Testosteroxn Real Review and Results
By: Rob MillerFact Checked On: 7-21-2021

Note: This is just a review. Click Here to visit the official Testosteroxn website.
We all know by now that testosterone plays a crucial role in everything from muscle mass / size to libido, and there’s certainly no shortage of supplements out there promising to increase your testosterone levels by X amount. We know because we’ve personally tested dozens of them. But can a supplement REALLY boost your testosterone levels enough to make a difference?
One supplement I got a chance to personally test out recently is called Testosteroxn, which is made by a company called Crazy Mass. They promise that it can and WILL promote huge muscle gains, increase sex drive, lower stress, and increase strength, stamina, and recovery. But does it really work?
Read more in my official review below. Click Here to skip ahead to my results.
What is Testosteroxn?
As implied by the name, Testosteroxn is an all natural supplement that is designed to help boost your bodies all natural testosterone production. It does this through the use of effective ingredients, with the primary one being DHEA. For those of you who are unaware, DHEA is a hormone produced by your body’s adrenal glands, and acts as a precursor to testosterone both in men AND women. (Source: 1)
With regular DHEA supplementation, studies have shown increases in testosterone which has led to increased bone density, energy levels, weight loss, and improved libido.The REAL benefits from Testosterone Max come from the combination of DHEA and the other ingredients in their formula, including: Alpha Lipoic Acid, L-Carnitine, Tribulus Terrestris Extract, and Vitamin E.
I’m not going to go into a detailed explanation of what each ingredient is supposed to do, however, I will touch briefly on each one:
Alpha Lipoic Acid – This vitamin like chemical is essentially any antioxidant. It’s been shown to prevent certain kinds of cell damage in the body, and also restores vitamin levels in Vitamins C and E. (Source: 2)
L-Carnitine – This amino acid is responsible for helping the body turn fat into energy. Some studies have shown that Carnitine reduces fat mass, increases muscle mass, and reduces fatigue. (Source: 3)
Tribulus Terrestris – I have personally used Tribulus Terrestris in many different supplements, and can attest to it’s effectiveness. Studies have shown that the administration of Tribulus Terrestris extract can produce statistically significant increases in levels of testosterone. (Source: 4)
Vitamin E – Vitamin E is an antioxidant that protects body tissue from damage caused by substances called free radicals. (Source: 5)
My Personal Results With Testosteroxn
I originally received my order of Testosteroxn when I was testing the Crazy Mass cutting stack, so at the time I did NOT take it independently. However, in the interest of learning whether or not this supplement ALONE could work well, I decided to order another bottle 6 months after finishing my cutting stack cycle.
First off, I must say that my natural testosterone levels are on the higher end for my age group (I’m 33), so I didn’t really NEED a supplement to boost my testosterone. That said, I figured it wouldn’t be a bad idea to have an increase in testosterone, even it it was only a negligible amount.
I started taking the Testosteroxn about 4 weeks ago and just finished up the bottle. I didn’t feel much for the first few days, but right around day 4 or 5 is when I started to feel the libido enhancing effects. At 33 years old I more or less have not been waking up with a “morning wood” on a regular basis. That wasn’t the case with Testosteroxn….almost EVERY SINGLE morning I woke up with a raging hardon.
The type of hard-on where you have to pee so bad but have to wait until the erection subsides before you can even push your d$%k down towards the toilet 🙂
I also noticed towards the end of the same week that I was feeling alot more energetic, and seemed to be sleeping better.This led to more enhanced workouts where I didn’t feel like I was getting as tired as usual. Typically I’m pretty exhausted after the gym, but 2 weeks in I wasn’t feeling that tired.
By the end of the month I could DEFINITELY feel the difference. Not only was I FEELING better, I was LOOKING better.I was getting compliments from my girlfriends friends who noted that I looked like I leaned out a bit. Some of her very HOT friends I might add 😉
Click Here to visit the official Testoroxyn website.
Frequently Asked Questions
What’s the difference betweenTestosteroxn and Testofuel and Prime Male?
The most notable difference between Testofuel andTestosteroxn is the formula. Testofuel uses D-Aspartic Acid (DAA), Fenugreek, Oyster extract, Magnesium, and Zinc as their primary ingredients, while the principle ingredient in Testosterone Max is DHEA and Tribulus.
The price is a bit different as well, with Testofuel coming in at $70 for a one month supply, whileTestosteroxn is $59. As far as which one works better, I personally think BOTH can work extremely well. However, the downside toTestosteroxn is the fact that DHEA has been banned by certain sports organizations, so not EVERYONE can take it (more on that below).
More or less the same applies to the contrast between Prime Male and Testosteroxn.
Can Women Take It?
It’s not suggested that women take a supplement containing DHEA, as it has the potential to produce unwanted side effects in females.
Will it flag a blood test?
Because it contains DHEA, it is banned by some sports associations, including the NCAA. From the research that I gathered, however, the use of DHEA or any of the other ingredients listed inTestosteroxn are NOT banned from use in the military and will not cause a false positive on a work related drug test.
How long do I need to take it to see the best results?
It looks like the best results fromTestosteroxn are achieved by taking it on a continual basis, with brief break periods in between. I would suggest a period of 2 months on, with a 1 – 2 week off period to normalize.
I do recommend that you take it as part of an overall “stack” to see the best results (more on this below in “My Recommendation”).
How do I take it?
The directions on the label state that you should take 1 tablet 2 – 3 times daily with meals.
Where can I buy it?
Testosteroxnis available on their official website, CrazyMass.com, at a price of $59.99 for a one month supply. It is NOT available in stores like GNC, Vitamin Shoppe, Walmart, or Amazon as of this review.
My Recommendation
Personally speaking, I still think Testofuel is a superior testosterone booster when it comes down to results.Testosteroxn is missing a few crucial ingredients in my opinion, namely D-Aspartic Acid, Fenugreek Extract, and Zinc. HOWEVER, Testofuel does NOT contain DHEA, and in my opinion DHEA is a very potent testosterone booster.
I thinkTestosteroxn produces the most EFFECTIVE results when stacked with some of their other supplements, including their stacks. All in all, I think this supplement is a VERY potent one, and can help just about any guy looking for increased energy, libido, and muscle enhancement.
Have You Used Testosteroxn? Leave Your Review Below!
1. DHEA Supplements – http://www.webmd.com/diet/dhea-supplements
3. Carnitine (L-Carnitine) – http://umm.edu/health/medical/altmed/supplement/carnitine-lcarnitine
4. Tribulus Terrestris Benefits – http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tribulus_terrestris
5. Vitamin E – http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/ency/article/002406.htm
Top 3 Testosterone BoostersAffiliate Disclosure
Testosil is the most effective testosterone boosting supplement on the market that I’ve tested.
Prime Male is another very effective testosterone booster that uses clinically proven ingredients.
Testofuel is a VERY popular testosterone booster that contains ingredients to help older men.
User Reviews
Have you used this supplement?
Seems to be effective
In Short: I would recommend this to a friend.
I am over 70 years old and tried anabolic steroid when I experienced depression plus all sorts of symptoms related to low testosterone. My doctor prescribed the steroid and I injected it for about 7 months and quit because of the side effects. In 6 weeks my free testosterone went from borderline to 500 on a scale from 150 to 700. My libido went from almost zero to about 8 on a scale from 0 to 10. Two months after quitting my testicles were still half size and my doctor said they may never return to full size. That's when I began experimenting with food supplements and within 2 or three months my testicles returned to full size as measured by ultra sound. When I added Testoroxyn to the stack I began to see significant effect in the form of oily skin (similar to the side effect of the steroid). It is early yet but I am optimistic about this product.
I might be over doing the dosage because I take it 3 times a day plus Tribulus, Fenugreek, boron, vit. D3, all of which are included in Testoroxyn.
Bye-the-way, when I quit the steroid my free testosterone measured 96.5 which is very low because my testicles had been shutdown by the steroid. I plan to use Testoroxyn for 5 or 6 months with short breaks every 2 months and then get a blood test. Hopefully I'll know the results before the blood test. I am already seeing an improvement in morning wood. I took the product for2 weeks then quit for 2 weeks (for travel and I usually take zero pills when travelling) and have been back on it for 10 days. So far I have consumed one bottle. The 2 week break was detrimental.
1 out of 1 people found this review helpful.
Click Here To Visit Their Website www.CrazyMass.com/TestoRoxyn
Ask A Question
User Questions and Answers
Did they change the label or bane on TESTOSTEROXN - TEST-TONE ELITE SERIES -Ahsen
Yeah, they did change the label. It's the same supplement, just with a different name and label.- Rob
3 out of 3 people found this question helpful.
Am 26 years old , and I am recovering from a broken leg injurie , I love playing soccer , am going to start training in a couple of weeks . And I would like to use this restate time booster . I just want to use it for a little time I don't want to be huge or anything like that . I just want to
Be faster and stronger , would there be a side effect if I stop using it ? What happens when you stop using it ? -Dennis
As a natural testosterone booster, it doesn't contain any testosterone or steroids, so it doesn't shut down your natural production process. In fact, Â it boosts your natural process, which is how it works. Â Once you stop taking it, just as it is with any supplement, your levels will go back to where they started.- Rob
4 out of 5 people found this question helpful.
I have high blood pressure and with that I have E D. Will this help my sex drive is in trouble -Ron
It will, but because of your medical condition, you should check with your doctor to make sure it's safe to take.- Rob
3 out of 4 people found this question helpful.
Hey Rob!
I started taking the Tesmax from crazymass along with the paravar. However, i noticed the dhea is 50mg per dose. Will this cause gyno or prostate issues? I am currently 25 with testerone 19.4 nmol/ l with a test range (8.4-28.7). Do you think i should use an estrogen blocker with it? -Alex
The 50 mg dose is low enough for most guys not to have side effects or to need to block estrogen.- Rob
1 out of 2 people found this question helpful.
Is it good to stack Testosterone Max with Nitrocut? -Derek
Yep. That's a great stack for cutting or bulking, depending on your diet and workout routine.- Rob
Mulher pode tomar testosterona max? -Euripia
Sim. As mulheres podem tomar testosterona Max para se tornar magro e em forma.- Rob
Hi, I was just wondering if I started taking this, then say about a month into taking testosterone I stopped, what would happen to my body? -Joel
It's a natural testosterone booster that stimulates your body to produce more of its own natural testosterone. It doesn't shut down your production, it boosts it. So when you stop taking it, you'll just go back to where you were before you started.- Rob
None of Testofuel, Prime Male or Testostoroxn are shipped to South Africa. What can I do for a safe testosterone booster? -Johan van Dyk
Yeah, not a lot of supplements ship to South Africa for some reason. Check out Supplement World. They have a pretty good selection of testosterone boosters.- Rob
Does it increase red blood cells and or bp -John
It contains DHEA which may affect blood pressure. If you have issues or concerns, check with your doctor before taking it.- Rob
Do your muscle gains go away after you come off of Testosteroxn -Mark
No. As a natural testosterone booster, as long as you keep up your workout routine and good diet, you won't lose ground after you stop taking Testosteroxn.- Rob
Are any of the ingredients for these products illegal in other countries. I live in UAE. If I buy in USA would they be legal to take home. Prime male being of particular interest. -Peter
Different countries have different laws governing which herbs and supplements are legal. I don't have comprehensive knowledge of them all. You'll have to check with your local enforcement agency.- Rob
0 out of 1 people found this question helpful.
Is testosterone max as effective has the other crazy mass supplements? -Hayden
Absolutely. It's a great natural testosterone booster, but if you're looking for an alternative, try Testofuel.- Rob
0 out of 2 people found this question helpful.
I would appreciate your advice.
Donald Bright
Sorry for the late reply! Check out a supplement called Prime Male. It’s the best T booster we’ve ever tested for guys 40+, and we’ve tested a whole bunch! Here’s out review: https://www.supplementcritique.com/prime-male-testosterone-booster-review/
If you’re looking for something you can just take “as needed” that works fast, check out a supplement called Hardon Helper. It’s by far the best fast-acting pill we’ve ever used, here’s our review: https://www.supplementcritique.com/hardon-helper-review-dr-seltzers-awesome-formula-and-my-results/
Hope this helps and let me know if you have any questions!
You’ll need to contact the company that sent you the products.
Let me know what kind of results you’re looking for, and I’ll make a great recommendation for you.
I want something to integrate my lifestyle and workout to increase and maintain a good body. I have no allergies and am ready for this.
What do you recommend?
First off, that post you read about Tiger Woods is fake. If you read my Alpha Prime elite review, you’ll see why.
I would recommend you stack a testosterone booster called Prime Male along with a sexual enhancer called Vigrx Plus. The 2 pair very well, and will help to not only skyrocket your libido, but also help pack on lean muscle and strength.
Here’s my reviews of each:
Prime Male – https://www.supplementcritique.com/prime-male-testosterone-booster-review/
Vigrx Plus – https://www.supplementcritique.com/vigrx-plus-review
Yeah in your case Prime Male would be the way to go, here’s my review: https://www.supplementcritique.com/prime-male-testosterone-booster-review/
No pill will give you some magical results as far as fat loss or muscle building without working out. Just doesn’t work that way. With that said, they will definitely give you a good boost in libido regardless of whether you workout or not.
At your age I would recommend the Prime Male (http://www.PrimeMale.com) instead. I’ve been recommending it to mature gentleman like yourself and they’ve been getting much better results with it. Here’s my review: https://www.supplementcritique.com/prime-male-testosterone-booster-review/
Check out a supplement called Vigrx Plus. It’s the best supplement I’ve taken to give you better erections, stamina, etc. Here’s my review: https://www.supplementcritique.com/vigrx-plus-review
what do think would be good for me ?
First off, I’m sending you my free “How To Get Ripped Quickly” ebook, as well as some bonuses, to your email. It’s packed with tons of tips on diet and exercise to help you get the best results.
Supplements wise, I would recommend you stack a testosterone booster called Prime Male along with a fat burner called Instant Knockout. The Prime Male will help with libido and energy issues, and the Instant Knockout will help you get rid of the spare tire.
Check out my reviews of each below:
Prime Male – https://www.supplementcritique.com/prime-male-testosterone-booster-review/
Instant Knockout – https://www.supplementcritique.com/instant-knockout-fat-burner-review/
The recommended dose is 3 pills per day, taken all at once.
Weight is not an issue but moving it to the right areas is. What do you recommend.
Would also like to surprise the wife a little more often is possible
Definitely check out a combo of a t booster called Prime Male, and combine it with a fat burner called Instant Knockout. The Prime Male will give you improved energy, mood, and lean muscle gains, and the Instant Knockout will shred you down. Check out my reviews below:
Prime Male – https://www.supplementcritique.com/prime-male-testosterone-booster-review/
Instant Knockout – https://www.supplementcritique.com/instant-knockout-fat-burner-review/
Also, for your convenience I’m sending you my free “How To Boost Testosterone Naturally” eBook, as well as some bonuses, to this email. It’s packed with tons of info on diet and exercise to help your body produce more of it’s own testosterone, and compliments very well with Prime Male and Instant Knockout.
Just sent you an email.
For anyone else looking for the free ebook, click here to sign up for your free ebook.
Go with a stack of a testosterone booster called Prime Male with a pre workout called Nitrocut I’ll also send you my ebook on How to Boost Your Testosterone Naturally. It’s got a bunch of great tips you’ll find useful.
First off, I’m sending you my free “How To Boost Testosterone Naturally” eBook. It’s packed with tons of tips on diet and exercise to help restore natural testosterone production.
Supplements wise, go with the Testoroxyn (http://www.CrazyMass.com/Testoroxyn) and use coupon code LZYDAYZ. It will give you 25% off your order, and I would recommend ordering in bulk (like 3 bottles or more) to take advantage of it before it expires (July 27)
Hope this helps and let me know if you have any other questions.
Just sent you an email.
For anyone else looking for the free ebook, click here to sign up for your free ebook.
I’m not sure what the hold up could be. Contact CrazyMass directly through the contact page on their website. They’ll be able to help you out. If you don’t hear back in a couple days, let me know and I’ll see if I can find out what’s going on.
I am worried though about the reputation I’ve been hearing about crazy mass. I hear it is a scam and not worth the time.
Can you attest to this?
I understand your skepticism, but we’ve personally tested their stacks and they’re solid. Any chance you can send me a few examples of where you’re reading that it’s a scam?
I’m just curious. Thanks.
Take one pill, three times a day. Because it works with your body’s natural processes, you don’t technically have to cycle it, but I like to take a week off after using it for four weeks.
It prevents you from building up a tolerance.
Unfortunately, I think this is a case of you get what you pay for. There are tons of natural testosterone boosters, but a lot of them are junk.
I don’t really know of a cheap option that works, but you may want to check in at your local supplement store. They may have some ideas for you.
I haven’t checked it out, but I’ll put it on the list. Check back in a few weeks and I’ll have something posted.
Testoroxyn (http://www.CrazyMass.com/Testoroxyn) is a good choice, but not the best. If you’re looking for the best, go with a supplement called Testofuel (http://www.Testofuel.com). It’s the best T booster I’ve used, and I’ve used literally DOZENS of these supplements.
Here’s my review: https://www.supplementcritique.com/my-personal-testo-fuel-review-and-results
Hope this helps and let me know if you have any other questions.
My testosterone levels are low and I was on “Androgel” for six months but it has some nasty side effects. Is there a natural T-Booster that I could take that won’t react with my medications?
I’ve been a marathon runner most of my life and used to work out daily. Your help would be appreciated.
My top pick in natural testosterone boosters is called Testofuel. It should work for you, but take an ingredient list to your doctor to make sure there are no contraindications with your condition and/or your medications.