9 Best Weight Loss Pills At Walmart
By: Rob Miller
If you’ve browsed my site for any length of time, you may have come across my in depth article on the best fat burners at GNC. It hit me that not everyone necessarily lives close to a GNC, but almost EVERYONE has a Walmart within a 15 minute drive or so.
I’ve never been a big fan of Walmart.
I like to support locally owned, family businesses whenever I can.
On top of that, there are far better weight loss / fat burning supplements available online, such as Instant Knockout (Click Here for my review of it).
With that said, you just can’t beat their prices.
They may have changed their tagline from “Always Low Prices” to “Save Money. Live Better.” but who’s kidding who?
You go their because you can get shit dirt cheap.
I recently got a chance to visit my local Walmart, and wanted to introduce the best weight loss pills available there.
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These are listed in random order, and not necessarily from best to worst. If you’re having trouble deciding you can always leave a comment below and I can recommend the best one to you.
Needless to say, some were better than others as can be expected with any selection of supplements but I will say that I was quite impressed with a lot of the options there.
Note: Just because these weight loss pills / fat burners were available at my Walmart, does NOT mean they’re available at yours. If you see one of this page that catches your eye, call them first to see if they have it.
#1: Pro Clinical Hydroxycut
There are tons of Hydroxycut products at Walmart, which makes sense considering it’s the number 1 selling weight brand, but for various reasons, 3 that jumped out at me were in the Pro Clinical line – Pills, Instant Drink Mix, and Caffeine Free.
Unlike Hydroxycut HD and SX 7, Pro Clinical Hydroxycut is focused completely on fast effective weight loss, with a concentration on boosting both energy and metabolism.
The primary ingredient goes by several names (Robusta Coffee Extract, C Canaphora Robusta), but is basically good old Green Coffee Bean Extract.
Green coffee beans areessentially just beans that haven’t been roasted yet, and the key here is that because they haven’t been roasted, they still contain high levels of Chlorogenic Acid.
According to WebMD, Chlorogenic Acid works by affecting the way glucose is absorbed by the body, basically by slowing absorption down.
As a result, a few small studies have shown that taking chlorogenic acid daily for an extended period of time can encourage weight loss.
A few years back, Dr. Oz got into a little hot water for the way he promoted several weight loss supplements, most notably Green Coffee Bean extract.
The problem wasn’t really that he said it could help, it was more about the fact that he and his guest went too far by saying GCB made you lose weight without diet or exercise..
And as much as we all may wish this were possible, it just isn’t.
Pro Clinical Hydroxycut Pills
The formula is mostly a 441 mg proprietary blend built around Green Coffee Bean Extract standardized for 45% Chlorogenic Acid.
It’s also got some additional caffeine so you can expect an energy boost to be sure.
Just make sure not to take it within 5 hours or so of when you want to turn in for the night.
Read our complete Pro Clinical Hydroxycut Review here: https://www.supplementcritique.com/pro-clinical-hydroxycut-review/
Walmart sells the 60-count bottle for 19.88. At the recommended daily dose of 4 rapid release caplets, it should last about 2 weeks.
Pro Clinical Hydroxycut Instant Drink Mix
It uses essentially the same formula as the Pro Clinical Pills, but comes in handy packets you can pour into your water bottle, shake up, and drink before each of your two main meals.
It’s a good way to help increase the amount of water you drink in a day, and it helps you get in that caffeine boost when you need is as well.
It comes in Wildberry flavor, and I haven’t tried it myself but according to the customer feedback I’ve seen, it tastes great and mixes well.
Walmart currently sells a 21-count package for $17.88.Recommended use calls for 2 packets per day, meaning this will last about 10 days, making it comparable, but a little more expensive than the pills.
Pro Clinical Hydroxycut Caffeine Free
The caffeine-free version also uses Green Coffee Bean as its primary ingredient, but in this case, it’s decaffeinated, and they don’ t included the added caffeine like they do with the other two Pro Clincal products.
While caffeine and other stimulants are widely used in weight loss products, the fact is some people either can’t or would prefer not to use stimulants at all.
It can be tough to find effective non-stimulant supplements for weight loss, so it’s good to see Hydroxycut providing for these potential customers.
Since caffeine itself is an extremely effective weight loss aid, you can expect that Pro Clinical Hydroxycut Caffeine Free won’t work as well or as quickly as the other two.
But on the upside, you don’t have worry about avoiding taking it later in the day.
Normally, the 60-count bottle sells at Walmart for $19.88, but currently, that 60-count is sporting a 50% increase by providing 90 rapid release caplets per package.At the recommended dose of 2 caplets taken twice a day before meals, the 90-count will last about 3 weeks.
#2: Alli Weight Loss
Alli holds the distinction of being the only over the counter weight loss pill approved by the FDA, although that claim is slightly misleading.
Basically, what it means is that back in 1999, Orlistat (120mg) was approved by the FDA as a prescription drug to treat obesity.
In 2007, the lower dose of 60 mg in Alli was approved for over the counter sales.
Alli is essentially a lower dose of a prescription strength weight loss pill.
The mechanism of action with Orlistat is that it decreases the amount of fat that gets absorbed into your body.When you take Alli before a meal, about 25% of the fat you eat is digested and stored in the body.
Instead, it’s eliminated as waste.
It sounds great, and in reality it can help you lose more weight than with diet and exercise alone.
The question is how much?
According to the Mayo Clinicit really only works out to about 5 ½ pounds per year more than you’d lose without it.
It’s marketed toward people with significant weight to lose, and to their credit, Alli makes the point very clearly that your weight loss won’t be significant or lasting if you don’t follow a restricted calorie diet and a sufficient workout plan.
The label carries several warnings about potential complications and interactions with prescription meds, so you’ll want to make sure to read all the relevant information before deciding to go with Alli.
If you do choose to go ahead with it, a bottle of 120 capsules costs $61.99 at Walmart.At the recommended usage of 1 pill taken with each meal that contains fat, one bottle could last anywhere from 1 to 3 months.
#3: Hydroxycut Black, Hardcore, and Max
There are 3 additional Hydroxycut weight loss products at Walmart that deserve a look as well: Hydroxycut Black, Hydroxycut Hardcore, and Hydroxycut Max.
They each use the standard Hydroxycut Green Coffee Bean Extract as a starting point, then add different components for specific results tailored to individually unique situations.
Hydroxycut Black
Using its “Ultra Advanced Liquid-Thermo Technology” (aka rapid release liquid capsule) Hydroxycut Black delivers:
- 150 mg Alpha Lipoic Acid for metabolism
- 200 mg Green Coffee Bean for the chlorogenic acid
- 200 mg Caffeine for energy and metabolism
- And a small undisclosed amount of Yohimbe for energy.
You’d definitely want to start off at half a dose with this one since 200 mg is quite a bit of caffeine.
Walmart sells the 60-count bottle for $24.50. At the recommended dose of 2 capsules taken twice daily, the bottle will last about 2 weeks.
Hydroxycut Hardcore
This version is formulated to provide significant weight loss results where other products have failed.It offers extreme energy with intense focus and adds an amino acid complex to help shed the pounds.
Much of the ingredient list is similar to the other Hydroxycut products, including:
- Green Coffee Bean
- Yohimbine
- Caffeine.
But Hydroxycut Hardcore adds L-Theanine to take the edge off of the stimulant feeling you get from caffeine.It also contains a blend of three amino acids that work as protein building blocks to help increase lean muscle and decrease fat.
Walmart sells the 60-count bottle for $22.94. At the recommended dose of 2 capsules taken twice daily, the bottle will last about 2 weeks.
Hydroxycut Max
Hydroxycut Max is designed specifically for women.At its core, it uses the same basic ingredients as the other Hydroxycut Products:
- Green Coffee Bean
- Caffeine
But it goes on to add what they call “female friendly” ingredients like Folic Acid, Biotin, and Iron, to help keep women’s health generally in balance.In fact, iron supplementation, according to at least one studymay improve weight loss results.
Walmart sells the 60-count bottle for $22.94. At the recommended dose of 2 capsules taken twice a day, the bottle will last about 2 weeks.
While they each add their own unique twist, all the Hydroxycut products are built around the core benefits of Green Coffee Bean and Chlorogenic Acid, relying on the results of this studyas evidence of its effectiveness.
#4: Zantrex Red and Blue Bottles
Zantrex by Zoller Labs is a pretty popular choice both at Walmart and other retail stores.One the one hand, it’s got a reputation for producing results, but on the other hand, it’s also got a reputation for some pretty harsh side effects.
They offer two choices, the Red Bottle and the Blue Bottle.
Zantrex Red
Zantrex Redis made up of a 964 mg proprietary blend of ingredients, several of which contain some amount of caffeine.There’s:
- Guarana Fruit
- Kola Seed
- Coffee Bean
- Green Tea Leaf
All of these provide caffeine.
This is where the energy, metabolism boost, motivation, and yes – side effects – come from.
They’re 4 of the top 5 ingredients listed too, so the total amount is likely to be quite high.
There are lots of user reviews online at the various retail sites where it’s sold, and there are definitely two recurring themes.
Zantrex Red Bottle works, but it can also make you feel pretty sick.
Raciness and nausea are the most commonly cited effects, both of which can be mitigated by taking a half dose at first, by eating a meal shortly after taking the pills, and by drinking a ton of water.
Click Here to read my full review of Zantrex 3 Red Bottle.
Zantrex Blue
The Zantrex Blue bottle is so powerful, I actually named it as a best female fat burner in this article.
The Blue Bottle is also a proprietary blend, this time 1160 mg, containing several caffeine sources.
This time, there’s:
- Yerba Mate
- Guarana
- Trimethylxanthine
- Green Tea
- Kola Seed
- Damiana, Cacao
- Black Tea.
As is the case with the Red Bottle, caffeine is absolutely the driving force behind the Blue Bottle.
Surprisingly, although similar side effects are also reported in conjunction with Zantrex Blue, they are less frequent and appear to be less severe than they are with the Red Bottle.
And positive statements about how well it works are more common.
Another common theme with both versions is that both side effects and effectiveness wear off pretty quickly as you build a tolerance to the ingredients.
If I had to steer you toward one or the other, I’d have you go with Zantrex Blue.
Just make sure you start with half a dose, drink lots of water, and be prepared with a small meal shortly after you take your pills.
Walmart sells a 56-count bottle of Zantrex Red for $23.25 and a 60-count bottle of Zantrex Blue for $19.88.
Check out my side by side comparison of the Red and Blue bottles here.
#5: Lipo 6 Black Ultra Concentrate
Lipo 6 Black Ultra Concentrate is another powerful and popular weight loss supplement you can find at Walmart.
You can read our complete review of it here: https://www.supplementcritique.com/lipo-6-black-ultra-concentrate-review/ but here we’ll just give you the broad strokeshere so you know what you’re looking at if you’re headed to Walmart any time soon.
Lipo 6 Black Ultra Concentrate is some pretty strong stuff with a focus on supercharging your metabolism while giving you all the energy you could want with only 1 pill.In fact that make a big point about warning you not to take more than 1 pill at a time.And I would add that you shouldn’t take your second pill within 5 or 6 hours of going to bed.
That’s because the formula is almost completely made up of stimulants.
It’s a 294.5 mg proprietary blend made up of ingredients including:
- Caffeine
- Advantra Z (aka Citrus Aurantium, aka Synephrine)
- Yohimbine.
Too much of any of these could easily set you up with jitters and even dizziness.Together, they are definitely not for the faint of heart.If you’re the kind of person who likes that jacked up feeling, and you don’t suffer negative effects from too much caffeine, you may very well love this stuff.
If so, Walmart carries the 60 capsule bottle – a 30-day supply – for $26.30.
#6: Xenadrine Ultimate
Xenadrine Ultimate is another one of Walmart’s more popular weight loss supplement choices, which is most likely because it’s both powerful and well rounded.By this I mean that it focuses on several different aspect necessary for weight loss, including
- Energy and motivation
- Focus
- Appetite suppression
- Fat burning
It’s an updated version of the original Xenadrine product.
You can read our complete review of that one here: https://www.supplementcritique.com/xenadrine-review/
The primary new ingredient in the Xenadrine Ultimate formula is Green Coffee Bean Extract, which we learned about earlier in this article in conjunction with the Pro Clinical Hydroxycut products.
The chlorogenic acid improves the way glucose is used by the body, and studies support the contention that you can lose more weight while using it than you can while not using it.
Related Article: 8 Best OTC Phentermine Alternatives
It’s also got Garcinia Cambogia with its fat fighting properties, Yohimbe as a central nervous system stimulant, Caffeine as an additional stimulant, and Ashwagandha for the way it helps the body respond appropriately to stressful situations – both mental and physical.
The ingredients are in a couple proprietary blends, so we don’t know how much of each is used.
For that reason, be careful with your dosing at first.
You don’t want to overdo the stimulants.
Once you’ve assessed how you respond, you can adjust accordingly.
You’ll also probably want to avoid taking it too late at night.
The 120 count bottle of Xenadrine Ultimate is sold at Walmart for $17.97 At the recommended dose of 2 capsules taken twice a day, the bottle will last a month.
#7: Dexatrim Max Complex 7
Dexatrim has been a popular weight loss supplement for over 30 years .Back in the day, the original Dexatrim had PPA and Ephedra, making it a real force to contend with.
But both of those ingredients were banned by the FDA years ago due to their potential for serious side effects.
Whether you agree or disagree with their decision, we’re pretty much stuck with it.
So like most supplement companies, they reluctantly adjusted, and now we’re looking at Dexatrim Max Complex 7, their product for “blocking hunger and burning body fat” which you can get through several retailers, including Walmart.
The primary ingredients in Dexatrim Max Complex 7 are Caffeine, Green Tea, and 7-Keto DHEA.
The 150 mg of caffeine provides the energy boost as well as increased metabolism and appetite suppression.
The Green Tea provides the EGCGsfor fat burning.
And the 7-Keto DHEAturns stored fat into energy.
The formula is rounded out with B Complex Vitamins, Ginseng, and Oolong Tea.
Customer feedback is generally pretty positive, but some users have reported experiencing stimulant related side effects.
For most people the energy and appetite suppression are the standout benefits, but there are a few who say it just doesn’t work, and a smaller subset that say it made them feel miserable, with jitters, nausea, and headaches.
Of course, when scrolling through customer reviews, there were plenty of users nostalgic for the old days when Dexatrim had Ephedra and PPA.Unfortunately, those days are NOT likely to come back.
If you’re game, you can pick up a 60-count bottle of today’s Dexatrim Max Complex 7 at Walmart for $17.91. At the recommended dose of 2 pills taken twice a day, that 60 capsules should last a month.If you find yourself lowering the dosage to reduce the potential for side effects, it could last longer.
#8: Fastin
Fastin, from Hi-Tech Pharmaceuticals has been a popular thermogenic weight loss supplements for several years now.
It combines strong energy producers and fat burning ingredients with mood elevating substances that keep you upbeat and motivated while you fight the battle of the bulge.
The feel good ingredient in the formula is Phenylethylamine Hcl (PEA) which stimulates the release of dopamine, serotonin, and noepinephrine in the brain.
It’s also got significant stimulant power in ingredients like Yohimbine, Synephrine, Caffeine, and 1,3-Dimethylamylamine, or DMAA.
You may be aware of the ongoing battle between Hi-Tech Pharma and the FDA. Basically, the FDA believes that DMAA can be dangerous, so they have declared that it’s not technically a natural substance and can’t be used in dietary supplements.
Hi-Tech Pharma is one of a few companies fighting back by continuing to use it in several of its products.
DMAA is very stimulatory and should be used in small doses. The Fastin formula is proprietary, so we don’t know exactly how much is in there.
Several users have reported the kinds of side effects you get from overstimulation – headache, racing heartbeat, sweats, dizziness, nausea.
It’s the age old battle between effectiveness and side effects.
Many Fastin users solve this by lowering their initial dosage until they build a tolerance to the negative effects.
For more information on Fastin, here’s a link to my complete review: https://www.supplementcritique.com/fastin-review/
Walmart sells it in store only.
You can pick up a 60-count bottle for about $45.
#9: Doctor’s Select Weight Loss 4 Tablets
Doctor’s Select Weight Loss 4 Tablets combine several of the ingredients we’ve discussed all throughout this article.
There’s Green Coffee Bean Extract for better glucose metabolism, Garcinia Cambogia for appetite suppression and the prevention of fat storage, Green Tea Extract for its EGCGs, Glucomannnan to make you feel full.
And it adds Raspberry Ketones as antioxidants and Probiotics to support gut health as well.This can help prevent bloating, gas, and general gastric distress.
Customer reviews are all over the place with this one.
It seems people either love it or hate it.
One thing everyone seems to love is the price.
You can pick up a 90 count package for just $14.88, and that should last you a month at the recommended dose of 1 pill before each meal.This definitely puts it at the low end of the pricing scale when it comes to weight loss products.
Because it is basically dirt cheap compared to some others, it is worth trying out without setting you back much.
Top 3 Fat BurnersAffiliate Disclosure
Instant Knockout is actually a new fat burning supplement I just came across, and got great results.
HourGlass Fit is the BEST fat burner for women we’ve ever tested.
Read our review here.
Biohacks your body into instant ketosis to burn fat instead of carbs.
Weight loss, energy, focus, anti-inflammatory, anti-aging.
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User Questions and Answers
Fat burners. How many have the old fen fen in them? And which ones are caffeine free? -Donald
Fen-Phen refers to prescription drugs, not available over the counter through stores. As for caffeine free, try Pro Clinical Hydroxycut Caffeine Free.- Rob
3 out of 4 people found this question helpful.
I have been using Lean Bean for one month and haven't noticed any change. Im following the Ideal Protein diet which is moderate protein almost zero carbs other than from veggies and pretty low calorie 1000 a day. Not sure what I need to help boost this stubborn fat loss. I have about 30 odd to lose -Melissa
Have you been exercising? Eating 1000 calories a day when you've got 30 pounds to lose - you should be losing weight. Are you sure you're not taking in hidden calories. Keep a diary of your intake for the next week. You may be surprised to find you're getting more calories than you think.- Rob
3 out of 5 people found this question helpful.
I'm so glad I found your review on diet pills. In no stranger to them but at 43 I m a little more sensitive to the caffeine jitters. I eat healthy and follow the Ideal protein diet but I have plateaued for 6 months. I switched up my exercise regimen adding weights etc but I need a boost. I purchased Leanbean but wondered if I should give it another month to decide if I feel it has made a difference.? -Melissa
How long have you been using Lean Bean? Have you had good results with it so far?- Rob
0 out of 2 people found this question helpful.
Have you tested performix sst energy?
Have you tried Hydroxycut Platinum?
Unfortunately we haven’t tested that one out yet. But it’s on our list, so hopefully we can get around to it soon!
Glad we could help! Check out a supplement called Lean Bean. It’s a female fat burner my wife used a few months back with GREAT results, here’s my review: https://www.supplementcritique.com/leanbean-review-best-female-fat-burner/
Hope this helps and let me know if you have any questions.
Trying to gain a bit of energy & of course fight the bulge.
Thank you
Yup, and stacking Prime Male with Instant Knockout is actually one of the most potent combos I recommend.
Check out a fat burner called Instant Knockout. It’s by far the best one we’ve ever tested, and we’ve tested literally DOZENS of these products. Here’s my review: