Black Ant Pills Review

By: Rob Miller
17 User Reviews
MD Reviewed By: Helen Okoye, MD What's This?
Fact Checked On: 3-23-2020


How It Works
User Reviews and Feedback
FDA Warning
Will Black Ant Pills Increase My Penis Size?
Where to Buy
User Reviews

Let us open this Black Ant Pills review with a few initial comments.

Firstly, we are always open to alternative treatments.

After all, we’ve personally tested 70 different male enhancement pumps, creams, viagra alternatives, and extenders.

male enhancement pills ive tested

You can say we know what works and what doesn’t.

Second, we understand that this is a product that seems a little “farfetched”.

I mean really, a pill that uses crushed up black ants to give you a boner?

Yeah right!!

Lastly, this review was done to seriously investigate the claims made by the manufacturer and to ensure that consumers could safely try this product.

With all of that said, Black Ant Pills claim to cover a lot of territory.

Not only do they insist that they have a lasting effect on hormonal levels, but they also claim:

  • Improved immune system
  • An increased libido
  • Improved erections for men

We will look at the ingredients, gauge consumer response, and consider the pricing to make our determination.

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What Are Black Ant Pills?

Designed to boost blood flow and libido, Black Ant Pills are an over the counter sexual enhancement supplement.

black ant pills review

They are designed to be used “as needed”, which means that you simply take 1 pill about 30 – 45 minutes prior to sexual activity.

The reported benefits include:

  • Longer, firmer erections
  • Increased sexual stamina and libido
  • Reduce premature ejaculation symptoms
  • Increased sexual confidence

Variations Of Black Ant Pills Found Online

There are several companies that manufacture Black Ant Pills, many of which can be found online.

There’s Polyrachis Extract Powder, which is also known as Chinese Mountain Ant.

vita jing black ant

You also have the Lost Empire herbs Black Ant Extract Powder, which apparently is gluten free and Vegan / Paleo friendly.

black ant extract powder

And you even have Barlowes Herbal Elixirs Mountain Ant Extract, which provides a 20:1 ratio of whole ants.

barlowes black ant

Sound appetizing, doesn’t it? 🙂

For the purposes of this review, we’re going to be talking about the original Black Ant Pills that have the chinese writing on the label and a picture of an Ant running across the page.

What Are The Ingredients In Black Ant Pills?

Black Ant Pills do indeed use black ants as their primary ingredient. In fact it is the Polyrhachis vicina roger used in the formulation.

There is also Ginseng, Medlar, Hippocampi, Formica and a “proprietary blend of essential amino acids and trace minerals”.

Of course, if you try to find out what that “proprietary blend” consists of, you’ll come up short.

proprietary blend

The problem with “proprietary blends” is that we don’t know if there will be any conflict with certain types of medications.

This can be potentially dangerous for those with heart problems, blood pressure issues, or even simple everyday ailments.

black ant pillsNow, we know that Ginseng is a common compound used in the treatment of sexual dysfunction, but the rest of the ingredients are a bit of a mystery in terms of sexual health benefits. The official website does give a lot of information about the history of black ant usage, but we should warn you that it is extremely graphic.

What Do The Black Ant Pills Reviews Say?

Since we originally posted this review, we’ve had 14 people leave feedback from their experience with Black Ant pills.

Several have left 5 star reviews, stating that it was quite literally the best male enhancement pills they’ve ever used.

black ant pills review left on supplement critique

real review of black ant pills

However, not everyone has shared the same sentiment, as you’ll note in the following 1 and 2 star reviews:

negative review of black ant pills content/uploads/2011/05/bad

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My Personal Results

I decided to try out Black ant pills myself, and I can definitely tell you that they are putting Viagra into their pills.

The effects were almost identical to the ones I get when I take Sildenafil.

I could feel it start to work in about 20 minutes, and it seemed to last for about 12 hours or so.

All it took was a little visual stimulation (ie porn), and I was hard as a rock in less than 5 minutes.

I also felt like I could last WAY longer than usual.

While it did give me a REALLY good erection, it didn’t come without a price.

What are the side effects of Black Ant Pills?

For me, they included the following:

  • Facial flushing:  Within the first 10 minutes, my face started to turn bright red and blotchy.
  • Lowered blood pressure:  I took my blood pressure before taking Black Ant pills, and it was 125/83.  About 30 minutes later, I took it again and it dropped to 115/72.
  • Ringing in the ears:  I experienced tinnitus that would come and go for the next 4 hours.
  • Stuffy nose:  Within about 45 minutes I started to get a stuffy nose.  The kind of stuffy nose where when you blow your nose nothing comes out.
  • Headaches:  I got a SERIOUSLY bad headache about 45 min. after taking 1 pill.

According to, practically ALL of these common side effects associated with drugs like Sildenafil.

sildenafil side effects - rxlist

More on that below.

Black Ant Pills FDA Warning

In 2015, the FDA announced that they had found the ingredient “sildenafil” in a laboratory test result.

black ant pill fda warning

For those of you who are not aware, sildenafil is the active ingredient in the popular erectile dysfunction medication Viagra, which would explain why some guys are getting great results from it.

Of course, this is illegal and unethical, and the makers of Black Ant pills are obviously breaking the law on this one.  Here’s a link to the FDA warning:

They’re not the first ones to do this, and certainly not the last.

Other supplements that have been caught doing this include:

And a whole host of other ones that I won’t mention here.

So why is this a bad thing, especially if it works?

Because sildenafil works as a vasodilator, it allows the blood vessels and arteries to widen, allowing for increased blood flow.

how sildenafil works

This causes a sharp drop in blood pressure, and if you’re one of the millions of Americans on blood pressure medication, it can cause your blood pressure to drop WAY too low.

Where To Buy Black Ant Pills

Ever since the FDA recall, Black Ant Pills have been VERY difficult to find (if not impossible).

Before I get on to where you can potentially buy it, I want to let you in on a little secret.

hardon helper reviewI just finished testing a supplement called Hardon Helper back in December, and it is by FAR the best fast-acting male enhancement pill I’ve ever tested.

Better than Black Ant.

Better than any of the Rhino pills.

And better than the 45 other fast-acting pills I’ve ever tested.

I wont get into the details here, but if you’re interested click here now to see my complete review.

The best part about Hardon Helper is that they do NOT contain any dangerous or illegal ingredients.

I know this because I know what Viagra “feels like”.

I didn’t get that feeling at ALL with Hardon Helper.

Anyways, as far as where to buy Black Ant pills.

You’re first option would be to check with a sex shop near you.

sex shop near me

Adam and Eve stores are a big one, but I doubt they carry them.

You’ll have to find one of the smaller “mom and pop” stores, if they even carry Black Ant at all.

You’re other option would be to run a search on eBay.

black ant pills on ebay

While you likely won’t find the original Black Ant there, there’s a few alternatives that are basically the same thing.

The strongest versions include:

  • African Black Ant
  • Black Ant King
  • BMSW
  • Fire Ant 10000
  • Black Mamba
  • Black Stallion

The price for these Black Ant alternatives are a bit high.  For example, Black Stallion 50000 costs almost $12 for 1 pill.

black stallion 50000 pills

Also, virtually ALL of the Rhino brand pills contain some sort of illegal ingredient in them, so they’ll work as well.

They include:

  • Rhino Thrust Gold
  • Blue Rhino
  • 7000
  • Rhino 7 5000
  • 777

You can find those pretty readily available on Amazon, for now at least.

What about the original?

As for the original Black Ant pills, a single box of four tablets used to sell for $24. The dosage is a single pill shortly before sexual activity, so this means that someone who is sexually active is going to have to absorb some very high costs in order to enjoy the benefits that they might obtain from this product.

We felt that the high price for only four capsules was simply to get a first time buyer to commit to the purchase, because it wasn’t a certainty that they would be back.

That could be a big deterrent, especially to people looking to get the most bang for their buck, so to speak.

You used to be able to buy Black Ant Pills on major retail sites like Amazon, Ebay, and others, but as of this update they no longer sell the original version.

black ant pills not on amazon

This is likely because of the FDA warning discussed above.

I checked with several brick and mortar stores like GNC, Walmart, Walgreens / CVS, and Vitamin Shoppe an none of them seem to carry it either.

Overall Conclusion

Normally I wouldn’t have a problem recommending a product like Black Ant Pills.

It does what it says it does, and is offered at a relatively cheap price when compared to many other products that don’t even work.

With that said, they (the guys that make Black Ant) are playing with peoples lives by doing what they’re doing.

If you want Viagra, go to your doctor and get a prescription.

If you want to have peace of mind and a strong erection, you should go with either an alternative that is more trustworthy, or you could simply go with a prescription alternative.

It’s the safest bet, and you’ll know EXACTLY what you’re getting.

If you want something healthy and all natural, go with other more proven products that really do work.

Have You Used Black Ant Pills?  Leave Your Review Below!

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Ask A Question

User Questions and Answers

How long does it take for Black Ant to start working? -Roger

Generally speaking you should start feeling it's effects within 30 - 45 min.- Rob

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24 out of 27 people found this question helpful.

Can I buy Black Ant overseas? -Ankit

It depends on what country you are in.  From what I understand, they do ship worldwide to countries like India, Pakistan, Australia, Canada, and the UK, but check with them to be sure.- Rob

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13 out of 14 people found this question helpful.

How do I take Black Ant? -Mike

The directions on the label state that you should take 1 capsule 30 min. prior to sexual activity.  It's unclear whether or not you should take it on an empty stomach.- Rob

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Will this flag a blood test? I'm concerned Black Ant may trigger a false positive. -Mark

Unless they are testing for Viagra then no, Black ant pills should trigger a negative result on a blood test.- Rob

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11 out of 14 people found this question helpful.

Where can I buy Black Ant pills in Mexico? -Julio

They may sell it in some local sex shops, but you'd have to check each individual one to find out.  Other then that you can buy it online.- Rob

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Author: Rob Miller

Supplement Critique

Rob Miller founded over 7 years ago, and has been the chief editor ever since. He has a diploma in Advanced Dietary Supplements Advisor, and worked at GNC for 3 years. He KNOWS supplements, both inside and out. Rob currently resides in Jupiter, FL, with his wife of 4 years.  Learn more about him in his Bio here. Follow him on Twitter , Facebook, LinkedIn, or find him on Google +.

Medical Reviewer: Helen Okoye, MD

Dr Okoye

Dr. Helen Okoye is an American Public Health Physician, Health Care Executive, Researcher, Entrepreneur with a Doctor of Medicine Degree (MD), an MBA in Healthcare Management, and a Masters in Epidemiology/Public Health). Her specific responsibilities for Supplement Critique including reviewing previously published articles for accuracy and relevancy. Her expert opinion was featured on NBC News for the President’s physical exam. Learn more about Dr. Okoye here. Follow here on Twitter and Instagram.

24 comments on “Black Ant Pills Review”

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  1. If you are in the New York City area or near a Caribbean community, you can find these at local bodegas or fruit and vegetable stands ran by people of oriental descent. They are usually behind the counter near other tonics and health supplements.

    You can also find them in various health food stores in these same neighborhoods, again behind the counter or feel free to ask as most of those places at least know what it is.
  2. The directions on Black Ant is unclear do I take the green pill with the liquid pill or do I take it separate?
    1. Hey James,

      I haven’t been able to find instructions anywhere. My guess is that you take one of each, but I can’t be sure.

    1. Hey Richard,
      I haven’t been able to find it for a while now. I’m not sure they still make it.

      Check online retailers though, maybe eBay. You may be able to find some.

  3. I’m in very good shape and I have never been on any type of meds for health reasons but anytime I was prescribed meds for any other reason, my system didn’t take well to them. So my question is, If Black Ant contains the medication drug sildenafil, then why were there never any side effects after using off and on for years?

    1. Hey Buddy,

      All prescription medications are not the same. Simply because you experienced side effects from some prescription medications, it doesn’t mean you’ll get them from every prescription medication.

  4. Once you’ve opened the seal the pill is in does its effect differ? I’ve used these pills before but would only open one just before activity, so I bought a file of 6 pills and found out just to open one pill the plastic it comes in was very difficult to open so I pre-cut open the file and put all the 6 pills in a container but realized getting that precursor to activity was not the same as before.

    So like I said does pre-opening the pill effect it’s performance or not?

    Thank you!
    1. Hey Karan,

      It may. I don’t really know.

      Just to be safe, if you do open them beforehand, keep them separated in airtight containers.

  5. I’ve used Black Ant and it has been awesome but the last few times it has had no effect!! Could it be that I got a bad batch or could my body become immune to them?
    1. Hey Rob,

      Back in 2011, Black Ant was recalled because it contained sildenafil, which is the active ingredient in Viagra. They didn’t disclose that it was in there, but it was.

      Once the recall happens to a product (and it happens a lot), most of the time, if the product comes back, they leave out the sildenafil and it no longer works. Chances are that’s what happened here.

  6. You mention in your last comment that Black Ant Pills contains sildenafil. Why did you not indicate this in your initial review?

    I have tried it and find it feels nothing like viagra, which for me gives a strong erection but reduced sensitivity and difficulty in ejaculation. I read on another site it had the same active ingredient at viagra?

    Your review does not indicate this, you only say so in your comment at the end.
    1. Hey Larry,

      Yeah, when I first wrote the review, I wasn’t aware of the sildenafil. When I found out, I added it as a comment, but you’re right, it belongs in the body of the review.

      I’ve updated the review to reflect the new information. Thanks for the heads up.


  7. I am a 60-year-old male. Since my early 30s, I have had low sensitivity requiring a lot of stimulation to reach the finish line.

    Since my early 50s, I experienced a lack of full erection in particular hardness which adds to the problem. Before using Black Ant, I had not been having morning wood in maybe 20 years.

    I shy away from chemical supplements and have not tried them fearing side effects. A friend talked me into trying Black Ant.

    He swore by its natural effect. I purchased some in the Philippines about a year ago and use ever since.

    The effect is amazing! I haven’t felt this virile since my 20’s!

    I get natural erection response and my girlfriend says I am larger, thicker and harder always when using these pills. My stamina is better and I can come sooner and more consistently.

    Before I was lucky to come 1 out of 4 attempts. I also have an increased feeling of well being hard to describe!

    Lastly, the effect seems cumulative. If I use it every day I seem to have longer more intense orgasms than usual and I get more excited like I felt as a teenager… I have had no noticeable side effects other than erections remain after sex without a recovery period but subside naturally if I don’t continue sex activity.

    What else can I say? One last note, my girlfriend tried it last night for the first time.

    She wanted to go all night! This is great stuff!

  8. If your pills don’t work to overcome your problem, you might have bought a fake Africa Black Ant. I have diabetes and recently my sexual desires tremendously went down.

    I took the pills with water. After around 15 mins I felt some kind of warmth on my back.

    Slowly but surely my penis hardened. With a slight stimulation, it became rock hard.

    I made first intercourse with my wife. It lasted about 4-5 mins.

    I went back to sleep and around 1 hour later I was awakened. So did my penis.

    I made the second attempt with her again. I was very happy, so she was.

    I sustained more than 20 mins. I won.

  9. I have ed. I’ve used Viagra, Cialis, and Levitra.

    My insurance won’t cover them now and the pharmacy wants $40 a pill. Because of this, I was left trying the corner store stuff.

    I’ve tried almost all them. None of them worked as good as the meds without side effects like Black Ant.

    I actually think Black Ant works better than viagra. It only cost me $15 for a box of 10 sets.

    That is dirt cheap compared to the other.
  10. This is a fake product. It does not work at all.

    Do not waste your money. I asked for a refund but did not receive any response from “”.

    No other form of communication took place except for a web response submission. Again it is a completely fake product.

    It looks like they put talcum powder in the capsule.
  11. I have tried many different herbal supplements of this type. The Black Ant does seem to work the best.

    I have never had such rock hard erections ever in my life not even as a teenager! I haven’t really experienced any of the side effects that said accompany Sildenafil. what is it in this product that gives the rock hard erections?

    I am a healthy 50-year-old male, I exercise regularly, drink plenty of water and eat relatively healthy. I don’t lack sex drive but just don’t have rock hard erections.

    1. Hey Paul,
      It’s the Black Ant (or Polyrhachis Vicina Roger) in the formula that’s supposed to improve erections. And heck, if it’s working well for you, then by all means, keep using it.

  12. I have had Black Ant Pills. I need a product because of my E.D. problems after cancer treatment.

    I have to say that I did not pay as much as above but it is worth the money, each cent of it. I can tell you that I use Black Ant pills now for over 6 months regular 2 per week and don’t have to take them anymore before I have sex.

    It just works, again and again. My wife is very happy, maybe more than me.

  13. I have tried the black ant pills and it is definitely worth the money I spent. My wife is still trying to figure out where I received this burst of stamina.

    My little secret is black ant pills.

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