Shred JYM Review – Does It Work?
By: Rob Miller
Shred JYM Overview
Over the years, I have probably tested about 70+ different weight loss pills, fat burners, and pre workout supplements.

The first time I came across Shred JYM was actually the first time I came across the name Jim Stoppani.
I don’t follow too many (if at all) workout “gurus” on Twitter or Instagram.
Most of the time (like with Abs After 40), they’re simply pushing their product.
Sometimes, they’re posts are just straight up annoying.

This was actually NOT the case with Jim Stoppani, which was actually quite refreshing.
Jim Stoppani has a number of online fitness programs available on his website and, including:
- Shortcut To Size
- Shortcut To Shred
He also has a broad supplement line that includes a pre workout supplement called Pre JYM, a post workout appropriately called Post JYM, and a testosterone booster called Alpha JYM.
Shred JYM is their fat burning and weight loss offering.
The claim is that when used in conjunction with proper diet and exercise, you’ll see the fat come off, whether it’s for competition, those last few pounds, or whatever your goal is.
So lets take a closer look at what goes into Shred JYM and how the product works.
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to read about my personal results.
Shred JYM Ingredients and How They Work
The Shred JYM formula feature 6 ingredients at fairly large, but well-tested dosages.
They are:
- Acetyl-L-Carnitine (1.5 grams) to transport fat to the mitochondria where it’s burned as energy.
This particular form of carnitine has the added benefit of containing acetyle groups which enter the brain and improve cognitive function, mood and energy. (Source)
- Green Tea Extract (500 mg) to increase your metabolic rate which burns more calories and fat.
Specifically, green tea extract contains large quantities of a substance called epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) which prevents the breakdown of norepinephrine.
Among it’s many important functions, norepinephrine keeps your metabolism fast and especially increases fat burn. (Read the study here)
- Caffeine (200 mg) to release fat from you fat cells so it can be burned as fuel.
Studies have also shown that caffeine increases your metabolism as a whole and total calories burned, especially when combined with Green tea. (Read that study here) Caffeine helps with fat lose by suppressing appetite, as well.
Everyone’s favorite stimulant will also increase energy and brain functions, too.
- L-Tyrosine (500 mg) works in conjunction with caffeine to increase alertness, energy, focus and mood.
Primarily, this boost is a result of the increased levels of dopamine, adrenaline, and norepinephrine that tyrosine causes.
Each of these neurotransmitters work toward improving your brain function and mood.
As far as weight loss goes, tyrosine also impacts the concentration of thyroid hormones which in turn speed up your metabolism. (Read the study here)
- Capsimax (50 mg) is a patented form of capsaicin – the substance that makes hot peppers hot.
Capsaicin has been shown through numerous trials to both suppress appetite and increase metabolism. (Read one of those studies here) The issue is that many people cannot tolerate the heat associated with the substance.
To get around this, the makers of Capsimax ( created small capsules that each contain huge amounts of capsaicin.
These tiny pods pass through your mouth, throat and stomach without touching your taste buds and are finally released in your intestines.
This specialized delivery method not only gives you a larger-than-normal dose of capsaicin, but does so without any heat.
- Advantra Z (20 mg) is a patented form of the popular weight loss supplement synephrine – an extract of bitter orange.
Chemically related to the infamous ephedrine, synephrine is slightly less potent but also less risky.
This patented form of the substance delivers it in a safe, effective dose that can be readily absorbed.
Numerous studies have shown the synephrine is a powerful stimulant, fat burner and appetite suppressant. (Source)
Here’s a snapshot of the label:
How Shred JYM Works
These ingredients are designed to all work together in three distinct stages that ultimately contribute in improved body composition.
Stage 1: Reduce the amount of fat your fat cells store.
Stage 2: Get your fat cells to leave.
Stage 3: Burn the fat off.
How does it do all of this?
Essentially, the blend of ingredients force fat to migrate out of your fat cells and into your mitochondria, where it can be burned for fuel.
Once it’s there, the ingredients in Shred JYM increase your metabolism and not only destroy the fat, but use it to produce energy that improves your athletic performance.
How To Take Shred JYM
Something especially interesting about Shred JYM is that the serving size is an enormous four pills.
While this may not seem like a great feature at first, it is designed that way to make sure that you are getting effective dosages of each ingredient.
Very often, supplements tout a long list of thoroughly studied ingredients to quickly gain your confidence.
This is actually VERY common in the male enhancement industry, even though the vast majority of the time they’re completely full of shit.
So what’s the big deal?
To cut costs however, these ingredients exist in ridiculously small dosages and as therefore incapable of producing the desired results.
Most of the time, companies will use proprietary blends to get around this since this legal loophole means that they do not have to disclose all of the ingredient’s names or quantities.
A lot of times, people will see an ingredients list and recognize a formula that has proven to be great in other similar products, but that does not mean that it is in the right levels and concentration in the supplement in question.
As part of their company policy, JYM does not use proprietary blends and is very transparent when it comes to their ingredients.
So, while throwing back four pills might seem like a hassle, you can be sure that those pills are actually going to do what they promise.
My Personal Test Results
I decided to try Shred JYM for one week just to get a gauge on how effective of a fat burner it might be. I really only need to lose like 10 lbs. to reach my “fighting weight”, but figured it could possibly work well as a pre workout as well.
The directions on the label stats that you should take 6 capsules 1 time per day with or without food.
Since I’m particularly sensitive to caffeine, I NEVER go with a full dose the first time around.
Typically I’ll cut the dose in half (3 capsules in this case), but since it contains SO many other stimulants, I pushed that down to just 2 capsules on day 1.
Here are my general Shred JYM results:
You can definitely feel a kick off of Shred JYM, especially with a 4 capsule dose on an empty stomach. The energy boost seems to last a few hours and then starts to wear off, which is probably the reason why they recommend you take it 2 – 3 times per day.
I did feel an increase in focus / concentration, especially during my workouts. But it wasn’t anything more then a potent caffeine pill might do.
Appetite Suppressant
The one huge thing I noticed was that my appetite was way less then normal, which I can attribute to the cayenne pepper.
Side Effects
The only side effect I noticed was a little bit of insomnia if I took it too late in the day. They recommend you don’t take any 6 hours prior to bedtime, and I recommend you heed that warning. That said, Shred JYM contains about 500 mg of green tea extract, which may be a problem for some if they decide to take it on an empty stomach.
Weight Loss
After about a week I noticed I had lost about 3 lbs., but I’m not sure if it was water weight or fat. I definitely looked “leaner”, and fit into board shorts that I haven’t fit into in a couple of years.
Shred JYM Reviews From Other Customers
The majority of reviews on Shred JYM are positive, with customers saying that it helped them to lose weight quickly and increased their energy.
As with any supplement, it seems like there are some non-responders out there who saw no benefits, but Shred appears to work for most people.
For example, on the average rating was 8.6 out of 10 stars as of this review.
The positive Shred JYM reviews report things like increased energy for workouts, suppressed appetite, and increased focus.
Here’s a few of the positive experiences:
Of course, there are those that mentioned they didn’t see any effect whatsoever from the pills.
Here’s a few of those:
By and large, the vast majority of positive reviews overwhelms the negative ones.
Many of the same sentiments were shared on other sites, including GNC.
The average rating for Shred JYM on GNC was 4.4 out of 5 stars, actually making it one of the most highly rated hardcore thermogenics on their site.
Related Article: 11 BEST Fat Burners At GNC
Shred JYM Side Effects
Very few user reported any negative side effects from taking Shred JYM.
Those that did have complaints, seemed to have encountered the issues one would normally expect from this type of supplement.
Namely, skin flushing, increased body temperature, jitters and stomach discomfort.
Because of the side effects, you should never exceed the maximum recommended daily dose and if you feel as though you are starting to experience any ill effects, monitor them closely and get in touch with your doctor if need be.
This is likely a result of all of the stimulants they’re pumping in to the Shred JYM ingredients list.
Shred JYM Warnings
They do make a number of warnings pretty crystal clear on their label, including things like:
- Don’t exceed the recommended dose.
- Avoid combining with other caffeinated / stimulant beverages or sources.
- Refrain use after 8 weeks.
- Don’t take it within 6 hours of bedtime, maybe more if you’re especially sensitive to caffeine.
- Consult with your physician prior to using Shred JYM.
Shred JYM Pros and Cons
Advantages of Shred JYM
- It uses 3-Stage fat loss plan so your fat comes off most efficiently.
- The Shred JYM reviews are very positive.
- It’s less expensive than most JYM products.
- JYM is a highly reputable company.
Disadvantages of Shred JYM
- There’s no money back guarantee.
- 8 capsules per day is an inconvenient dosage size.
Where to Buy Shred JYM
You can purchase Shred JYM through
The 240-count bottle will last for 30 days, and costs about $35. Compared to most other supplements in the weight loss, fat burning class this is relatively inexpensive.
Outside of that, I haven’t been able to find Shred JYM for sale in any stores like GNC, Vitamin Shoppe, Walgreens, or CVS.
Even the link of JYM’s company website brings you to isn’t necessarily anything to be worried about, though. is a reputable store that generally has decent prices and Stoppani has been associated with them for a long time.
About Jim Stoppani and JYM Supplement Science
Jim Stoppani is one of the worlds most foremost leaders in fitness and wellness.
If you’ve ever done any research online on any fitness or nutrition topic, you’re likely familiar with Stoppani.
The man is a renowned expert and the JYM line of supplements represents the results of his experience.
According to his profile on, Stoppani holds a doctorate in exercise physiology and a minor in biochemistry from the University of Connecticut.
He’s written 1,000’s of articles and co-authored several notable books such as:
- Stronger Arms and Upper Body
- LL Cool J’s Platinum 360 Diet and Lifestyle
What about JYM Supplement Science?
What’s different about JYM Supplement Science is that they believe in full disclosure.
That means when you buy something from them, you’ll know just what you’re getting and how it works.
In fact, when you reach out to JYM for customer service the company website very proudly tells you that you know exactly who you’ll be dealing with: Dr. Jim Stoppani.
You can visit his twitter profile and see for yourself that he actually answers any product related questions himself.
I just went there and saw that he answered 2 of them today:
Pretty cool, and something you don’t normally see from a supplement company!
In general, JYM is an excellent line of products created by a highly respected fitness and nutrition expert.
The company as a whole practices a refreshing degree of honesty and the ingredients included in Shred have been tested in both the lab and the real world.
As a whole this lends considerable credibility to Shred JYM.
What about the formula?
Looking more closely at the Shred formula, it’s actually pretty standard.
What really makes this product unique, though, is that the unusually large serving size that make sure you’re getting dosages that will actually work.
The inclusion of designer forms of capsaicin and synephrine is also an interesting choice.
While Capsimax could cut down on any unpleasant side effects associated with large capsaicin doses, the information is a little vague regarding Advantra Z and what makes it so special.
This is necessarily a bad thing, but I’m not convinced that it’s totally needed either.
Biggest problem I have with Shred JYM
The major downside that keeps coming up in my research into this product is the serving size.
Many people complain that it is simply difficult to take 8 to 12 pills every day.
On the other hand, if the product works well for you it’s really not a terrible trade-off.
Would you rather take two pills that do nothing or 12 that do exactly what you expected?
Ultimately, I see no reason not to give Shred JYM a try if you’re looking for a boost to your weight loss goals.
In addition to helping you lose fat, several of the substances found in the supplement can help to improve your energy and mood which can always be helpful.
Even though there is nothing really new or surprising in the ingredients list, that’s probably not a bad thing.
The stuff packed into that handful of pills has been proven to work time and again.
On top of that, Shred JYM is cheaper than many competitors.
Have You Used Shred JYM? Leave Your Review Below!
Top 3 Fat BurnersAffiliate Disclosure
Instant Knockout is actually a new fat burning supplement I just came across, and got great results.
HourGlass Fit is the BEST fat burner for women we’ve ever tested.
Read our review here.
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User Questions and Answers
Hii everyone this is Anvesh when I start doing my workout I really do very hard workout and reduce weight within 2months usually I Vl do workout with fat burners I tried so many if I stopped doing workout I Vl put on weight verry easily within 1month again am planning to start suggest me which fat burner I should use R I should not use -Anvesh
Once you lose the weight, if you don't continue to watch your diet and exercise you will always put the weight back on. Â With that said, check out Instant Knockout. It's my number one choice in fat burners.- Rob
Hi , I've seen you recommend Instant Knockout for fat burners and after two months of using it , I'm pretty happy with the energy and fat loss. However , it isn't doing much for my appetite. Do you have any recommendations that are similar to Instant Knockout but have better appettite suppresing ingredients? -Floyd
It's the stimulants in fat burners that suppress appetite. It sounds like you've developed a bit of a tolerance to Instant Knockout. I'd switch things up for a while and go with Phen375 instead.- Rob
Hi i haven't used this product but is highly recommended by my friends in weight loss , before i start using my question is im a diabetic patient n im taking 3 types of tablets to control my sugar level , could you please let me if i can use these along with my diabetes tablet and will there be any side effect . -Humera Khan
Whenever you have a medical condition and/or take prescription medication, you need to consult with your prescribing doctor about any potential interactions.- Rob
Hi, the recommended does is 4 pills 3xday, is this also a dose one would follow as a woman 5'4 135lb ? seems odd that a small person would take the same dose as a 6' 200lb male, please comment:) -Elena
It's the same with most supplements and over-the-counter pills. Â Think of ibuprofen 200 mg pills. The recommended dose for adults is 2 pills every 4-6 hours. They don't distinguish between larger and smaller adults. Â That said, as you get accustomed to taking it, you can adjust it for your needs, staying in the ballpark of the recommended dose.- Rob
Can I take a testosterone booster with Pre Jym and Shred Jym? -steve
A testosterone booster is a great addition to this stack.- Rob
Either would be safe to use with CLA. The biggest difference between the two is that Shred Jym has caffeine whereas LeanMode doesn’t. So if you’re looking for something with a stimulant, go with Shred.
If you’d rather avoid that, go with LeanMode.
Should I take 2 more at lunch? I want to lose 30 lbs,any advice on how I can reach my goal would great.
I work out sometimes. I do aerobics at home sometimes.I know my metabolism is shot considering I have yo yo dieted for a long time.
Will this help rebuild and boost me metabolism?
I’m not sure taking additional capsules will really have that much more of an effect. I think what you really need is a good pre workout to kick your workouts into high gear. Check out a supplement called Nitrocut, it’s a great stimulant-free pre workout that you can take with Shred JYM.
It will give you a massive amount of clean energy and will help motivate you to workout harder, which in turn will burn more calories. Here’s my review:
Also, for your convenience I’m emailing you my free “How To Get Ripped Quick” ebook, as well as some bonuses. It’s packed with tons of tips on diet and exercise to help you get fast results.
Hope this helps and let me know if you have any other questions!
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The only side effect I noticed when I used it was a little bit of insomnia if I took it too late in the day.They recommend you don’t take any 6 hours prior to bedtime, and I recommend you heed that warning. Also, Shred JYM contains about 500 mg of green tea extract, which may be a problem for some if they decide to take it on an empty stomach.