Cognilift Review – Smart Drug or Scam?
By: Rob MillerFact Checked On: 3-9-2021

Think faster and sharper…
Achieve untold performance…
Smash targets with ease…
These are all claims made by a new supplement I recently came across called Cogni Lift. I’ve seen claims like this before with countless other supplements, and the vast majority of the time, it ends up doing none of the above.
So can Cognilift really help you achieve mind-blowing focus and clarity, or is it a scam? Read on to learn more.
Table of Contents
What is Cognilift?
As mentioned earlier, Cognilift is an all natural nootropic supplement designed to sharpen your focus, elevate your mood, and help boost your memory and cognition. It apparently does this through the use of all natural ingredients, those of which happen to be completely left out on their official website.
Well, I can’t really say that, because they do mention 2 notable ingredients on their site, vinpocetine and huperzia serrata.
The first ingredient, Vinpocetine, has shown the ability to improve blood flow to the brain. Naturally, it has been studied for it’s use in enhancing memory and preventing Alzheimers disease.
Huperzia Serrata is simply a fancy word for Huperzine,which has also been found effective in multiple studies at helping people with Alzeihmers disease symptoms.
Either way, Cognilift promises to help the average college student achieve huge potential, all without illegally using prescription medications like aderall and vyvanse to get ahead.
Our Main Issue With Cognilift…Their Marketing
I originally learned about Cognilift from one of my visitors who sent me a link to an apparent “Discover magazine” article. In this article, which is labeled as a ‘special report’, they are literally calling it the ‘most powerful brain enhancer on the planet’.
The article starts off stating that American business magnates, silicon valley investors, and billionaires are using some secret brain pill to help them enhance their minds, and their wallets.
That pill is none other than Cogni Lift…
So what’s the secret behind this new revolutionary brain enhancer?? Bee pollen. That’s right, bee pollen.
Now as far as I know, Bee Pollen has never been advocated as a treatment for ADD / ADHD symptoms. According to the research I’ve done, there is some contradictory evidence that it can help improve endurance and vitality and building new blood.
But as an all natural focus enhancer, I’ve never heard of it.
The article goes on to chronicle an experiment conducted by senior chief editor Alan Frasier, who used Cogni Lift over a period of 4 weeks. Throughout the 4 weeks, he says his results were outstanding, with statements like:
I was lightheaded and spaced out but in the zone at the same time.
I hardly got stressed.
Here’s a snapshot of his experiment below:
Now anyone reading this would definitely be left intrigued. It sounds like Cogni Lift is the answer for anyone looking to boost their thinking ability, as well as keep them relaxed and focus.
Why It’s Complete B.S.
Let’s pick apart this article so you can see the real truth behind it.
1.) First off, look at the url in the address bar.
The real website for Discover magazine is, not
2.) They specifically mention that Cognilift was given an honorary mention in Forbes magazine as being the pill that can turn you into the quickest thinker on the planet. They even reference an article titled “Viagra for the brain”, which apparently featured CogniLift.
However, if you look at the REAL Forbes magazine article, there is absolutely no mention of Cognilift at all. It’s a relatively clever photo-shop job that leads you to believe it was.
Lastly, remember the editor Allan Frasier who apparently used this supplement to get GREAT results. Well, he’s a complete fake. There is no Allan Frasier who works at discover magazine, or any of the other publications.
I have seen this EXACT SAME ad used for literally dozens of other supplements, including Brainstorm Elite and Adderin. It’s pretty clear that they can’t ALL be the most powerful brain enhancer, so which one is?
Well, the answer is, none of them…
They use ads like this to sell their product. You see the page, it looks legit, and based SOLELY on this, you decide to order it. One of the most heavily promoted supplements that does this is called Addium.
I’ve seen countless fake ads being used to promote it. One day I’ll see a “Men’s Health” magazine article on it, the next it will be a Forbes magazine ad, and the list go’s on and on.
They always call it the “Real Limitless Pill”, which I know for SURE isn’t Addium.
Their “Free Trial” Really Isn’t So Free…
So another thing I noticed was on the official website they are apparently offering free sample bottles to qualifying customers. You simply pay a small shipping fee of $4.97 and you get a sample bottle to try out and see if it works.
What they also tell you (in VERY fine print I might add) is that if you don’t call to cancel your trial they will bill you close to $140 for it!
Most people completely miss this, and aren’t aware of it until they login to their bank and see the charge.
What’s worse is that if you don’t cancel they will continually bill you $140 every month and send you a fresh bottle.
If you don’t make a habit of checking over your finances on a regular basis you can be in for a rude awakening.
Frequently Asked Questions
If Cognilift FDA Approved?
No. Despite their rhetoric about it being recently approved for use by the FDA, the simple fact is that it’s an herbal supplement which doesn’t require FDA approval.
Can I buy it in stores?
From what I can tell, no. I searched around at my local GNC, Vitamin Shoppe, Walmart, and Walgreens / CVS, and it doesn’t appear to be for sale there.
The only place you can buy it is on their official website,
How long does it take to work? When will I feel its effects?
Well that depends on who you ask. Allan Frasier from the fake Discover article says he started feeling the effects within 15 min, with the best results being experienced within a few days.
Since we’ve determined that’s a lie, we have to go by what the manufacturer says. Unfortunately they don’t give a timeline of when you should start seeing results.
Will it really double my iq?
What do you think? 🙂
Does Cogni Lift really work? Maybe. But if it was really the miracle drug they keep calling it, why would they have to resort to false and deceptive marketing to sell their product?
It’s pretty clear to me that it’s nothing more than a scam to bilk money out of your wallet, and it likely doesn’t work at all. I’ve placed an order for it and will be updating this review within a week or 2, so stay tuned!
Have You Used Cognilift? Leave Your Review Below!
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User Reviews
Have you used this supplement?
Doesn't Work!
In Short: I would NOT recommend this to a friend.
I tried this for just under a month and didn't notice any effect whatsoever. Save your money!!!
15 out of 15 people found this review helpful.
This is a scam they will rip you off
In Short: I would NOT recommend this to a friend.
I took them up on a special $6.99 for a bottle. I am 60 years old. I could tell no difference after taking this for 2 weeks. Then suddenly I get a bill for almost $200 with threats of being sent to collections because I didn't return the unused portion. Now I'm getting threatening calls daily. The customer service/collections rep is rude and no help at all. Do not use this pitiful product it is just a scam to take people's money.
14 out of 16 people found this review helpful.
In Short: I would NOT recommend this to a friend.
another scam.
doesn't work at all.
11 out of 12 people found this review helpful.
In Short: I would NOT recommend this to a friend.
Do NOT buy this product it is, as others have mentioned, nothing but a scam. I checked with my doctor and he told me this might be worth the $1.09 I thought I was paying but definitely not the $119.00 they charged me. I should have been smarter then I was since I didn't see any of the small print mentioned. Also the ingredients listed on the bottle are nothing like what is in the advert.
I wish there was someplace to write to so this would be removed from the internet. In short false advertising.
1 out of 1 people found this review helpful.
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The fog was removed from my brain and I realized its a scam and that it cost 144.95 to realize this I! Much smarter than I was, huh?
Because I did not call in that time period they charge me $119.00. I could not tell the difference in 13 days nor 30 days.
They should be a shame of being associate with this type of marketing and beating people out of their money.
I don’t know who the people are who responded that it helped them right away…maybe paid to give positive feed back. They should give money back.
Over the counter medication to help with mind works better and don’t cost a third of what they are charging.
Concerned Customer
The formula looks a little too bare-bones to be very effective. The main ingredient is Citicoline, and the 1000 mg dose is decent. But there’s not much else so it’s almost like taking bulk Citicoline. My advice is that you go with Optimind.
That stuff works..probably the only negative for me are my sleeping patterns! I’ll try it w/o eating the suggary late night snacks….
What do u think?
Really, I would just avoid taking it after about mid afternoon. If that’s what you were doing and still having trouble sleeping, cut if off right about noon. My thinking is it’s just the caffeine, so you just have to adjust it accordingly. Another option would be to stack in Phenibut. Check out my article about how to use this stack here. It works amazing and takes care of any caffeine side effects, but you have to make sure to only use the Phenibut twice a week with a break in between.
I think it was marketed by Dr. Mark Stengler.
How affective do you think it would be according to the ingredients that are all listed.
I actually have never heard of that one, I’ll have to look into it and get back to you.