NO2 Maximus and HT Rush Review
By: Rob MillerFact Checked On: 12-2-2016

What is NO2 MaximusWhat Is HT Rush
Do They Work
User Reviews
Stacking supplements is nothing new. Bodybuilders and athletes alike have been doing it for decades, mainly because it helps to break plateaus and give you that edge you’ve been looking for. But, when a supplement stack starts to make false promises, that’s when we look at it under the microscope. One such stack I’ve come across is a combination of NO2 Maximus and HT Rush, 2 supplements that apparently boosts muscle over 700%. They liken it to being an all natural steroid alternative, but the REAL truth will shock you!
What is NO2 Maximus?
Made up exclusively of all natural ingredients, NO2 Maximus is a pre workout dietary supplement that promises insane gains in the gym.
In fact, if you look at some of the marketing behind this supplement, you’d almost think it was a legal steroid alternative.
It uses the theory of vasodilation to help build muscle fast, improve strength and endurance, as well as decrease recovery times. If you look on the products official website, there are all sorts of jacked, ripped guys littered across the page, but very little information about how the product works.
Fortunately, I have had a chance to personally test out this supplement, and in my personal opinion, it doesn’t do shit. I’ll get to that later, in the meantime let’s discuss the ingredients. The primary ingredient in NO2 Maximus is L-Arginine HCL and L-Arginine AKG. These are simply amino acids, and they have been shown in numerous clinical studies to help improve blood flow by dilating the blood vessels. The theory goes that with increased blood flow, you’ll see improvements in the way oxygen travels through your system.
In turn, it should increase your energy levels, leading to a more efficient and productive workout.
What Is HT Rush?
Up until this point, I had never actually heard of HT Rush. Doing a bit of research, it promises to help boost all natural testosterone production through the use of a proprietary blend of ingredients. A quick glance at the label shows that it contains Fenugreek seed extract, which has been shown in very limited clinical studies to help improve libido and strength.
It also contains numerous other ingredients, including Vitamin D, L-Citrulline (an ingredient in NO2 Maximus as well), Zinc, Vitamins B6 and B12, Nettle Leaf, Panax Ginseng, Siberian Ginseng, Bioperine, and Cordyceps Sinensis. The internet is packed with fake blogs detailing the effectiveness of HT Rush, and it’s VERY hard to find an unbiased opinion.
The only place I could find it for sale was on their official website, and the only way you can buy it is by enrolling in their free trial.
So Do They Work?
The answer to that question is a bit unclear at the moment. I searched on Amazon, and found 2 reviews for HT Rush. One said the product was “awesome” and the other one said it was a complete scam. Interestingly enough, the person that left the positive review has ONLY reviewed HT Rush and NO other products.
Generally speaking, this is a red flag that the review is probably fictitious / paid for by the company that makes the supplement.
I’ve taken the liberty to check out the ad that reportedly talks about these 2 supplements being a deadly stack for gaining muscle and getting ripped, and it is VERY believable at first glance. It’s essentially a magazine style editorial that talks about numerous celebrities and athletes taking NO2 Maximus and HT Rush, and getting great results.
They detail how, while using these products combined, user’s have been seeing huge surges in muscle growth and definition, all while not having to change up their diet or exercise routine significantly.
What’s even better is they are giving away these products FOR FREE! What a deal, right? Wrong, and I will attempt to explain below.
What should come as shock to you is, this supposed news article is really an advertisement. Don’t believe me? Well, it says it right here on the page. On top of that, if you scroll around the page and look at some of the other “Popular posts”, you will see completely different combo’s being promoted. On one page, it’s the stack of NO2 Maximus and HT Rush, while on the other it’s a combo stack of Elite Test 360 and Ripped Muscle X. So which one is it??? Check out my screencast below:
[vimeo id=”133502147″ w=”500″ h=”375″]
As you can see, it’s a load of B.S. There is no magic combo of supplements, and they continually rotate these stacks because when one of them is revealed as a scam, they simply swap out the products with a new one. Shady, at best.
The last think I noticed which should be of particular concern is their free trial/sample. You see, what ends up happening is this. 1. You input your credit card information to pay for the shipping of both bottles, which only amounts to about $10. 2. You received your trials in the mail a few business days later, and start taking the product. 3. After 30 days, they end up billing you close to $100, FOR EACH SUPPLEMENT.
I don’t know about you, but that sounds pretty damn expensive for a supplement!
A solid diet, exercise, and PROVEN supplements is really the only way you can transform yourself and get the body you’ve been striving for. If there were some miracle stack like this, it would be spread all over the internet like wildfire. Not popping up in your Facebook newsfeed….It’s pretty clear that this combo will likely not work the way they say it will, so I would say give this one a pass.
Have You Used NO2 Maximus and HT Rush? Leave Your Review Below!
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User Reviews
Have you used this supplement?
NO2 maximus and HT Rush
NO2 Maximus and HT Rush are good products , l am a living witness both products work. l only work out 2 hours a day and with the products, my body has changed so much and everyone who knew me 1 month before taking the supplements, can tell the difference.
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User Questions and Answers
i was charged for ht-rush i didn't order -Tristen Peck
You were probably signed up for monthly shipments after signing up for the free trial. Go to the HT Rush website (htrush dot com) click on the button that says "Easy Cancel." Follow the instructions there for canceling and/or obtaining a refund.- Rob
17 out of 18 people found this question helpful.
Will No.2 maximum and HT Rush work? -Dylan
Unfortunately, I don't think so. A better stack that I've personally had great results with in terms of getting ripped is the Crazy Mass Cutting Stack.- Rob
4 out of 5 people found this question helpful.
I would like to order your supplements. Can you send me contact so I can get more information about your products thanks -Adrian is a review website. We don't sell supplements. The only way to order NO2 Maximus and HT Rush are through their websites using their free trial offers. Make sure you understand the terms and conditions so you don't get caught with unexpected charges.- Rob
3 out of 3 people found this question helpful.
Hi I just want to know if I order free trail how long it takes to come? -Mandy
According to their website, they should take about 3-5 days to arrive.- Rob
2 out of 2 people found this question helpful.
How much tablets can I take per a day ht rush. -Solomon
I believe it's 2 pills per day, but you'd have to read the instructions on the label.- Rob
2 out of 2 people found this question helpful.
[Link removed]
Yes it is. Check the menu items across the top.
They all link to the order page, but they’re supposed to be links to other sections of “The ESPN website”. (I removed your link because I don’t want our website to link to untrustworthy ones).
I don’t think it’ll help.
First off, click here to sign up for my free “How To Get Ripped Quickly” ebook. It’s loaded with tons of tips on diet and exercise to help get you on track for your weight loss goals. Supplements wise, check out the Crazy Mass cutting stack. It’s made up of 4 high quality supplements that will help boost your energy levels, improve libido, and shred belly fat.
Use it in conjunction with the ebook for the best results, here’s my review:
I am trying to lose weight. I currently weigh 200 lbs. My goal is 175 with muscle mass.
Do you have a suggestion on supplements to stack to help me get to my goal?
First off, since diet and exercise are the most important keys to success, sign up for me free “How To Get Ripped Quickly” ebook. It’s loaded with tons of tips on diet and exercise to help get you on track for your weight loss goals. Supplements-wise, check out the Crazy Mass Cutting Stack. It’s made up of 4 high quality supplements that will help boost your energy levels, improve your libido, and shred belly fat. Use it in conjunction with the ebook for best results. Here’s a link to my full review:
First off, click here to sign up for my free “How To Get Larger, Stronger, and More Powerful” ebook. It’s loaded with tips on diet and exercise to help you bulk up quickly.
Supplements wise, check out the Crazy Mass bulking stack. It works great for guys like yourself looking to bulk up / add on serious muscle mass.
Here's my review:
Rob is a review website. We don’t have any affiliation with this product, so you’ll have to contact the company you made your purchase from to cancel your order or billing.
I too, ordered it, and i threw up after three days of taking it. i cant seem to get into a rhythm of losing weight, but will try his advice and links.
First off, click here to sign up for my free “How To Get Ripped Quick” ebook. It’s loaded with tons of tips on diet and exercise to help get you on the right track. Supplements wise, go with the Crazy Mass Cutting Stack. It contains 4 potent supplements designed to help shred the fat and build lean muscle.
Here’s my review:
Stack a fat burner called Instant Knockout with a testosterone booster called Testofuel. And pair them with the meal and workout plans in my free “getting ripped” ebook.
I haven’t really gotten much feedback about how they actually work. But it’s not just that they’re expensive (though they are). It’s that they hide the fact that they’re charging you anything at all and that they’re charging you that ridiculous price every month. Meanwhile, there are cheaper supplements that we know work. Check out the Crazy Mass Cutting Stack if you want to use something that actually works.
I’m a skinny 15 year old, I have been going to the gym for 5 months and haven’t seen much results, how to I bulk up and lean muscle mass, and get ripped?
At your age, you want to stay away from most supplements. The main reason is that because they haven’t been tested on kids, it’s not known how they might affect your natural growth. Use a protein shake like 100% Whey Gold Standard and Creatine Powder from Bauer Nutrition, and follow the workout and meal plans in my free “getting strong” ebook.
I’m currently using the labrada lean mass 60, which doesn’t seem to be helping much, I may just take the risk of getting the crazy mass, because i’m sick of being skinny.
It’s up to you, but I would really focus on your eating and your lifting.
Yeah, if you look really closely, I think it says “Men’s Life & Health” with the “Life” covered by an image of a muscle bound dude. Total scam.
If you can’t reach them, contact your credit card company and tell them not to accept any more charges from the company.
I’m glad I came across your article, I do have a question for u, I have a very difficult time trying to burn the fat off my stomach, I’m 6ft Weight 180 and 9% body fat but it’s literally all in my stomach, I’m really looking for a supplement that will help me shred! I’ve been working out consistently for 3 years now and haven’t changed a whole lot..
Any suggestions?
I know how you feel haha! Your best bet would be a combo of a pre workout supplement called Nitrocut, along with a fat burner called Instant Knockout. Also, sign up for my free “How To Get Ripped Quickly” ebook. It’s packed with tons of info on diet, exercise, and loads of other info to get you to achieve your goals.
I’m now 44 years old I always had a hard time bulking up or gain weight. my goal is to be atleast 155lbs I do mild weight lifting here and there pull up bars,currently taking whey protein,createin and flaxseed oil.. What should I do ?
Sign up for my free “getting strong” ebook. It’s got meal and workout plans designed for guys like you who want to put on muscle weight. As for supplements, take a look at the Crazy Mass Bulking Stack in addition to what you’re using now.
Many thanks for your site.
Had this come to me on Facebook and yes definitely was like wow …
Maybe this is it… Luckily I googled HT Rush Reviews found your site…
First time I’ve saved saved myself wasted money and time plus headache by avoiding getting caught in a Scam.
A Big Thank You and Thumbs Up for your Honest Review.
Many Thanks,
New Zealand
Glad we could help. Let me know what your goals are, and I’ll come up with a recommendation for you.
You’ll need to call and cancel before your trial period is up, usually 14 days.
Again guys thanks for your help, you certainly saved me and I can’t thank you enough.
Man this world still have some wonderful people :)))
It’s always great to hear a story with a happy ending! Glad we could help.
I have since cancelled my account with them, however, after reading some of the other comments, I have ended up cancelling my credit card as well.
It is not a Free trail as the company will charge full amount
Won’t happen again.
My bank said there was nothing they could do as it was in their Terms & Cons. They also told me that a lot of people had contacted them for the same thing.
I chased up the Company and eventually for some reason they backed down, gave me the Returns numbers and offered me a refund for both the NO2 & HT rush.
The money appeared in my account today.
I suggest that you contact them via email and keep pushing for it. You may get lucky too!
I have canceled my credit card now after seeing these posts.
Is it still worth taking the supplements though?
Or do i just send them back and if so to what address?
I’m not aware of any dangers from taking the pills, and you’ll probably get some benefit. But if you want to return them and get a refund, here’s the contact information you can use:
For NO2 Maximus:
USA Customers Call: 1-888-478-0415
UK & Ireland Customers Call: +44(0) 20 3608 4832
Australia & New Zealand Customers Call: +61 2 8015 2154
South Africa Customers Call: +27 21 300 2968
For HT Rush:
UK & Ireland Customers Call: +44(0) 20 3514 8531
USA Customers Call: 1-888-895-5092
Australia & New Zealand Customers Call: +61 7 3911 1088
South Africa Customers Call: +27 10 500 8290
I appreciate the insight, it is definitely worth the research before taking on new supplements like this. My question is you are promoting products and books on your site so when you critique the NO2 Maximus and HT Rush you mention the “advertisement” caption at the top of their website.
Aren’t you doing the same type of promoting and advertising? I work out everyday and in good shape but always room for improvement, just curious on what a true supplement is that can add extra benefit.
What we do is not at all the same. Those “advertorials” pretend to be articles, when they are really advertisements. Our site does reviews for hundreds of products. Some of those reviews end with favorable conclusions and some with unfavorable ones. I only recommend products that I’ve tried myself and that work well. When someone orders one of those products through the links on the site, I get a small commission, though the price to the customer remains the same. If you’re looking for something to take you to the next level of ripped, check out the Crazy Mass Cutting Stack.
These guys are unbelievable scammers I will though madness cancelling mine they wanted me to return the product!! I refused and eventually I got waves the return .
They will also say we need the items back I order to not be charge 80 bike each for them !!!!! I said I wi send you an empty tub back as I would have used them by the 30 day trial date haha.
Don’t fall into their trap. Horrible customers service too , rude and arrogant people.
I got hung up on a few times .
Never again will I get scammed
With this being a scam?
I doubt your back will refund you, but they would probably refuse to accept any more of their charges if you asked them to. I looked up their contact information for you.
For NO2 Maximus:
USA Customers Call: 1-888-478-0415
UK & Ireland Customers Call: +44(0) 20 3608 4832
Australia & New Zealand Customers Call: +61 2 8015 2154
South Africa Customers Call: +27 21 300 2968
For HT Rush:
UK & Ireland Customers Call: +44(0) 20 3514 8531
USA Customers Call: 1-888-895-5092
Australia & New Zealand Customers Call: +61 7 3911 1088
South Africa Customers Call: +27 10 500 8290
Hope this helps.
I cancelled the HT-Rush and was given all the mumble-jumble speech. I’ll pay for the S&H fee but I will not fall for the $200/month supply!!!
Should have done my research first with Rob Miller.
Thanks for posting.
When you call their customer help line the first and only menu choice is cancellation – suggesting that this is the only reason why you would call….
I asked the friendly customer service assistant about added costs ect.. she told me that if I cancel before the end of my trial period i would only incur a small charge. If I was to continue afterwards it would be approx $200/month.
I said that was too much for my liking and asked to go ahead cancel the shipment.. After about 20 minutes of her over-hyping sales spiel (she even went on to tell me how much more “energy” her boyfriend had HA) and continual dropping of cost I managed to wrangle her down to $30/month for both products for as long as I wanted and no cancellation fee when I wanted to stop.
They had already lost my trust so after toying with her I finally cancelled everything and she sent out a refund.. Only time will tell if I ever see the money back but hopefully I’ve avoided this scam!
Thank you!!
Thanks for sharing your story. Let us know if you ever get your refund.
Yeah, that’s one of the ways they get you. It’s not the real Mens Health magazine.
They just try to make it look like it is.
The product was good in this case, but hundreds of complaints, involving the so-called free trial and unauthorised c/card charges followed. If the same people aren’t involved, I’d be very surprised!
In fact, I’m surprised they still get away with it! Whether they’re pushing skincare, weight loss, or in the above case,”steroid alternatives”,the ads follow a virtually identical template.
Usually a “mum” or other such regular person has discovered these 2 products, that only deliver their “magic”,when used in combo. The product names are really all that changes.I only half read the ad for the above products, as I could clearly see it was the same bunch of scammers,but I remember another of their “steroid alternative” combo ads,which claimed results one would be lucky to achieve with REAL steroids, in a similar time frame.
A “magic weight loss combo” ad,linked from the very same page as the above, claims that 1/2 of the combo (garcinia cambogia) is extracted from raspberries, lol! I mean if they can’t even get their basic facts straight…
Seriously, websites like this one and others need to keep spreading the word!
These unscrupulous bastards cannot keep getting away with this BS! One journalist claimed that computer hacking was used,so as their ads pop up everywhere.
That I don’t know, but once again, it wouldn’t surprise me…
Now onto the scamming little fuckers they are.
You can fuck them up back a little if you’re a scrappy little bugger like me.
Maybe we can wing this across social media and get a lot more people to do it and then they’ll stop.
Here it is, if you have other credit cards like most do, you order their free trial shit but you HAVE TO cancel as soon as it arrives (7days), you pay a small delivery cost but……Don’t open the bottles, you just sell them back like I did for a profit on ebay or amazon and you’ll make money.
But you MUST MUST Contact your credit card company and cancel them at the source after going to HT and No2 websites and cancel there. Hold onto and give your bank your authorisation number you get from their sites.
Forget phoning them, their lines are a scam and total ball ache.
It’s not much but if you’ve got a few different cards and are bitter enough to be arsed you can make your dollar back and scream them up in the process.
Or just copy and paste this across social media and we’ll get all the sucker newbs (like i did) thinking of trying this to abuse their system back.
Good luck to all and my lesson is that a shortcut to image and vanity has a price. One way or the other.
Thanks fFabian
My guess is that they don’t ship to South Africa, but I don’t have any inside knowledge of either of these products or their companies. Have you tried calling their contact numbers or emailing them?
It’s a complete scam lost over £175 from the thieves over the Ida, I’ve notified trading standards and there’s no way you can get your obey back as its a usa company
What ever you do don’t be fooled by the hype of this product and free trail
I only read your webpage after actually making the payment for the free trial (I used a debit card for this). I made the payment on the 18th of November 2014. The product is scheduled to be delivered on the 28th of November 2014.
My concern is, how do I cancel the extra billings that is to come before it actually comes? When should I do it if so?
I’d really appreciate your help in guiding me to cancel this thing.
A step-by-step guidance would really be most preferable.
Thank you
Call them as soon as possible and tell them you want to stop any further deliveries and charges. You can ask them to reverse the charge that you just received, but they probably won’t.
Regardless, the sooner you call and cancel, the sooner the charges will end.
Have been charged 19 95 for each bottle no states no more charges from my account . Anybody know if this is correct?
I would think you shouldn’t have been charged anything beyond the initial shipping charge, but I know these companies try to convince you of all sorts of things when you call to cancel. That may have been what happened.
And, if it sounds too good to be true, then it’s usually not true….
I had read all the details on these products, I was ready to get the free trial, I had even put in my credit card details for the shipping.
But before I confirmed, I thought I must check the terms and conditions.
It’s all there in black and white. After reading them, I didn’t bother confirming the order.
Thanks to these reviews simply cancelled my accounts.
Feel a bit stupid as my son was shocked I had fallen for it!
Ahh well. Nevermind!
Robbing badtards!
i have ht rush and no2 max how i use it together
I haven’t used the products, and I’m skeptical to say the least about what kind of results you’ll get. I would follow the instructions on the bottle, and make sure you know when you have to call to cancel the autoshipment program.
So disappointing as i was just beginning to trust online shopping. Everything about them and their products is fake-except the ability to take your money!! Seriously hope they commit suicide!
I contacted my card agent, explained the situation.
They advised me to write card agent (bank) a letter advising what happened along with returned goods. They raised claim with HT rush / maximus etc and I got credited everything that was deducted which was brilliant.
Try this it should work. I know how you feel, it’s gut wrenching.
Then you add this to the heat you get off your mrs and….BAM. Cheers Rob for initial info.
Best of luck
I’m contacting the bank and fraud department today.
There is nothing saying that you will be charged money after 30 days, apart from the small print.
If they used a fake Mens Health advert to promote it/trick people then that’s 100% fraud as far as I’m aware.
Crap products
They are emailing me constantly and demanding i send back my free sample. FREE SAMPLE HOW CAN IT NOW BE RETURNED AT MY COST OVERSEAS ITS IMPOSSIBLE FOR ME TO DO SO.
I i was duped on facebook conned and paid over £10 for my free NO2 AND HTRUSH now they want them back. Free sample???
Its a con
luckily i haven’t opened the jars but still cost me £12 to send back
therefore my free trial which i didn’t use cost me £25
Bad customer service and useless products – do not use them!
My “free” trial took 3 weeks to arrive (I am in Australia though), which cost $20 for delivery, then imagine my shock to be charged $100 for my “free trial” on the 8th of August (1-2 weeks after their arrival). The customer service line is a joke, but I was able to get them to cancel any further “membership/subscription” to this company (which they were nice enough to email to me in case of future issues).
My advice is DO NOT BUY FROM THIS COMPANY. How they operate is illegal I am sure.
Can you send me on the customer service number please?
Please Help!
Rob here. The contact info for NO2 Maximus is:
USA Customers Call: 1-888-478-0415
UK & Ireland Customers Call: +44(0) 20 3608 4832
Australia & New Zealand Customers Call: +61 2 8015 2154
South Africa Customers Call: +27 21 300 2968
For HT Rush, it’s:
UK & Ireland Customers Call: +44(0) 20 3514 8531
USA Customers Call: 1-888-895-5092
Australia & New Zealand Customers Call: +61 7 3911 1088
South Africa Customers Call: +27 10 500 8290
They also both have contact forms on their websites that you can use to cancel your orders.
many thanks
To cancel your NO2 Maximus trial, go to their website at no2maximus dot com, and click on the Contact page. On that page is a link to cancel your account.
You can also call on the phone. The number in the UK is +44(0) 20 3608 4832. For HT Rush, it’s basically the same. Go to the contact page on their website (htrush dot com) and click on the link to cancel your account.
Their phone number iin the UK is +44(0) 20 3514 8531. Hope this helps.
They advertise you taking BOTH products TOGETHER then you will see extreme results. I have never been a gym junky but have tried so may different supplements for energy and muscle growth along with the use of my Total Gym and nothing did any thing for me until I started this product and now I have lost 48 lbs and look pretty damn good like I was back 20 years ago.
How do I come to this conclusion, I’ll tell you, when you are married for over 25 years and the last 5 years the intimacy has dried up and yet she still looks fine as hell, myself I had a pudgy fat gut and now after 6 months of the NO2 and Rush she will not leave me alone now. That my friend is the truth and fact that this stuff does in fact work.
Just ask my wife she is my testimonial.
So back to the original observation you never stated you had taken both at the same time. Your test, from what I read from top to bottom consisted of YOUR OPINION of the damn web-site.
Never once did you say you tested BOTH products together like the ad states you need to do for the results and yet you come out and say it is B/S. And then look at you at the bottom of the page YOU PUSHING YOUR PRODUCT just because YOU said it was good.
You just shot yourself in the foot with this entire page of nothing but opinion and no actual facts to back you claim. Just speculations and theories from YOU and not from a TRUE TEST of the product the way it was intend for.
And to top it all off, after YOU finish bashing another product down the entire page ‘BAM’ you have 4 different bottles of supplements that YOU like and YOU say it’s good and then try to push onto others that cost $172 a month. How are you any different from what they did?
I will tell you THEY didn’t BAD MOUTH other products like you just did WITHOUT even testing it and then try to push there product on us like you just did. What you did is worse because you NEVER even tested the product the way it was intended for and then accused it of being B/S.
I bet my life this does not show up under your question and answers for the world to see, I am sure this is NOT a cherry Q&A you will place out in front for everybody to see. LMAO
You say you read the review from top to bottom, but clearly you didn’t read it very closely. My problem with this stack is the way it’s promoted using the the “plug and play” formula in a stock article.
If you want to trust a supplement company that switches products around in their ads, that’s your business. I’ll call them out.
But worse than that is the “free trial” offer that locks you into monthly billing. I get emails every day from guys who got caught up in these scams because the companies don’t really want potential customers to see the fine print.
If this stack works for you, that’s great. But I’m sure as hell going to warn my readers that when they tell you it’s free, it’s not.