8 Best Supplements For Weight Loss At GNC

By: Rob Miller
MD Reviewed By: Helen Okoye, MD What's This?
Fact Checked On: 3-23-2020

Home » Fat Burners » 8 Best Supplements For Weight Loss At GNC

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#1: Cellucor Super HD
#2: Meratrim
#3: Lipozene
#4 – Zantrex 3 Fat Burner
#5 – BIORhythm AdrenaLean
#6 – Z-Burn
#7: GNC Total Lean CLA
#8: Healthy Natural Systems Raspberry Ketone with Green Coffee Bean
Looking for a weight loss product to give you a little edge?

If you want to boost your chances of success with your fat loss diet plan, you might be hunting down the weight loss supplements at your local GNC. A quick discussion with the sales rep however often informs you enough to know that they aren’t all that well-trained in much other than promoting whatever product they earn the highest commission off of.

Therefore, doing your own research is key.

To help make things easier for you, I’ve come up with what I would consider to be the top products at GNC for weight loss.

Related Article:  5 Best Fat Burner Pills At GNC (yes, there is a difference between weight loss and fat burners)

Here’s the line-up to consider.

#1: Cellucor Super HD

cellucor super hd at gnc

The Cellucor brand is well-known for churning out quality supplements, and their Super HD formula definitely tops this list.  It’s not only the highest rated thermogenic fat burner on the GNC website, but we have also personally tested it with great results.

Like most of the weight loss pills you’ll see on this page, it contains a number of different stimulants to not only help curb your appetite, but also help with boosting your energy levels.

One additional component to Super HD is it’s nootropic effect.  Some of the ingredients in their formula have been associated with feelings of calm and focus, something that is certainly a plus when your in the gym.

You can find Super HD for about $45 for 60 capsules, which is about a 1 month supply.

#2: Meratrim

meratrim at gnc

Meratrim is a stimulant free plant based weight loss supplement. It’s all natural, gluten, soy, and sugar free, and it makes the very reasonable claim that you can start losing weight in 2 weeks.

They call it a Fruit and Flower formula, with both of its two key ingredients housed within an 800 mg proprietary blend.

Garcinia Mangostana is the Fruit. It is said to work by suppressing appetite, blocking fat absorption, and by increasing the use of stored fat.

Sphaeranthus Indicus is the Flower. It may help control the way your body uses glucose. According to preliminary research however, it seems that a 150 pound person would need to take over 2 grams per day to achieve the benefits.

There is actually a study showing that over a 16 week time period, subjects taking Meratrim lost over 8 pounds more than those using the placebo.

Related Article:  11 BEST Female Fat Burners

One thing to note here is that because Meratrim is a popular product on Amazon, there are hundreds of customer reviews, and it’s not good news. There are more 1 star reviews than 4 and 5 star reviews combined.

There are no complaints about side effects to speak of. It’s really just customers stating it just didn’t work for them.

If you want to give it a try yourself, GNC carries the 60-count bottle (a one month supply) for $31.99.

Read my full Meratrim review here:  https://www.supplementcritique.com/meratrim-review-1-huge-reason-to-try-it/

#3: Lipozene

lipozene at gnc

Lipozene claims you can lose weight without changing your lifestyle – you can still eat all your favorite foods and you don’t need to increase your exercise routine. Personally, I’m very suspicious of products that make claims like these, but it’s a popular supplement so it’s worth looking into.

The active ingredient in Lipozene is 1500 mg of Amorphophallus Konjac from the Konjac Root, aka Glucomannan. It’s a water soluble fiber that expands in your stomach. The idea is that becomes a gel-like substance in your stomach that makes you feel full. (Source)

Obviously, if you feel full, you’ll eat less, so even though you may be eating the same foods you always ate, the fact that you’ll feel more full means you’ll naturally eat less.

This claim is based on a small study of 20 obese participants who were instructed not to change their eating or workout routines. The study was conducted over 8 weeks time. The group taking the Glucomannan lost 5.5 pounds while the placebo group lost only 1.5 pounds.

Of course, if you really want to lose weight and keep it off, you will need to change your diet and activity level, but there’s something to be said for using Lipozene as a non-stimulant aid to help the process along.

GNC sells a 2 bottle package, each bottle a 60-count, for $17.88. At the recommended dosage of 2 pills taken 3 times a day before meals, the package will last just short of 3 weeks.

#4 – Zantrex 3 Fat Burner

zantrex 3 blue bottle at gnc

We’ve been getting a lot of feedback from visitors on Zantrex 3.  There’s actually two different formulations for this supplement…a Red bottle and a Blue bottle.

Click Here to see a comparison of the two.

Personally speaking, and this is reflected in the various reviews we’ve been getting, I think the Zantrex 3 Blue bottle is superior.  It contains 3 fat burning stimulants such as yerba mate, guarana, and damiana extract, as well as caffeine, so it packs a bit of a punch.

But it does work GREAT for providing energy and motivation for the gym, as well as helping to curb appetite.

I experienced no side effects at all from the Blue Bottle, however the Red Bottle gave me various side effects like headaches, dizziness, and a rapid heart beat.

Unfortunately GNC no longer sells Zantrex 3, however you can find it available for sale in Walmart and other locations.

Looking To REALLY Get Ripped?

Click Here to download my FREE "How To Get Ripped Quickly" eBook!!

#5 – BIORhythm AdrenaLean

adrenalene reviewIf you want to see a major change in how you feel and function on a daily basis while using your weight loss support product, BIORhythm AdrenaLean is one to consider.

It is a more powerful product, so there will be a risk of side effects such as possibly feeling jittery, anxious, and having issues sleeping. This is due to the fact the product does contain stimulants including caffeine, so will rev up your central nervous system.

But in turn, this is also what allows it to give you the significant energy boost, which will be appreciated as you head into your next workout session.

In fact, Adrena Lean doubles as both an effective weight loss pill AND a pre workout supplement.

See Related Article:  Best Pre Workout Supplements At GNC

Even though the product claims to have no jittery side effects, it does contain caffeine so you need to know your own body. Many people are sensitive so if you do react, you will notice it.

Hoodia Gordonni weight loss

It also contains Hoodia Gordonni, which some market for weight loss, and its appetite suppression ability. On the contrary, according to the Mayo Clinic, it has not been scientifically proven, and the Federal Trade Commission calls such claims misleading. Yikes!

You’ll also take in Yohimbine, which can help to assist with the burning of stubborn body fat stores, especially in the lower legs or abdomen.

Finally, you’ll take in synephrine, which also helps to stimulate the CNS, providing you a boost when you need it.

This product should be taken in a 1-2 capsule does per day, starting with one to assess your tolerance.  You’ll pay $29.88 for a 60 capsule bottle, putting in on par with most other fat burners in price.

Related Article:  5 Amazing Testosterone Boosters At GNC

#6 – Z-Burn

z burn reviewsZ-Burn is a product that is slightly different from many conventional fat burners because while most fat burners will make it harder to sleep, Z-Burn attempts to make it easier to sleep.

This product has been designed to help increase the rate in which your body oxidizes fat while also improving your metabolic rate over the sleeping period.

Since your metabolism will slow down significantly during the 8 hours you sleep, if you can do something to boost it upwards, this is going to have a very positive impact on you.

This product also in turn helps to increase your sleep quality, which then can also mean better cortisol control, which reduces your risk of muscle mass loss while dieting and can improve fat burning from the abdominal region as well.  Furthermore, this product can help to boost growth hormone, which will the help you maintain lean muscle mass better as well.

The product itself is very natural containing the ZMA combination (which is well-documented to help boost sleep quality), chromium to control blood glucose and insulin levels, along with L-Glutamine to strengthen the immune system, resveratrol for metabolic enhancement, valerian root and melatonin to promote deeper sleep, and L-Theanine to help promote relaxation.

If you struggle to feel energized and sleep well while dieting, this is a great product to look into. You can purchase it for $59.99 for a 60 capsule bottle, which will last between 1-2 months depending on the daily dose you use.

#7: GNC Total Lean CLA

gnc total lean cla reviewNext, CLA, otherwise referred to as conjugated linoleic acid, is a type of fatty acid that appears to have extra special weight loss benefits.

By supplementing with it, you can increase the rate in which your body naturally converts stored body fat to fuel, increasing the speed of progress.

Additionally, it can also help give you a metabolic boost as well, because it is a completely all-natural supplement containing just this form of acid, the risk of side effects will also be low.

This has all been proven in a clinical study involving overweight adults taking CLA for an extended period of time.

For those who are worried about putting a harsh product into their body, this is a great option to turn to.

The ingredients are tame and easy on the body and compared to similar options, yield a low risk for side effects.

You can purchase this product for $24.99, which will provide a full 45 day supply.

#8: Healthy Natural Systems Raspberry Ketone with Green Coffee Bean

Raspberry Ketone with Green Coffee Bean

Finally, raspberry ketones have caught on rapidly by the media as being one of the newest natural forms of weight loss supplements that you can use. Raspberry ketones are said to help boost your metabolism as well as help your body oxidize fat at rest.  This particular product takes things up one step higher by combining the raspberry ketones you find in other products with green coffee bean, yet another heavily touted substance that can assist with weight loss results.

Those taking green coffee bean regularly tend to notice faster results while following the same diet and exercise protocol as those who aren’t taking it.  Users are to be advised that this product may cause some slight tingling to occur in the mouth after consumption, however that should subside shoulder after taking it.  Otherwise, side effects reported are quite low, so it’s another safe product to look into.

It does come at a higher price tag however at $29.99 for 30 soft chews. You’re supposed to take 1-4 chews daily, so it will be a more costly product to use.

If you want something that will last you longer and be more cost effective, consider going with some of the other options.

So there you have some of the top weight loss support products that you can purchase at GNC. Make sure you consider what it is that you want to use the product for as you select which one to help meet your needs. That way, you can best match up ones that will assist you with your requirements and avoid spending money on products that don’t deliver.

Top 3 Fat BurnersAffiliate Disclosure

#1 Rated – Instant Knockout

#1 Rated - Instant Knockout

Instant Knockout is actually a new fat burning supplement I just came across, and got great results.

Click Here To Learn More »

#2 Rated – HourGlass Fit

#2 Rated - HourGlass Fit

HourGlass Fit is the BEST fat burner for women we’ve ever tested. Read our review here.

Click Here To Learn More »

#3 Rated – Keto OS

#3 Rated - Keto OS

Biohacks your body into instant ketosis to burn fat instead of carbs. Weight loss, energy, focus, anti-inflammatory, anti-aging.

Click Here To Learn More »

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User Questions and Answers

I am interested in loosing weight. I have zero energy and I drink One gallons of water daily. For the past two months limited my intake of Diet Coke Soda. I need energy. I am 45 so its probably age. Any suggestions on a supplement that GNC sales. Thank you, Rebecca -Rebecca

I'd go with the Cellucor Super HD.  Check out my review here.- Rob

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what wt.loss pill is better for me i'm 51 yrs old an more wt .in my abdomen. -lendora

Go with Instant Knockout, as long as you're not overly sensitive to caffeine.- Rob

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Can celluor super hd & pure garcinia cambogia extract 60%hydroxycitric acid be taken together? -Brenda

That should be a safe combination. The main thing you want to avoid is stacking more than one stimulant-containing supplement.- Rob

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7 out of 10 people found this question helpful.

I need an appetite suppressant, can u reccomend any that won't affect my B/P? -Laura

Unfortunately, appetite suppressants usually contain stimulants, so you should consult with your doctor about what would be okay to take.- Rob

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7 out of 11 people found this question helpful.

how much weight loss in 1 month? -yogeh yadav

The amount of weight you can lose depends more on your diet and workout plan than anything else.- Rob

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6 out of 11 people found this question helpful.

Author: Rob Miller

Supplement Critique

Rob Miller founded SupplementCritique.com over 7 years ago, and has been the chief editor ever since. He has a diploma in Advanced Dietary Supplements Advisor, and worked at GNC for 3 years. He KNOWS supplements, both inside and out. Rob currently resides in Jupiter, FL, with his wife of 4 years.  Learn more about him in his Bio here. Follow him on Twitter , Facebook, LinkedIn, or find him on Google +.

Medical Reviewer: Helen Okoye, MD

Dr Okoye

Dr. Helen Okoye is an American Public Health Physician, Health Care Executive, Researcher, Entrepreneur with a Doctor of Medicine Degree (MD), an MBA in Healthcare Management, and a Masters in Epidemiology/Public Health). Her specific responsibilities for Supplement Critique including reviewing previously published articles for accuracy and relevancy. Her expert opinion was featured on NBC News for the President’s physical exam. Learn more about Dr. Okoye here. Follow here on Twitter and Instagram.

78 comments on “8 Best Supplements For Weight Loss At GNC”

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  1. Hi Rob,

    I’m 49 and I typically eat a lower carb diet consisting mostly of meats, cheeses, heavy cream, cream cheese, and tons of vegetables as carbs leave me feeling bloated and sick. I’ve followed Atkins and Keto models to manage weight currently 155 at 5’4”.

    This is proving to be a progressive struggle. What supplement would you recommend that would compliment a low carb diet while providing energy, mental clarity, and appetite suppression?

  2. I am a 55 yo male and diabetic with a gut. My doc said males carry their fat around their internal organs..is this true and what can I take to help eliminate it. Thanks

    1. Hey Bob,
      Yeah that’s referred to as visceral fat, and it can be a real pain in the ass. One way to help get rid of it is to try a low carb diet, or Keto diet.

      Keto diets will help you reduce your carbohydrate intake, and your body will end up using stored fat reserves (especially visceral fat) as it’s primary energy source.
      Another thing you can do is perform High Intensity Interval Training., or HIIT.

      I have a very thorough ebook which outlines a few examples of HIIT that I’m sending to you now, let me know if you didn’t receive it.

      Hope this helps and let me know if you have any questions!
    2. Hey Bob,

      Just sent you an email.

      For anyone else looking for the free ebook, click here to sign up for your free ebook.

  3. Hi im 5,11 280 lbs and im looking for the best product for me to take to lose weight as well give me a boost. Im on my feet allday as I work outside.

    Any help will be helpful.
  4. Hey I’m 29, 5″11 227 pounds, I am working out eating healthy and just started taking slimvance and the cla, is this a good choice?
    1. Hey Kevin,
      Slimvance is definitely not my first choice. The vast majority of reviews are VERY poor, and there’s really no upside to taking it. I would recommend you check out a fat burner called Instant Knockout. It’s by FAR the most effective fat burner we’ve ever tested, and we’ve tested DOZENS. Here’s my review: https://www.supplementcritique.com/instant-knockout-fat-burner-review/

      You should be fine with the CLA, however. Hope this helps and let me know if you have any questions!
  5. I am a 44 year old female. Have lost over 20 lbs through diet but it has slowed down.

    Need to lose about 30 more. Lack energy, crave sugar and always feel hungry lately.

    I need so etching to suppress appetite and sugar cravings, and speed metabolism. Specifically for women is there something safe without side effects ?

  6. Hi I’m 51I’m healthy I need to lose Belly fat I don’t want anything that can make nervous I saw a pill Hcg for fat burning
  7. My question is I am diabetic I am trying to find me some kind of weight loss supplement to lose weight or to speed up my metabolism I feel tired all the time too is there anything you can recommend
  8. I’m 27. I have a 10 month old baby.

    I have extra weight in my belly and my arms now. I have zero energy and am tired all the time.

    What would be best for me to lose that stubborn tummy area but will give me the energy I need as well. I eat healthy but have no energy to work out right now.

  9. Hi. I’m 5’11 & weigh 285. I’m searching for a strong diet pills to loose 50-60lbs. I’ve tried many suppressants & nothing seems to work. I exercise @ least 3 days a week & I also watch what I eat, but I’ve only lost 5lbs since June.

    What do i need? Help!

    1. Hey Orene,
           First off, click here to sign up for my free “How To Get Ripped Quickly” ebook. It’s loaded with tons of tips on diet and exercise to help get you on track for your weight loss goals. Supplements wise, check out the Crazy Mass cutting stack. It’s made up of 4 high quality supplements that will help boost your energy levels, improve libido, and shred belly fat.

      Use it in conjunction with the ebook for the best results, here’s my review: https://www.supplementcritique.com/crazy-mass-cutting-stack-review/

      Hope this helps and let me know if you have any other questions.

  10. I’m looking to find a full body cleanse and a fat burner stack to go along with my cardiovascular workout I’m starting this week
  11. Hi I’m 42 I’m a mother of 6 and a grandmother of 6 my oldest is 26 and youngest 7. I’m 4’11 and 165 I need an appetite suppressant and something to help me loose the weight around my back sides and my stomach,I look like I’m 5 months pregnant,I job and fast walk but nothing what do you recommend plz HELP!!!

      1. Oops I meant grandmom of 5 and I jog..I do homecare so I try on my days off. I have been on many different pills from the gnc and dieting on my own but nothing seems to work, but I appreciate your feed back Thank you!

  12. I was a distance runner and in amazing shape. Unfortunately I was hit by a truck and left for dead.

    I was in a wheelchair for 9 months are told I’d never walk again. Long story short, I’m walking but as a result of all the meds I was on have packed on weight.

    Serious weight. Now I’m struggling to get it off to improve my physical abilities.

    I was turned on to Water tight and have had some success with that but not a lot. Help!!!

    Please. I am a female, 6′ tall, 42 years old and currently 222 lbs. My preaccident weight was a solid 175 of muscle.

    I am as active as possible roughly walking 5 kms a day. Thank you for your time.

    1. Hey Rose,
      Sorry to hear that, but great to hear you bounced back! For you, diet is going to be critical if you want to get down to your pre accident weight. First off, I’m sending you my free “How To Get Ripped Quick” ebook, as well as some bonuses.

      It’s packed with tons of tips, and I want you to pay particular attention to the diet portion of the ebook. It’s key if you seriously want to shed those excess pounds.

      Supplements wise, I would recommend you go with a fat burner called Phen 375. It’s a fat burner, but it’s also a very potent appetite suppressant. This will help to curb the calories, as well as give you energy for your workouts.

      Here’s my review: https://www.supplementcritique.com/phen-375-review/

      Hope this helps and let me know if you have any other questions!
    2. Hey rose,

      Just sent you an email.

      For anyone else looking for the free ebook, click here to sign up for your free ebook.

  13. I just had a baby 2 months ago, I gained 80 pounds my whole pregnancy and have already lost 52 pounds. I am struggling with energy and appetite control.

    I am also on blood pressure medicine. What would be my best bet to help me lose more weight?

  14. What supplements can I use to lose weight and at the same time tone my body? I workout 4-5 times a week for 1-2 hours.

  15. I am 65 and in metformin 1000 daily. Have hard time loosing weight and cravings are bad.

    What do you suggest. I am very active but not an exercise regimen.

    1. Hey rinkle,
           First off, click here to sign up for my free “How To Get Ripped Quickly” ebook. It’s loaded with tons of tips on diet and exercise to help get you on track for your weight loss goals. Supplements wise, check out the Crazy Mass cutting stack. It’s made up of 4 high quality supplements that will help boost your energy levels, improve libido, and shred belly fat.

      Use it in conjunction with the ebook for the best results, here’s my review: https://www.supplementcritique.com/crazy-mass-cutting-stack-review/

      Hope this helps and let me know if you have any other questions.

      1. but smeone suggest me knockout is it gud for me or nt ??whats d exect price of crazy mass cutting in india how i order dis
  16. I’m already taking metformin @500 mg dose daily for pcos ….my age is 33 n weight is 85 kg n height is 5’3″ suggest me a weight loss remedy
    1. Hey Mena,
      Check out a supplement called the Crazy Mass cutting stack. It’s perfect for guys like yourself looking to lose weight AND build lean muscle.

      Here’s my review: https://www.supplementcritique.com/crazy-mass-cutting-stack-review/

      Also, for your convenience I’m sending you my free “How To Get Ripped Quick” eBook. It’s packed with tons of info on diet and exercise that would GREAT in combination with the cutting stack.

      Hope this helps and let me know if you have any other questions.
  17. Hey i am 21yo and my height is 5ft8′ and my weight is 85kgs…i wanna reduce it to atleast 70-72 kgs also i have busy routine.so which supplement will be best for me…thankyou 🙂
    1. Hey Danish ikram,
           First off, click here to sign up for my free “How To Get Ripped Quickly” ebook. It’s loaded with tons of tips on diet and exercise to help get you on track for your weight loss goals. Supplements wise, check out the Crazy Mass cutting stack. It’s made up of 4 high quality supplements that will help boost your energy levels, improve libido, and shred belly fat.

      Use it in conjunction with the ebook for the best results, here’s my review: https://www.supplementcritique.com/crazy-mass-cutting-stack-review/

      Hope this helps and let me know if you have any other questions.

  18. I’ve been taking a life style supplement called thrive for the past 1.5 months..seems like I hit a wall..anything you recomend like mixing in a blender for a first thing in the morning drink to quench your hunger…
    1. Hey Matt,

      Add a scoop of protein powder to your morning shake. It’s filling, and if you’re trying to lose weight, extra protein is important. I like 100% Whey Gold Standard.

  19. I need a weight lost pill to help me loss weight am 30 yes old trying to lose weight in my stomach area
    1. Hey Alicia,

      Since diet and exercise are the most important factors in losing weight, sign up for my free weight loss ebook for tips, advice, and plans to help with those. As for supplements, check out a fat burner called Instant Knockout. A side note to remember though – you can’t spot reduce fat. It comes off wherever it wants to, and unfortunately, for a lot of us, belly fat is the last to go.

  20. Thank you sooooo much for ur prompt reply! Wow!

    Yes i did read ur book and while on it i got almost all my answers even before you responded.. And u hit all the nails in d head.

    Excellent book so halfway reading it I shared it on facebook n encouraged friends to sign up too! The biggest factor i was impressed is i never saw n felt any sales pitch and nothing on d bottom that says i need to give u my credit card!

    Haha! U r a rare gem!

    Thank u very much and i hope u continue what u r doing.. Very giod karma coming back to u!

    And yes, i will go back reading d book all over again and create a meal plan n work out for myself.. I’m just not familiar with the work outs might have to search from google or utube again lol..

    If u have anything visual that u can share i will be thrilled! Thank u for ur encouragement and yes u r ryt, the only way to get ahead of the game is to start today and for me it takes a lot of motivation to get me going.?? God bless u.

    1. Hey Catherine,

      It’s great to hear you’re finding the ebook and plans so helpful. I don’t actually have a collection of video demonstrations, but you’re right.

      You can find them all on YouTube. Best of luck and motivation to you, and let me know if you have any more questions as you embark on your journey.

  21. Hello Rob! You are an angel!

    I have been searching for help with my weight loss and i found ur website very helpful and impressed with your reviews. I am looking forward for your advise.

    So here’s my stats: 42 y/o female, had total thyroidectomy 5 yrs ago. Have 2 boys. 5’6″, currently 151lbs asian, who loves (white rice, i know that’s bad??). i did jenny craig for 6 mos. 2 yrs ago and stopped bec it’s too expensive n i can’t eat their food anymor.

    I dropped 20lbs when i was in d program. I was on a 1200 cal diet.However i became acidic n gassy..

    I tried yoga kickboxing at home but gave me flu like symptoms and gets sick. Last month i tried hot yoga but never came back bec my body can’t do it and i went literally stiff.

    I have some episodes of my body going stiff i couldn’t move and it hurt. I consulted d doc and told me i lack some vitamins like magnessium etc. so she recommended materna as the supplement is complete.

    I have been taking it for d last 6 mos and i think it helped me a but i still get tired easily perhaps coz not having thuroid anymore. I take synthroid every nyt as synthetic hormones since they took all my thyroid out.

    I want to lose 10 lbs.. For the last 2 mos my weight keeps adding more and more and i’m scared to go back to being heavy again.

    My pants are getting tighter and it’s embarassing to wear any sleeveless top. I hate seeing my body in pictures.

    My belly is d part that gets easily big and i have flabs on my shoulder blades and bulges out when i wear my bra.. I know this is a long story and sorry if i’m keeping u just want to make sure u have all info u need to asses and help
    My situation as every bidy is diffrent ryt?

    I just met a lady whi used to be heavy and was surprised 1 day to see her so slim so I asked her secret and she said she is taking d garcinia cambogia (don’t know if i said it ryt) n that she got it frm gnc so i have remembered that. So i tried googling gnc products but i found u ryt aftr.

    So what can you advise to me? Also i have signed up for ur ebook n just got it in my mail n will read it ryt away while waiting in anticipation fir ur response.

    Thank u thank u and bless u for helping millions if ithers like me!
    1. Hey Catherine,

      You’re right. The ebook is the best place to start when it comes to meal and exercise plans. There are also recommendations for supplements in the ebook. Ultimately, Instant Knockout will be best for you. It burns fat. It suppresses appetite. And it also provides energy to help keep you moving and motivated throughout the day. But before you take any new supplement, you’ll want to check in with your doctor about wither or not it’s okay for you with your thyroid condition. Let me know if you have any more questions after you’ve read the ebook.

  22. Hi Rob,
    I had a full hysterectomy in 2006 and since then I’m always out of energy and have packed on the pounds & have a thick mid-section that seems impossible to get rid of. I found through research that a woman’s ovaries produce the fat burning cells for the abdominal area.

    Without them you have to work 2-3 times as hard to burn the abdominal fat as someone who has her ovaries. And I’m to the point of feeling extremely unhealthy.

    So reading your responses for others gives me a glimpse of hope that you might be able to help me get on the right track. Any advice would be greatly appreciated!

    1. Hey Priscilla,

      Belly fat is tough to target. From my experience, and what I’ve been told by  trainers, the best thing you can do to lose the fat is increase your cardio, especially HIIT. Sign up for my free weight loss ebook for tips, advice, and plans to help. As far as supplements go, check out a fat burner called Instant Knockout for burning fat, increasing energy, and suppressing appetite. It does have quite a bit of caffeine, though, so you’ll want to make sure you limit your other intake.
      Hope this helps and let me know if you have any other questions.

      1. Thank you! I’m downloading your ebook now and I’m going to try the HIIT & Instant Knockout as well.

        I’ll keep you posted!!
        Thanks again!!
        Priscilla 🙂
  23. Rob, I want to jump start my diet by doing a cleanse. GNC has a few options but the reviews are old.

    I am not sure how to go about this. I would like to loose 10lbs before vacation and loose another 20 when I get back.

    I am leaving in 11 days.

    Thank you
    1. Hey Kevin,

      I’ve never really done a cleanse, so I don’t have a recommendation for you on that front. But if you want to drop weight fast, ramp up your High Intensity Interval Training and eat a really clean diet for the next 10 days.

      You’ll see the difference.

  24. I want to lose weight mostly from my belly and under my arms and have more enegy. What pills or protein powders should I take?

    1. Hi Brenda,
      First off, click here to sign up for my free “How To Get Ripped Quickly” ebook. It’s loaded with tons of tips on diet and exercise to help get you on the right track. Supplements wise, check out a combo of a fat burner called Phen 375 along with a pre-workout called Nitrocut.

      The Phen375 will help you shed the lbs. and give you more energy, and the Nitrocut will help you retain lean muscle. Here’s my reviews for each:

      Phen375 – https://www.supplementcritique.com/phen-375-review/

      Nitrocut – https://www.supplementcritique.com/nitrocut-review-our-1-pre-workout-supplement/

    1. Hey Doug,

      In order to make the best possible recommendation, tell me a little bit about your stats and goals, like age, height, weight, activity level and how much weight you’re looking to lose.

  25. I need to lose the extra abdominal fat left behind from child birth. I drink mainly water and green tea and eat as healthy as I can.

    I try my best to excersise, but it’s not always easy with my busy lifestyle. My tummy is my one problem spot that I want so badly to fix.

    Which diet supplement would you suggest? Please help!

    1. Hey Julia,
      I hear ya! First off, diet is the most important thing when trying to lose weight. Click Here to download my free “How To Get Ripped Quickly” ebook. It’s loaded with tips on diet and exercise that will give you quick results.

      Check out a fat burner called Phen 375. It works great to shed the excess lbs., and also works well as an appetite suppressant. Here’s my review: https://www.supplementcritique.com/phen-375-review/

    1. Hey Barbara,

      SupplementCritique.com is a review website. We don’t sell supplements.

      But it looks like you can find what you’re looking for on Amazon.com

    1. Hey Peter,
      First off, I’m sending you my free “How To Get Ripped Quickly” eBook. It’s packed with tons of tips on diet and exercise to help you get ripped / build lean muscle quickly. Supplements wise, check out the Crazy Mass cutting stack. It’s perfect for guys like yourself looking to lose stubborn belly fat and retain lean muscle.

      Here’s my review: https://www.supplementcritique.com/crazy-mass-cutting-stack-review/

      Hope this helps and let me know if you have any other questions.

  26. I’m looking for a quality appetite suppressant and something to help with cravings. I work out almost every day, lift heavy a couple of times per week, do plenty of cardio / boxing / MMA / HIIT type of training and I am a calorie counter and macro counter.

    I tend to sabotage myself later in the day when my guard is down… I know I need to tweak my calorie intake during the day but for now I’d like to get control of the appetite and cravings. What do you suggest?

    I read that BCAAs would help with muscle retention, appetite suppression and cravings… I am taking CLA now. Thanks

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