My Personal Testo Fuel Review and Results
By: Rob Miller
Note: This is just a review.
Click Here To Visit The Official Testofuel Website
The hormone ‘Testosterone’ is the single most important component for building muscle.
Higher testosterone levels is what makes us different from women and allows us to pack on the muscle in a way that women simply can’t (unless they’re on roids).
If you’ve been training for a few months now and you’re muscle building results have hit a plateau or you’re struggling to put much size on at all, then you probably have low testosterone levels. While I was searching the market for a testosterone booster, the one that really stood out was Testo Fuel.
I actually heard about it on the Bodybuilding forum, and there were several influential users who had been using it with great results.
Quick Tip: Are you over 40 years old? Then check out a supplement called Prime Male.
It’s specifically geared towards men aged 40+, and will give you MUCH better results than Testofuel.
Click Here to read my full Prime Male review.
How It WorksMy Results
Testofuel Vs. Prime Male
Pro’s and Con’s
Want to skip to my results? Scroll down to read my official review, along with REAL before and after pictures, or watch my video review below:
Testo Fuel benefits:
- Contains pure Oyster extract – the number one testosterone increasing food
- High testosterone levels allows you to build more muscle
- Higher testosterone levels also reduces bodyfat and increases libido
How Does Testo Fuel Work?
Without sufficient testosterone levels you can’t make use of the extra protein that you’re eating everyday, which means that you can’t build much muscle.
Testofuel aims to change that by providing you with key nutrients and vitamins your body needs to help encourage free testosterone production.
The full ingredient list includes (* key ingredients):
- D Aspartic Acid*
- Siberian Ginseng*
- Fenugreek Seed extract*
- Oyster extract*
- Zinc*
- Vitamin D3
- Vitamin K2
- Vitamin B6
- Magnesium*
Here is a picture of the Testofuel Label if your interested:
Testo Fuel contains 5 key ingredients that are proven to increase testosterone levels:
D-Aspartic Acid – An amino acid which plays a critical role in sperm cell and sex hormone production.
Research has shown that D-aspartic acid may enhance luteinizing hormone and testosterone by 46% in only 13 days.
I have a whole article here that outlines the MANY benefits of D Aspartic Acid, check it out if you have time.
Zinc – Research is still a bit limited, but one thing is for sure. A deficiency in zinc often leads to low testosterone levels. (Source)
So how does taking a supplement like Zinc help to increase your testosterone?
Well, it starts by helping enzymes break down food and other extracts, which allows you to get the full benefit from them.
It’s also thought that zinc may have an impact on the cells in the testicles, which is actually where testosterone is produced in the first place.
When combined with Magenesium (more on that later), Zinc has been shown in clinical studies to increase levels of free testosterone. (Read the study here)
Zinc also helps with spermatogenesis, and helps the body improve sperm count. (Source)
Oyster extract – Oysters contain more zinc than lean beef steak, and they are considered by some as the number one testosterone boosting food.
If you cant stand the taste of oysters (I know I can’t), taking oyster extract will help to fill your deficiency.
Magnesium – This mineral is actually very similar to zinc when it comes to producing more testosterone. Studies like this one have shown that magnesium actually has the ability to free up bound testosterone, and allows it to become more bioactive.
This is a fancy term for effective.
Other studies have shown that older men who had higher overall magnesium levels tended to have higher overall testosterone levels.
And if that’s not enough to convince you, researchers in a another study concluded that, with sufficient magnesium consumption and intense exercise, free testosterone levels rose by a whopping 24% than those in the placebo group.
Read our full article on how Magnesium affects testosterone here.
Fenugreek – More commonly used in Indian food, it increases the bodies testosterone production naturally. In a study of a brand of Fenugreek called Testofen, consumption of Fenugreek showed a doubling of free testosterone levels in healthy men. (Source)
Ginseng – A powerful root from Asia, in numerous studies it has shown to increase testosterone and libido. I’ve taken probably a hundred supplements that contain Ginseng, and can attest to it’s effectiveness.
My Results With Testo Fuel
If you’ve been following my site for any length of time, you’ll know that I’ve tested a TON of these testosterone boosters over the year.
Click Here to see the on-going list of them, it’s up to 33 at this point.
I actually originally tested out Testofuel about 4 years ago, and my results back then were nothing short of awesome.
So far, it’s been the best one I’ve ever used.
I just hit 36 years of age a few months ago, and for the first time in my life I finally am starting to feel the effects of low testosterone.
I actually got my testosterone levels checked out, and my FREE testosterone levels were 20% lower than when I last had it checked, over 4 years ago.
Here was my testosterone levels in 2014 (I only had FREE testosterone checked):
And here were my #’s in October of this year (2017):
I ran the conversion of pg/ml to ng/dl and this is what I came up with:
So in less than 4 years, my FREE testosterone levels went from 1.58 to 1.27.
This is a DROP of almost 20%, which is WAY more than the average of 1% per year.
Not good…
I decided to give Testofuel another round of cycling, and ordered a 3 months supply.
Just as expected, within a few short weeks I was starting to feel the effects.
I noticed a HUGE increase in my libido, to the point I was having to take my morning piss in the shower because I couldn’t get my morning boner to go down.
I also noticed I had gained about 7 or 8 pounds over the summer (not unusual for me), and within a month or so I had knocked down my weight from 192 lbs. to 187 lbs.
For some guys 5 lbs. isn’t a lot, but for me it makes a HUGE difference.
It was certainly well more than enough for me and those around me to notice a physical difference as well as improve my confidence overall.
Definitely more noticeable than some other similar supplements that don’t seem to have effects for quite some time.
Check out my before and after pics below:
Another thing I noticed was I was sleeping a LOT better. Usually I sleep pretty lousy, getting only about 6 hours a night.
But after about 6 weeks I was sleeping a full 7 – 8 hours, completely uninterrupted, and waking up feeling GREAT!
This is actually SUPER important, because testosterone is released while we sleep.
I plan on getting my testosterone levels checked this December, and will be posting the results back in this review shortly so stay tuned!
Visit The Official Testofuel Website Here:
Note: To get even better results I recommend stacking Testofuel with a fat burner called Instant Knockout. Instant Knockout acts as both a potent fat burner AND doubles as an effective pre workout.
I actually didn’t do this the first time I took Testofuel, but this time it seemed to amplify my effects 5 fold.
I typically take 2 capsules of Instant Knockout about 45 min. prior to my workout, and it’s all I need to absolutely CRUSH it at the gym. Here’s my review: //
Other Reviews And Testimonials
Let’s examine some of the reviews of Testofuel and see how guys fared with it.
I’ll start with the Youtube reviews, that of which there are literally DOZENS of.
Here’s a few of the more informative ones:
Apart from the reviews on Youtube, there appears to be a few other sites that have credible reviews posted on them as well.
For example, the site has about 37 reviews posted as of June 11, 2017.
As far as it’s effectiveness, the reviews are all over the map.
One common (and not surprising) theme I kept coming across was younger guys seemed to get the most benefit from Testofuel, and older guys got practically no response.
For example, this guy is 27 years old:
This guy is 35 years old:
And finally this guy is 40:
But then look what happens as the guys start getting older (this guy is 60 years old):
This is one of the main reasons why when guys come to me and ask if they should take Testofuel or Prime Male, the first thing I ALWAYS ask them is what their age is.
From my experience, I’ve always received more positive feedback from YOUNGER guys on Testofuel, and OLDER guys on Prime.
Click Here to read my review of Prime Male.
One other thing I wanted to point out with these reviews is that the vast majority that are 1 – 2 stars really have nothing to do with the effectiveness of the product.
As you can see, their biggest complaints have to do with the refund policy or billing, NOT whether or not the supplement actually works.
Testofuel Vs. Prime Male
TestoFuel contains a higher dose of DAA (2300mg), making it a more potent muscle builder and ideal for younger guys in their20’s that are already enjoying peak T levelsbut want to take their T levelseven higher& muscle buildingresults evenfurther, with the stimulation that a high dose ofDAA provides.
As you are probably already aware, testosteronelevels peakin the late teens to early twenties, and decline slowly thereafter.
Prime Male contains less DAA (1800mg) but contains three additional ingredients; Mucuna Pruriens, Nettle Root Extract & BioPerine.
These additions are all designed to benefitthe slightly older guy(30+) whose T levels are naturally on the decline.
Here’s how:
Mucuna Pruriens has been shown to reduce Prolactin levels in guys, which naturally rise with age,aiding thedecline in T.
Mucuna is also a potent T booster on its own, with studies showing around a 20% increase in T levels for guys with lower levels to start.
Nettle Root Extract has been shown in studies to bind with SHBG, freeing up more testosterone in the system.
SHBGincreases more and more with age, starting around the same time T starts declining.
BioPerine is a natural bio-availability enhancer.
It helps boost the absorption of PM’s T-boosting nutrients.
Again, nutrient absorption declines with age, which is why healthcare professionals recommend higher doses ofsupplements to adults thanthey do tokids & teens, for example.
In summary: The additional ingredients in Prime Male are unnecessary in Testofuel.
And vice-versa.
Click Here to read my full review of Prime Male.
Testo Fuel Pro’s and Con’s
- Contains a unique powerful formula that works
- Gives you that extra something you need to build muscle faster
- You get a cool free T-shirt when you order 2 boxes or more
- I personally got excellent results from it.
- At the moment you can only buy it from their website
FAQ’s About Testofuel
Is Testofuel Safe?
Because it uses all natural ingredients, in general yes it is safe to take and is side effect free. That being said it’s always prudent to speak with your doctor to see if any of the ingredients may cause an adverse reaction.
Will It Flag A Blood Test For Illegal Ingredients?
No, and surprisingly I get this question alot from guys in the military and playing collegiate sports. For proof of this I actually got a blood test conducted about 3 weeks after starting Testofuel and nothing abnormal came up.
Can I Buy It In Stores?
Unfortunately at this time I have not seen any of the major retailers like GNC, Walmart, or Vitamin Shoppe with Testo Fuel on the shelves. Additionally it is not available for sale with Amazon or Ebay from what we could tell, however there’s always the possibility someone may end up selling their leftover product.
Where Can I Buy Testofuel?
The only place you can order testofuel is on their official website at They have a number of discounts available for a wide variety of orders, and the best price in my opinion is the 3 box deal, where you get 3 boxes and 1 free box, along with other bonuses and free shipping. There are no discounts or coupon codes, or free trials or samples available from what we can tell.
How Do I Take Testofuel?
I get this question alot. The directions on the box say to take 1 capsule per day 4 times a day with meals, but I found that it can be just effective to take 2 pills twice a day and get the same results. I also recommend cycling it on a 5 week on, 1 week off regiment to make sure you don’t develop a tolerance.
Is Testofuel A Steroid?
No, not even close. True steroids like Anavar, Anadrol, and Dianabol, while very powerful, and cause a wide range of side effects. This is not the case with Testofuel. It uses safe, all natural ingredients to help your body encourage more of it’s own testosterone production.
Can I Drink Alcohol While Taking It?
You can, but it should be noted that drinking alcohol on a chronic basis has been shown to cause numerous detrimental effects, including reduced testosterone levels. Read more in our article here, it may surprise you.
3 Reasons Why I Think It’s The Best
- It uses all natural ingredients that REALLY do work.
- It’s relatively inexpensive when compared to other testosterone boosters.
- It’s the best t-booster I’ve used, and I’ve used DOZENS of these products.
Since it takes a bit of time to see the best results from taking Testofuel, I recommend that you order at least a 3 months supply. This will get you 1 free box of Testofuel, a FREE Testofuel T-Shirt, and 2 FREE Nutrition and Workout Ebooks designed to help you get the most of your order.
Also, depending on your goals, you may also want to consider a stack of Testofuel with a few other supplements.
Get Ripped / Lose Weight
If you’re looking to burn fat and get ripped, I would suggest you stack it with a fat burner called Instant Knockout.
Instant Knockout contains several key ingredients that help to:
- Increase your metabolism, which helps you burn more calories at rest.
- Eliminate hunger cravings, allowing you to eat less and feel more full.
- Spark energy levels, which help you push through your workouts more effectively.
Instant Knockout also has the added bonus of being a VERY effective pre workout supplement, which is exactly how I ended up taking it.
Here’s my review of that one: //
Add Mass, Strength, and Size
If you’re looking to pack on mass, strength, and size, then stack Testofuel with an HGH releaser called HyperGH 14X AND creatine.
The HyperGH 14X will help to increase your bodies production of HGH, which has numerous benefits including:
- Improved sleep quality: You’re muscles don’t grow in the gym! They grow when your body is repairing them at night. HyperGH 14X helps improve sleep quality dramatically, which will in turn help your body repair itself more effectively.
- Boost Exercise-Induced Growth Hormone Response: You’ll get BETTER results from doing the same workouts you’re already doing.
- Recover Faster: HyperGH 14X will help you pack on solid muscle much faster then if you weren’t taking anything.
HyperGH 14X also has the added bonus of helping to increase sex drive and erectile function, which when stacked with Testofuel will give you an ENORMOUS boost in libido.
Here’s my review of HyperGH 14X: //
and I highly recommend the creatine over at It’s high quality AND affordable, and is absolutely CRUCIAL if you’re trying to bulk up.
Here’s their website –
Either way, Testofuel should do the trick on its own, but it never hurts to have an added boost in supplementation.
Click Here To Visit The Official Testo Fuel Website
- Fenugreek effect on male libido –
- Ginseng and Male Reproductive Function –
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4 Star User Reviews
Have you used this supplement?
Big Increase In Libido
I've been taking this for 2 weeks now and while I originally wanted it to build muscle / get lean I'm noticing my sex drive is through the roof.
Is that normal?
88 out of 102 people found this review helpful.
So far So good
Just a 4 for now since it has only been two weeks.
Right now I am stacking Testo Fuel ( with Pump Fuel Insanity but it is loaded with caffeine so I am going to take your advise and stack with Nitrocut (
Just got it in the ail today. I am 47 and have in the first two weeks and have seen a boost in the sex drive for sure and have that 18 year old morning wood again.
Can you tell me your recommendation on how to stack the Nitrocut and Testofuel and how long before I cycle off of it.
76 out of 100 people found this review helpful.
Rob Miller:
Glad to hear it's working for you! Take the Nitrocut and Testofuel at the same time, and as far as cycling I did a 5 week on, 1 week off cycle.
You could modify it if you like though, that just seemed to work best for me. Rob
It Works!
Ive taken alot of t boosters over the years and alot of them didn't do anything. I love these pills, but it did take about 2 weeks to notice a difference. Plus its a bit expensive thats why i rated it 4 stars.
43 out of 55 people found this review helpful.
Manos's Review
Hello Rob,
I am back with some feedback.
My views and results after using Testofuel: First of all I did cycle it , and there is a light to medium withdrawal effect especially from days 3-6. Yet after starting again you can see that the results are there. Studies suggest that 3-3.5gr per day in separate doses should follow a schedule 12days on, 12days off, or 2.3gr per day for longer “on” periods. This is what I followed 4weeks On and 1 week Off. to make things clear this product delivers in both ways. It delivers both fast results that you can feel them, but if you want noticeable changes you have to give it time to work, especially if other supplements are used at the same time. FOR ME, I got better sleep, strangely better mood, calm yet energetic, increased libido not all days of my cycle though, and better definition in my muscles.The belly and overall fat -though later than i anticipated- seems to disappear little by little.
I did not grow bigger or developed larger muscles, though there was a decrease in fatigue, greater motivation to exercise and strength increase, both in repetitions and in weight used for my sets. I developed really firm and “filled” muscles. The size increase is not noticeable but the definition and DENSITY of my muscles is way of the charts. I put on a little bit of muscle weight as well but overall what is left is an all-around supplement – needs to be cycled- that delivers and can be used in long term periods. I did not use any other synergistic supplement like proteins or amino acids , to help it and this is what I am going to do during my next cycles. Overall, though it is costly compared to other supplements, (you can have the ingredients with 2 supplements for less, but not THE FORMULA of course), it is worth trying and it surely delivers results.
5 out of 7 people found this review helpful.
Test boost
I have had a good experience . This product works and increases libido.
I will buy again.
1 out of 1 people found this review helpful.
I started taking Testofuel for 2 weeks just started going to planet fitness today. I'm 47 and already see energy and sex drive increase. I've worked out on and off through the years since I was 24. I will update on strength after the 1st month back in the gym. I also did 2 bottles Prime Male with daily perfect pushups. I saw significant definition change in my arms, chest. Mag citrate was only ingredient I didn't like. It caused a case of runs.
Click Here To Visit The Official Testofuel Website
Ask A Question
User Questions and Answers
How to take Testofuel? -Dav
The directions on the Testofuel website ( say to take 1 capsule per day 4 times a day with meals, but I found that it can be just effective to take 2 pills twice a day and get the same results.
You can also take all 4 capsules at once, it really doesn't matter. The key is to take at least 4 capsules in any 24 hour period.
I also recommend cycling it on a 5 week on, 1 week off regiment to make sure you don’t develop a tolerance.- Rob
46 out of 53 people found this question helpful.
Should I use Testofuel to help cut or bulk? -Niall
Testofuel is great for a cut. Encourages fat loss and lean muscle retention. If you want something to help bulk then I would recommend the Crazy Mass Bulking Stack, here's my review: Rob
34 out of 43 people found this question helpful.
I am turning 60 & have minor back issues that limit some exercise. I would like to lose some middle fat & improve libido. Is Testo the proper product? -Claude
Yes, Testofuel along with a fat burner called Instant Knockout would be best.- Rob
51 out of 62 people found this question helpful.
My Dr. put me on androgel, it did not increase my testosterone as promise (9months) to no avail. I'm taking meds for high blood pressure will testofuel affect my hypertension? -Allan
It shouldn't, because none of the ingredients interact with blood pressure meds. However, you should definitely check with your doctor to be sure.- Rob
45 out of 56 people found this question helpful.
Does Testo fuel have an estrogen blocker? -Jordan
No it does not contain any estrogen blockers.- Rob
38 out of 44 people found this question helpful.
I’m going to switch to what you recommend. I’m 45 and work out a lot.
I know you recommend prime male if you are over 40. But it seems like the reviews are all about libido and not really about muscle.
I was thinking of taking testro fuel with bioperine to aid absorption, and stacking with hypergh 14x. What do you think about that?
As for stacking it with HyperGH 14X, yeah that’s actually a pretty potent combo. The best thing about the HyperGH 14X ( is it’s recovery properties. So while the Testofuel will help you build the muscle / power through your workouts, the HyperGH 14X will help your body recover.
Not sure if you saw my review, so here’s a link:
Hope this helps and let me know if you have any other questions.
Sorry for the late reply. Nah Testofuel won’t do anything for her libido. Check out a supplement called Her Solution instead. My wife tested it out like 6 months ago and thought it was great! Here’s our review:
Yeah check out a supplement called Prime Male. It’s specifically geared for guys age 40+, and actually pairs well with a fat burner called Instant Knockout. You can read both of my reviews below:
Prime Male –
Instant Knockout –
Hope this helps and let me know if you have any questions.
I’m 60 and take both Prime Male and Instant Knockout.
The Prime Male works great for testosterone boosting. I’m on opiate therapy which destroys testosterone and my last test 4 months ago I was 548.
I cycle it 1 week off every 60 days.
Buy the 3 get 1 free for the best value!
I take Instant Knockout in the winter months when I’m less active to help keep the weight down. It works!
It depends on how large of an order you place, but generally speaking the bigger the order, the cheaper the per bottle price becomes. Here’s their site –
I am 49, weight 69 Kg, 174cm, work out regularly, body fat 15% for now (eating to much candy) Had body fat 3 years ago below 10% without any special diet.
However, I would like to gain 5-6 Kg muscle mass but not so interesting in bulking.
I checked my testosterone level which was at the lower end of the scale.
I consider trying a suppliment to increase muscle volum and I know my testosteron level should have been much higher.
My worries is the effect that may have on my sex life. Now when I am close to 50 I am hard very easily even after sex my penis would not sleep, I try to take a cold shower in order to make it relax but it does not help much.
So what do you think will happen if I am trying to increase my testosteron level?
The reason why I got my testosteron level checked was that I was tired all the time and fall a sleep everywher at any time, to little energy.
Yeah there’s a VERY good chance that Low T is causing your problems. First off, I’m sending you my free “How To Boost Testosterone Naturally” ebook, as well as some bonuses. It’s packed with tons of tips on diet and exercise to help your body natural produce more testosterone.
Supplements wise, I would recommend you go with a T booster called Prime Male ( For whatever reason, Prime Male seems to work better in guys over age 40. You can check out my review here:
I don’t personally think that your libido will necessarily get any more out of control than it is now, btw.
Just sent you an email.
For anyone else looking for the free ebook, click here to sign up for your free ebook.
Obviously you’ll want to run any supplement you plan on taking past your doctor. With that said, I would recommend the following:
Testosterone booster –
Brain health –
Fat burner –
These are some of the best products I’ve personally tested, and I’ve tested well over 100 supplements over the years.
Hope this helps and let me know if you have any questions.
Testofuel ( can help. If you’re strictly looking for something to help with erection quality, check out a supplement called Vigrx Plus. It’s the best I’ve ever used, here’s my review:
Let me know what issues you’re trying to resolve and/or improve. I’ll help you sort out your options.
Personally speaking, I prefer the Bathmate. It’s easier to use, you only need to use it for 10 – 15 min. a day (as opposed to 4 – 6 HOURS a day with the extender), and it’s cheaper.
Here’s my reviews of each:
Bathmate –
Phallosan Forte –
I got it from the natural health source website that sells Vigrx plus.
Actually I have, but never got a chance to post a review of it. It’s a decent supplement, and would definitely crack my top 10 list. In comparison to Testofuel ( though, I still think it’s sub par.
I am 25 years old and weigh 70kg. My body structure is skinny fat and work at desk job and have 2 days off in a week.
I have started eating healthy food and do cardio workout for 30 minute on holiday (2 day). Not keen on lifting weights or going to gym.
Is it possible for me to lose 5-10kg in weight and 2-5 inch in waist in 4 or 5 months by eating healthy food with Testo fuel and Instant Knockout?
My main goal is to lose belly fat and weight in 4 to 5 months
It’s better for your weight loss efforts and overall health if you exercise, but yes, it is possible to lose weight without it. The whole key to losing weight is expending more calories than you take in.
That’s a lot easier to do when you exercise, because exercising expends more calories, but it’s not impossible to do it without. If you focus on eating healthy with a limited calorie intake, you will lose weight.
That said, I’d recommended fitting in as much exercise as possible, even in short spurts if that’s all you can manage.
If I stop taking Testo fuel and Instant Knockout after achieving my goal, will I gain weight and belly fat even if I eat healthy food and exercise?
Will Testo fuel and Insant Knockout effect on PE if I am using Phallosan and Bathmate?
As long as you maintain a good diet and exercise program, you shouldn’t see the weight return after you stop using the supplements. Testofuel may actually help things along on the PE side of things.
IKO will have no effect either way.
Can testofuel increase penis size. Also, I’m taking with citruline malate..
Any thoughts?
Nah it won’t really do that. You will probably see an increase in erection quality, but not any permanent size gains. However, if size is what you’re looking for, you do have a few options.
Check out this post I did a while back, it’s got everything you need to know about that:
As for taking L-Citrulline with Testofuel, yeah that’s actually a decent combo. The l-citrulline will help with blood flow, and may augment the effects you’re getting from the Testofuel.
Be sure to come back in a few weeks and leave a review!
Will vigrx give permanent length?
No it doesn’t work that way. If you’re looking for permanent length, check out an extender device called the Phallosan Forte. Here’s my review:
I got your email thanks ,but im a bit confused.
I read that Prime Male is better for men around 40s and up.
So regarding strength and boost libido for a very healthy and fit guy going to the gym 6 times a week eating very health what to you suggest among Testofuel and Prime Male?
Sorry im sending you email once again but im not sure if i understood which is better between the 2 …
Thanks really much for your reply!
I need to get active again and even work out a bit.
Just started walking with dog at night. Used to do 2-3 miles but find Im doing about 1!!!! Looking for something to help get me going again that is safe and actually works!
Yeah I’ve definitely heard that story once or twice the last few months haha. Testofuel ( can definitely help, and I would recommend you stack it with a fat burner called Instant Knockout (IKO).
The IKO actually works great as both a potent fat burner AND a pre workout supplement, so I would advise you pop a couple of capsules about an hour before you’re about to take that walk and trust me, it will turn into a 3 mile (maybe even 4 mile) walk!
Here’s my review:
and here’s their site –
Hope this helps and let me know if you have any questions!
One month , 2 or 3???
For the IKO, the instructions say to take one pill 4 times a day, but you can adjust and rearrange the dose as necessary, making sure not to take too much at once. For instance, take 1 or 2 in the morning and 1 or 2 more before you walk (or work out).
For Testofuel, take 2 in the morning and 2 in the evening. IKO is meant to be used when you’re dieting/getting in shape.
Testofuel you can use indefinitely, with a week or two off every month or two.
I work out pretty regularly (3-4 times a week). My question is do you recommend I get Testofuel and stack it with Instant Knockout?
And if you do recommend those, what would be the best way to effectively take them together?
Yeah if you’re looking to lose a serious amount of weight, then stacking Testofuel ( and Instant Knockout ( would definitely be the way to go.
As far as how to take it, I would just take them as the label suggests. One thing though, Instant Knockout works GREAT as a pre workout supplement, so I would recommend taking it like 30 – 45 min. prior to your workout to get the best results.
Hope this helps and let me know if you have any other questions.
Your suggestion in your review says to take 2 of the testofuel and get the same results.
With Instant K.O would you suggest still taking it an hour before working out only or all the pills in the morning?
Actually, I suggest you take 2 Testofuel pills twice a day (for a total of 4 a day) instead of needing to split them up into 4 doses. With Instant Knockout, you could do the same, but I’d be a little more careful because of the caffeine.
Definitely start off with just one IKO pill first thing in the morning and see how it goes. If you feel like you can handle the increased caffeine after a few days, you can up your dose to the two pills.
All that said, as a general rule, I like to start off slow, at a low dose, when I use a new supplement, to make sure I don’t feel any side effects too badly if there are any.
It’s not helping him and his numbers are 190. He’s only 34. Will Testofuel help with his levels??
If Testosterone Replacement Therapy hasn’t worked, I’m not so sure Testofuel would. Do you know what’s causing his low T, i.e. is he overweight?
Does he take meds? There are a lot of things that could be causing it, and if I knew, I might be better able to help.
Let me know and I’ll see what I can come up with.
I appreciate you getting back with me!
If that’s the case, check out a supplement called Extenze Plus and stack it with a product called Phenibut. When I’ve taken Kratom for any length of time, my sex drive completely disappears.
Take Extenze for a few days and take it with Phenibut on like the 3rd day, and it will come roaring back to life.
Trust me 😉
Here’s my review:
and here’s their site –
My preferred vendor for Phenibut is Absorb Your Health, check them out here:
A word of caution first. Phenibut is basically like a benzo, so I would tell him either refrain from taking his klonopin dosage that day, or take a very small amount. Taking Klonopin and Phenibut combined with amplify the effects 3 fold.
Hope this helps and let me know if you have any other questions.
thinking of doing it again and adding Nitrocut (never taken before). also thought about adding Armistaine (never taken it before)….
is that to much to take daily for a few weeks on and a week off ( i dont like to go very long at all with out stoping the supplements.. sometimes i get nervous im taking to much though ive always felt good and healthy while trying them out)
do u think its to much all at once? good combo? good idea? bad idea? lol
thanks for ur input
It’s not too much at all. One thing you want to watch out for when stacking supplements is that you don’t end up overdoing it on the stimulants. Within your planned stack, the only one with stimulants is Instant Knockout (, so you’re good on that front, and the benefits are complimentary, so it’s a good overall stack. As for the Arimistane, it’s fine to add as well, or alternatively, you can take it after your cycle on its own. Either way is fine, it’s really up to you and your personal preference.
Thanks, Tom
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My dr. says T levels are ok, but they are always under 550. 15% body fat, 5′-8″, 155 pounds, so I’m needing to start building some muscle (obviously). I already take high quality magnesium, D3 &K2 supps that I want to contuinue because I know their quality.
Any recommendations on what T booster to take if I don’t want to stop taking them?
Oh, Libido is not a problem. I still get morning wood sometimes, and I’m not currently in a relationship.
Yeah I would recommend Prime Male ( in your case. It’s a very effective t booster, and I always recommend it to guys over 40 because it seems to have better effects than Testofuel.
Here’s my review:
That has to be attributed to more than increasing my broccoli intake!
I’ve started working out harder with body weight and functional movements, and plan to make prime male a regular part of my supplement regimen. It can be annoying to wake up in the middle of the night to pee with a raging h*rd on…, but it’s a small price to pay for the energy and vitality I feel.
Thanks a million bro!
Yeah typically I recommend combining Testofuel ( along with a fat burner called Instant Knockout for guys in your case. The Testofuel will help with muscle recovery and growth, and the Instant Knockout will help shed those excess pounds.
Here’s my Instant Knockout review:
I haven’t checked this one out either.
I haven’t checked that one out.
…so let me know if a free copy of the book still available thanks rob.
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I don’t see an email from you. You may want to send it again.
They’re capsules, and they’re a pretty good size.
Use a fat burner called Phen 375 instead. It’s specifically designed to help those that can’t workout or have limited mobility, here’s my review:
I want to use testofuel for a very long time.
I m suffering from hair fall from few years since i m taking whey protien surprisingly hair fall has stopped most except very few hair.
Now my concern is do testofuel cause hairfall or speed up the process?? Bcoz it increases testosterone.
And another doubt is after stop using testofuel can i have my natural testosterone levels or will it fall down completely. These are the only 2 doubts stopping me to use this for a long time.
My age is 25 still not married.
I m waiting for ur reply. Thanks
As far as I’m aware, Testofuel ( does not cause any hair loss. I didn’t experience that, and I’ve never heard of anyone experiencing it. When you stop taking it you will see a little bit of a decrease in your testosterone, but it will restore to it’s normal levels within a week or so.
Hope this clarifies things, keep me posted on your results if you decide to get it!
O side effects that I could tell. I spoke to a registered nurwe about what I was taking.
She was a family friend and stated that taking a t -booster can make your blood or hemoglobin too thick and cause a stroke or heart attack. So she freaked me out and I havent took another round but totally want to.
What do you know about this blood issue? Can you debunk it?
Any concerns.
Good to hear from you again. I “think” she might be talking about actual testosterone replacement therapy, not neccessarily that of an over the counter t booster like Testofuel.
If so, yeah I’m well aware of those issues. I’ve done extensive research on all of the ingredients in Testofuel, and I’ve never seen any claims that any of them can cause blood clots or increased heart attack / stroke risk.
I wouldn’t be recommending it otherwise, that’s for damn sure haha.
Yeah they actually talk about that in their FAQ section, check it out:
I’m not a body builder.
Is this the right supplement for me?
Yeah one of the benefits of Testofuel ( is an increase in libido. If you’re strictly looking for a libido enhancer then I would recommend a supplement called Vigrx Plus, check out my review of that one here:
What would you recommend for muscle fatigue, muscle building,weight loss,energy before and during training? cheers from Australia
In your case I would stack a fat burner called Instant Knockout along with Prime Male instead of Testofuel. The Instant Knockout will help with energy and weight loss, and the Prime Male will help your muscles recover quicker and get you stronger.
Check out my reviews below:
Prime Male –
Instant Knockout –
Check out a supplement stack called the Crazy Mass cutting stack. It’s actually comprised of 4 different supplements (including a t booster) that is perfect for guys like yourself looking to lose weight, build lean muscle, and improve libido.
Here’s my review:
Also, for your convenience I’m sending you my free “How To Get Ripped Quickly” eBook, along with some bonuses, to your email. It’s packed with tons of tips on diet and exercise that could help to supplement your crossfit workouts.
Hope this helps and let me know if you have any other questions!
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Overweight but moderately working out and exercising. Blood sugar is up in the type 2 stage, but managing with metformin. Want to get the T up and weight down.
T will help with the blood glucose. Looking at the TestoFuel, but you also recommended Prime Male for some older guys…Thanks for the reply!
Yeah Prime Male would be the way to go for sure. You may also want to consider a fat burner called Instant Knockout, works great when combined with Prime Male to help you shred down quicker. Here’s my review:
Hope this helps and keep me posted on your results!
Will try to get back in a few weeks and post results
I am about to get married and after about a year we want to start trying for a child. Would you recommend Testofuel for me?
Testofuel can help with your symptoms of low testosterone and shouldn’t affect your sperm count. But if you find yourself having trouble conceiving when you’re ready, see your doctor to rule out any issues.
I’m 43 and want to know if taking Nitrocut and Testofuel a good combination for me. I want to loose this stomach not to big but I want that six pack back.
I work out 6 days a wk. Thanks
Yeah Testofuel ( and Nitrocut ( is a great combo, it will definitely help get you back in shape again. You need to make sure you’re eating right and doing the right types of exercises though.
Read through the ebook I sent you, it’s got a lot of great tips to help you melt the fat away and build lean muscle.
My performance is not what it used to be, but still not in the basement. I am looking for the best free form T-booster.
Any help would be greatly appreciated. I am 5″8 168 lbs., so I am not over weight.
The more natural the better.
I would recommend you go with Prime Male. I’ve recommended it to hundreds of guys your age, and they’ve practically all given me great feedback. Here’s my review:
TestoFuel is available online through their website: They do ship to Australia so you’re in luck there. But you won’t lose weight or build muscle without a proper diet and exercise program. For that, you can sign up for my free Getting Ripped ebook. It’s got tons of tips and advice for eating and working out properly.
I am 22 i have purchased stack of testofuel.Please suggest right way to use them for muscle building.I am thinking to use it for a month and skip and so on.
The 2 work great when combined to help reduce body fat and increase lean muscle. Here’s my review:
Please do tell me how to take nitrocut with testofuel.I am having body of 16.4.suggest me the best way to use both of them with diet.
Thank you
Take 2 TestoFuel in the morning and 2 at night before bed. As for the Nitrocut, take 2 in the morning before breakfast and 2 before workout or before lunch on non-workout days.
I’m not sure what to use to help both way. I really can’t exercise much have back trouble and my shoulders are pretty messed up as well.
Will be going in for surgery soon to repair them and my back. Would like to satisfy my wife again like I use to.
Hope you can help.
Yeah excess weight gain and libido basically go hand in hand. At 57, you’re likely suffering from reduced testosterone levels as well. I would recommend you stack Testofuel ( with a fat burner called Instant Knockout.
The 2 pair very well together, and will help you lose weight AND increase your sex drive. Here’s my review of Instant Knockout:
Also, for your convenience I’m sending you my free “How To Get Ripped Quickly” ebook, along with some bonuses, to your email. It’s packed with tons of tips on diet and exercise that work GREAT in conjunction with the supplements I recommended.
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Which would you recommend? I know I would spend more on the way I chose to go but it would also give me a few months supply..
Can you let me know your thoughts plz.
Good to hear from you again! Yeah I came across across the Crazy Mass Cutting Stack a couple of years ago, and the combo works great if you’re looking for rapid fat loss and lean muscle growth.
As far as combining Nitrocut, Testofuel, and HyperGH 14X, it should basically give you identical results that you would get with the Crazy Mass cutting stack, so the choice is really yours.
At your age I generally like to recommend a testosterone booster called Prime Male. It seems to produce a better response in older men as opposed to Testofuel, check out my review here:
That’s not a bad problem to have 😉 JK. Check out a testosterone booster called Testoroxyn. It will help give you many of the same benefits as Testofuel, with a little less emphasis on libido. Here’s my review:
I am stacking up Testo fuel along with Nitrocut. can you please recommend a protient suppliement as well for body building.
Sure thing. Go with Gold Standard Whey Protein from Optimum Nutrition. Here’s my full review with a link to where you can purchase it:
It does contain stimulants, so if you’re concerned about blood pressure issues, I wouldn’t recommend it.
It's packed with tons of tips on diet and exercise to get your body producing more of its own testosterone.
Supplements wise, go with Prime Male. I've been recommending it to a lot of guys your age, and practically everyone is getting great results. Here's my review:
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Rob is a review website. We don’t sell Testo Fuel, but I can check with them for you if you want.
Did you order using the email you used for this comment?
Yeah if the root cause is low testosterone, then Testofuel can definitely help. You may also want to check out a supplement called Vigrx Plus. It works great at helping you get your boners back, here’s my review:
I am 69 and in good shape. Also, the biopsy of my prostate after surgery showed less than 2% of cancer.
I really believe there was no cancer found. Is testified for me?
It may be, but because of your medical condition, I’ll have to refer you back to your doctor. I can’t determine if TestoFuel is safe in your situation.
Which product would you recommend?
Good to hear from you again. At your age, I would recommend you go with Prime Male as your t booster. I’ve been recommending it to a lot of guys your age and above, and they’ve all been getting great results.
Here’s my review:
Also, check out Instant Knockout. We talked about it in the past, but I’m not sure if you ever ended up buying it. It’s a great fat burner, and pairs very well with Prime Male.
Here’s my review of that one:
Go with Prime Male. It’s great for guys your age, and will help restore your overall testosterone function. Here’s my review:
I wanted to know how to build muscle and get energy and lose weight I don’t exercise much
First off, I’m sending you my free “How To Get Ripped Quickly” ebook along with some bonuses. It’s packed with tons of info on diet and exercise to help you shed those excess pounds, and pack on lean muscle.
Supplements wise, for you I would recommend stacking Testofuel ( along with a fat burner called Instant Knockout. The 2 pair very well, and will help give you more energy.
Here’s my review of Instant Knockout:
Hope this helps and let me know if you have any other questions.
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For anyone else looking for the free ebook, click here to sign up for your free ebook.
Yeah go with a stack of Testofuel ( and a fat burner called Instant Knockout. The two work GREAT when combined, and will help you shed excess fat. Here’s my review of Instant Knockout:
Thanks for the very helpful info. I was wondering what the pros/cons might be if taking the testofuel and the vigrx at the same time?
Thanks for your thoughts.
Let me know what kind of results your looking for, and I’ll recommend your best course of action.
This spells honesty to me. And you tell us about the supplements you Doubt and why you doubt them.
And BEST of all you don’t drag out your Intro’s before you get to the facts you have for us. I am staying with you – and will try some of your recommendations.
Good site.
Iam 53, very bad back from working to hard entire life, was usmc a lifetime ago, my T level is shot, Doc gave me a T gel but didn’t really work. As many my age gut area is bothersome, old joke is u have a bad case of dickydo cause your stomach sticks out farther than your d____ do.
Anyway some bad disk stop me cold from doing most things the gut makes things worse. Was very strong at one time, life time of lifting and working with steel, how well would this work for me, as in making muscle and increase strength and wt loss
Well, this is a tricky one for me to be honest. There really isn’t a magic supplement (including Testofuel) that’s gonna just pack on solid lean muscle and reduce fat, despite the practically HUNDREDS of supplements claiming to do so.
In your case (since you can’t workout), diet is going to be key. I’m sending you my free “How To Get Ripped Quickly” eBook. Pay particular attention to the diet portion of the ebook, it’s got tons of tips on what you should be eating and how to control your diet.
Supplements wise, I think you would benefit more from a fat burner called Instant Knockout ( It’s the best fat burner I’ve used to date, and I’ve used DOZENS of fat burners.
Check out my review here:
Hope this helps and let me know if you have any other questions.
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I haven’t heard of it. If you give it a try, let me know how it works out.
Yeah Testofuel can definitely help you in this department. If you really want to “up the ante” I would recommend you check out the Crazy Mass Buliking Stack. It’s made up of 4 very powerful supplements that will give you tremendous results.
Check out my review here:
What would you recommend for me and is this product right for me keeping in mind not a regular exercise person and libido low?
Yeah Testofuel ( would be totally appropriate for you. It will help boost energy AND help you recover faster. You may want to consider stacking it with a fat burner called Instant Knockout (, the 2 pair great together.
Here’s my review:
Iam 34. I been trying testofuel for about 2 weeks now, and everytime I take a pill I feel tired and drowsy plus I have soft headhache. Is that normal?
Actually, I’ve never heard of drowsiness as a side effect of Testo Fuel, but most any supplement seems to cause headaches in some of its users. Are you taking anything else, or have you changed your routine at all?
I only take some protein shake and creatine.
I stopped taking Testofuel for a couple of days because of the side effect I faced, but now I am experiencing vertigo.
Today I couldnt even go to work. I will return the package for a refund
Yeah, weird. But if you haven’t taken it in a few days and still experience vertigo, it may be something else.
You may want to see your doctor.
I’m 6’4″ 230 lbs and still play basketball three to four times a week.
I want to lose about 15 lbs and increase my energy level without impacting the Lupron treatment.
What do you recommend?
I’m hesitant to make any recommendations, only because I’m not aware of which herbal ingredients and vitamins would interact with Lupron. With that said, I would recommend stacking Testofuel ( with a pre workout supplement called Nitrocut. On the days you play basketball, take the Nitrocut about 45 – 60 min. prior. The Testofeul you would just take everyday as indicated on the label.
Here’s my review of Nitrocut –
Obviously you need to clear this with your doctor first, but these 2 would be your best option.
Looking at their site, it looks like the best one is Nutraceutics Testron SX. I did a review of it awhile back, but haven’t had a chance to try it out yet.
What’s your goal? Are you looking to lose weight / tone up? Or trying to help boost libido? Let me know and I can recommend some of the best products / supplements I’ve used.
My sex drive is, well, not doing much driving. I’ve been on the BRI for some months.
Took it (f I remember) to firm up a bit. My weight is ok but too much flab.
I am no working out. My exercises all connect to lower back pain and don’t do much or anything for strength, which is OK.
But I seem flabbier. I’ve been taking 1 BRI tablet daily.
Results? nah, maybe more flab?
Would you suggest something for me other than Testofuel?
Yeah almost certainly suffering from reduced testosterone levels, so the Testofuel ( should help out dramatically. I Would stack it with a fat burner called Phen375, works great for guys who don’t exercise much.
Here’s my review of that one:
Hope this helps and let me know if you have any other questions.
You can. It’s a great stack for getting ripped, along the program in my Getting Ripped ebook.
Waist up from 34 to 36/38 inches depending on the pants.Im ready to cut and lean down to about 215lbs. I’ve been trying to loose the belly fat and chest fat I gained but nothing seems to work. Ive never used a Testosterone booster before.
Do you think this product could help in conjunction with HITT cardio?
Yeah I know exactly how you feel, I’ve been there. First off, I am sending you my free “How To Get Ripped, Lean, and Strong” eBook, along with some bonuses. It’s packed with tons of tips on shedding off stubborn fat, and building lean muscle.
Supplements wise, I would actually recommend you pick up a different product called the Crazy Mass cutting stack. It’s comprised of 4 VERY powerful supplements (including a T booster) that will be perfect in conjunction with the ebook.
Here’s my review:
Hope this helps and let me know if you have any other questions.
It wouldn’t have any effect on sperm quality, or on the baby.
i m 25 old. I have a doubt about testofuel.
After using testofuel my testo levels will be increased but my doubt is will it shut down my actual test levels after stop using this product. can i able to have my testosterone levels as it is before using this product.
Also it increases libido and again same doubt after stopping usage of this product can i able to have my natural sex drive before this product use or will it falls down completely? i m not married.
Please please suggest me i have lot of trust on this website. Thanks
Testofuel is a natural testosterone booster. That means it doesn’t shut down your natural testosterone production at all.
In fact, the way it works is by stimulating your body to produce more testosterone. Once you stop taking it, it takes a few weeks for the ingredients to exit your system.
When they do, you go back to the levels and libido you had before you started, with no regression at all. This is different from using actual testosterone replacement creams, which do in fact shut down your natural processes.
First off, click here to sign up for my free “How To Get Larger, Stronger, and More Powerful” ebook. It’s loaded with tips on diet and exercise to help you bulk up quickly.
Supplements wise, check out the Crazy Mass bulking stack. It works great for guys like yourself looking to bulk up / add on serious muscle mass.
Here’s my review:
I was going to ask, if all I am looking for is to improve my libido, sex drive, and sexual performance, should I get the testofuel or should I get the vigrx plus? Thanks for your help and my goal is to just have sex multiple times a week the way my wife and I used to.
Since your only goal is to improve your sex life, go with VigRx Plus. All its focus is on improving libido and performance. A testosterone booster could help too because raising testosterone levels should boost libido. But you’re better off with the dedicated sexual enhancement supplement. If you want, you can stack in a testosterone booster as well. If so, go with Testofuel.
Testofuel contains a higher dose of DAA (2300mg), making it a more potent muscle builder and ideal guys that are already enjoying near peak T levels but want to take their T levels even higher & muscle building results even further, with the stimulation that a high dose of DAA provides.
I’m 5’7 and 150 lbs and work out 2 to 3 days a week at the gym just to stay toned and walk everyday. I do feel like I am 30 years old.
The problem I do have is I’m on meds for high blood pressure and have ED. Do you recommend Testo Fuel and/or Vigrx Plus?
Thanks for your input.
My recommendation for you is definitely VigRx Plus. It should improve your ED symptoms on its own, but if not, it would be a good I’d to add Testofuel, which would improve libido and performance even further. Because of your medications, though, make sure you check in with your doctor before taking any supplements at all.
A serving size is 4 pills, but I’m not sure if they want you to take 2 twice a day or all 4 at once. You’ll have to check the labels.
Go with VigRx Plus. It’s the best I’ve found.
Since there are no stimulants in Testofuel, it’s perfect for stacking with a pre workout. The testosterone boost you get from Testofuel is a natural boost.
Most likely it won’t cause acne.
Would you recommend this product only for men?
I wouldn’t recommend it for anyone. You should go back and read the full review.
I basically rip the stuff apart and warn readers against buying it. Make sure you cancel your free trial before they start charging you.
When you settle all your billing issues with them, let me know what your goals are and I’ll recommend something better for you.
I am waiting for the delivery. . Can you tell me when can I get it ? is a review website. We don’t have any affiliation with this product, so you’ll have to contact the company you made your purchase from to cancel your order or billing.
Just sent you an email.
For anyone else looking for the free ebook, click here to sign up for your free ebook.
muscle and loss weight at the same time is this the best supplement for me
It’s very hard to build muscle and lose weight at the same time. Losing weight requires a calorie deficit while gaining muscle requires a calorie surplus. But you can lose weight and get strong and ripped at the same time. To help with diet and exercise, sign up for my free “Getting Ripped” ebook. As far as supplements go, check out the Crazy Mass Cutting Stack.
Here’s my full review:
And here’s a link to the website where you can purchase it:
I’d be happy to answer any questions I can. Shoot me an email at
Im 29 years old, i weight 160 pounds and 5’8″ with a fat percentage of 13% and i work out 6 days per week and its really hard for me to put on muscle and i didnt get my testosterone level checked. Will testo fuel help out?
Currently running on ON whey, ON creatine, BCAA and Mstak
First off, click here to sign up for my free “How To Get Ripped Quickly” ebook. It’s great that you’re working out 6 days a week, but if you’re doing the wrong types of exercises and have a poor diet you won’t see much progress.
The ebook outlines exactly what you should be doing to reach your goals. Supplements wise, I think you would benefit more from a stack called the Crazy Mass Cutting Stack. It contains 4 powerful supplements (including a T booster) that will help you shed the weight quickly and gain lean muscle.
Check out my review here:
You can purchase Nitrocut through their official website. Here’s a link: Nitrocut Website A single bottle is $54.99, but if you buy the 3 month plan, you’ll get each bottle for $39.00.
I do have some joint problems (shoulder/knee). I have never done supplements but am interested.
What is your recommendation. No real libido problems.
Check out a supplement called the Crazy Mass Cutting Stack. It’s comprised of 4 different supplements that work great at helping you shred the fat and retain / build lean muscle. Here’s my review:
By the way, I emailed over my free “How To Get Strong” ebook to you. Use it in conjunction with the stack to get the best results.
Lately i started masturbating three times a week my wife doesn’t know bu i don’t want to cheat on her. I have experienced my penis shrinking and i suffer premature ejaculation when i masturbate.
I am so worried about my penis size and my premature ejaculation and sometimes i get sleepless night and low energy drive because of that. I workout regularly but when am stressed about those two things i just feel weak and stop working out.
I will be seeing my wife in 5weeks. Are there any suggestions for me.
I need something that can start working in 4weeks. I have done so many research.
I do get erectiln but they are weak. I need your suggestions please.
And i have tried Blue Star Status Testosterone Booster. I still experience premature ejaculation and weak erection.
Thank you.
Go with ProSolution Plus. It’s a sexual performance enhancement supplement with a particular focus on combating premature ejaculation. Here’s my full review for you to read: ProSolution Plus Review. Here’s a link to the website: ProSolution Plus website.
We have a review of MascuGen up on the website. Here’s the link: Mascugen Review. It looks decent, if a little weak.
At your age, the only supplements you should be taking are protein and maybe some creatine. My recommendation for each are 100% Whey Gold Standard and Creatine Powder from Bauer Nutrition. Other supplements haven’t been tested on kids your age, so you just don’t know what kind of effect they may have on your body and/or your growth.
“How To Boost Your Testosterone Naturally” twice now. I have not recived anything in my email.
I checked my junk/spam mail too.
Sorry about that. I’m not sure why that is, but I just sent a copy over to your email address just now.
Let me know if you still don’t get it and I’ll figure something out.
Sorry, I don’t have a phone number for Testofuel. My best suggestion is that you check your credit card statement.
Often, there’s a phone number listed with the transaction.
You could go with Testofuel, but if weight loss is your primary goal, I’d go with a fat burner called Instant Knockout. It’s more directly appropriate for what you’re trying to do.
Sure, it’s a safe and effective stack if your main goal is performance enhancement and a boost in virility.
I have no sex drive. I have problems achieving and maintaining an erection.
Viagra does help me achieve an erection long enough to have sex. I recently had a testosterone text and my number was 120
Which would help me more?
Testo fuel or VigRx plus. Or should I take both?
I recommend you go with a two-pronged approach for the best results. Testofuel and VigRx Plus together should do the trick.
The would each provide their additional benefits on top of what you’d get with Testofuel or Instant Knockout.
It would help, but to really lose weight you’ll need to eat a good diet and workout as often as you can. Also, checkout out a fat burner called Instant Knockout. It’ll help reduce your appetite.
There is thought to be a connection between high testosterone and hair loss, but I haven’t heard of it actually happening with natural testosterone boosters. It’s actually the increased DHT (which testosterone converts to) that’s related to the hair loss.
Why is it called out in one review and not the other? I’m trying to find the best product, but it seems a little bias.
Please explain, because I really need to start a supplement ASAP
Yeah, there are basically a couple schools of thought when it comes to Fenugreek. The bottom line is Fenugreek works, HOWEVER, it’s mechanism of action is questionable.
Basically it works by inhibiting the conversion from testosterone to dihydrotestosterone (DHT). Lower DHT is positive for some, but because DHT is 3 – 10 times stronger than testosterone is, some feel that it’s counter-productive to prevent the conversion.
When I’ve used it personally, as in Testofuel, I’ve had great results. Hope that helps clear it up a bit.
Let me know what goals you’re looking to achieve, and I’ll be better able to answer your questions. In the meantime, download my free “getting ripped” ebook for some great advice on workouts, meals, and supplements.
Which would you think is best option out of the top 2?
Go with Testofuel for the testosterone boost and add Nitrocut as your nitric oxide focused pre workout.
If you’re looking to lose weight and get lean and muscular, it’s a great stack. For the diet and workout side of things, sign up for my free “getting ripped” ebook. It’s loaded with help in that area.
Yeah it sounds like you need a break from the cutting stack. Try a stack of Testofuel and Nitrocut for one month and you should see better results. Here’s my review of Nitrocut in case you haven’t seen it:
Also, change up your workout routine to break any plateaus you might be seeing.
Taking Testofuel before bed works very well.
Thanks again
I’m looking for a testosterone booster for and to get more lean. What do you recommend?
Sorry for the late reply. First off, click here to sign up for my free “Get Ripped” ebook. It’s packed with tons of tips on diet and exercise to help you reach your goals faster. As far as supplements, I would recommend Prime Male.
It packs a healthy dose of D-Aspartic Acid as well as other natural herbs which will help you get the best results. Here’s my review:
If you can afford it, stack it with a fat burner called Instant Knockout. Here’s my review of that one:
Hope this helps and let me know if you have any other questions.
I will be taking the normal creatine, protien and BCAs as well. Does this sound like a good mix or wold you recommend something different?
Yeah you can stack Testofuel with Tribulus, but it’s not necessary to take ZMA because it basically already contains ZMA. If you’re looking for something else to stack it with I would suggest a pre workout supplement called Nitrocut.
It stacks VERY well with Testofuel and you’ll get great results from it.
My understanding is that they can smell whatever they’re trained to smell. I would doubt they’d be trained to smell Testofuel.
Yeah, absolutely. Your schedule will work fine.
I work out quite regularly but find it hard to increase muscle mass/size. Also I find myself being quite tired through most of my days, not sure if I’m lacking some T.
What’s your thoughts? Is Testofuel something I should try?
First off, click here to sign up for my free “Get Strong” ebook. It’s packed with tons of tips on the exercises you should be doing, as well as tips on what and how much you should be eating.
As far as supplements go, I think you would benefit most from the Crazy Mass bulking stack. It’s a combo of 4 powerful supplements, including a t-booster, that will get you to your goals faster. Check out my review here:
Are you looking to lose weight and get ripped, or gain / build muscle? Let me know and I’ll recommend the best stack for you.
The directions say to take 1 capsule, 4 times a day. The way I did it was 2 capsules twice a day, but there doesn’t seem to be much of a difference as long as you take the 4 capsules at some point throughout the day.
You could, but it probably won’t give you much of a kick for your workout.
I can see why you’re not sure which way to go. I recommend Testofuel for your muscle tone with VigRx Plus for your libido. Testofuel on its own might be enough of a boost, but adding the VigRx Plus will surely solve the problem.
I am 31 years old and I can’t decide wich one to go for Testofuel or Prime male. I practice rugby and do weights.
I would like to shed fat along on rising my T levels (currently 3.02 and LH 2.11…. very low for my age).
Which one you think would be better? I like the idea of the Testofuel DAA dosage and oyster oil, and on the other hand, the combination of herbs and BioPerine on the PrimeMale lure me.
What do you think?
With your age, activity, and goals, go with Testofuel.
It sounds like you’re bulking. If that’s the case, keep taking the rest of your stack. For workout and meal plans, sign up for my free “getting strong” ebook.
I’m in the military and I’ve been getting fed up with falling behind on PT. I work out 5 days a week and I eat healthy, yet I still feel like im much smaller and less “in shape” than everyone else in my unit.
Are there any supplements or stacks that you would recommend that would help with me getting bigger, stronger, and having better stamina than i have? Time isn’t really my problem, but if I could get results faster, then hell yeah!
I’ve been doing a lot of research and i can’t seem to find anyone who can help me make an unbiased decision.
Thanks for your time,
Chase Lemons
Sign up for my free “getting ripped” ebook for some meal and workout programs you can incorporate into your routine. As for supplements, go with a non-stimulant pre workout called Nitrocut. You’ll get great workouts without having to worry about popping on a test.
Turned fifty still in good health as far as I know. Noticed lack of desire and momentum,put on a little in the waist , I have always been kinda lean in muscles but not a lot of definition.been looking rt o take supplements but always been worried about side effects( hardly ever take medicine) cause of side effects.
What can you recommend,
Sincerely Russell
For your age and needs, Prime Male is your best bet. While nothing can promise there will be no side effects, most people find there are none with Prime Male, and if you do experience any, it’s likely to be mild headache or nausea from the pills. This is not testosterone replacement therapy, and doesn’t come with the side effects associated with that.
Actually, it was more a matter of timing than anything else. I wrote about Testofuel several months before Testrovax.
When I first wrote about Testofuel, I hadn’t realized yet that Fenugreek really has no evidence of boosting testosterone. When I did find out, I just never went back and updated it on the review.
Have you tried it?
The D-Aspartic Acid in Testofuel will boost your testosterone better than Tongkat Ali alone.
Great article. I was actually researching some supplements and this website is really helpful when it comes to reviews. I’ve decided to try Nitrocut and Testofuel at the same time. However, I’m a bit stuck at the moment.
On Nitrocut, you say you do 4 weeks on, 2 weeks off, repeat. With Testofuel, you say you do 5 weeks on, 1 week off.
So, now I’m really confused. Could I do both at 5 week on, 1 off, or should I do 4on/2off Nitro, 5on,1off on Testo, or both at 4weeks, 1 off? I’m really not sure how to do that at this point.
I’d appreciate some clarity on this!
Thanks 🙂
Haha, I understand your confusion, but actually, you can cycle them together on whichever schedule is most convenient for you. Technically, you don’t have to cycle them at all, but I usually recommend cycling just to keep from building a tolerance.
Since they both come in one month supplies, I recommend you do 4 weeks on/1 week off for both.
Thanks for the quick reply. I’ll be sure to do that.
They sure have some lovely discounts for certain amounts. Definitely the best way to go to only spend money every couple months.
However, I still have one or two more questions that I forgot to ask, if that’s okay.
How long exactly should I do all of this for?
Am I able to keep on taking it…forever, or there would come a time that I should stop indefinitely? I’m 22, 5’8, 215lbs at the moment.
I’m fairly muscular and I’ve got some fat to lose yet but would like to be, as silly as it sounds, somewhere near the John Cena body size as I seem to have the genetics for it, if that makes any difference. Would I stop once I attain such goal, or just keep on taking it?
I’m looking for that particular size along with the ripped look.
Also, I’ve always taken the post-workout IsoFlex supplement, so I was wondering if I’d have to still use that, or just Nitro + Testo.
Thanks again!
You could theoretically take them forever. They’re both natural and safe.
Forever’s a long time, though. Once you reach your goals, you could take some time off.
Keep working out and keep eating right, and you’ll maintain. But if you start to feel you’re slipping, you can go back on them again.
Been taking VIgRX for almost 2 months and it’s had little to no effect. Came to the realization that at 42 w/high blood pressure what I might need is a testosterone booster instead.
Thoughts? Think Testofuel or Prime Male would do a better job then VigRX?
Low testosterone could indeed be the problem. If it is, you’d be better off with a testosterone booster. Since you’re trying to improve sexual performance rather than specifically trying to gain muscle mass, go with Prime Male in your case.
Certain extracts have been known to cause gynecamastia (tribulus terrestris for example), but none of the ingredients in Testofuel should cause this so my guess is that it was caused by something else. Let me know what you find out from the doctor.
The pain I was feeling has decreased significantly since I stopped using Testofuel.
I suppose it could be the Testofuel. It certainly sounds like it from what you’re saying.
But I haven’t heard of it before and I talk to a lot of guys who take Testofuel. Generally, the natural stuff doesn’t cause gyno or other typically testosterone-induced sides because it doesn’t push production past what it is naturally in the first place.
But clearly, everyone is different. Let me know what you find out from the doctor.
Now you’ve got me wondering.
Firstly,may I start off by congratulating you on your VERY in-depth review of’TESTO FUEL’ and comments regarding ‘TESTO XL’ & ‘PURE HGH’ they were ALL extremely enlightening.
Now, my question is regarding ‘Nutracell Labs# ‘TESTO EXTREME ANABOLIC SERUM’ & ‘DECABOLIC CREATINE’, do you have any advice/comments regarding these products or even, have you already tried them out ?
As over here, in England, they are getting rave reviews, said to be the ‘BEST NATURAL ANABOLIC STACK AVAILABLE’. I need a bit of guidance here, as to listen to all of the shpeel that’s coming from these manufacturers it’s difficult to know who and what to believe, they ALL seem to be saying there products are the best, most effective with little or any side effects.
My reason for wanting to use supplements like these, is that my testosterone is quite low and I’m 54 years old and have just started back pumping iron, after a very lengthy spell out of the gym due to various injuries and illnesses and feel I need help from supplements. I must say after reading your article on ‘TESTO FUEL’ I’m VERY tempted to just go for that.
What’s your views Rob ?
I did look into Decabolic Creatine, but not Testo Extreme Anabolic Serum. I didn’t try it myself, but my feeling is that a lot of the positive reviews are fake. I don’t know this for certain, of course, but when you’ve been doing this as long as I have, you get a sense for these things. I’ll check into the other one when I get a chance and let you know when I get a review posted. In the meantime, I can positively recommend Testofuel for you.
I haven’t reviewed it yet, but if you give me a few weeks, I’ll write up a review and let you know when it’s posted.
Yes, your sexual performance should improve with Testofuel. But there’s a supplement called ProSolution Plus that’s specifically been proven to combat premature ejaculation.
I am trying to gain some weight and increase muscle size. Can you suggest some products which are safe to use.?
I’ve got a free ebook with tips, advice, and plans for bulking up. Since diet and exercise are the most important components, you should sign up for it to help you achieve your goals. As far as supplements go, check out the Crazy Mass Bulking Stack.
I am trying to cut and build some muscles instead of bulking. I was wondering when should i use a testbooster amd when shouls i use an hgh supplement instead?how many days do you stay on a testbooster and how long off?
I will start nitrocut and testfuel next month and see how it goes!
You don’t technically need to cycle off and on a natural testosterone booster because they stimulate your natural processes rather than inhibiting them. On the other hand, I always like to take short breaks with every supplement I take to avoid building a tolerance. 4 weeks on and 1 week off is a good schedule. For your purposes, I would actually stack the testosterone booster with the HGH supplement. I get great results with Testofuel and HyperGH 14X
I’m looking for something to help me along towards my goal of increasing lean muscle and burning extra body fat. I’m 44 and I’ve lost 35 lbs in 4 months and have increased muscle; Definitely happy with the results so far.
I’m 6″2 at 205lbs, but I’m looking to really increase muscle and also burn extra body fat. I got your ebook and feel I’m doing the right things with diet, but I was thinking of using the Alpha-T and Alpha Ripped supplements.
Do you think this would be a good fit for me?
At this point in your progress, a better option would be the Crazy Mass Cutting Stack. It’s got a fat burner, a testosterone booster, and some key muscle builders to help you reach your goal.
Generally, the increase you’ll get won’t be so dramatic as to need an estrogen blocker.
Could I use this in con junction with my running routine? I’m 200lbs, and run an average of 4 miles every day in a multitude of running exercises.
Absolutely. As a natural testosterone booster, it’ll help you have more overall energy and give your body more of a tendency to be leaner and more muscular.
I lift weights and looking to live large. I’m 27 years old 6’2 245lbs. Have I chosen the right combo to help?
Not looking to get ripped just want to get stacked. I have a great frame.
Just need to full it with muscle while losing excess body fat.
It’s really tough to lose fat and build muscle at the same time. In order to lose fat you need to be at a calorie deficit. In order to gain bulk, you need to be at a calorie surplus. You’re far better off doing them separately. Sounds like you’re primarily interested in the bulking, so sign up for my free “getting strong ebook” for meal and workout plans for putting on mass. As for supplements, check out the Bulking Stack from Crazy Mass and take some creatine as well.
No need. Testofuel works with your body’s natural testosterone production process.
It can increase your T levels, but it doesn’t overwork your liver.
I’ve always struggled with gaining muscle and losing that annoying tire around the waste. Nothing so far has worked.
Goal is to lose the annoying fat that won’t go away and gain muscle.
Not looking to be a bodybuilder, just trim and cut while gaining strength. Along with healthy eating and excersize what combo of supplements would you recommend.
So far it appears that Testo-fuel and Instant Knockout are on the list.
You could go with Testofuel and Instant Knockout, but Crazy Mass Cutting Stack would be a better choice. It’s got the fat burner and the testosterone booster, and two other muscle building compounds to help with the strength building component of your plan.
Do you have any info on Testofuel or Nitrocut being gluten free?
Do you recommend any other supplements that are gluten free that play the same role of the two supplments mentioned above?
I reached out to both of them to find out. Testofuel is gluten free.
Nitrocut says they’ll get back to me in a week with their answer. I’ll let you know what I find out.
As well, my sex drive and performance are exceptional according to my female partner.
Do you think that Testo Fuel would be of any benefit to me? What would be the side effects of this so called all “Natural” product?
It sounds like everything’s going pretty well for you! Do you have any particular goals in mind that you’re hoping Testofuel can help with?
It is natural and safe, and there shouldn’t be any side effects beyond the occasional headache or upset stomach that you can get with anything. Generally speaking, it should give you more energy and increase your libido, but if you’re doing so well without any help, you might just want to keep things as they are.
It really comes down to personal preference. I like 4 weeks on/1 week off or 8 weeks on/2 weeks off.
But your 3 months on/1 month off would work as well. The key is if you find yourself hitting a plateau, make a change.
You’d probably do well with either, but I’d lean toward the Prime Male for you.
I am 24 male, using super pump MAX and gold standard whey. can i stack testo fuel with these supplement.
You can. It’s completely safe. But at your age, you probably don’t need a testosterone booster. If your goal is to build muscle, go with Muscle Advance Creatine instead.
Great to hear. The daily dose of Testofuel delivers 2300 mg of DAA. Studies show good results with as little as 3000 mg having great effect. So you may want to take an extra daily capsule if you try it at the recommended dose and find it doesn’t work.
So I’m 29 years old and I’m a little out of shape. My goal is to shed my belly and love handles, but I also want to gain muscle.
I never really had a problem with weight in the past but my desk job, long nights and getting older has really packed on the pounds. I’ve been looking into getting a crazy mass stack to add to my weight training.
What do recommend for a weightloss/muscle building combo?
Go with the Crazy Mass Cutting Stack. It’s exactly what you need to lose fat and build lean muscle. I also recommend you sign up for my free “getting ripped” ebook for excellent meal and workout plans to help you get in great shape.
First off I’d like to thank you for this great website that you’ve definitely poured your heart and soul into that actually helps people wade through the sea of hyped up BS supplement/nutriceutical combinations that are out there.
I’m fixing to start using a L-Arginine supplement mix called Arginine Cardio developed by Dr. Rainer Böger the world’s leading Arginine researcher/expert. After reading all of his research papers and clinical experiences it sold me on giving Arginine Cardio a serious try. Dr. Böger broke his ties with Synergy Worldwide who makes ProArgi 9+ because they didn’t want to reformulat their product to improve the overall quality of ProArgi 9+, so Dr. Böger left and made his own L-Arginine Supplement using all of his latest research and clinical trial experiences to produce Arginine Cardio.
I’m in good health 56 years old, 6’0″ 182lbs, I do Cardio 3 times a week, but I want more muscle mass and I’m going to use Arginine Cardio as an insurance policy to help keep sustained good cardiovascular health plus use it to help build muscle mass.
Since Prime Male has altered their formula recently I’m leaning towards Testofuel as a testosterone booster since I want to build my muscle mass back and generally want the benefits boosting my testosterone back up will bring. I’m going to start lifting weights 3 times a week, with cardio on in between days and Sunday off.
I think the Arginine Cardio will cover my NO levels, so I don’t think I’ll need a pre-workout or post-workout supplement.
Do you think Testofuel will be ok to use with Arginine Cardio to help build up my muscle mass and help with an overall endurance increase or is Prime Male a better choice even though they removed what I consider to be important ingredients?
Thank you for your knowledge, experience and valuable time in this important matter concerning a testosterone boosting supplement for myself.
Glad you’re finding the website helpful! I agree with your thinking. Testofuel will make a great stack with your Arginine Cardio for your muscle building efforts. You’ll do great with the combination. Also, if you haven’t already, I recommend you sign up for my free “getting ripped” ebook. It lays out a great meal and workout plan, and comes with bonuses for keeping you on track.
I’ve checked into M-Drive, but not M-Drive Elite. M-Drive is a good product, but I’d definitely choose Testofuel over it. If you give me a few weeks, I’ll look into M-Drive Elite, write up a review, and let you know when it’s posted to the website.
It should be safe, but there’s a lot of ingredient overlap. You might want to use VigRx Plus with Testofuel for a broader spectrum of ingredients.
No problem. Best of luck.
Both are great stacks. Which one you choose depends on what your near term goals are. If it’s mainly about losing weight, go with Instant Knockout and Nitrocut. If it’s more about getting stronger yet leaner, the Nitrocut/Testofuel stack is a better bet.
I’m 43 yrs old and used to workout regularly. Last 2 yrs, I stopped and put on weight around the belly and overall muscle loss.
Now, I’m about 170lbs. Stumbled onto your website and read about testofuel. Seems it might be gd for me as I prepare to hit the gym again.
Then a friend told me about testogen(not testogen xr) and it He say manage with exercise n diet. He say many pple hv this condition.
In fact I felt like asking if he has it too. He’s looks younger than me but almost twice my size with belly and all. to be pretty good too.
Which would you recommend?
They’re both very good, but because I’ve had such a great personal experience with Testofuel, that’s the one I recommend.
I have a good supply of Nitrocut atm but should i add Testofuel to the mix?
Absolutely. Take the Nitrocut/Testofuel stack, and add Muscle Advance Creatine and 100% Whey Gold Standard protein. It’s a combination for putting on muscle weight. Sign up for my free “getting strong” ebook for the diet and workout side of things, and you’ll be all set.
I figured it might be from the pulls but that it’ll go away well it didn’t. A week later it was worst. And also my testes got smaller. I had to stop taking the supplement because it got pretty bad. I really didn’t want to cus I was feeling dam good. Its been six days since I stopped taking it and swelling went down but so did all the benefits I was getting with testo fuel. I want to know if you have any idea why the swelling happened? Can I do something to avoid it? I want to keep taking them but now I’m worried about my prostate swelling. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated. By the way awesome web page.
Yeah Testofuel really works, and in your case, I’d say almost too well. I’ve never personally heard of anyone having a side effect like this, but of course everyone is different. I’m not sure what ingredient might be causing it, but my guess would be either the DAA or Fenugreek. I recommend that you stop taking it for now and check with your doctor. Bring the bottle with you and ask him what might be causing this kind of reaction. If it does turn out to be a specific ingredient, you might be better off with Testosterone Max from Crazy Mass.
I’m 19 years old and what I would consider “skinny fat”. I have small arms and legs but still have love handles.
Not very appealing. I’ve been doing barbell and HIIT training for about 2 months now.
My weights have increased fine, no complaints, but I haven’t noticed any change in my physique. I have been trying to eat better and always have a post workout shake.
My question is, since I’m 19 and shouldn’t be suffering from low T, would Testofuel and Nitrocut help me lose some fat and gain some muscle?
You’re right. Low testosterone shouldn’t be your problem. Go with a stack of Nitrocut as your pre workout and Muscle Advance Creatine to help you pack on the muscle. You’ll also want to tighten up your diet and workout routine. For that, sign up for my free “getting ripped” ebook.
I just saw your review of Instant Knockout and it intrigued me. Since I’m trying to get rid of my love handles and man boobs while also building strength, should I add Instant Knockout to the Nitrocut and Muscle Advance Creatine, or is that too many supplements to worry about?
There’s no problem with adding Instant Knockout to the mix. Neither of the other two have caffeine or other stimulants, so it stacks in nicely. And if you’re committed to losing the weight, it’ll definitely help.
I recently had surgery for Gyno removal(caused by pro-hormone use)
My question is is would using TestoFuel Cause me to develop Gyno again? Would i need to use it alongside a estrogen blocker etc.
I have heard lots of great things about your product but i want to clear this up before i use any test product.
No not at all. It’s all natural and works naturally with your body’s testosterone production process, so you don’t have to worry about any of that.
Hi Rob
As promised,Testofuel/Instant Knockout feedback.My system can’t handle the 4 tabs on Instant Knockout for now.Kept me awake for 2 days(Barely slept for 3 hours).Dropped to 2 tabs in mrng&1 mid mrng & taking it will meals now..Seens to be ok now.Hv kept Testofuel @ 4 tabs though.Last 2 dys experienced mrng hard wood close to 45 mins.Mood generally elevated but not significant lifting yet
I’m not surprised about the Instant Knockout – It’s got a lot of caffeine. I usually start a new supplement at about half dose to assess any side effects.
Anyhow, sounds like you’ve got it figured out and you’re on your way. Looking forward to hearing your next update!
Thanks for the great site.For you guys in Africa,especially, Zimbabwe this is for you.Exactly 2 weeks &3 days received my order,2 months supply of Testofuel & Instant Knock Out.Will post every week my progress for full 2 months every Saturday.Dont miss it,if this stuff works or not check my post
Boy George(52)
Looking forward to hearing how it goes.
Start by signing up for my free “getting strong” ebook. It’s got great meal and workout plans all laid out for you, and truthfully, that’s by far the most important part. As for supplements, check out the Crazy Mass Bulking Stack as well as Muscle Advance Creatine and 100% Whey Gold Standard protein.
i have heard a lot about testofuel and prime male and i m really excited to get started with this product. well i live here in toronto, canada, ON. so i just want to confirm that whether these products are easily available in stores here in toronto or i can just order it online.
Unfortunately they don’t sell them in stores. But you can order conveniently (and securely) from their websites at and Hope this helps and keep me posted on your results!
i saw testofuel and GHadvance+ , whats your advice about them and are they scam or can support in my case.
Also advice if they can be shipped to Egypt or not
I haven’t had a look at GHAdvanced+ yet, but TestoFuel is a great product, and I highly recommend it. To go along with it, try Nitrocut as your pre workout. You’ll also want to add a protein shake like 100% Whey Gold Standard and creatine from Muscle Advance. For your diet and workout plan, sign up for my free “getting strong” ebook. It lays out the whole plan for you. Just make sure you’re eating enough calories to support your workouts. If you give me a couple weeks, I’ll look into GH Advanced+ and put up a review. I’ll let you know when it goes up on the website.
Been taking Huma Pro (about a week) with multivitamins and fish oils and back at the gym after a while. 5’10 225 and looking to get lean and turn fat into muscle. Got the Huma Pro; saw your review and like it because it’s geared for the “vegetarian” and have noticed energy level rising giving more ability to increase weights (Just started so still early to notice anything) .You also recommended stacking with Crazy Mass but after reading about Nitrocut and Testo Fuel, I’m confused. 1) Can you give me the best recommendation with Huma Pro or recommend that I drop and start Nitrocut and Testo Fuel?
Great job on the website and E-book by the way!
2) Just want to confirm that ingredients are all natural in both (Nitrocut & Testofuel) correct? 3) Seem to get stomach upset issues w/ having these tabs on empty stomach so is it ok to combine with a veggie/ fruit smoothie? 5) or should I be doing whey protein smoothies or plant based as I am vegetarian? Thanks for all your help!
I understand your confusion. I’m a big fan of both the Crazy Mass Cutting Stack and the Nitrocut/Testofuel Stack.
Crazy Mass is more comprehensive as it includes fat burners and muscle builders in addition to pre workout and testosterone. It sounds like you’re looking for the whole package, so I’d say Crazy Mass it is.
Whichever you choose, keep using the HumaPro. You definitely want to supplement your protein.
Yes, the ingredients are all natural, and you can take them with a light meal or a protein shake. Sometimes they recommend the empty stomach for quicker absorption, but taking with food is fine.
This is venk and iam a type 2 diabetic. I do exercise daily but the results are nill and I have a low libido at present iam on medication for diabetes that is metformin and vidagliptin and also l -carnitine would u suggest me to take testofuel and it’s possible effects on diabetics
I would definitely recommend Testofuel in your case. It could really help in your case.
It should be safe, but I’m not familiar with your medication so you should check in with your doctor.
That’s totally fine. The main thing is to make sure you get your daily dose in each day.
As long as it doesn’t upset your stomach, you can take it whenever is convenient for you. Good luck with the stack, and let me know how it works out.
Absolutely, you’re the perfect candidate.
Crushing and nearly impotent (and what I call shrinking violet syndrome). I’ve used androgel but cost is prohibitive.
I know you can’t give medical advice but could testofuel work for me as far as libido? (without raising my blood pressure) I know to “chek with my dr” but that’s useless since they don’t care to know squat about anything not approved pharmacology. Health problems prevent me from getting too creative.
I also take zinc, DHEA. Any advice would be appreciated. And, like I said, I know it’s not medical. thanks
It won’t raise your testosterone like Androgel would, but yes, Testofuel should definitely help boost your libido and your energy as well. You should be fine in terms of blood pressure too, but yes, I will recommend that you “check with your doctor” just to make sure there are no conflicts with your medication.
I use to have high blood pressure and had to take medicine for it. I now take Arginine Cardio which is a L-Arginine supplement.
After being on Arginine Cardio after 6 months I went completely off all blood pressure medication. Everyone is different in using a Nitric Oxide supplement.
Arginine Cardio in time will repair cardiovascular disease issues. It is scientifically/clinically proven to work.
(Link Removed) (Google search for Arginine Cardio)
Read all the information and what Dr. Rainier Böger has to say as he is the #1 L-Arginine researcher/expert in the world to day.
I know several people who have taken Arginine Cardio for 3+ years who had different types of Cardiovascular diseases and today they are anywhere from 75 to 100% better.
This stuff really does work, but it is a lifetime commitment taking this nutraceutical combination. The pharmaceutical industry offers maintenance and further progression of heart disease, this is an actual cure!
Read the information and make your own informed decision…
Good luck with your cardiovascular issues,
That’s a pretty common solution for people who can’t use gelatin capsules. As far as I know, it works just as well.
it seems that on the Testo fuel Web site they recommend to keep on taking their product without any cycles or intervals, that does not make any sense.
do you still go for the 5weeks on and 1week off plan?
(great job with this site really)
Thanks man. You actually can keep taking it because it’s an all natural supplements that actually helps your body produce more testosterone.
So it’s not like actual testosterone replacement therapy where your shutting down your body’s natural processes. That being said, I always like to take a break after about 4 weeks of any supplement I take.
It kind of resets everything and lets you start with a clean slate and no built up tolerance.
thank you for the help on this issue. i actually bought Testofuel and i am waiting till i get it, give it a try and inform you likewise.
My concerns are the “withdrawal” syndrome. what happens when you stop taking it and if there is a gradual way to do so in order to avoid and shock to your body .
You don’t have to worry about that. Testofuel works gently and naturally, so your system won’t be shocked at all.
If you go with 4 or 5 weeks on/1 week off, you’ll do great.
Some views on the product though it is early to have a final call. Overall i am satisfied due to MEDIUM POWER EFFECT.
To explain, any changes come in a natural way and not in a sudden impact allowing time to your body to adopt and “use” the supplement. the DAA concentration should be a little bit higher but this gives you the opportunity for a longer term of use. The results: Notices increase in strength and stamina, higher libido in deed, no belly fat loss, but better sleeps better mood and better well being.
I have started the second bottle and in deed i will continue to use it and cycle it as per our previous discussion but in a slightest different way than 4 weeks on 1 off, since summer is coming up and testosterone will peak by itself anyways. I will let you know about final results in a couple of months but my feeling is that this product delivers.
It is not strong, but this is what i like. No acne, no irritations and aggressive mood swings but the results once might expect ARE there.
I am waiting to see it the effect (after my second cycling) is going to still be there and post my final review. Till now only positive feelings about the product.
That’s great to hear. And since it works gently like you describe, you see there will be no worries when it you stop.
I’ve been taking GH-Advanced-plus pills for about and a month and can feel a positive difference in me but am not gaining the muscle mass I had hoped. I was thinking of using Testofuel or Prime Male with the GH-Advanced-plus pills as my understanding is the GH-Advanced-plus isn’t designed to up your Testosterone levels.
Do you these two supplements would work together or can I expect to be a sleepless Zombie?
Yeah using an HGH releaser and testosterone booster together works really well, and you’re right, adding the testosterone will help you add muscle mass as long as you’re working out hard and eating the right stuff. For info and plans for that end of things, sign up for my free “getting strong” ebook. In your case, I’d go with the Testofuel.
Generally, it’s okay. Just make sure you check the labels and try to avoid too much overlap of ingredients.
If you give me the names of the two specific products you’re thinking of, I can tell you what I think.
I agree. The Prime Male is too similar. You might as well just double the dose of your Testofuel rather than buy the additional supplement there. Quick Gain does look like a good option. But at your age, I’m not sure why you’re focusing so hard on testosterone boosters. You might be better off stacking your Testofuel with the pre workout Nitrocut.
Great website…I appreciate all the info. Was wondering if you had a recommendation for a fat burner to stack with testofuel.
Thanks, I’m glad you like it. Check out Instant Knockout. It’s my favorite fat burner and stacks really well with Testofuel.
Johnny is actually right, u did a great job with this website. Congrats!
Look I have a very quick question for u. I was looking for some products to make comparaison with Testofuel.
And someone advised me Testfreak. Have ever heard bout it?
If yes please lemme know what u think. Many thx
Thanks, and yeah, I’ve actually used Test Freak and had good results. You can see my full review here:
I’m 32, exclusively looking for putting on muscle. But you have me hesitate between your 2 top choices.
At 32, really either Testofuel or Prime Male will be suitable for you. They both contain the necessary amount of D-Aspartic Acid and other ingredients to help you pack on muscle.
Yeah there’s no problem with that. Just be prepared for a much increased libido.
Sorry about the $100, but that’s great to hear!
Just ordered Nitrocut and Testofuel. Is it safe to take VIGRX Plus at same time as other two?
Yep, it’s totally safe. But you may want to stagger them a bit so you can identify which benefits you’re getting from which.
To say the least I am not the athlete I once was. But I still would like to have more energy and be more proficient in bed with my partner.
I have to break capsules apart and put the contents in my health food drinks inorder to get their benefits. At present I have started on a supplement called Maxgenics.
I am considering A stem Cell Nutrition supplement and would like to know your opinion on these supplements. Thank you in advance.
Bob Allred
I’m afraid Stem Cell Nutrition Supplements are out of my area of expertise, so my opinion really wouldn’t hold any weight. I wonder which Maxgenics product you’re using?
I’d love to hear how it’s working out for you.
It looks like most oyster extract products are sourced from Japan and I’d rather not grow a 3rd testicle
I checked with Testofuel. They said they’re not sure, but think it’s sourced in the US.
Hope that helps.
My question is what brand oyster extract wul you recommend and is it good to build testosterone and boost sex drive
I don’t have a particular brand of oyster extract to recommend, but it’s one of the ingredients in TestoFuel, which I do recommend. It’s the best testosterone booster I’ve tried.
I’m more toned than anyone i know but I was wondering if there was anyway to bulk up, I just started working out again so yeah, if you could help me, I would much appreciate it. Thanks!
I can help. I have a free “getting strong” ebook specifically targeted to hard gainers like yourself. Sign up for that for tons of help and information about meal plans and workouts that will help. As for supplements, check out the Crazy Mass Bulking Stack and think about pairing it with some Muscle Advance Creatine and 100% Whey Gold Standard protein.
It’s called Brad King’s ultimate male energy. It has many other benefits as well as a testosterone booster.
I read your review on Nitrocut and Testofuel supplement and I want to ask if its going to benefit me. I am 25 years old, 200 pound , 5’11 male.
I have been working out since I was 17 but not constantly and I believe that is the main reason why my body went into plateau without having any results. No one taught me the correct way of working out and most of my work outs are just based from the health applications and my friends advice.
I am still fat and I wanted to lose weight (mostly fat loss ) and gain some muscle. I also tried different supplements before and nothing seems to work like fat burner of different kinds ( ripped Fuel ) Protein supplements ( Iso 100 ) Testosterone supplements ( from wallmart ) and etc. I guess, I really don’t know what is good for me. (What are your recommendations for me when it comes to losing wait and gaining muscle.
Will I benefit from Nitrocut or do I need to take an effective Fat burner ?
I understand your frustration. Sometimes it seems like you try everything and nothing works. It sounds like you might want to go with a complete stack made for taking off fat and toning up muscle. In that case, go with the CrazyMass Cutting Stack. It uses 4 supplements, all handpicked to work together to help you reach your goals. You should also re-focus your diet and workout efforts by signing up for my free getting ripped ebook.
Those before and after pics are from when I stacked Nitrocut and Testofuel. It’s noted in the review: (Note: I stacked Testofuel along with a pre workout supplement called Nitrocut, which I highly recommend you also do for the best results.)”
Your testosterone levels will probably not increase to the point where you’ll need to block estrogen. If you maintain a fairly clean diet rich in good fats and cruciferous veggies, you’ll be good.
I am a 60 year old man, 5’9″ and about 167lbs. I have been taking a supplement called ArgineMax by GNC to boost my sexual performance and it seemed to help, but I seemed to have some stomach reactions with that.
Overall I am trying to rejuvenate my overall energy level, stamina and strength along with increasing my sexual drive and performance. I was thinking of combining the VigRX plus with the Testofuel together.
Was wondering what your thoughts were on that and any recommendations you might have along with a light exercise program.
As I started reading through your question, I immediately thought of a Testofuel and VigRx Plus stack, so yes, I absolutely recommend it for you. You’ll get all that you’re looking for. As for the exercise program, sign up for my free ‘getting ripped’ ebook. To lighten it up, use light-ish weight and lower the number of weights.
Id say a bit young for the testofuel but was wondering if you had some suggestions to help give me a boost in getting back into shape and bulking. . I am pretty tall (6’5) with a high metabolism seems not to help with bulking too well.
I’ve got a great free ebook you can sign up for. It’s all about workouts and eating plans for getting strong and bulked up. As far as supplements go, check out Nitrocut as your preworkout, and 100% Whey Gold Standard protein for post. Creatine from Muscle Advance will go a long way toward putting on muscle weight.
I am a 27 year old and have not been performing good in the bed lately. I have had issues with erections and i come under stress.
I dont know if it is happening due to stress. But which product could i try to see quick results to increase my confidence.
I am really having a tough time.
I highly recommend you go with VigRx Plus. I’ve had great results, and so have most of the readers I’ve recommended it to. It’s also been clinically tested and proven to work. Best of luck to you and let me know if you have any more questions.
I was going through the website trying to find info about my supplementation and i noticed something weird.I just was wondering why is it that you have the same before and after picture in two different products. How is that possible?
Thank you and hope to hear back from you.
Those before and after pics were taken when I used the Nitrocut/Testofuel stack, which I highly recommend! It’s noted near the pics, you must have missed it.
Im 18 yrs old and ive been hitting the gym for about 2 months. Im not satisfied with the results I see.
Im 6.1 180lb . I wanting to try the nitro pre and the testofuel .
But not sure if its safe to try it this young or if it work good. Any help is useful.
You’ll do well with Nitrocut, but at your age, you won’t get much help from Testofuel. Stack your Nitrocut with Muscle Advance Creatine instead for great muscle energy for those fast twitch movements. Also, if you haven’t already, sign up for my free “getting ripped” ebook. It’s got great tips on what to eat and how to work out to get in your best shape possible.
I’m 26 years old, 5″9 and 240 lb. I’ve been working out for 2 weeks (following your advice on your ebook), and I’ve seen great results by now. My belly looks way smaller than it used to be, and my triceps are getting visible already in my arms.
Thanks a bunch!
However, I have not tried none of the supplements you recommend in the book and I’m considering getting them.
If I’m following my diet to the T, do you recommend Phen 375? I’m afraid of losing my appetite, and not eating enough nutrients to help with my muscle growth.
Which supplement combination works best when it comes to fat burning and muscle gain?
Glad you’re seeing such great results already. That’s awesome! A better fit for your situation in terms of supplements is Nitrocut combined with Instant Knockout. Instant Knockout is my new top choice in fat burners. It’s more cost effective than Phen375 and the ingredient profile is superior. Nitrocut is a a great pre workout supplement that takes your workouts to the next level, and it stacks really well with Instant Knockout because Nitrocut has no stimulants. So you’re getting all the support you need with this great fat burning, energizing, endurance building combo. Keep up the great work!
Thanks for replying so quickly! I just ordered both Instant Knockout and Nitrocut.
Can’t wait to have them and see the results!
Great to hear! Good luck and keep in touch.
I didn’t get to read through all the comments so you may have addressed this already. Sorry if it’s a repeat.
So being skeptical like I am, I wonder if the boost is just because of an increased or commitment on working out.
Did you also increase your workout routine? It seems to me that someone that takes this might change their entire routing, even eat cleaner to try to get in “better shape”.
Seems to me that just eating better and exercising more would have the same results.
It’s a lot of money to spend if the same results can be achieved through better diet and exercise.
That’s definitely part of a lot of guys’ success with supplements. You get the gear, make the plans, make all the necessary diet and workout changes, and your motivation is high. And that’s great, but it doesn’t take away the fact that the supplements do their job. For me personally, when I took the Nitrocut/Testofuel stack, I kept my workout schedule the same, but I did commit to eating a little better, not a whole lot, just cutting out some of the junk. The results I got were definitely coming from the supplements. Hope that answer’s your question.
So what I’m trying to get at is, what kind of energy boosts will I experience? Will I have a heart attack or just a slight but noticeable surge of energy?
I just want to make sure that I don’t drop dead. I’m a healthy fat man but still just want to make sure that I don’t act like someone on meth.
Lol. Thanks for your response.
There are no stimulants in Testofuel, so you definitely won’t feel all jacked up. The energy you get is from the testosterone boost and the overall increase in virility. After about a week or two, you’ll sleep better, your muscles will recover better, your metabolism gets a boost, you’ll be in a better mood. And all this leads to more motivation and more energy. To go along with the Testofuel, I recommend you sign up for my free “getting ripped” ebook. It’s got tips and plans for eating and working out that’ll help you get in shape. Let me know if you have any more questions.
Could this product potentially cause your testicles to shrink?
I’ve heard from many doctors that testo boosters can cause testicular shrinkage.
Not at all. Natural testosterone boosters work by encouraging your testicles to produce more testosterone.
I think you’re confusing these with testosterone replacement therapy, which uses actual synthetic testosterone. This may shut down your body’s own natural testosterone production and thereby cause your testicles to shrink.
But natural testosterone boosters, like Testofuel, do the opposite. No worries about testicle shrinkage with this one.
Excellent review. I’ve just order 4 month supply and raring to try it out.
I’ve been using ‘Test Freak’ for a couple of weeks now and will stop using it so I can get started on ‘Testofuel’. The question is can I take ‘Test Freak’ in the 1 week off during the 4-1 cycling?
I wouldn’t. The two are similar in their goals and share a few common ingredients, so your week off wouldn’t really seem to your body like you’re taking a rest.
Instead, either wait till you finish your Test Freak before starting Testofuel, or use the Testofuel until you’re done with it, then go back and finish your Test Freak.
There are a lot of differing opinions on the value of a testosterone boosters for women. Given that, I’d say a better bet for you would be a pre workout supplement like Nitrocut. Your workouts will be better and more effective, leading to better results and more muscle.
I am planning to take Testofuel and stack with Nitrocut. Did you take the daily amount every day? or only on the days you work out?
You’ll want to take them both every day. With the Testofuel, follow the instructions on the package. Nitrocut recommends you take 2-4 capsules every day. Go ahead and take it every day as well, but go with the 2 capsules instead of the 4. If you find you need more, you still have room to up your dose.
I’m just starting my work out sessions. I’m 21 at the moment and to be honest I feel I’m weak and cannot lift up much weight.
My first objective is to increase my muscular mass, which products would help me doing that?. The nitrocut and testofuel combo would help me in my goal?.
Thank you for this great website I’m looking forward to your answer.
In your case, you should use Nitrocut as your pre workout supplement, and combine it with Muscle Advance Creatine and 100% Whey Gold Standard protein. This combination, along with my “getting ripped” ebook is your best bet for making real gains in lean muscle and getting in great shape.
Thank u for ur time.
It’s always advisable that you consult with your doctor about supplements you want to take if you’re already taking a prescription medication. With that said, I don’t know of any particular conflicts between the two.
Take the Testofuel ingredient list to your doctor and let him tell you for certain whether or not there will be a negative interaction.
Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
At your age, you probably wouldn’t get much benefit from Testofuel. It’s a natural testosterone booster, not really a fat burner, per se. A body with more testosterone burns fat better, but I’m betting you have plenty of testosterone. I’d recommend Phen375 as a fat burner instead.
am 30 years old and i started using Testo Fuel recently. For my understanding is that i take 4 pills a day.
My question is can i take 2 or 3 pills a day than 4 pills a day? i have 4 boxes of Testo Fuel for 4 months. So what do you suggest?
That shouldn’t be a problem. I usually start out taking new supplements at half dose, and more times than not, it works just fine.
I am a 29y/o male and i weight 65kg have slim and defined body i been working out for the last 3 years but last year i started going to the GYM and now i see good result but am still slim and getting lite toning which it great. I use 100 weight protein for the last 2 years.
Now that i found out about Testofuel and know from doing some good research that its safe and all natural so i decided to order the Ultimate package that include 4 boxes + t-shirt + 2 guide books.
Today August 1 2014 i took my first pill which i will be taking 4 in a day because i work out 5 days a week not a hard core work out but i go to gym daily. I have 2 questions for you ROB if you can answer me i’ll really appreciate it.
1) I am a healthy HIV positive but its Undetectable and very healthy and energetic guy, and been on medication for 3 years now, i take Atripla 1 pill when i sleep.
I wanted to suggest this to my doctor but i am sure they wouldn’t recommend me to use it because they have no study history about the product so they definitely wouldn’t recommend it. So since its safe and natural and with no side effect i wanted to try it out to have bigger or toned body.
2) As it says that we have to take 4 Testofuel a day, can i take 2 or 3 or it has to be 4 a day? because i have 4 boxes which i will be taking for the next 4 months for sure for great result but i don’t do hard-core lifting, more of abs legs and a bit of shoulder workout, model type of a body that i want not too big.
What would you recommend for my 2 questions?
I would love to help you out, but I don’t have any knowledge of HIV medications or how even natural supplements may interfere. I understand that it can be frustrating to always hear from your doctor that you can’t take something because it hasn’t been tested on your exact situation.
But I certainly can’t tell you it’s safe when your doctor can’t. That said, if you are going to take it, lowering the dose should be fine.
I usually start all my supplements at half dose, and lots of times the effects are just as potent.
Thanks for your comment. The pictures are the same because i used a Nitrocut/Testofuel stack.
I mentioned it in the reviews, but maybe I should highlight it a little more. Thanks for the feedback.
Thank you,
That’s one of the best things about Testofuel. There are no side effects.
It doesn’t contain any actual testosterone. It just encourages your body to increase its natural production of the hormone.
So you’ll never have too much, just enough to feel better, leaner, and stronger.
It would seem once my testosterone levels drop back to normal I’d slowly deteriorate muscle mass. Or will this work to take for the 3 months and then you’re good until you may want to do another dose for some more added mass?
One of the nice things about Testofuel is that it doesn’t suppress your natural testosterone production, in fact it does the opposite. So while you’re taking it, you’ve got more energy and more tendency toward building muscle and losing fat.
When you stop taking it, if you continue to work out and eat right, you should keep the results you achieved while you were taking it. At some point, you may find you’ve gotten off track or you want to put on more muscle like you said.
At that time, you’d want to take another cycle. Let me know if you have any more questions.
None of the products we recommend contain anything that should pop positive, but if you’re concerned, you should bring a label with you so they know what you’re talking.
I’m interested in buying Testofuel to boost my testosterone levels as much as possible naturally. What attracted me to this product is that it had natural ingredients but after checking the label I notice it contains FD&C Red 40 which is a dye associated with increased chances of cancer.
How do you feel this ingredient will affect the liver and kidneys ?
I haven’t seen anything about the liver and kidneys, but I there is a minimal concern about cancer. The tests I’ve seen make it look pretty safe, but I think we’d be fooling ourselves to think that all the chemicals we get from processed foods aren’t carcinogenic to some extent.
I am 27 yrs 5.8 and 68 kgs,i hv just started gyming and consumed muscle meds carnivor (protein) with preworkout C4. The result is good so far but i am looking for muscular body with good size too.
So should i go for a test booster (which one) or just lot of protein would work
I would actually steer you toward Muscle Advance Creatine. If you want to put on muscle and size, it’s definitely the way to go. You can just add it on to the regimen you already use.
I have suffered from anxiety, low energy, low libido, but my doctor says that my levels are not low enough to warrant a prescription, advice is appreciated.
There are no numbers studies that I know of, but in your case, since your doctor says you’re in the normal range (albeit low normal), I think you’ll feel a lot better in terms of energy, mood, and libido if you take Testofuel. It’s been my experience and that of most of the guys I’ve recommended it to.
You may also be interested in my free ebook on how to raise testosterone levels naturally. I’ll send a copy to your email address.
I have been on it for about a week and I have noticed some things that seem positive. What do you think about this product, also would it be safe to take with zantrex3 blue bottle? or should I wait.
Check out my full Zantrex Black review. It works, and if you’re not getting any negative side effects, then I would say keep using it. But those Zantrex products are strong. I wouldn’t mix the two. Save the Blue for when you run out of the black.
Do you think it is safe or feasible to use both of them?
Thanks in Advance
That wouldn’t be a problem at all. The ingredients don’t overlap so it would be fine. Between the increase in libido and blood flow from VigRx Plus and the increase in testosterone from Testofuel, you’d definitely be good to go.
Testofuel would help in that department, but it doesn’t have anything to increase blood flow, so that’s where it would fall short. So it would help, but if performance is your main concern, I’d stick with the VigRx Plus.
My name is David and i’m about to ship out to the Navy in August 25th. The current day is July 14th 2014. I started going to the gym religiously (Everyday) I do skip some days for work however I go as often as possible. I tried the fasting thing with water and dropped a good amount of weight and I don’t have low test.
However my questions are as such. I would like to put on some muscle and lose about 20/25 more lbs of fat (5′ 9”, 195lbs) and replace it with lean muscle to help with breathing.
What would be your recommendations.. oh right, i’m new to supplements as well. Thanks David
First of all, thanks much for your service. Here’s what I would have you do. Sign up for my free “getting ripped” ebook for some great tips and plans for eating and working out to get in your best shape. As for supplements, it’s a little more tricky. You really can’t do much in the way of losing fat and gaining muscle at the very same time. It’s best to concentrate on the first, then when you’ve lost enough weight, start putting on muscle. So with that in mind, go with a stack of Nitrocut as your pre workout supplement and Phen375 as your fat burner. Later on, when you’ve lost the weight, consider switching out the Phen375 for some Muscle Advance Creatine to help you pack on the lean muscle. Check out the book and the reviews, and let me know if you have any questions. Good luck with everything, and thanks again!
Go with Testo Fuel. It’s the best natural testosterone booster I know.
Great site mate, very informative.
I’m a 36yo 5’11” Aussie and about 105kg (230 pounds) at the moment. I’m looking at losing fat and building muscle.
For the last four weeks my wife and I have really changed our life style and are eating well balanced meals and making sure our calorie intake is not too high. No dieting, just good food choices.
We have also been doing the Shaun T ‘Insanity’ workouts every night for the last three weeks and the results are good so far and I have lost approx 15 pounds in that time. My energy levels are getting higher every day, but I’m after an edge to give me faster results.
I haven’t had any blood tests, but I feel my T levels are low and was considering using some Testo Fuel to see if that helps. What are your recommendations for me to get lean and ripped?
Great start so far! Judging by how you say you’ve been feeling, I would definitely recommend you stack Testofuel and Nitrocut. It’s one of my favorite stacks ever, and it will be a great kickstarter for when your results start to slow down (which always happens eventually and can sometimes tough to work your way through. You should also download my free “getting ripped ebook” for more tips and working out and eating right for when you two are looking to change things up a bit.
And an amateur fighter.Not looking to go pro etc. Just loving the sport. II’m having a rough time leaning up though and perfecting my lean muscles.
I’m new to supplement taking etc but could use a boost. What would you advise
You would do really well with a stack of TestoFuel and Nitrocut. It’s a pre workout with no stimulants, so you get great energy, pumps and endurance without jitters or crash. I had great results combining these too. I think it’s just what you’re looking for.
Im 22 years old, 5’8 and weigh around 160. I work out 4 days a week for around 4 years by now.
I eat well, skip fat food and take supplements whey protein, creatine, fat burner,multivitamins. I workout for like an hour and do cardio for 10 mins.But im unable to burn my belly fat and i feel im not getting the desired results.
So i thought of trying a testosterone booster. After many researches, testofuel caught up my eyes.
Would you recommend me to use this product?
I would definitely recommend Testofuel. It helped me get my abs back almost like when I was in high school.
But remember, you can’t spot reduce fat, so keep plugging away, working out hard , eating right, and taking the right supplements, and you’ll get there. But it will take time.
I am a 6′ 330lb ex-collegiate lineman. I have a bench max of 385lbs squat max 550lbs. Now that I am done with football I feel like it is time to lose some weight.
I am looking to lose somewhere in the 50-100lb range. What would be your advice (supplement, workouts,etc.) for me so I can loose the fat while maintaining my muscle and also building lean muscle.
The first thing I would recommend is that you sign up for my free “getting ripped” ebook. It’s got tons of great tips and advice about working out and eating right, and I’ve just recently added some bonuses to the package. As for supplements, go with a stack of a pre workout called Nitrocut with a fat burner called Phen375.
There have been recent lawsuit brought against pharmaceutical companies for their hormonal products causing heart attacks and strokes in older men. Can this product have a possible similar effect?
This is not a problem with Testofuel. The products causing these effects are actually synthetic testosterone.
Testofuel doesn’t contain any testosterone, just natural ingredients that encourage your body to make more of its own natural testosterone. I haven’t heard of any side effects from using Testofuel.
I’m 19 yrs old 5’9 and weigh about 135. I’ve been working out for about 14 months now with only about a 7-12 lb gain. ( granted I have lost almost 5-7% bf) I’m kinda disappointed at my weight gain and have been taking whey as long as I can remember and I started taking some Creatine glutamime and adding a bit of dextrose 5 months ago. My workout consists of some sort of cardio first for about 15 min then on mwf I squat.
Otherwise I do about 45 minutes of upper body work four days a week and usually finish off with abs or calves. I recently switched to this workout from an easier one and I was fine for the first two weeks, but after that noticed a serious lack of energy after the cardio and squats.
I was considering adding nitrocut like you mentioned, but would it be sensible to add testofuel as well.
Ps. I also have mild gyno giving me somewhat increased estrogen.
Do you know of any testofuel alternatives sold in gnc/ eBay or that are cheaper
My first recommendation is that you download my free “getting ripped” ebook. It approaches working out differently than you’ve been doing, but it uses the philosophy that’ll get you ripped and if you eat enough and limit your cardio, you’ll gain weight. As for supplements, definitely go with Nitrocut. I would skip the Testofuel. You’re too young to need it for testosterone, and it won’t help with your increased estrogen.
Secreta Bridge by LGI supplements
Apex Male by Blackstone Labs
Anabeta Elite by Elite
Hellfire by Innovative Labs
Lean 650 by Generation Labs
I haven’t reviewed those, but if you give me a few weeks, I will, and I’ll shoot you an email when they go up.
I’m new to the whole supplement side of things and would like to know what you think would be best for me. I’m 25 and weigh about 225 I was in the army and was at 175 and cut.
That was a while back then I tore up my knee and gained a lot of weight and I’m having trouble getting rid of it what would you suggest I take?
If you stack the pre workout Nitrocut with the fat burner Phen375, and pair it with eating right and working out to the extent you can, you’ll take the weight off. If you haven’t already, download my free “getting ripped” ebook for tons of advice on eating right and working out. I’ve also recently added some bonuses that can help keep you on track. You should check it out.
And what do you suggest the dose I should take for both? I’m 33 male 60kg 5’3″ Sorry if it’s a repeat question for you, thanks!
You’ll definitely want to take the Testo Fuel every day. It’s designed to build up in your system and to work for you all the time. It’s also recommended that you take Nitrocut every day, but as a pre workout, it makes sense to just take it on workout days.
As for dosing, I always start out new supplements at about half the recommended dose to assess how my body will react and then adjust as necessary. I would recommend the same for you. That way, if it turns out you need less than the recommended doses, you’ve saved yourself some money.
I would also recommend you sign up for my free “getting ripped” ebook if you haven’t already. It’s filled with tons of ideas for meals and workouts. And I’ve recently added some bonus material including sample meal plans, a workout log, and my “Big List of Foods You Can Eat”.
I see you have recommended Muscle advance creatine to bulk up but you say test fuel would help burn fat should I try muscle advance creatine and test fuel at the same time?
You’re right, I do recommend both supplements, and there’s no problem taking them together. But in your case, I’d make a slightly different recommendation. Because of your age, you wouldn’t see a whole lot of benefit from a testosterone booster like Testo Fuel. So go ahead with the Muscle Advance, but stack it with a pre workout called Nitrocut instead. It’ll have you performing your workouts – both lifting and cardio – at max capacity, and getting the biggest bang for your buck. Also, download my free “getting ripped” ebook. It’s full of meal and workout ideas to help you reach your goals. And I’ve just added 3 new bonuses including sample meal plans, a workout log, and my “Big List of Foods You Can Eat.”
Good luck and let me know if there’s anything else I can do to help.
And is it possible to stack the muscle pharm protein with the muscle advance creatine for better results?
I’m using nitrocut and phen375 for one month now and i didn’t lose any weight but i surely gain muscle in that period as my muscle get visibly bigger but the belly is still the same. I’m working out 4 times a week muscular with 20 min cardio after 3 of those.
I was wondering if boosting my testosterone can help me lose fat with Nitrocut as i don’t see results with phen 375.
I’m 35, 5′ 6”, 230 pounds. I’m training for a few month now and i’m happy to feel healthier that was my first objective.
But, even if i eat better than before, my weight is not going down.
I want to lose my belly but i can’t find the way.
Is testofuel worth a try for me you think?
If you’re not getting all the results you’re looking for, sometimes changing things up is the best way to kick your body into a different gear. Swapping out the Nitrocut and replacing it with Testo Fuel could actually do the trick. The more testosterone you’ve got, the easier it is to build muscle and lose fat, so yeah, I’d give it a try.
My free “getting ripped” ebook would also help with a ton of tips on diets and workouts that can help you reach all your goals. And I’ve just added 3 bonuses with the book, including sample meal plans, a workout log, and my “Big List of Foods You Can Eat.” You can download it here and share it with anyone else you know who could use it.
Is stacking testofuel with nitrocut and phen375 safe? I’ll probably give it a try if you say so.
Thanks for your really fast answer.
My bad. I actually meant to say swap out the Phen375 for Testo Fuel. But anyway, yeah you can take all three safely. I’ve seen lots of guys get really great results using that stack.
As long as you understand the guidelines and don’t take more than the recommended doses, how much you take of these supplements and when is really a matter of personal preference. For instance, I always take less than the recommended dose (about 1/2 usually) when I start a new supplement.
I find that’s often enough for me, and if it’s not, I up it a bit. It sounds like you’ve come up with a strategy that works for you, so I would stick with it.
I need that extra boost after the long hours so I can lift like I normally would had I not worked the long hours. Since this is made from natural products then I figured it would be a safe bet and hopefully give the boost I need after a long day unless you want to suggest something else to provide that boost.
Thanks again and hopefully I’ve worded it better this time
Rob C
No problem at all. I just wasn’t sure how to answer. If you’re looking to boost overall, all day energy, a testosterone booster that works should help. You say you’ve tried others and they haven’t. In my opinion, Testo Fuel is the best, but maybe a testosterone booster isn’t the right fit. Try HyperGH 14X. It’s an HGH releaser that boosts both mood and energy, and it also helps you sleep better. But if you’re looking for workout energy, go with the pre-workout supp Nitrocut. Without CNS stimulants, it really gets you going so you can really nail your workouts. Hope this helps, and let me know if you have any other questions.
I will be 30 years old this year. I’m 5’10.5″ 175 lbs with roughly 8% body fat.
The reason I’m looking into the product or a good one is because I work for planet fitness as a trainer and I’m the only one so I’m constantly showing people how to properly lift 5 days a week for 6+ hours then trying to get my own work out in. I’m wanting to make sure it would be worth it and beneficial to me before I spend the money.
I appreciate in advance for you taking the time to read this and respond.
Rob C.
I can definitely vouch for Testo Fuel as a good product, but I’m a little confused about what you’re looking for a supplement to do for you. If you fill me in a little more on what you’re looking for, I’ll let you know what I think will be a good fit for you.
I’m in my 40’s and I’m trying to put on some muscle, and get as tone as possible. I’m curious what evidence you have to show Testo Fuel actually raises testosterone levels?
We all know supplements can promise the moon.
As far as I know, there are no tests proving that Testo Fuel raises testosterone levels. The closest thing is a test showing that D-Aspartic Acid (an ingredient in Testo Fuel) raises testosterone levels as much as 46% in 12 days.
The dose used in this test was actually 50% higher than what’s in Testo Fuel, but the dose in Testo Fuel is at the low end of what’s recommended. I couldn’t swear to you that it raised my testosterone.
But it did get good solid muscle growth and a through the roof libido.
I am 36 yrs old and work 50 plus hrs a week. My job consists of a lot of walking and lifting.
I don’t workout but I do ride my mountain bike often. My energy level is in the crapper, I am exhausted by 2:00 every day and I have a very hard time getting up in the morning. I recently started taking Regimen to boost testosterone but I haven’t seen any positive results.
What would you recommend for my situation? Thanks in advance for your help!
Try HyperGH 14X. I get great energy when I take it. Also, download my free “get ripped” ebook. It’s got lots on diet and exercise. You might be able to fit some of them into your routine.
I am a 60 yr old male with Diabetes and haven’t been able to get a rise for 10 yrs now. Having Diabetes is the main reason.
Will Testo Fuel do the trick.
By rise do you mean “getting it up” down there? If so I would steer your towards a product called Vigrx Plus, Check it out here:
Your website help me out alot glad to see someone help out others. I have a question im 23 yrs old 5,10″ 200pounds I really dont work out as much as I should but in good shape, I work in fishing trawling in alaska a physical job would taking nitrocut and muscle advance creatine work for me? or can I mix nitrocut with testofuel?
What do you suggest? Thanks, Jovani.
If you’re trying to bulk up, then definitely go with the Nitrocut and Muscle Advance Creatine. There’s no problem mixing Nitrocut and TestoFuel. You just don’t need a testosterone booster at your age.
I’m 25 and weigh about 145. I’m currently using Nitroflex, Muscle Martini, JetMass and a good protein all of which are GAT brand. I like the results I’ve been getting from using these supplements but I’m still looking for more weight gain and energy throughout the day.
What would your recommendations be to achieve this and is testofuel a good option?
Thanks, Jeff
Looks like you’ve got the supplement side of things covered. I wouldn’t add more to your stack, and honestly at your age you don’t really need Testo Fuel. Instead, I’d focus on changing up your diet and exercise routines for more energy and gains. Download my free “get ripped” ebook for tons of tips in those areas.
It is a gold mine.
I appreciate you letting me know, and I’m glad we could help. Be sure to like us on Facebook and tell your friends and family!
Also if you have any advice on what I should take to gain muscle mass that would be awesome! I’m only about 145 and 5’6?
Thanks Rob!
Yep, testoboost is a natural testosterone boosting supplement similar to others you’ve probably seen or heard of, and yes, it’s probably not something you need to take at your age. If you’re looking to bulk up, go with Muscle Advance Creatine and protein shake like 100% Whey Gold Standard.
The real reason why I am commenting is because I need YOUR recommendation on what is right for me. I am 17 years old (18 in August) and I have religiously lifted for 2 years now.
I weigh about 160 lbs, my bench max is 235, squat 285. I’m comfortable with my lifting ability but I would like to become more define I see guys lifting far less than I do but like 10x as big as me. Please help in any way I appreciate any suggestions you have.
Glad I could save you from disaster! I have two words for you – Protein and Creatine. With your goals and your age, these are all you need as far as supplements go. Use 100% Whey Gold Standard from Optimum Nutrition and Muscle Advance Creatine. And while you’re at it, you should download my free “get ripped” ebook. It’s packed with tons of ideas about eating and working out for all kinds of body stats and goals.
Im almost 23 and have been going to the gym past 9 months. I wanted to know if taking testofuel and creatine at the same time would be safe? i dont see how this couldnt be as both supp’s serve completely different purposes but just wasnt sure?
Any advice would be a great help! Thanks!
Yeah creatine is a naturally occurring substance that is found in many of the foods you eat everyday, so no issues there. You should be fine with Testofuel as well, it’s made up of all natural ingredients and I haven’t heard of a single complaint yet.
i started working out at young age and i’m physically fit going to the gym 4-5 times a week, and yet for some reason i’ve always found it very difficult to put on muscle mass. I’m 22 years old 5’9 weighting 165Ibs. i don’t take any protein supplements except for syntha 6, would you recommend testofuell? also great job with the site love the reviews.
At your age, I would hold off on the Testo Fuel. If you’re looking to bulk up, use Nitrocut for your pre-workout and Muscle Advance Creatine for packing on the muscle. And if you’re looking for a new protein source, I like 100% Whey Gold Standard from Optimum Nutrition. Good luck, and let me know if you need any more help with your choices.
I’ve always been an extremely active person between sports and martial arts but only recently got into actually working out in a gym. I want to get the ripped/big body everybody wants.
I’m 19 and am a little skeptical about testosterone boosters considering levels usually start to drop when guys hit around age 25. Would the results still be as good with younger ages, and if not what would you recommend?
I wouldn’t mess with testosterone boosters at your age. You’ve got plenty. What I would do is take Nitrocut. It’s a great non-stimulant pre-workout that makes sure you’re using your muscles at full capacity in the gym. You might also think about adding Creatine from Muscle Advance to your supplement regimen if you’re serious about getting big. You should also download my free “getting ripped” ebook for tons of advice on food and workouts that’ll suit your needs.
Do you recommend me to start with testofuel for the testosterone level increase?
I got some Dymatize nutrition super mass gainer, which is made for people that got problems with gaining weight. what do you recommend to start using? thanks and regards, Jannick.
In your situation, I’d stick with your gainer, and add Nitrocut to your routine. It’s a pre-workout supplement that’ll help push your workouts to the limit so you can maximize your output and your results. You should also download my free “get ripped” ebook for meal plans and workout routines.
I read about Tongkat Overload and have some good review . Do you have some info. about this testosterone supplement ?
I haven’t heard of it, but I will check it out. Thanks for the heads up.
i am 6ft 220lb and trying to turn what i have into lean muscle and also burn away the fat i was wonder if it would be ok to stack testofuel with a fat burner? or testofuel will do the trick all on its own?
Sorry for the late reply. I think in your case you should stack Testofuel with Nitrocut.
The Nitrocut will help with pre-workout pump, and the Testofuel will help with post workout recovery.
I recently purchased my first box of testo fuel. I’ve seen online most come in solid tablet form however the pack I received is in capsules which I would like to avoid ingesting.
Is it possible to empty the content into a drink and take like that? If so what would you recommend drinking it with?
Thanks for the help.
I actually wasn’t aware of that. But yeah you should be able to break open the capsule and pour into a drink.
If your into stimulants I would consider mixing it with a red bull or cup of coffee for the added effect. Let me know if you have any other questions and keep me posted!
I’m 5’9″ 150 lbs. I love my p90x workout but would love it more if my gains were better I would like to get to around 175 while still remaining lean yet stacked. What could I pair with testo fuel in order to gain while not becoming overly bulky?
Stack Muscle Advance Creatine with your Testo Fuel. Also, download my free “get ripped” ebook for lots of workout and meal plan ideas to help you reach your goals.
Absolutely! Testo Fuel will increase your body’s testosterone production.
One of the primary benefits of higher testosterone is more energy. You should also see a little weight loss and a boosted libido.
You may even find yourself motivated to get in a few workouts here and there.
Is there any sort of issue with hormonal imbalance? If you’re spiking your testosterone levels with a supplement, will you trick your body into naturally creating less testosterone and more estrogen?
Also, how is this metabolized? Is it metabolized through the liver?
Any help is greatly appreciated.
Testo Fuel and other natural testosterone boosters don’t have any actual testosterone in them. They are not steroids or hormone replacement therapy.
The way they work is by encouraging your body to produce more testosterone naturally. So it does the opposite of inhibit it.
And since it’s not the hormone itself, there is no negative effect on the liver. While everyone is different, Testo Fuel generally doesn’t cause any negative side effects.
I am 37 years old, 5″10″ and 305 pounds. I have been obese my entire life.
Somehow I have been graced with no health problems up to this point in life and have taken measures to lead a more healthy lifestyle via diet and exercise. I started workouts about 4 months ago.
My biggest problem is energy. I have been taking Nitrcut as a pre workout supplement for a little over a month and this has helped in muscle gain and strength.
About 30 minutes into my workouts my energy seems to run dry. I power through every time, but I fear I am not getting the most out of my workouts.
I have gained strength and muscle and remain 305 pounds after 4 months. Do you think the Testo Fuel supplement would be a good addition to the Nitrocut pre workout supplement?
First of all, congratulations on choosing your new, healthier lifestyle. It can be so hard, and it sounds like you’re really on your way. Testo Fuel will be a great addition to your supplement routine. A testosterone boost will not only help you with more energy all throughout the day, but it will also make your workouts even more effective at building muscle and losing fat. If you’re looking for some diet and exercise ideas, check out my free “get ripped” ebook. It’s full of them.
Do a Google Image search for Testo Fuel. A couple of the first hits are of the supplement label.
I tried to insert it into this reply, but it didn’t go so well. I think you’d be able to see it on the Testo Fuel website too.
I was wonder how is the testofuel is on the body fat wise? I know it’s mainly to build mass and strength, but will lean you ou as well?
I know test boosters help a little but exactly how effective is it? I’ve been in a huge debate between testofuel and probolan 50 and can’t decide on which test booster to try out.
Actually, the relationship between testosterone and body fat is not quite direct. The higher your testosterone levels, the more lean muscle you build.
And the more lean muscle you have, the more fat you burn. But the relationship doesn’t end there.
Studies show that if you’re obese, your body produces less testosterone. So the whole thing is a vicious cycle.
Go with Testo Fuel. There really isn’t much known about the active ingredient in Probolan 50.
Absolutely. I almost always start out taking a new supplement at half dose to see how I’ll respond.
Often, I find I get the results I want and I keep the low dose. All the benefits for half the price.
Can’t beat that!
I don’t blame you for being skeptical. I’m that way too.
But Testo Fuel is all natural, and works with your body’s own testosterone producing process, so I wouldn’t expect side effects. Everyone’s different, of course, so there’s no guarantee, but the vast majority of users don’t experience any.
I was recently considered taking this product, prior to purchasing I decided to consult a pharmacist friend who mentioned the following and has since put me of trying it.
How can this product be side effect free when high levels of testosterone produce side effects ranging from incresed hair growth, increased temper, acne, deepening of the voice, further details and side effects are available online. To ensure a product is completely safe to use it must be clinically tested, which I have been unable to find any information on this being clinically tested.
Would appreciate your views on his comments.
Thanks for your comment, and you brought up some pretty valid concerns. Let me start by saying that Testofuel is NOT testosterone replacement therapy.
That means that it is not actually testosterone (like Androgel, for instance), but the ingredients have been shown to help to encourage your bodies natural production of testosterone. This encouragement does not “flood” the body with too much testosterone, like a steroid or replacement therapy would.
As far as the clinical tests, because Testofuel uses only all natural ingredients, it does not require a clinical study.
From my experience (and the experience of others I have spoken with), there have been no side effects from taking Testofuel. Does that mean it’s not possible?
Of course not, you can get side effects from literally anything. I hope this alleviates some of your concerns.
There are no specific warnings against taking Testo Fuel when you have hypertension, but you’ll want to check with your doctor about this and any supplement you think about starting.
Question about cycling with Testo Fuel. If I purchase the 4 month supply, how should I cycle? 60 on, 30 off, 30 on, 30 off then stay with the 30 / 30 cycle?
That would be perfect. Testo Fuel recommends that you take it for 60 days straight at first.
And a 30/30 cycle after that will keep it working for you indefinitely.
New to the website, I am 45 years old 6’0 about 190. Been working out on a light weight lifting program for about 5 months.
Due to a previous back injury I have have been trying to be smart. I take Creatine Monohydrate and a Nitro booster in pill form and a Whey Isolate protein in powder form everyday for the past 2 months.
I have gained about 5 lbs of muscle mostly in my arms and trap area. I need to take off the small belly I have.
Probably about 3- 4 inches off my waist and want the tone shredded look with my veins and abs to show a little more. How can I get that what would you reccomend
When someone is committed to your program long term like you are, it’s a good idea to cycle on and off some of your supplements. In your case, I would add HyperGH 14X to your routine. When I use it, I get the exact results you’re looking to get. You’re also a great candidate for my free “get ripped” ebook. It’s got tips and strategies for all kinds of workouts, including some great ab-specific ones.
Should I be taking HyperGH14x with anything else? do I still take the supplements I have been taking? How long should I take HyperGh14x?
What do you reccoment with my cycle? do I need a fat burner for the belly fat I expalined? I want to make some changes asap.
Its been long enough without the results Im looking for.
You can just add the HyperGH 14X into your supplement routine. Or if you feel like that’s too much all at once, cycle off the Whey Protein for a bit. Use the HyperGH 14X for 2 months straight. Then cycle it one month on and one month off for as long as you want. You could go with a fat burner too, though I’d give the new stack a couple of months to work first. If you find that you still need it, go with Phen375 for 2 or 3 months without the Whey. Best of luck to you Anthony.
Yeah you should have no problems combining, and neither contain any ingredients that would trigger a drug test. Check out Muscle Advance Creatine for a good creatine source.
I have read testo fuel helps increase strength and muscle gain, but will those gains in strength remain once I have stopped using the product I.E does it require long term use to maintain the increase in strength and testosterone?
Unfortunately, you’ll have to keep taking Testo Fuel if you want to maintain the testosterone gains you get. This is true of the effects you get from most, probably all, supplements.
You can, however, lower your dosage and/or cycle on and off so you wouldn’t need to be taking it at full strength forever.
I am 37 6’2.5″ 186lbs. I recently got serious about my health. I have always been active but never consistant.
I recently joined a boot camp that last 45 mins, I leave there and go lift for about an hour, then swim 1 mile. Total workout is about 2.5 hours MWF. trying to implement swimming on off days as much as possible I have lost 15 pounds in 2 months and can really tell a huge difference in my body. I am stronger and my arms are hard you know.
Anyway I take a Muscle tech pre workout that I really like, drink ON Whey protien and the ON Men multi Vitamin and Vitamin D. My issue is that my T-levels are extremely low and I have been talking with my Dr. but he just wants me to take some synthetic drug.
I want a natural supplement I have been trying to increase it with diet but not there yet. Give me some advice, please.
If you want natural, go with Testo Fuel. It’s the best I’ve found.
These testosterone boosters won’t give you the same increases you’ll get from injections, but they definitely help. Great job getting fit!
It sounds like you’re doing everything right. Stick with it!
But my weight never goes up no matter the number of calories I consume.
You’re in a pretty unique situation, I would recommend you speak with your doctor if you can take creatine or not. You should be able to because creatine is naturally found in many foods we eat, but I can’t be sure in your case. If you can, check out a product called Muscle Advance creatine, it worked well for me.
I’ve lowered my weight from 202 to 186, with a target of 175. My main form of workouts are on the mountain bike, but I mix it up with intervals and lots of hills with plans of doing some 100K races. I would like to increase my energy levels a bit, and recover from hard rides faster.
Of course, I’d like to lean up more and drop another 11 lbs. would Testofuel be a good supplement, or do you recommend something else? Thanks!
There are a couple different ways you could go here. Testofuel is a good option. It’ll definitely help you with building muscle and losing fat. Another way to go would be a stack of Nitrocut and Muscle Advance Creatine. The Nitrocut is a pre-workout supplement that’ll give you energy, motivation, and stamina for your rides. And the Muscle Advance Creatine will help speed up your recovery afterward.
I bought testo fuel because of this review. I’ve been taking it for 6 weeks now and I feel stronger and I’m starting to notice some muscle gains, even my girlfriend noticed the changes.
I also want to lose some fat around my waist and get as ripped as possible.
Should I be using a fat burner as well or just go easy on the carbs?
Congratulations on your success so far! You could definitely stack a fat burner with your Testo Fuel. I’d go with Phen375. I use it when I need to drop a few, and it always gets me where I need to be. You may also want to sign up for my free “get ripped” ebook. There’s a ton of great info in there!
I am not currently in a work out routine, but would like to turn that around. Just a lack of motivation.
Do you have any reccomendations for me?
My first recommendation would be to sign up for my free “Get Ripped” ebook, this will get you started on the right track as far as diet and exercise are concerned.
Would you recommend testofuel like you have to others or what?
Yeah I think stacking Testofuel and a product called HyperGH 14X will get you on the right track. Signup for my free “get ripped” ebook too to get the best results.
I am 42 just over 6 feet and around 190 lbs
I still smoke – plan quit – I want a new work out plan – but due to broken neck-I not paralyzed- and recovery from surgery – I am fairly limited in range of motion etc..I would like to be a solid 200lb – weak areas are leg and arm strength- any suggestions ? Thanks Sean
That’s a tough one….your lack of range of motion will make it difficult (but not impossible) to gain size quickly. I think you need to wait until you are fully recovered before starting any exercise program, otherwise you run the risk of injury. Download my free “get ripped” ebook, and start formulating a plan of action for when you’re fully recovered. Sorry if this is not the answer you were expecting.
So I just got real serious with my workouts just over a month ago. I became a member of the UFC Gym and the classes and personal training have really helped me drop weight and get stronger.
I’m 30, 218lbs, 6′. I’ve changed my diet in the last 3 months and that with the training I’ve lost over 20 pounds and feel better than ever.
I’m drinking a protein shake pre and post workouts and just wanted to know what you suggest to really get my muscle growth to the next level. Thanks for the help.
First off, congrats on your decision to lead a healthier lifestyle. I think if you stack a T-booster like Testofuel along with a pre-workout supplement like Nitrocut you will see dramatically enhanced results.
Do you have any suggestions that could help me boost my fat losses and boost my muscle gain? really need the help if you got any thing for me i really would appreciate it….thanks.
First off, congratulations on your weight loss so far! It takes time and commitment, but anything is achievable if you stick with it! I would recommend you cut out 1 meal and 1 protein shake. As your losing weight, your calorie requirements will be reduced. As for your workout, switch up your routine to lifting weights (heavy preferably) first, and then follow it with cardio. You’ll burn the excess glucose build up during your lifting session, leaving you with more efficient fat burn from your cardio.
Also, with your cardio, try not to do a steady state exercise. You need to do high intensity interval training, which involves going fast for a minute than going slow for a minute, and repeating for the whole 30 minutes. The idea is to get your heart rate up, then down, and repeat that process as it will help with your metabolic rate. Stop if you feel pain, dizziness, or any of the usual symptoms (including heart beating out of your chest feeling)! Take it easy and gradually increase your times everyday.
As far as supplementation, I would recommend you try out Testofuel and Phen375, they seem like they would be a good fit for you.
I am 32 and am 6’4” 185 lbs. I have been hitting the gym 5 days a week for a year now and have gotten noticably stronger and leaned out but have not gained much weight. I do a protein shake twice a day and try to eat as much protein and good carbs as possible.
What would your suggestion be for me to put on 10 lbs?
In your case I think a stack of Testofuel and Muscle Advance creatine would work best for you. You may also want to limit your cardio for a bit, as this is what is probably keeping you from gaining.
Im 5″11 and I way 156 pound what wouldu recommend to take to get more cut and bulky
To bulk up under your circumstances, I would recommend taking a stack of Muscle Advance Creatine (for size) and Nitrocut (to get ripped). Let me know if you have any other questions.
I’m 26 y/old, 5’7”, 150.7 lbs. I’m pretty slim but I have more fats in my belly. I want to have lean muscles and boost my strength for my workout.
Can you recommend the best supplement for me? Thanks!
Based on your dimensions it looks like you just need to tone up and add some muscle. I would recommend stacking Testofuel with a pre-workout supplement called Nitrocut. Let me know if you have any other questions.
Just purchased 6 mo supply of nitrocut and testofuel. I’m 39. 5’11, 193lbs. Want to she’d about 10 lbs and get more lean and ripped.
How do u recommend using both products for the best results? I am active and lift a few times a week.
Good choices based on your dimensions. Just follow the directions on the label for the best results, and cycle them on a 6 weeks on / 1 week off schedule.
In order to get the best results from your workouts, I recommend lifting on the heavier side first, then do a High Intensity Interval Training Type workout. So instead of just running 2 or 3 miles, you would sprint for a minute, then walk for a minute, and repeat this for the whole 2 or 3 miles.
So I just ordered a month’s supply of testofuel after returning my trial offer of EliteTest360. I am currently a little over 6’2 and 196lbs. (looking to reduce my body fat and build additional lean muscle) How long would you recommend using the testofuel before cycling off?
I will be combining the testofuel as well as nitrocut on my workout days.
Good choices, they should lead you on the right track. For testofuel, I would think cycling 3 weeks on, 1 week off should do the trick. I would continuously take Nitrocut for as much as 6 weeks or so before taking a week off, as it generally takes a bit longer to achieve the best results.
No, you will not lose the strength and gains after you stop taking these supplements, but you need to continue working out. I think alot of guys that get to the point they are looking for end up stopping their workout regiment, that’s why they may see a decrease in their strength gains.
I think i have a great metabolism because based on my lifestyle i should weight 250 pounds but i’m under 190… I think i have to lose at least 30 pounds to get the perfect shape, i was thinking to combine an healthy diet with Testo fuel and Nitro cut and phen375 as fat burner. What do you think about it?
Naturally i will “try” to work out a little bit.
Please let me know i’m pretty desperate..
Yeah, you need to change up your lifestyle. It’s tough, I know trust me. The reason why your 190 is probably because you smoke, which acts as an appetite suppressant. But I don’t need to go over the obvious benefits of quitting. I don’t think you need to lose 30 pounds, that’s pretty drastic. But I would say realistically 15 – 20 is probably the range you should be shooting for.
The stack you mention is pretty good, and should get you on the rigth track. It’s just a matter of when you are taking everything. Take Testofuel as recommended on the label, take Nitrocut only on the days you workout, and Phen375 everyday. Sign up for my free ebook, it will help you formulate a meal plan that is right for you.
I’m 29 5’10 200lbs not alot of fat really anywhere but my gut. Also not sure how much it’s fat but my stomach just seems bloated all the time.
I used to be in very good shape but kinda let myself go. Just started getting back to running, lifting and eating better but it’s hard to get motivated, I just don’t have the energy that I did a few years ago.
I’m looking to drop a few lbs while building some lean muscle. Any ideas to help give me the boost I need to get back to feeling better, looking better an more motivated?
Thanks a ton,
That bloating of the gut is called Visceral fat, or fat that is in between the organs in the abdominal cavity. As far as motivation, think back to when you were in great shape, what motivated you? At 29, you’re really NOT that old, but I can see how age has probably played a role in your lack of energy. It’s probably low t, but I can’t be sure. I would give Testofuel a try, and if that doesn’t work check out Nitrocut. I’m 31 and it gave me plenty of motivation.
Most of the testosterone enhancer products have a side effect of break outs. Does testofuel has the same side effect ?
I never experienced any side effects from Testofuel, but yeah of course it is a possibility as with any supplement.
In the past I have used tribulus pro from vitamin shoppe and wanting to switch.
Yeah you should be able to do that (2 a day, for a week or so), and I would actually recommend it.
While I don’t know for sure, I think they do not sell them in GNC because GNC takes a huge cut off of their profit just to put it on the shelves. I could be wrong, but that’s my best guess.
You probably need to improve your diet and exercise more often. A combination of Nitrocut and Testofuel will help you get that energy and enthusiasm back.
thanks for the great review on this product. I’m 56 at 6′ and weigh 240 most of my problem being around my midsection.
Will this product help with shedding pounds, I work out at least 3-4 days a week. I am also in the midst of changing my diet to lean meats, veggies and fruit.
My body needs a spark as I don’t have the sex drive I would like. Any info is helpful. . . . .
Yes, Testofuel can definitely help with reducing your weight, but I would recommend stacking it with a pre-workout supplement called Nitrocut to get the best results. Also, you seem to be on the right track with changing up your diet, just be sure to eat most of your complex carbs as early in the day as possible. Be sure to eat every couple of hours as well, and keep your portion sizes small. Avoid alcohol, fast food, and you should be on the right track. Be sure to sign up for my free “get ripped” ebook for tons of useful info.
Yeah you need to keep taking it every day, so the ingredients can “build up” in your system.
I need to lose about 5-7 lbs of fat and I want bigger arms, lats, and quads. Any help on the best test booster and other supplements would be appreciated.
I think you need creatine. Check out a product called Muscle Advance Creatine, and stack it with a T-booster like Testofuel.
I’m 47 and need to get that spark back… I do workout everyday….
I have heard of it, but have not personally tested it yet, sorry. I can’t really comment until I can get a good look at it, check back for updates.
Testofuel is an all natural, stimulant free supplement, so you shouldnt have any issues with it. That being said, it is very important to speak with your doctor before taking Testofuel if you are taking any medications.
You’ll get the best results from Testofuel when combining with an exercise program. That being said, you will still receive benefits from taking the product, just probably not as much as you would if you worked out while taking it.
I am 5’5 and pushing 180, way to heavy for me. The problem is I have no energy to workout.
What supplement would you recommend to get me started? I want to drop 20+ and get my energy back.