Superior Muscle X and Superior Test X Review

By: Rob Miller
Fact Checked On: 3-26-2016

Home » Pre Workout » Superior Muscle X and Superior Test X Review

Chiseled Abs. Massive Legs. A ripped chest, back and shoulders. Few guys have it, but I’m pretty sure we all want it. Getting the body you want is pretty difficult when you spend 3 hours in front of the TV, instead of 1 hour in the gym. Wouldn’t it be nice if we could just take a supplement and become ripped in just a few short weeks? Well, a recent supplement stack I just came across is promising just that. According to social media reports, if you’re serious about building muscle you NEED to get a combo of Superior Muscle X and Superior Test X. But, what comes across as a legit men’s health article is actually a scam to separate you from your money. Read on to find out why.

Holy S$#T Ryan Reynolds Got Big!

So, you’re browsing through your Facebook profile and a photo of the actor Ryan Reynolds pops up in your feed. It shows a VERY jacked Mr Reynolds, and the title screams out at you “Gain Muscle Fast!

Get The Results You Want With These Fitness Tips From Men’s Health.”
It sounds intriguing, so you click on the post. It redirects you to a page that looks like the Men’s Health website.

ryan reynolds smallIt shows a chiseled author who goes by the name of Bryan Stevens, and documents a really intriguing story. Apparently, their is some miracle combination of supplements that celebrities have been using to pack on SERIOUS muscle in as little as 4 weeks. The celebrities include the likes of The Rock (Dwayne Johnson), Hugh Jackman, Gerard Butler, and even Mel Gibson. These supplements are none other known as Superior Muscle X and Superior Test X.

The author goes on to state that he decided to “test” these supplements out himself, and the results were nothing short of amazing. He chronicles his 4 week transformation from taking these supplements, and after just 4 weeks he lost 15 lbs. of fat, while packing on 16 lbs. of muscle mass. That is just downright AWESOME, right? We’ll let’s take a quick look at these supplements on an individual basis to see what they’re really made of.

What is Superior Muscle X?

superior muscle x reviewSuperior Muscle X is apparently a NO producing supplement that promises a wide variety of benefits, including an increase in strength, size, and stamina. It’s composed primarily of L-Arginine, Vitamins B3, B6, and B12, as well as L-Carnitine, Chromium, Green Tea Extract, and Yohimbe. Supposedly, this “miracle” combination of ingredients is getting guys across the country ripped beyond their wildest dreams, and wouldn’t you know it? They’re giving away their product for FREE.

What nice guys!!! Apart from the information on their website, there is little information known about this supplement. I scoured news reports, forums, and other blogs to see if anyone else was talking about it, but to no avail, came up short. At least on credible information, that is. They do mention that their product is side effect free, but that is literally impossible from what I am reading.

Case in point, Superior Muscle X contains Yohimbe, which has been shown in numerous cases to cause a range of side effects, including heart palpitations, nausea/vomiting, and fever like symptoms. (source: 1
) I can tell you from my own experience that this is truly the case. It will give you the hardon of a lifetime, but you’ll be so sick you won’t know whether you should orgasm or throw up, even at the same time.

What is Superior Test X?

superior test x reviewSuperior Test X is apparently an all natural testosterone boosting supplement that promises a staggering sex drive, skyrocketing testosterone levels, an increase in energy, and explosive lean muscle growth. Unfortunately, they don’t list their ingredients, so there’s really no way for us to determine how it really works.

My guess is it probably contains some form of Fenugreek seed extract, and if you look at the bottom of their official website, they reference several clinical studies of a substance called Tribulus Terrestris.

Tribulus Terrestris is a plant based extract that has been claimed to increase the body’s natural production of testesterone, making it a safer and cheaper alternative to testosterone replacement therapies. (source: 2

It’s unknown if Superior Test X will produce any side effects, but it is well known that Tribulus terrestris is recognized as generally safe to take.

Like Superior Muscle X, Superior Test X has been seen on USA Today, Fox News, and CNBC (or so they say), and are also giving away free bottles as well. This just keeps getting better and better! Again, no credible information could be gleamed from outside sources.

Scams, Lies, and Deception

The main issue with the stack of Superior Muscle X and Superior Test X is, this REALLY isn’t some miracle supplement stack, and NO celebrities haven’t been using it to completely transform their bodies. Let me explain….

What you are looking at is what’s known in the industry as a Farticle (or fake article) (3
), that is designed to scam you out of your money through lies and deception. It’s not really the mens health website, or any other major mens health and fitness magazine. If you’re still on the page, try clicking around on their categories (like Sex and love, Food, Look Better Naked, etc). Where does it lead you?

That’s right….right to the Superior Muscle X page. The same applies if you try an click really anywhere else other than the links for Superior Muscle X and Superior Test x. Check out this quick screencast I made below:

Also, If you try to login and post a comment, wouldn’t you know it, it never gets posted….Of course, the comments are full of praise for the products, with some guys saying they’ve been using them for a long time.  What’s even worse is, if you go back to the site tomorrow, the dates of each comments get pushed up a day.  This is to try and show you that it’s recent, and is a deliberate form off deception to make them appear real, even if they’re not.

Another thing I noticed is actually something very peculiar.  If you look at the top of the page of the photo of the supposed articles author, Bryan Stevens, you get this picture:

bryan stevens mens life and health

and then here is his supposed before and after photo from taking Superior Muscle X and Superior Test X…

bryan stevens 2 small

So, which one is him?  I’ll leave that up for you to decide, but frankly speaking, I really don’t think there is a “Bryan Stevens”.  Or is there?

Comment I Received From One Of My Visitors (Thanks Josh!)

“Hey, Rob! Great article, but the plot thickens!

I actually know who the illusive “Staff Writer Bryan Stevens” is. His name isn’t Bryan at all. It’s Joe. Joe Manganiello. AKA the super famous actor from True Blood. If you think that picture they use to show off Bryan Stevens’ SICK bod looks familiar it’s because it was lifted straight from Joe’s photo shoot for Muscle Fitness.

Furthermore, here’s a screenshot of the fake website we are bashing with the real photo from the shoot.

And here’s a bonus photo! Here’s Joe posing with an actual copy of the Muscle and Fitness magazine in hand.

This is just tooooooo funny. Keep up the good work.”

I honestly had no idea that this was Joe Manganiello, as I don’t watch “True Blood” 🙂

So What’s The Big Deal??

So, you’re probably thinking, “Ok, what the hell does this even matter?  The products are free anyways, right?”  Well, the simple answer to this is NO, they are NOT Free.  You see, if you click on the order pages for Superior Muscle X and Superior Test X and fill out the order form, you’re then directed to a page where you have to input your credit card info.

They’re telling you that you only need to pay $3.95 for shipping on Superior Test X and $4.99 for Superior Muscle X.  Not bad, right?  WRONG.  Scroll down the page a little bit and you’ll see the real truth.  You see, what you are REALLY signing up for is a free trial, which allows you to “test” the product before you’re charged.

In essence, after 14 days you will charged the low, low price of $84.98 for Superior Muscle X, and $83.99 for Superior Test X.  What’s worse is that, if you don’t cancel in the allotted time period, they will continually send you more of their supplements every month, and as a result, continually bill your credit card.  Some guys end up paying THOUSANDS of $$ before they realize what hit them!

The FTC posted a great video about this warning customers of the scam, check it out below:


I’ve written about these types of scams time and time again, and it looks like every week there’s a new combo stack popping up.  But does Superior Muscle X and Superior Test X really work?  Maybe…but highly unlikely.  There is nothing “revolutionary” about their formula’s, and the fact that they don’t sell it as a stand alone product leads me to believe they simply want your credit card information so they can bilk you out of as much money as possible.

If you REALLY want to look like Ryan Reynolds, it takes a healthy diet, plenty of exercise and rest, and the RIGHT kinds of supplements.  Not some kind of miracle, fly-by night product like these 2.  Don’t say you haven’t been warned…

Have You Used Superior Muscle X and Superior Test X?  Leave Your Review Below!


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User Questions and Answers

how do I contact them so I can cancel my order? -Jim

The contact information for Superior Muscle X is Phone: 1-888-65­9-8337 and Email  For Superior Test X, it's Phone: 1-855-418-6448 and Email: Rob

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3 out of 4 people found this question helpful.

How did I get charged $8.95 plus an international transaction fee of $0.27 on something I never ordered or authorized? I will be contacting my bank. Please answer immediately! -Christine is a review website. We have no affiliation with these products. You'll have to get in touch with them directly. The contact information for Superior Muscle X is Phone: 1-888-65­9-8337 and Email  For Superior Test X, it's Phone: 1-855-418-6448 and Email: Rob

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Can I take both supplements together? -Michael

They're promoted as a stack to use together.  If you order them, make sure you're aware of the terms of the free trial. If you don't cancel in time, they'll charge you full price and you'll get new bottles each month.- Rob

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Can I take Test X and Muscle X together 2 times a day -David

It's tough to tell since Test X doesn't let you know what their ingredients are. I suggest you check out the Crazy Mass Cutting Stack instead.  It's much more effective.- Rob

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1 out of 1 people found this question helpful.

Should I take one before working out? Or after or both at the same time? -luis

I haven't been able to find dosing information. My suggestion is that you follow the instructions on the bottle.- Rob

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I feel for the scam. Seemed like a great product. I have not yet taking any of it. But from day one of receiving the product payment amounts and trial date periods were not correct. I went ahead and tried to contact them by email because by phone just never seemed to get threw. So I went ahead and canceled my card so no further payments can be taken. Should I send back product? As of rite now all they got me for was the shipping cost. I don't feel I should pay to ship product back. -Ronnie

Since you canceled your card, you probably don't have to send it back, but I  can't know for sure if or how they'll respond.- Rob

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What did I order that I am being charged 8.95 a month -Mary is a review website. We don't see anything, so the charges aren't coming from us. If you check the transaction on your statement, there should be a name and/or phone number you can use to figure it out.- Rob

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Cómo se toma -Glenda

Siga las instrucciones que aparecen en las botellas.- Rob

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0 out of 2 people found this question helpful.

Author: Rob Miller

Supplement Critique

Rob Miller founded over 7 years ago, and has been the chief editor ever since. He has a diploma in Advanced Dietary Supplements Advisor, and worked at GNC for 3 years. He KNOWS supplements, both inside and out. Rob currently resides in Jupiter, FL, with his wife of 4 years.  Learn more about him in his Bio here. Follow him on Twitter , Facebook, LinkedIn, or find him on Google +.

60 comments on “Superior Muscle X and Superior Test X Review”

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  1. Someone’s using by debit card to order from you. 2 orders,going to bank this morning. Need info & address of this person for Police .

    1. Hey Zeanie Davis,
  is a review website. We don’t have any affiliation with this product, so you’ll have to contact the company you made your purchase from to cancel your order or billing.


  2. Ordered product based on ad that gave claims and no other info, on a whim (stupid me) purchased trial with no reoccurring fee. A few days later charged my card $ 175.00!, pure snake oil.

    Typical hyped garbage DO NOT BUY THIS PRODUCT UNLESS YOU WANT NOTHING FOR $175.00 I Then threatened to dispute and they said if I didn’t they would give me half off! Really?

    Half off for not disputing an unauthorized charge! WOW!Credit Card company said that is what these companies do because people are wimps and accept that.

    I got it wiped out, you may not be as lucky!
    1. Hey Miguel,
      Check out a supplement called the Crazy Mass Cutting Stack. It works perfect for both burning fat while building lean muscle, here’s my review:

      Of course, you can’t expect the pills alone to do the job for you. Click Here to sign up for my free “Get Ripped” ebook…it’s packed with tons of tips on diet and exercise (even exercises on the road) that can help you get the job done.

    1. Hey Lee,

      They’re fine for women to use. Just be careful about their free trial.

      Make sure you know when you have to cancel to make sure you don’t get monthly charges.

  3. I fell for that shit too, now I don’t know what to do, how do I stop it? I cancel it but I’m not sure if they gonna keep getting money from my credit card.

    1. Hey Imbert,

      If you canceled it, you should be all set, but you can call your credit card and tell them you no longer wish to accept the charges if they come.

    2. Next you order muscle X or test x for a free trial get your self a pre- paid credit card order your free trial if it turns out to be a scam throw away your pre-paid card and move on with your life your only out the shipping and handling it cost to have muscle X and testX sent to you . good luck . and for future reference I only use pre paid credit card online unless its an absolute trust site.
  4. I fell for this scam and ordered a free trial bottle of Superior Test X. After learning about the re-accuring charges I just emailed them to ask them to cancel my “subscription”.

    They cancelled it via email with a quick response and I still got the bottle. It is 400mg of Tribulus and 400mg of L-arginine alph.

    I don’t really trust it’s quality, but I have been taking it after researching the ingredients. Effects are what you would expect from Tribulus and more blood flow from the L arg.

    I am stopping it and I will give Superior Labs Test Works a try. I am 34 and an adventure athlete.

    Go further and faster!
    1. Hey Eric,

      Thanks for the info. Yeah, usually the free trial supplements are safe – just not particularly effective, and definitely not worth the money and hassle!

      1. Hey James,

        I recommend the same for you. Log into your account and find the transaction.

        There should be a phone number there. If that still doesn’t work, contact your bank or credit card company.

        They can help.

  5. I have called 4 different numbers now to try and cancel. Each one I sit on hold forever.

    And each number has the exact same ‘please hold’ message and music


    Just don’t know what to do now
    1. Hey Eric,
      Login to your bank account and find the transaction. Within the transaction there should be a description containing the phone number.

      If that still doesn’t work, call your bank / cc company and explain the situation. They will have a direct line and will likely even arrange a 3 way call.

      Let me know if this does / doesn’t work.

  6. I don’t recommend this product. No work 4me.

    I bought 3 Mo. Supplies because they posted ” Money back guarantee ” & a call them after a month they don’t return my money.

    I talk to them 2 weeks ago about I should take the pills to b sure I have been doing right or to canceled and not body talk me about it. BE CAREFUL!!!!!!!!

  7. I just received my bottles and right away i noticed something was wrong.. there were no instructions on the bottle on how to use them. they read like vitamins. as soon as i can i am going to ask for a refund and send their unopened bottles back to them.. This is ridiculous. I only stumbled across this site because i was looking for their site. ugh

    1. Hey LB,

      Glad you found us. Yeah, these guys are pretty shady, and they’re not the only ones.

      Make sure you contact them and cancel everything within 14 days of the day your placed your order.

  8. If I want to cancel subscription before being charged the 187$ how do I do that. Do I have to call or is it on the site?

    1. Hey Christian,

      I looked up the contact information and it looks like they’ve got both a phone number and an email address you can use. Phone: 1-888-65­9-8337 and Email: However you contact them, make sure you get confirmation of your cancellation.

    2. Call and cancel and for me it was a guy from India that I talked to, and he tried like crazy to keep me buying from them. superior X superior test worked for me but it took me eating a lot of high protein to gain from them. Bunch of little trick work outs that show great results when I staid at them but I’m like most people I slack off my grind too but this I know is true, “muscle earned, is muscle that stays”

    1. Hey Margaret,

      We are a review site, we don’t sell supplements, and we certainly don’t recommend signing up for the “free trial” that these products offer. To cancel your subscription, you’ll have to get in touch with the companies themselves. The contact info I have for both companies is Phone: 1-888-65­9-8337 and Email:

  9. Wow, just found another site for this scam. The real trick is that I got there from the Yahoo home page.

    It looked like a news item, but after further investigation, it was actually a sponsored item, I.e. an ad 🙁 It sucks that Yahoo is fooling people to click on Ads and even worse that they don’t care who is advertising on their site. Luckily I like to do research no matter the source and found your article.

    1. Hey Sean,

      Thanks for the heads up. (I had to remove your link, I don’t like linking to outside sites that I can’t be certain are safe.)

  10. Hi Rob,
    I appreciate your work on these scam artists. I am 53 years old and am a 100% disabled vet but I spent all of my life in superior physical condition due to my job as a Sapper Team Leader.

    I am determined to get back into shape or at least as good as I can. all my Doctors have done all they can do. I’ve had multiple orthopedic reconstructive surgeries but I’m going to get back into shape the only way I know how and my doctors have told me to do as much as my body tells me I can do.

    Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks.

    1. Hey Dan,

      First of all, thank you for your service. As for recommendations, sign up for my free “getting ripped” ebook. There are great guidelines for eating right and working out to get in your best shape. Just be careful and follow your doctors’ instructions as far as how much to push yourself. As for supplements, go with a fat binder/appetite suppressant called Proactol Plus along with a great non-stimulant pre workout called Nitrocut.

  11. Rob,

    Glad there are guys like you to do the research for the rest of us. Thanks a lot.

    I am, however, looking for a supplement that burns fat really good. I have taken quite a few supplements in the past that make my heart race too fast.

    I really do not like that feeling and will not take the chance of taking them a second time. Any recommendations?

    1. Hey Mike,

      Since diet and exercise are the most important factors, I recommend you sign up for my free “getting ripped” ebook for plans and advice where those are concerned. As for supplements, there aren’t many fat burners that don’t use stimulants, so go with a fat binder/appetite suppressant called Proactol Plus and combine it with a non-stimulant pre workout called Nitrocut.

  12. Hey I’m 15 been working out for three years twice a week and I’m looking to just put on weight and work out and gain muscle natural. And not a product that you have to take 7 times a day

    1. Hey Zach,

      It’s not recommended that you take most supplements at your age. They haven’t been tested on subjects under 18, so it’s not really known what effect they might have on your natural growth. Stick with a good protein like 100% Whey Gold Standard and creatine like Muscle Advance. These substances have both been proven safe and effect for all ages. Take these, work out hard, and make sure you eat a lot of good calories, including plenty of protein.

  13. Trying to find a good supplement that you recommend. Looking to gain muscle mass and get rid of fat in my stomach and get a lot stronger by the start of football this coming season.

    Working out 5-6 times a week and am starting to cut down on sweats and eat more healthier things like chicken and veggies. What Muscle mass protein would you recommend me to get?

    1. Hey Ryan,

      GNC Pro Performance AMP Amplified Mass XXX and Optimum Nutrition Pro Complex Gainer are good choices, and you can get them both at GNC. This article provides a quick review for each of them.

    1. Hey Kelvin,

      Give them a call and tell them you want to cancel the autoshipping program. Make sure you call them before your 14 day trial period is up (it starts the day you ordered, not the day you received).

      The phone number I found for both is 1-888-659-8337. If that doesn’t work, the number should be on your credit card statement.

  14. Glad I decided to do some more reaserch and found your article or I would have fallen victim. All of your points make sense and I can’t belive I fell for the fake websites!

    Do you have any recomendations of supplements that do similar things that these products are claiming to do? I workout early in the morning and in the evening 4 times a week and eat rather healthy and just want to burn as much fat as possible.

    To my understanding what you eat is what controls your body fat for the most part, so even though I can tell I am gaining muscle my fat isn’t going away. Is their pills/supplements that would help to increase fat burning?

    1. Hey CJ,

      Glad we could help. Sounds like you’re looking for the Crazy Mass Cutting Stack. It’s got a fat burner as well as pre workout and muscle builder, so it’s got everything you need to take your workouts to the next level and burn fat in the process. You should also look into cleaning up your diet some too. To that end, sign up for my free “getting ripped” ebook.

    1. Hey Jeff,

      You should be fine that way, but if you called to cancel the products and canceled your card would be absolutely certain.

  15. Hey almost victim here thanx to your article a lot of eyes have opened saved some folks wallets I’m thankful Rob but question, any suggestions for male enhancement
  16. Thank you. You saved me a headache and some money.

    I came by your site looking for an honest review of Superior Muscle.

    I’ve bookmarked your site for further info.
  17. Wowww thanks for this extremely informative and helpful article. I found out about Superior when I was searching Yahoo for something else.

    Then at the bottom was an article supposedly from ESPN displaying how a guy got payback on his ex-girlfriend after he got in shape. I was just looking cause I found it interesting when suddenly they started discussing his use of Superior, scroll down and more images of people who used it.

    Now that I am reading your article I see I was almost a victim to this smart marketing strategy. Glad I came across your article before ordering a FREE (yeah right) trial.

    1. Hey AJ,

      You need to make sure you cancel within 14 days from the day you placed your order. If you do that, you should be fine.

      You might have to return the bottles in order not to be charged. That varies among the different companies that do these “free” trials.

        1. I would follow up in a few days with a phone call during business hours to make sure you’re all set.

  18. Damn I wish I would’ve read this article sooner I got scammed by these guys out of 176 dollars I tried to cancel and get my money back but I called a day late of the 14 day trial so I’m shafted out of the 176 dollars lesson learned although it was a tough and expensive one
  19. Can i find any of these at gnc or other major retailers? I also would like to test the products out but i do not have a credit card to get ripped off online.

    1. Hey Gio,

      Superior Muscle X and Superior Test X are only available online through the free trial offer, which I don’t recommend you sign up for. Check out Nitrocut if you’re looking for a great pre workout.

      1. Seriously, you should be blasting this page all over, I was also duped out of $187 bucks, After reading this I don’t even want the product. I clicked through 6 pages and never saw that the free trial, would eventually cost more money.

        Tired of scams like this. I called the number and they were pretty rude about cancelling the subscription or even getting your money back.

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