. It takes 2 – 3 business days until you receive it, so let’s assume you ordered it on a Saturday, and then received it on the 3rd business day, which would be Wednesday in this example. That means you literally have 5 days to try it out. If you don’t called and cancel, you will be charged the “low” price of $99.98 for that bottle.
What’s worse is that if you don’t cancel, you will end up getting charged that “low” price of $99.98 every 30 days, and they will continually send you a new bottle every 30 days until you cancel. For guys that don’t check their credit card statements that often, this could be financially CATASTROPHIC! I’ve heard of guys literally being charged close the $1,000 before they realized what was happening.
They know exactly what they are doing by swindling people out of their money knowing that not everyone is going to pay attention to the fine print and anticipate being charged that much.
Check out my article on these supplement scams, and how you can avoid them.
Due to the overwhelming amount of fake reviews being posted online about Nitro Focus NO3, as well as the fact that their sales page does little to explain or defend how their product works, we cannot recommend the use of this supplement. The scary fact is that their primary ingredient may actually hinder your results, something you probably were not expecting. On top of that, the only way to buy Nitro Focus NO3 is via a free trial. That may sound great and all, but what they tell you in the fine print is that you will be charged $99.98 after 10 days of ordering. I don’t know about you, but there are very few supplements in this world that I would pay almost $100 for, especially for a one month supply.
Have You Used Nitro Focus NO3? Leave Your Review Below!
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1 Star User Reviews
Have you used this supplement?
Rip Off - Please Do Not Try
I ordered the product and the product didn't even reach me in time for the trial period an before I know it I was charged the $99 dollars for another 30 day supply. I called and argued about the situation and they did nothing but told me they would charge me $75 for the bottle that I didn't get, but I still have to pay for the bottle that was sent out. Scam Scam Scam and I tried the product for the two months with no results.
4 out of 5 people found this review helpful.
What they do is trick u into purchasing basically salt pills. If you find anyone affiliated with this company contact your federal investigation unit closest to you! They will be stopped. I think low life scum as these people affiliated with nitro focus are, need to be imprisioned and suffer the injustification to their body and self as they are doing to everyone they knowingly scam!!!! Please call ur better business bureau and complain. I will be contacting the local news and credit card companies! They must end their deceptive practice and leave the business market for good!!!
2 out of 2 people found this review helpful.
If this product is so great, then why apparent scam regarding the "free" sample??? It is supposed to be a "10 day trial period". You need to note that the shipping deducts from the trial period; so, in my case, the trial period was actually 3 days. If you don't cancel within the trial period, they automatically bill you $105 and ship a full bottle. This is fraudulent--they actually billed and proceeded to ship prior to a full 10 days! A "day" by legal definition is a "24 hour period". I called to cancel on the 10th day (actual elapsed time since order placement being less than 9.5 "days") and was told I was already billed $105. When I told then to cancel, I was told I would be billed $8 for "restocking". I told them anything billed prior to a full 10 day period would be reported to my credit card company as fraud. After some arguing, the entire was finally cancelled with a refund applied to my card. So I ask again: If this product is so great, why all the scheming and trickery?!?! The simple answer is because it is a scam!
2 out of 2 people found this review helpful.
Patrick's Review
I recently ordered a sample bottle of Nitro Focus NO3, and it arrived to my house nice and promptly. I am a personal trainer and have been taking supplements for quite some time now, and I'm always looking for newer improved products out there to use in my workouts. I was negligent in reading the Terms and Conditions, and soon saw the monthly charge for $119.98 show up on my bank statement 10 days later. I have recently incurred a large sum of medical bills, and this was not something that I could afford at this time unfortunately. I don't expect anyone to make up for my mistake in not fully understanding what I was signing up for, but I would expect that if a professional company states that their objective is to keep one 100% satisfied on their customer care info. page on their website that they would not reel a customer into a monthly deal, but rather truly satisfy their customers leaving them wanting to come back for more as future customers.
When I have found products that produced results in the past I stuck with them, and not only became a satisfied returning customer, but also brought on my clients to purchase and use those products as well. Fortunately my customer care rep. initiated a refund of 50% on my order. I appreciate her looking in to find a resolution to my problem, however the bad taste was left in my mouth of feeling as though I was scammed. I would hope from this feedback this supplement company Muscle Focus might consider changing up some of their business practices, and try to stand behind the products they sell with a guarantee of 100% satisfaction.
2 out of 2 people found this review helpful.
10 day trial period doesn't exist, more like 2 days after you actually get the product before they mail out the $100 bottle and then make you pay return shipping costs. The bottle you get for the 10 day trial comes on the 6th day of your trial period and when I tried to cancel on the 10th day they would not accept because the day before they sent the other bottle out already. Total scam because the two days of the trial period I did not even notice an increase in energy level. Don't buy or try!
1 out of 1 people found this review helpful.
Do not I repeat do not order this product!!! Nitro Focus No3 landed my 18 year old son in the ER this week!! It caused him to not be able to move the right side of his body, he could not breathe, could not speak- it appeared as though he had a stroke. My daughter was home thank God & called 911 & thank God he's ok!! I pray that no one ever has to see their loved ones like this or in this situation!!!
0 out of 1 people found this review helpful.
NitroFocus no 3
I got caught with the trial and got hit with the 99.95 plus shipping. I called the cr card company and we got it canceled. BEWARE
0 out of 1 people found this review helpful.
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User Questions and Answers
Dose it realy work were do i get it from and how much any side effects. ? -Geoffrey manning
I don't recommend it.  It may work to a degree, but not enough to make up for the hassle of the free trial that automatically signs you up for monthly billing.- Rob
What are the ingredients if Nitrofocus No3 -Benjamin
It contains a proprietary blend of 3 different forms of L-Arginine, as well as 5 mg of L-Citrulline.- Rob
I canceled this order so why are you taking money out of my account. You need to replace the money or you will speak to my lawyer. -Richard is a review website. We don't sell, represent, have any affiliation with, or even recommend Nitro Focus NO3. You'll have to contact them directly.- Rob
They will promise you a 30 day risk free trial and say you only pay shipping. But then they will debit your account for $129 plus twice in 2 weeks and continue to send you supplements by mail without your clear consent monthly.
After my husband was in terrible accident causing a traumatic brain injury and memory loss, I discovered he had ordered this product a month before for the risk free trial. It took me 4 months and over a $1000 dollars in loss to this fraudulent company to cancel the deliveries and stop the charges.
After I bought this product I felt angry. After Reading what the product actually contains, the main ingredient A-AKG (ALPHA-KETOGLUTARATE) That I read is used for kidney disease; intestinal and stomach disorders, including bacterial infections; liver problems; cataracts; and recurring yeast infections and I don’t find ANY documented evidence of what you claim it to do to increase muscle power then I felt scamed and realized I should have never bought this product. I contacted you several times, first time I got 50% refund wich at that point I accepted since I saw no other way out, but after doing more Research I quickly found the “Buyers remorse Law” ('s_remorse) that covers my dissatisfaction With Your product and full refund (Yes there is a customers protection just for dissatisfactions like this) I am making a snapshop of this just in case I don’t hear back from you, so I have valid proof that I actually sent this email trough Your website and how I feel about the product and also the awareness of my rights. I also spoke to several of Your employes that did not know what was in the product they were selling, they couldnt even name the main ingredient of NITRO FOCUS NO3 that I am refering to here and also the manager hung up on me and was no willing to do anything about my dissatisfaction and costumer rights. I want my full refund back, else I am forced to proceed a long process of report to the federal investigation and I will, even if its “just” 100 usd. What you are selling is not what you claim it to be. Please forward this email to a supervisor.
Thanks alot jason
You won’t build muscle without working out, but there’s a great fat burner called Instant Knockout that will also give you energy for working out. You’ll also want to add a good protein shake to your diet to help with both weight loss and muscle synthesis. Lastly, since diet and exercise are really the most important aspects of getting fit, sign up for my free “getting ripped” ebook. It’s got a solid yet flexible meal and workout plan that you can hopefully follow when you have the time.
You don’t necessarily have to do that. Give the company a call to cancel future shipments.
Then to be on the safe side, call your bank and ask them not to accept any further charges. If they agree, then you should be all set.
Is your product safe for someone with prostate issues. Please no sales talk.
Just a very honest answer.
I wouldn’t recommend either of these products to anyone, prostate issues or not. They get you to sign up for “free trials”, and you end up being charged almost $100 each month for each product.
In your case, I would follow the instructions of your doctors.
Why waste that kind of time calling back to get the return information? When it could come along wiťh the product. . .BAD BUSINESS
I totally agree. They’ll do whatever it takes to make it hardest for you to cancel!
I called their Customer Service and they said they will refund my money as soon as they get their product back. I give them 3 stars because of their willingness to work with me.
When I called to cancel their customer service rep gave me one excuse after another why they couldn’t. Long story short I got my refund; however changed my credit card number just in case.
Since I got the magic pills I decided to try it, there is no magic. Your right it did the opposite, it robbed me of strength and endurence.
Nirto Focus NO3 is worthy of the garbage I threw it out with.
Check out a stack called the Crazy Mass Cutting Stack, works great for both pre and post workout recovery.
I’m glad you found us. As soon as the product arrives in the mail, call the NitroFocus NO3 customer service line at 1-888-471-7808 and tell them you want to cancel any further charges. You may have to return the product in order to not be charged for the initial bottle. If you can’t get through with the phone number, their customer service email is Best of luck
What are some similar products that actually work?
Ben Wood
Yeah, we’re getting the word out, but there are lots of these companies out there, and lots of guys wanting to get in shape, so it’s a long road. For REAL results, I would recommend you check out either a product called the Crazy Mass cutting stack, or stack a pre workout supplement called Nitrocut along with a fat burner called Phen375.
But I hope not, I am really trying to lose weight, but not die in the interim!