Biogrowth Male Enhancement Review

With so many male enhancement supplements on the market, it’s hard to find which ones stand out as the real deal.

Since they are one of many types of supplements that flood the market, it’s reviews like these that will help you determine if it’s worth the investment or not.

Male enhancement supplements are designed to help men perform better and last longer in their intimate lives.

We’ll be taking a closer look at Biogrowth Male Enhancement.

In this review, we’ll cover what it is, the ingredients that are included, and take a closer look at the supplement using user reviews from various sites.

Is Biogrowth right for you or is it not worth it?

To find out more, keep reading.

What Is Biogrowth Male Enhancement?

biogrowth male enhancement pillsBiogrowth claims to be a male enhancement supplement that claims to provide men with various benefits that will improve their intimate life.

According to their claims, Biogrowth’s benefits include but are not limited to:

  • Long lasting stamina
  • Boosted sex drive
  • Extra testosterone
  • Erections that are stronger and last longer
  • Better sexual performance

It is said that you can achieve these benefits via the natural ingredients that are included.

What are the ingredients?

We’ll discuss that in the next section.

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Biogrowth Ingredients and Effectiveness

The ingredients are mostly natural.

Which means that there will likely be little to no side effects.

Here are the ingredients that are found in Biogrowth (and how they are supposedly linked to the benefits of men’s health):

L-Arginine: This is one of the most important amino acids for men.

That’s because it’s proven to help you recover faster after a strenuous workout.

It also helps boost nitrous oxide levels, which helps increase blood flow overall.

For this reason, it will also lead to erections that are stronger and last longer. (Source)

HCL: This ingredient is also key in increasing blood flow.

It compliments the L-Arginine ingredient ensuring that you achieve the erections that are better in quality.

It also provides more blood flow to the muscles, which is beneficial when you’re working out and want faster recovery. (Source)

Tribulus Terrestris: Tribulus Terrestris is an ingredient that is normally found in testosterone boosting supplements.

At the same time, it is said to also help increase levels of libido.

While there is potential in increasing the levels of sexual performance, there is insufficient evidence proving that it aids in improving erection quality or keeping your prostate to a normal size as it may be enlarged. (Source)

Saw Palmetto: Saw palmetto is a useful ingredient that is linked to improving your prostate health.

At the same time, it is known as one of the handfuls of “natural aphrodisiacs” in existence.

And it claims to increase overall intimate stamina in men.

The regular use for saw palmetto is recommended in men over the age of 40 to keep their prostates healthy and keep prostate cancer and other related issues at bay. (Source)

Muira Puama: This ingredient is indigeinous to the Amazon region of South America.

It claims to be one of those ingredients that solely focuses on improving sexual health and performance.

For example, Biogrowth claims that this ingredient is useful for men who want to achieve rock hard erections that stay hard for extended periods of time.

Unfortunately, there is little to no evidence that proves this at this time. (Source)

Black Pepper Seed Extract: Black pepper seed extract claims to have benefits for various multiple health issues.

Supplements containing this ingredient will always be taken orally.

It is supposedly designed to help boost your overall levels of confidence.

The more confident a man is, the better his chances of performing sexually will increase.

This is widely believed to also ward off any additional illnesses, although there is insufficient evidence proving it. (Source)

While each of these ingredients claims to have one benefit or another, they may be intended to work together in order to provide men with excellent results.

However, as mentioned above some of the ingredients have little to insufficient evidence proving that they provided the supposed benefits.

Horny Goat Weed: Also found in various male enhancement supplements, it’s one of the ingredients that does have some actual benefits.

This is known for improving the circulation in your blood ensuring that your erections are stronger every single time.

However, according to some medical sources the ingredient contains phytoestrogens.

These will be a major threat to testosterone production.

And for women, it might be used more for increasing estrogen levels.

Therefore, it might not be a smart idea to use horny goat weed for male enhancement since it may not be as beneficial as men think. (Source)

Maca Root: Another ingredient that may claim itself as a natural testosterone and libido booster is maca root.

This is designed not just for boosting your testosterone levels, but it’s also known for improving a man’s virility and also overall endurance.

A man who is in it for the long haul would rely on maca root to perform longer, stronger, and better.

Not only could maca be taken orally, it’s also included in some foods as well such as soup and be included in a beverage known as maca chicha.

However, the evidence on whether maca root is effective for male enhancement is unclear.

But it has been proven to be effective for reproduction in livestock (Source)

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Biogrowth Male Enhancement Reviews

While looking for reviews on supplements like these, we normally look for what people say in positives and negatives.

We look for those reviews on reputable websites such as or Amazon.

However, we were unable to find any positive or negative reviews anywhere online.

This is a red flag considering that it provides insufficient information that customers may need in order to make a final purchasing decision.

Because of this, there is no telling of whether or not it’s worth buying or trying out.

Furthermore, the lack of reviews will make buying this supplement a very risky decision since there are no known effects that have been reported.

This is common with most supplements that are currently sold exclusively online.

They tend to use tricky marketing tactics with the intent of raking in new buyers.

While searching for a sales page for Biogrowth, we were redirected to a similar supplement known as Man Plus (which we came across via another Biogrowth Review).

While it looked like the link would send us to the Biogrowth page, we were confused when we got redirected to something different.

This is common on the Internet, especially with supplement sellers.

If anything, the sales page is littered with stock photos and false testimonials.

Another page we came across redirected us to a sales video for some kind of male enhancement program.

There was no mention of Biogrowth anywhere in the video.

This video lasted 40 minutes long with the same old drivel about male enhancement you’ll hear everywhere else.

Should you purchase Biogrowth?

The short answer is no.

The reason behind this is the lack of reviews and also the lack of solid evidence proving that this supplement is effective.

In other words, don’t waste your money on a supplement that may not be as effective as the makers claim it to be.

This happens all the time with many supplements.

With no sufficient evidence despite containing ingredients with “proven benefits”, it’s better to be safe than sorry.

Side Effects

While the ingredients are mostly natural, the likelihood of side effects occurring with Biogrowth is slim to none.

However, there are some ingredients that have their own side effects.

For example, L-Arginine is relatively safe to take.

Yet, the side effects (while mild) range from bloating, cramping, and even low blood pressure.

It is also not recommended for anyone who may be breastfeeding or has recently suffered a heart attack.

Tribulus and saw palmetto will also cause bloating, cramping, even nausea and diarrhea.

Additionally, saw palmetto may also trigger headaches as well.

Lastly, black pepper is also known for having its own side effects that can be triggered if taken in large doses.

Some have even reported that large amounts of black pepper (especially when inhaled) can lead to respiratory problems that could be fatal.


To close it out, Biogrowth in our opinion is not a supplement that you should purchase.

Despite all the claims and benefits that they tout, it’s not worth spending the money on.

The marketing tactics and claims are quite common in the supplement industry.

And it makes it a lot harder for men to choose a real supplement that actually works.

If you are looking for male enhancement supplements, your best bet would be to visit your local supplement store or any major retailer that sells them (Walmart, CVS, Walgreens, etc.).

As for purchasing for them online, you’re literally walking in a minefield.

If you are serious about increasing your intimate performance, consider other options that are available to you.

But don’t do it without having a doctor’s consultation first.

Top 3 Male EnhancementAffiliate Disclosure

#1 Rated – Vigrx Plus

#1 Rated - Vigrx Plus

Out of the 100+ male enhancement products Ive tried, Vigrx Plus was the best.

Click Here To Learn More »

#2 Rated – Bathmate Hydromax

#2 Rated - Bathmate Hydromax

The Bathmate is a proven water-based vacuum pump that can help dramatically increase your size.

Click Here To Learn More »

#3 Rated – Phallosan Forte

#3 Rated - Phallosan Forte

Phallosan Forte is a GREAT option for those looking to grow both length AND girth, permanently.

Click Here To Learn More »

Honorable Mention/Inexpensive Alternative:Magnum Rings content/uploads/2017/01/magnun rings

Magnum Rings are a VERY affordable option to getting both girth and length gains, at a fraction of the price of the Bathmate or Phallosan Forte.

Click Here to see our full Magnum Rings review.

Trans4orm Fat Burner Review

There are millions of products on the market that claim burn fat fast and keep it off for the long-term.

Finding one that works for you and your body can feel like searching for a needle in a haystack where each successive search leaves you with less money and no closer to your goal weight.

Trans4orm Fat Burner works a bit differently than your typical weight loss supplement but does it work enough to help you hit those target weights?

We’ll go through the way Trans4orm works, if it works, as well as the pros and cons of this product so you can make a safe, well-informed decision.

One of the key things to remember is that most supplements like Trans4orm are not certified by the FDA.

Their ingredients may be all-natural or approved but the supplements themselves are often untested by a wider scientific study.

Before you embark on taking supplements regularly, it’s a good idea to consult with your doctor to make sure that the ingredients won’t interact poorly with any medication you may be taking, or harm your overall health.

Let’s get to all of the good stuff!

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How does it work?

This product is designed to work with your body to help you shed fat and build lean muscle as you exercise and eat right.

To start, let’s take a quick look at the label:

list of ingredients in trans4orm fat burner
List of ingredients in trans4orm fat burner.

The ingredients work together to deliver faster metabolism, help control your appetite, and give you the energy to get through a workout with ease.

By relying on natural ingredients to create a thermogenic energizer, Trans4orm helps supplement your weight loss regimen to get you to your goal weight faster and safer.

Three main ingredients work together to make Trans4orm work.

Green Tea Extract includes compounds called catchins that help to produce the thermogenic effects that burn fat and build muscle.

Green Coffee Bean provides you with caffeine that helps you burn fat and boosts your metabolism so you can work out longer and stronger.

It also keeps you loaded up with antioxidants and chlorogenic acid that helps your body handle blood sugar more efficiently.

Coleus Extract gives your body Forskolin which works with the caffeine present from the green coffee bean to accelerate the fat burning that happens when you work out.

Other ingredients work alongside these three to create a complete supplement that helps burn fat and boosts your metabolism in no time.

Yohimbe works alongside the natural caffeine to help increase your energy which in turn lets you burn fat faster.

The B-vitamin complex has B3, B6, B12, and Folic Acid included and aids in energy production which in turn allows your body to burn more calories and fat.

In addition to aiding in energy production, the B-vitamin complex also helps with cellular energy production, working from the ground floor up to help burn that stubborn fat.

L-Tyrosine is an amino acid that once again helps support your metabolism and boosts your mood and reducing fatigue caused by cutting calories.

Hitting your goal weight is as much a mental struggle as a physical one and Trans4orm has plenty of ingredients that help you stay focused on everyday activities and at the gym.

Huperzia Serrata Extract keeps you focused and concentrating while at the gym and during normal activities.

Being able to focus on your workout routine is a huge step forward as no supplement can do the job alone; only through diet and exercise as well as some additional supplements can you hit your goal weight with ease.

Choline Bitartrate develops the neurotransmitters that give you enhanced mental focus throughout the day.

Altogether, these ingredients work together to deliver a powerful performance for anyone wanting to boost their traditional workout routine.

Supplements like Trans4orm are meant to come alongside you, your diet, and your exercise routine and can’t do the heavy lifting on their own.

Trans4form Fat Burner Side effects

To have a full picture of how a supplement will work with your system, you want to know the good and the bad, the benefits, and the side effects.

Green tea extract has been known to cause some upset stomachs and constipation but for the most part, is a safe and effective natural ingredient. (Source)

If used or consumed in extremely high doses, like more than 8 cups a day, effects have been known to be more severe but mild use like in Trans4orm has been greatly beneficial.

Green coffee beans are one of the hot new health trends and when used in supplements like Trans4orm have been known to offer great benefits.

The greatest side effects of the green coffee extract are the same ones that affect anyone who consumes caffeine regularly: insomnia, nervousness, or restlessness. (Source)

The amount of caffeine in green coffee is less than that of regular coffee so if you’re worried about overdosing on caffeine, it’s a small amount that doesn’t affect most users adversely.

Coleus extract has been deemed relatively safe when taken in appropriate doses like in supplements similar to Trans4orm.

If taken in much larger doses, it can cause diarrhea, loose stools, and other side effects. (Source)

Yohimbe has a few more issues than other ingredients on the list for Trans4orm.

In North America, Yohimbe is considered a prescription drug and can cause serious side effects like rapid heartbeat, kidney failure, seizures, and heart attack. (Source)

While it’s a small dose and a lesser-used ingredient in Trans4orm, it’s best to be aware that this can cause more serious side effects in anyone taking it by mouth and in supplement form.

L-Tyrosine is safe for almost anyone and has only mild side effects like nausea, headache, fatigue, and heartburn when taken for a longer period. (Source)

Huperzia Serrata extract is typically deemed safe if taken for less than 6 months.

Side effects can include nausea, diarrhea, high blood pressure, dizziness, and a slowed heart rate. (Source)

As in everything, taking Choline Bitartrate in high doses can result in severe side effects like sweating, a fishy body odor, diarrhea, and vomiting. (Source)

Inappropriate doses, Choline Bitartrate is safe and can be beneficial to anyone using it!

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How To Use Trans4orm

Using the Trans4orm supplement is simple: take 1 serving in the morning on an empty stomach and another serving 4-6 hours later in the afternoon.

Keep your serving intake to two for any 24 hours and throughout the day, drink 8 glasses of water.

Trans4orm can be taken for up to 8 weeks and then should be discontinued for a minimum of 4 weeks to keep any unwanted side effects to a minimum.


All supplements boast that they do the best in the world at busting up stubborn fat and giving you plenty of energy to get through the day.

Trans4orm has some crucial ingredients that may make it more effective for some users and help give you the energy to hit the gym and stay focused while you’re there.

Just like any supplement, some ingredients may cause more harm than good if taken in too high doses over a long period.

And any supplement should come alongside a regimen of diet and exercise and not be considered a fix-all for weight loss problems.

Altogether, Trans4orm will keep you focused while at the gym and help you maintain your energy to work hard during your exercise routine.

Using this product as a stand-alone weight loss fixer won’t help you hit your goal weight.

But by adding this supplement to your routine, you can get to your goal faster!

Top 3 Fat BurnersAffiliate Disclosure

#1 Rated – Instant Knockout

#1 Rated - Instant Knockout

Instant Knockout is actually a new fat burning supplement I just came across, and got great results.

Click Here To Learn More »

#2 Rated – HourGlass Fit

#2 Rated - HourGlass Fit

HourGlass Fit is the BEST fat burner for women we’ve ever tested.

Read our review here.

Click Here To Learn More »

#3 Rated – Keto OS

#3 Rated - Keto OS

Biohacks your body into instant ketosis to burn fat instead of carbs.

Weight loss, energy, focus, anti-inflammatory, anti-aging.

Click Here To Learn More »

Powerect Cream Review

When you want results, you want to invest in something the first time rather than waste money and resources with trial and error.

Choosing a cream that can boost your enhancement may seem embarrassing and hard to discern.

But by taking the time to do a little research, you can save yourself time and money.

Let’s go through this product, bit by bit, to see if it will work for you and what the overall benefits might be!

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What is Powerect Cream?

powerect cream review

Powerect is a male enhancement cream that is currently on the market and available for purchase through online sites like Walmart and Amazon.

The overall product claims to work with your body naturally to stimulate blood flow and allow you to increase the chances of an erection.

However, this is not something you want to use if you have poor blood circulation overall on a normal basis.

This is a cream and not a gel and is applied to the shaft of the penis before you want to go any farther.

For many people using the product, there wasn’t much of a noticeable change, mostly just a slight warming effect over the area that was spread with the cream.

The overall effect is a bit lacking and there’s little information on the product itself that says whether it’s safe to be inside of anyone else’s body.

This leaves you basically in your own hands!

Also, to keep up the effect, the cream has to be applied multiple times make it difficult to wear a condom effectively.

For the most part, this cream functions as a warming gel rather than a strict male enhancement product.

All-natural and budget-friendly give you the benefit of an added boost without taking tons of money out of your pocket.

Powerect Cream Ingredients and effectiveness

One of the biggest benefits of this product is that it does act quickly.

As opposed to pills or drinks, this cream works on contact so you’ll feel the benefits right away, in the heat of the moment.

Within this product are several key ingredients that work for anyone struggling to perform.

L-Arginine is one of the main ingredients and is an amino acid that converts itself inside the body into nitric oxide that opens up blood vessels allowing for better blood flow. (Source)

The use of L-Arginine opens up the blood vessels within the penis and allows more blood to be collected there resulting in a more powerful erection.

Another ingredient that works in this product as well as other male enhancement products is Ginseng Extract. (Source)

Ginseng has been used for improving overall health and wellness for thousands of years and is included in the ingredient list to help fend off erectile dysfunction.

Aloe Vera extract is included in the ingredient list and helps prompt blood flow much like the use of L-Arginine which leads to a more powerful erection that lasts longer. (Source)

Muira Puama has long been used to help increase sexual desire in healthy people and is included among the list of ingredients for Powerect.

While it’s included and has been cited anecdotally to help improve sexual desire, no scientific studies are showing that it’s been effective. (Source)

Pomegranate extract is known to have antioxidant effects as well as help slow the progression of atherosclerosis and open up arteries.

It’s included in the list of ingredients due to its effects on the opening of arteries and blood vessels of which there are many in the penis. (Source)

Catuaba is an herb that helps with sexual arousal and performance and while again, it’s been anecdotally shown to help with performance, no scientific studies are proving its effectiveness.

This herb is a stimulant and contributes to the warming sensation experienced when anyone uses Powerect. (Source)

While some ingredients in this list directly activate sexual arousal, most like Rosemary extract continue the work started by increasing blood flow to the region. (Source)

Last on the list of key ingredients is Maca root, an ancient herb that has long claimed to help with fertility and increase in libido in both men and women. (Source)

Each of these ingredients works together to stimulate blood flow to the region and helps to achieve and maintain an erection.

One of these ingredients alone most likely won’t help as much but by working together they can create a successful outcome for the users.

Unlike pills or drinks, this product remains all-natural and can be applied as often as necessary to maintain the effects.

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Powerect Cream Reviews

To get a sense of what people are saying about Powerect Cream, we took to Google and ran a few searches.

Looking at, it appears that the vast majority of reviewers claim that it does absolutely nothing.

Here’s a snapshot of some of those reviews:

reviews of powerect cream on walmart

Statements like ‘Don’t waste your money’ and ‘It’s a scam product’ seem to be the consensus.

With that said, there are literally only 2 reviews on Walmart.

Amazon, on the other hand, had a wealth of other reviews for Powerect.

With an average rating of 3.6 out of 5 stars, most of the reviews paint a slightly better picture overall.

For example, multiple consumers mentioned that it works well for both you and your partners pleasure.

review of powerect cream on amazon

Others liked the fact that it worked very quickly, and was easy to use.

With that said, just like with the reviews on, there were plenty of 1 and 2 star reviews.

The same sentiments are echoed, with some saying that Powerect simply doesn’t work, and that it’s a waste of money.

Side effects

The two main ingredients in Powerect, L-Arginine, and ginseng, have definite benefits when it comes to helping create the desirous effect and mood.

There can be some downsides to these ingredients and some side effects for anyone using products containing them.

L-Arginine’s side effects have been known to cause an allergic response or worsen cold sores or genital herpes when applied topically as in the case of Powerect. (Source)

Ginseng has few side effects but using it topically as in the case of Powerect, can give you trouble sleeping or increase your blood pressure. (Source)

For most people, the use of these ingredients, especially in a topical cream won’t cause much for side effects but for a few rare individuals, it can cause bigger issues.

Make sure to do your research to ensure that the use of this topical cream won’t interact with any other medications you may be taking.

The important thing to remember about Powerect is that it’s intended to work with your body’s natural functions.

It won’t give you something from anything but rather enhances the feelings and sensitivity that have already been aroused.


As far as male enhancement products go, this one is mild in its effects.

This cream utilizes all-natural ingredients that work with and adapt to your body’s natural processes and rhythms to help you maintain an erection.

Because it uses all-natural ingredients, one of the bright points of this product is that it can continue being used whenever necessary.

The effects are also felt almost immediately unlike the delayed effect that pills or drinks may have.

While the effects are mild, the help and enhancement are immediate and can be reapplied as often as needed.

Judging by the reviews, it really seems like Powerect Cream is hit or miss.

It might work great, might work subtlety, or might not work at all.

With that said, if you’re looking for a cheap male enhancement product, this one works decently, is budget-friendly, and starts working almost immediately.

Top 3 Male EnhancementAffiliate Disclosure

#1 Rated – Vigrx Plus

#1 Rated - Vigrx Plus

Out of the 100+ male enhancement products Ive tried, Vigrx Plus was the best.

Click Here To Learn More »

#2 Rated – Bathmate Hydromax

#2 Rated - Bathmate Hydromax

The Bathmate is a proven water-based vacuum pump that can help dramatically increase your size.

Click Here To Learn More »

#3 Rated – Phallosan Forte

#3 Rated - Phallosan Forte

Phallosan Forte is a GREAT option for those looking to grow both length AND girth, permanently.

Click Here To Learn More »

Honorable Mention/Inexpensive Alternative:Magnum Rings content/uploads/2017/01/magnun rings

Magnum Rings are a VERY affordable option to getting both girth and length gains, at a fraction of the price of the Bathmate or Phallosan Forte.

Click Here to see our full Magnum Rings review.

NJ Diet Review

A lot of people want to lose weight.

There are plenty of diets, programs, supplements and so much more with a focus on fat loss.

But what makes a weight loss program different from the others?

It comes down to proven methods that people have used to lose weight and meet their personal health and fitness goals.

With so many weight loss options out there, it’s hard to choose which one is best for you.

We’ve been researching a good deal of weight loss programs on the market.

One of those is NJ Diet.

The question that needs to be asked is: does NJ Diet work or is it one of those diet programs that are worth steering away from?

We’ll discuss this program in its entirety and answer that question in this review.

Let’s get to the meat and potatoes of what we’ve found when researching the NJ Diet.

What we’ve discovered was that NJ Diet offers in-office appointments for those who reside in southern New York state (including NYC) and parts of New Jersey.

They also allow online appointments for those who reside in the on-site area.

Either way, they offer programs for those interested in losing weight under a doctor-supervised program.

As for the reviews on NJ Diet, the only reviews we were able to see were on Facebook or Yelp.

Social media reviews should be taken with a grain of salt and for good reason.

That’s because it’s easy to write a positive review of something that you never tried before.

Someone can pay a person $5 on Fiverr to write a bogus review, slap a stock photo as their profile picture, and pass themselves off as real people.

We were able to find testimonials on the NJ Diet website.

Once again, we don’t know for sure if they are the real deal.

As for detailed reviews, we were unable to find any.

This is a bit concerning (and a red flag).

Detailed reviews will usually unveil a lot of information on how programs like the NJ Diet work.

It will also help those make a more informed decision about whether or not it’s right for them.

The lack of reviews outside of social media platforms can tell you right away to err on the side of caution.

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What is the NJ Diet?

The NJ Diet is a weight loss program that was developed in Clifton, New Jersey (hence the name: NJ diet).

This program is intended to be one of the safest programs compared to others because of its claim to be doctor-supervised.

After digging a bit deeper, we found out that the program was developed by Dr. Arthur Turovets.

Dr. Turovets stresses that weight loss is important since those who are overweight or obese are at risk for various health problems.

The issues include but are not limited to diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, cancer, autoimmune disorders, and inflammatory conditions among others. (Source)

The program typically aims for its clients to lose anywhere between 20 to 40 pounds and keep it off permanently.

It starts with a consultation and also a DNA test that will help set the stage for your own diet program that is personalized for you and the results you desire.

How Does NJ Diet Work?

nj diet customer reviews

NJ Diet is a diet program that is fully-supervised by a doctor.

This doctor will use samples such as your hair, saliva, and blood as a way to provide those with a personalized diet solution that mixes natural solutions including supplements.

This program will be fully supervised by someone who is an expert in fat loss and dieting.

The goal for the NJ Diet is by helping their clients set their health and fitness goals using this unique DNA testing.

The program is set up based on the results of this testing and can be adjusted at any given time.

During this time, you will monitor your fitness and weight loss goals while following a program that will bring you one step closer to your ideal weight.

While the website doesn’t specify the program step by step, we were able to dig up some information on what NJ Diet could do for you.

As mentioned before, you take a test based on your DNA which will help determine your program that is intended for a healthier lifestyle.

They’ll also measure your body fat, BMI, bone mass, body water percentage, and more.

This will be used to crunch the numbers and zero in on a plan that will work for you.

Basically, you’ll have a weight loss plan that will teach you how to control your meal portions.

If you are in the New York City area or in New Jersey, you can make in-person appointments with NJ Diet so they can check up on your progress.

They will also recommend meal choices and supplements so you can lose weight fairly quickly.

The key they are trying to teach here supposedly is discipline.

Of course, with every weight loss program that you put yourself on, discipline certainly is the key.

As long as you are working out regularly, controlling your portions, and keeping track of your goals then it can work for you.

Plus, if you are not satisfied with the way things are going you can always make adjustments if and when you need to until things go right.

The thing with NJ Diet is that they claim to be able to help you make any kind of necessary adjustments to your program if and when you need it.

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What are the side effects?

nj diet side effects

Since there is the inclusion of supplements in the NJ diet program, you can assume that there may be side effects that can occur.

NJ Diet claims that they develop supplements that you can take regularly as a way to help you lose weight.

But they do not mention what kind of ingredients they use on their website.

With little to no information present about the kind of supplements that they use, it’s inconclusive as to whether or not the supplements are safe to use.

The lack of information about the side effects is quite concerning.

Keep in mind that there are some weight loss supplements out there that contain ingredients that can trigger serious side effects. (Source)

It’s also important to talk to your doctor before going on a supplement regimen that is intended to help you burn fat and lose weight.

Where is NJ Diet Available?

As mentioned earlier, NJ Diet has consultations both in-person and online.

The in-person consults are open to those who reside in the New York City area (and nearby communities) and most of the state of New Jersey.

However, there are online consultations that are available for nationwide clients and for those in the in-site consultation area.

You can book a consultation online via their website.

According to its website, the original price is $99 for a consultation.

However, they said that those who register their consultation on their website will pay $27 instead.

While the discount seems convenient, it makes us wonder how much the consultation is if you book it offline.

It’s unclear if this is a short-term promotion or if it’s a permanent discount for those interested in joining the program.

The NJ Diet has offices in New York, New Jersey, and Connecticut.

You can schedule a consultation on their website and select the office that is closest to you.

Conclusion — Is NJ Diet Worth It?

While there is little to no information about NJ diet, there appears to be testimonials claiming that it has worked from them.Most of them are from real people according to the Yelp reviews.

However, the lack of information due to no detailed reviews being found on the site may be a turn off for prospective clients.

While we cannot recommend NJ Diet, we also cannot say for certain if it’s a diet program to steer clear from.

In other words, if the NJ Diet is something that is right for you, approach it at your own risk.

If you are unsure about what diet program is best for you, you can ask your doctor so they can make some suggestions about how you can go about burning fat so you can lose the weight and live a new healthy life.

Diet programs and supplements have been getting a bad rap in the past for some issues due to unsafe supplements and practices.

But it’s never a bad idea to lose weight as a way to meet your personal fitness goals.

It always comes down to which program will help you the most.

Some of them will be expensive while others will provide you with budget options.

Either way, your end goal is losing weight and living healthy and that’s all that matters.

The NJ Diet may be the best solution that you can find.

Even with in-person consultations and coaching for those living in the NY/NJ/CT area, it seems like a pretty convenient option.

Top 3 Fat BurnersAffiliate Disclosure

#1 Rated – Instant Knockout

#1 Rated - Instant Knockout

Instant Knockout is actually a new fat burning supplement I just came across, and got great results.

Click Here To Learn More »

#2 Rated – HourGlass Fit

#2 Rated - HourGlass Fit

HourGlass Fit is the BEST fat burner for women we’ve ever tested.

Read our review here.

Click Here To Learn More »

#3 Rated – Keto OS

#3 Rated - Keto OS

Biohacks your body into instant ketosis to burn fat instead of carbs.

Weight loss, energy, focus, anti-inflammatory, anti-aging.

Click Here To Learn More »

High Rise Pill Review – Does It Really Work?

With a ton of male enhancement supplements on the market today, it’s hard to tell what’s real from phony.

If you are looking for something that will give you better performance, higher quality erections, and more of a boost in energy then it’s important to find the right supplement.

However, is High Rise Pill something worth looking at?

And is it one of the real deal supplements that you can find on the market today?

We’ll make that determination in this review.

The problem with the supplement industry is that a lot of them are available online.

Most of them try to be copycats of various supplements that focus on one or multiple areas of health.

Think about it…do you want a knock off of a multi-vitamin like Centrum or a male enhancement knockoff like Viagra or Extenze?

Here’s why such supplements get a bad rap these days.

Not only are they saturating the market, but they are also using sales and marketing tactics that make a supplement you’ve never heard of the next big thing.

Any smart marketer or advertiser can distinguish hype from something that should be “matter of fact” and to the point.

Not to mention, it’s easy to sniff out the fake claims like their media appearances.

All it takes is a simple Google search to see whether or not they have actually been on shows like Shark Tank, NBC’s “Today”, or any other major television show.

Unfortunately, there are those who believe such claims and testimonials at face value and purchase a supplement.

Not only is this a poor logical move on the consumer’s part.

But it’s also risky.

These unknown supplements that are created out of some random lab can contain ingredients that can be harmful and trigger serious side effects.

Not only that, but they lack the credentials needed by the FDA to be taken seriously.

High Rise Pill is (or was) claimed to be one of the most highly recommended male enhancement supplements on the market.

However, it’s undergone some kind of a major change as of late.

Here’s what we found about High Rise Pill (and it’s apparently new identity).

Related ArticlePowerect Cream Review: Does It Really Work?

What are High Rise Pills?

high rise male enhancement pillsWe could not find anything named the “High Rise Pills”.

In fact, if you clicked on the link that mentions a certain supplement, you’ll notice that the names are different.

For example, we went through this advertorial and clicked on a link that leads us to a supplement known as “TestoFuel”.

When we backed out and clicked on the article again, the name of the supplement had changed.

This is yet another one of the handfuls of red flags that we’ve discovered during this research.

Of course, the sales page looks roughly the same as far as the claimed benefits were concerned.

At the top fold of the sales page (which we managed to retrieve via one of the advertorials written for “High Rise Pill”), it claims the following: enhances sex drive, achieve bigger and harder erections, longer sexual staying power, and increased penis length and girth.

The last claim is quite common in Internet folklore.

For as long as the Internet has been around, there have always been claims of supplements that claim to make your penis larger in size.

Time and time again, these claims were debunked.

This was one of the red flags that we’ve discovered.

But there were others.

A Google search revealed that if you were to search “high rise pill review”, the top two results claim to be a review for the supplement.

If you click on it, you are redirected to the advertorial claiming that the founders landed the largest Shark Tank deal in history.

Shark Tank is a popular TV show where business owners pitch for capital for their product or business.

These aspiring creators are pitching to the likes of Mark Cuban, Kevin O’ Leary, Lori Grenier, and others.

Since it’s a recognizable show, most people will consider it as an instant credibility booster when someone claims that they were on the show.

But if you use your better instincts, a Google search and some simple detective work will unveil that the founders of High Rise Pill were never on the show promoting the product.

The “Shark Tank Scam” has become quite common in the supplement industry as of late.

If you come across any reviews or products claiming that it was on a major TV show, you better be smart enough to do a Google search and do a bit of digging.

Of course, there were other red flags that are not worth discussing extensively.

The stock photos, fake testimonials, and the same old hypey copy.

How Do High Rise Pills work?

Here’s where things can get a bit confusing.

There is no real information on how it actually works.

However, we did discover a “How It Works” section on the product’s sales page.

Let’s take a look at how it claims to work since it’s the only information we can be able to use.

According to their page, the pills claim to increase blood flow to the corpora cavernosa, which is a major tissue that aids in penile erections.

It also claims that the pills provide cell regeneration to help this tissue to become even stronger.

One other claim on how it works is that it also supposedly boosts testosterone, which plays a huge role in sexual virility and drive.

In fact, it’s the only kernel of truth that we were able to find on their sales page.

There is indisputable proof that links testosterone to increased sexual performance.

What Are The Ingredients In High Rise Pills?

Although the name of the “High Rise Pills” tends to change, we noticed one thing on the sales page that didn’t.

It was the list of ingredients.

High Rise Pill claims to have the following ingredients:

Muira Puama Bark

This ingredient is used to help improve overall sexual health in both males and females.

It also claims to treat different kinds of joint pain.

However, there is no scientific evidence at this time supporting the claim. (Source)

Fenugreek Seed

Fenugreek seed does have some evidence in helping those who are looking to improve their sexual stimuli.

It’s also used to help boost libido in older men and women. (Source)

Boron Citrate

Boron is widely used as a supplement to help with deficiency of the same mineral.

It is also useful for relieving menstrual cramps and vaginal yeast infections.

However, the sales page claims that it can boost testosterone levels.

There appears to be no scientific evidence that supports this claim. (Source)

Eurycoma Longifolia

This ingredient is originated from Southeast Asia.

It is believed to be used for improving some aspects of male sexual health including infertility.

There is some evidence, but not enough to prove that it can also enhance general sexual desire.

There are unproven claims that the ingredient is used to combat erectile dysfunction. (Source)

Black Pepper

Black pepper is mostly used to absorb fat in the bloodstream.

However, the sales page claims that it can improve your exercise, sex drive, and overall performance.

There is no evidence that backs this claim.

Plus, the ingredient has inconclusive evidence of aiding in various health issues. (Source)

What are the side effects?

Even though High Rise Pills claim to have these ingredients, we can determine that some of these ingredients have no side effects at all.

For example, black pepper and Muira Pauma have been widely reported to have no side effects. (Source 1 / Source 2).

Another ingredient that reports no known side effects is Eurycoma Longifolia.

However, it is said that higher doses of this ingredient can lead to mercury or lead poisoning. (Source)

The only two ingredients that have known side effects are Boron and Fenugreek.

Common side effects of boron include but are not limited to irritability, tremors, convulsions, headaches, depression, weakness, diarrhea, vomiting, and other side effects.

Some have also reported that boron poisoning can occur if the dosage is too high. (Source)

Fenugreek is known to have side effects such as nasal congestion, coughing, wheezing, facial swelling, and other side effects (Source).

Where can you find High Rise Pill?

The short answer: nowhere.

You can’t find it anywhere unless you somehow access one of the sales pages of the supplement that has many names.

It’s probably for the better anyway since it happens to be more of a scam than anything else.


Another short answer: no.

High Rise Pills are not worth the money nor is it worth taking despite its claim of containing mostly natural ingredients that contain no side effects.

At this point, you’ll need to find a male enhancement supplement that is actually the real deal.

If you are unsure of which supplements are the best, you should consider consulting your doctor to see if male enhancement supplements are right for you.

If you want legitimate male enhancement supplements, sites like Roman can be able to help you find the right kind for you.

Top 3 Male EnhancementAffiliate Disclosure

#1 Rated – Vigrx Plus

#1 Rated - Vigrx Plus

Out of the 100+ male enhancement products Ive tried, Vigrx Plus was the best.

Click Here To Learn More »

#2 Rated – Bathmate Hydromax

#2 Rated - Bathmate Hydromax

The Bathmate is a proven water-based vacuum pump that can help dramatically increase your size.

Click Here To Learn More »

#3 Rated – Phallosan Forte

#3 Rated - Phallosan Forte

Phallosan Forte is a GREAT option for those looking to grow both length AND girth, permanently.

Click Here To Learn More »

Honorable Mention/Inexpensive Alternative:Magnum Rings content/uploads/2017/01/magnun rings

Magnum Rings are a VERY affordable option to getting both girth and length gains, at a fraction of the price of the Bathmate or Phallosan Forte.

Click Here to see our full Magnum Rings review.

Vitrexotin Review: Does It Really Work?

There are plenty of male enhancement supplements that are flooding the market today.

It’s hard to tell which ones are trustworthy and which ones are not worth the risk of taking.

The reason being is because most of these supplements are not FDA approved.

Not to mention, they might have ingredients that may be harmful to your health and even trigger severe side effects.

Let’s not forget that male enhancement pills are often sold thanks to some shady marketing tactics that might even sucker someone in fairly easily.

With so many male enhancement supplements out there, there are those who have their own recommendations.

Lately, one of those supplements that some highly recommend is Vitrexotin.

Despite the recommendations and claims that it works, many of those are likely to be fake and hypey.

Related ArticleMaasaLong Pills Review: Do They Work?

What is Vitrexotin? content/uploads/2020/07/vitrexotinVitrexotin is a male enhancement supplement that claims to give males harder, stronger erections.

They also claim that you can gain a certain amount of endurance and sexual drive simply by taking this supplement regularly.

Based on what we have gathered, the brand name behind Vitrexotin is Max Potency.

At this time, it is uncertain as to whether or not they have developed other supplements aside from Vitrexotin.

Vitrexotin is believed to include herbal ingredients that claim to have no side effects and therefore is safe to use.

What we have also researched is that there really isn’t a lot of reviews online that have shown the positives or negatives of Vitrexotin.

This is quite concerning considering that for a whole lot of supplements out there, reviews are aplenty for almost every single one.

The negative reviews are often helpful since they serve as a warning to those who need to be aware of hyped-up supplements that do little to nothing.

On top of that, it might be considered dangerous to have a lack of negative reviews since potential users of Vitrexotin may run into the possibility of experiencing negative side effects of reactions.

Even though this is a fairly new supplement that has hit the market, every positive and negative review must be taken with a grain of salt.

Looking at the sales page, Vireoxtin has the usual marketing tactics that appear to be the real deal.

Statistics that are somehow backed by science and testimonials that may have been written by someone on Fiverr looking to make a quick buck.

Not to mention, there’s plenty of stock photos that are being used.

The use of stock photos isn’t necessarily a bad thing.

But they are commonplace when a sales page sells something that may be a low-quality product or an untested supplement.

How does Vitrexotin work?

Supposedly, Vitrexotin has herbal supplements that are apparently linked to male enhancement.

For example, they claim that one of the ingredients is saw palmetto.

Yes, saw palmetto is known for its ability to maintain a healthy prostate and reduce the risk of cancer.

However, it’s also been proven to help with keeping the prostate at its regular size.

An enlarged prostate can lead to frequent urination, which is common in older males.

Yet, the inclusion of saw palmetto is believed to increase virility in males that use this.

One other herbal ingredient to note is horny goat weed.

It’s been said that this herb can be traced back to ancient China.

It is claimed to be an herb that has the ability to treat and cure various illnesses.

Over the years, it’s been a fixture in more male enhancement supplements.

In fact, we think that no male enhancement supplement on the market could exclude horny goat weed from their list of ingredients.

Related ArticleTestoryze Review: Does It Work?

What are the ingredients?

Vitrexotin is said to contain the following ingredients: horny goat weed extract, saw palmetto extract, wild yam extract, and stinging nettle root extract.

Though we have already covered the first two ingredients in the previous section, let’s take a closer look at the others.

First, wild yam extract is believed to be used in supplements that claim to benefit older women.

For example, wild yam extract claims to treat vaginal dryness, premenstrual syndrome (PMS), weak bones, and menstrual cramps among other conditions.

It is also said to be linked to increasing the sex drive in both males and females.

What’s confusing is that aside from the supposed benefit of an increased sex drive, there really is nothing of value that males can benefit from wild yam extract.

It would appear to be more of an ingredient that benefits women than men.

Not to mention, it’s been said to be a natural alternative to estrogen replacement therapy. (Source)

We are certain that the last thing a man needs is something that is associated with estrogen.

That’s because increased estrogen levels may blunt a man’s testosterone levels.

When testosterone levels go done, it will be hard for a man to lose weight, gain muscle, and yes even have a lesser sex drive than normal. (Source)

For a supplement that claims to increase a man’s sex drive, there could be a contradiction here as far as wild yam extract is concerned.

The other ingredient we’ll be looking at is stinging nettle extract.

This is one of those ingredients that you’d typically find in testosterone boosters.

In fact, its claim is exactly that…boosting testosterone.

It is also said to have the responsibility of binding the sex hormone binding globulin (SHBG).

Of course, the increase in testosterone will lead to an easier time building muscle and losing fat.

Not to mention, increased testosterone leads to increased sex drive and overall confidence. (Source)

With the mixture of these ingredients, it sounds like it’s a legitimate supplement compared to others on the market.

But how do we really know for sure?

With the lack of reviews (both positive and negative), it’s a bit of a gamble to find out.

What are the side effects?

The problem is that with little to no reviews to speak of, there is no way of knowing what the exact side effects are.

This is one good reason why it’s best to err on the side of safety and avoid this supplement.

However, we can do a little digging and take a closer look at the side effects associated with specific ingredients.

For example, let’s take a look at horny goat weed extract.

Though it claims to be “safe” to take and has no side effects, there have been side effects associated with long term use.

These include but are not limited to the following: dizziness, vomiting, dry mouth, heart palpitations, spasms, and nosebleed. (Source)

Saw palmetto, while supposedly a good ingredient, also has its own side effects (albeit mild ones).

These side effects include headaches, vomiting, diarrhea, and constipation among others. (Source)

It’s also considered unsafe to take prior to surgeries.

The reason being is that saw palmetto is known for slowing down blood clots.

Depending on these surgeries, additional bleeding could occur after the fact.

Related ArticleMale Elongator Review: How Does It Work?

Where to Buy Vitrexotin

At one point, it was available online using the domain of

From what we have gathered, that domain is no longer online.

We did see some affiliate links to what claims to be the sales page to Vitrexotin.

Even if parts of the website do exist, it’s not a good idea to order it online.

Thankfully, the supplement is unavailable anywhere else on the market.

With that said, it’s probably a good thing that a supplement like this may just stay off the market and never be sold.

Despite its claim for showing up on Shark Tank, it’s actually one of many supplements that claim to be “seen on TV”.

Also, it might be one of the many supplement scams that have been prevalent on the Internet in recent years.

If you are serious about finding a real male enhancement supplement, then it’s important to speak with your doctor first before you consider taking one.

Conclusion — Is it worth trying Vitrexotin?

Short answer: no.

There are plenty of real, FDA approved male enhancement supplements to choose from on the market.

They even have plenty of reviews from real customers.

Vitrexotin does not have any of that.

Sure, you’ll hear claims about it containing ingredients that have clinically proven results.

It may even be enough to sucker someone into buying a supplement that is unheard of.

Let’s face it, there are male enhancement supplements that will contain ingredients that will have side effects.

Are there supplements with no side effects that exist?

If they are not male enhancement supplements, we’ll say that’s a possibility.

But it all depends on the ingredients.

Plus, it’s important to take that claim with a grain of salt.

Not only did Vitrexotin make a false claim about containing ingredients that trigger no side effects, but it also puts potential users at risk.

This is unethical and dangerous.

Therefore, Vitrexotin should be avoided at all costs.

It’s hard for supplements to break into the market these days.

That’s because they need to jump through various hoops in order to get FDA approval and make sure that its safe to take.

But in the case of Vitrexotin, there is no proof that it has appeared on the FDA’s radar or has gone through the appropriate channels.

Top 3 Male EnhancementAffiliate Disclosure

#1 Rated – Vigrx Plus

#1 Rated - Vigrx Plus

Out of the 100+ male enhancement products Ive tried, Vigrx Plus was the best.

Click Here To Learn More »

#2 Rated – Bathmate Hydromax

#2 Rated - Bathmate Hydromax

The Bathmate is a proven water-based vacuum pump that can help dramatically increase your size.

Click Here To Learn More »

#3 Rated – Phallosan Forte

#3 Rated - Phallosan Forte

Phallosan Forte is a GREAT option for those looking to grow both length AND girth, permanently.

Click Here To Learn More »

Honorable Mention/Inexpensive Alternative:Magnum Rings content/uploads/2017/01/magnun rings

Magnum Rings are a VERY affordable option to getting both girth and length gains, at a fraction of the price of the Bathmate or Phallosan Forte.

Click Here to see our full Magnum Rings review.

Chrissy Metz Weight Loss Scam: No, She Didn’t Use Keto Pills!

The other day, I got a text taking to me to a link with an attention grabbing headline.

The text looked like this:

chrissy metz fake weight loss text

And the headline read like this: “Chrissy Metz Forced to Lose 35 Pounds By ‘NBC’ Producers”.

Here’s an actual screenshot from the advert:

chrissy metz 35 pound nbc

I know what you’re thinking.

“How terrible?!”

That’s what anyone would think.

That is an attention grabbing headline and immediately makes you want to read on and find out how such a huge television network could do something so cruel.

Well, I hate to say it, but when you do read on, all that you get is a bunch of bologna, so to speak.

Chrissy Metz Weight Loss On Ellen Degeneres

See, before this article was removed from the internet (for obvious reasons), it existed to trick readers into reading on to find out how she lost that weight.

According to the article (which I took a full screenshot of here before they deleted it), Ellen DeGeneres saved the day by telling Chrissy Metz that what she needs is Keto Advance.

Don’t believe me?

See for yourself below:

chrissy metz before and after

How random that Ellen, who has been bone thin her whole life, has a wealth of weight loss supplement knowledge at her disposal.

Well, I am here to tell you that this ridiculous article is a sham.

Shocker, I know.

Sure, Chrissy Metz did go on the Ellen DeGeneres Show.

In fact, on the show, she talked about weight loss.

Every other inch of that article besides that is a lie, and that is why they likely deleted it to avoid a much deserved lawsuit.

And no, she was not “forced” into anything by NBC.

Let’s get into this ridiculous article so that you can understand how easy it is to debunk a scam.

Especially when the people behind it are entirely lacking in creativity.

First Things First

The very first thing that should tip you off about this scam article is the concept itself.

Does anybody really think that NBC would risk being cancelled and upsetting the masses by telling a woman that if she didn’t lose 35 pounds they would fire her?

I don’t think so.

And even if they did, could anyone really believe that she would go on the Ellen show to voice her legal woes about her employer?

No, not all.

In fact, all that you need to do is head to YouTube to check out the interview itself.

You can see the full interview on Ellen below:

It’s a good interview covering a wide range of topics.

One topic that absolutely never comes up, is Keto Advanced, the purported miracle cure that this article claims Ellen turned her onto.

Not only does she say in the interview that she accepted the role already knowing that she had to lose weight as a part of her character’s story arc, but she even expresses how happy she is about it.

There is no mention of Keto Advanced whatsoever.

You Have Got to Be Kidding…..

If that opening to this scam article was not laughable enough, get ready for this next doozy.

The author of the article claims that when they reached out to Ellen, she declined to comment. content/uploads/2020/06/ellen has no

However, according to this article she did agree to do something for her fans and readers of the article in question.

Allegedly, Ellen used her show business royalty status to convince Keto Advanced to give away 5,000 free samples of their product for readers of the article.

I know.

It is almost infuriating how ridiculous that is, and it makes you wonder who signed off on something like that being posted for the world to see.

Nonetheless, it goes without saying that it is a complete fabrication.

There is zero record of that on the internet whatsoever.

Now, Ellen is very generous and there is no question of that.

However, she has zero relation to Keto Advance and is seems a little bit too clever to ask such an irreputable brand to disperse free samples on her behalf to a readers of a poorly written article.

Do a Little Digging

If you aren’t already convinced of how ridiculous the Chrissy Metz scam article is, all you need to do is google a few things.

Search “Chrissy Metz weight loss” or “how did Chrissy Metz lose weight”, and you will find the real answer.

“All I did was eat a 2,000-calorie diet and walk 20 minutes a day”, is what Chrissy Metz had to say when she was asked how she shed the weight for the show in a Women’s Health interview.

Notice that there is no mention of Keto Advanced.

That is because it has nothing to do with her weight loss, and realistically, she probably has never even heard of it.

While you’re at, you can look up the Ellen interview in full.

It is not exceedingly long, has a few good laughs and makes zero mentions of Keto Advanced.

If you are still not convinced and need to do a little bit more fact checking, don’t worry.

There are plenty of other online sources proving how ridiculous this Chrissy Metz scam article is.

All that you need to do is google Keto Advanced itself.

Things Don’t Look So Good For Keto Advanced

If you have read any of my other articles debunking similar scams, you may have picked up on some of the staples in these sham articles.

This bogus Chrissy Metz article is far from the first one that uses a fake celebrity endorsement to draw you in and give them your money.

Possibly the most common scam circulating across the internet is the Shark Tank scam.

I’ll catch you up on it really quick if you have not encountered it before.

Essentially, many shady businesses circulate an article with basically the same wording except for the product name claiming that their product was a smash hit.

I’ve got news for you; it is a lie every single time.

These Shark Tank scam articles go up, then they get taken down like clockwork.

Interestingly enough, when you google Keto Advanced, what’s the one of the first things that comes up?

Several buying options for “Keto Advanced Shark Tank” pills.

Oh, and also endless videos questioning whether or not it is a scam.

“Free” Trial

Besides not being accredited by the Better Business Bureau (BBB), they also don’t have a great reputation with them.

Head to the BBB page for Keto Advanced to get a better idea of how shady the weight loss supplement really is.

You find several comments talking about having to weight months and months for refunds of hundreds of dollars.

Unsurprisingly, you also find examples of how Keto Advanced is yet another brand that tries to steal money from people looking for a free trial.

If you have never come across free trial scams, let me explain it briefly.

Basically, free trial scams are where you sign up for a free trial only to be auto billed either right after or at random.

It is a lazy and shady way to capitalize on people curious about their product that want to try it to see if they want to stick with it.

Instead of winning over customers by producing a high quality product, companies like Keto Advanced instead choose to steal their money by preying on people who don’t keep up to date on the latest internet scam trends.

One example is a man who was auto billed $300 after signing up for a “free” trial with Keto Advanced.

Considering that this scam article was taken off the internet almost as quickly as it went up, we can assume a few things.

One, they were getting a lot of negative feedback and wanted to save face.

Two, they feared legal action or are ready to move onto the next scam.

It’s probably a mixture of both.

The fact is, this scam and every other scam-happy supplement brands I have come across spreads their tendrils all over the internet.

By that I mean, If they aren’t trying to steal your money one way, I can guarantee you that they are in another.

One of the funnier aspects of the Keto Advanced Chrissy Metz article is that they actually thought it was convincing.

So much so that they even put at the bottom “ONLY 6 FREE BOTTLES LEFT”.

Right, so that means that 4,994 people actually fell for that.

I don’t think so.

Furthermore, take a look at the “comments section”.

Either they are fake or bought and paid for.

I lean towards fake considering how unconvincing and poorly written they are.

Conclusion: Don’t Risk Trying Brands That Deceive You

It should take trust in a product to ingest it.

After all, everything that we ingest affects our overall health.

Because of that, we can never take the supplements that we put in our body lightly.

When a brand like Keto Advanced or any one of the other shady companies out there does nothing but lie directly to potential customers, it is hard to trust that their product is safe.

Personally, I would avoid Keto Advanced due to their free trial scam, Shark Tank scam, BBB poor reviews, and now this Chrissy Metz scam article.

Don’t fall for something that is so clearly fake.

Top 3 Fat BurnersAffiliate Disclosure

#1 Rated – Instant Knockout

#1 Rated - Instant Knockout

Instant Knockout is actually a new fat burning supplement I just came across, and got great results.

Click Here To Learn More »

#2 Rated – HourGlass Fit

#2 Rated - HourGlass Fit

HourGlass Fit is the BEST fat burner for women we’ve ever tested.Read our review here.

Click Here To Learn More »

#3 Rated – Keto OS

#3 Rated - Keto OS

Biohacks your body into instant ketosis to burn fat instead of carbs.

Weight loss, energy, focus, anti-inflammatory, anti-aging.

Click Here To Learn More »

BlueChew Vs. Roman and Hims

If you’ve been following for any length of time, then there’s a good chance you came across our BlueChew review.

While the vast majority (and by that I mean nearly all) of the products that we review are herbal supplements, every once in awhile we’ll review something a bit different.

You might be wondering what the difference(s) (and similarities) are between the 3 most popular online ED / Viagra prescription companies: Blue Chew, Hims, and Roman.

Well wonder no more!

Our review explains the differences / similarities between each to help you make an informed decision.

Let’s jump right in!

What is BlueChew?

blue chew review

Special Note:Click Here to read my full BlueChew review.

BlueChew was both the first and best of its kind in making powerful, chewable male enhancement supplements.

Most notably, BlueChew comes in sildenafil and tadalafil varieties.

Sildenafil is the active ingredient in BlueChew and Viagra, and it is a powerful vasodilator that helps increase blood flow to the genitals. (Source)

The other choice that BlueChew has to offer is tadalafil chewable supplements.

Tadalafil is the main ingredient in BlueChew and Cialis is another vasodilator that increases blood flow for strengthened erections. (Source)

You can get a prescription online and quickly get your hands on BlueChew.

What is Roman?

bluechew vs roman

Special Note:Click Here to read our full Get Roman review.

Roman is another way to get prescription strength male enhancement supplements online.

Whereas BlueChew is a male enhancement supplement that allows you to get an online prescription, Roman is a more of a cloud supplement market.

Roman provides an online space for you to have a virtual visit with certified doctors so that you can get a prescription.

You can find ED supplements containing tadalafil and sildenafil similar to BlueChew.

If you are approved and prescribed, you can get prescription supplements that treat anything from ED and premature ejaculation to herpes and cold sores.

Interestingly, they also provide access to medications and supplements unrelated to male sexual health such as eczema treatments and

What is Hims?

bluechew vs forhims

Special Note:Click Here to read my full Hims review.

Hims another way to get prescription strength male enhancement supplements online.

They produce pills that contain sildenafil, tadalafil and even sertraline for the purpose of curbing premature ejaculation.

Sertraline is an antidepressant that helps treat anxiety, depression, panic attacks and stress. (Source)

One of the side effects of sertraline is delayed ejaculation, which is why low doses are prescribed for that problem sometimes. (Source)

An online visit is required to get prescription strength erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation pills from Hims.

BlueChew Vs. Roman

You may have noticed in the above descriptions that on paper, BlueChew and Roman seem somewhat similar.

With that said, there are key differences when it comes to quality and pricing.

Price Differences

BlueChew lets you choose between four different monthly plans:

  • $20 for 6 30 mg sildenafil chews/ $4 for 6 mg tadalafil chews
  • $30 for 10 30 mg sildenafil chews/ $7 for 6 mg tadalafil chews
  • $50 for 17 30 mg sildenafil chews/ $14 for 6 mg tadalafil chews
  • $90 for 34 30 mg sildenafil chews/ $28 for 6 mg tadalafil chews

You can also choose the 45 mg dose of sildenafil or 9 mg dose of tadalafil for a little bit more.

Roman, however is slightly more complicated with pricing.

Their prescriptions are not covered by insurance of course, and the price per pill varies depending on if you are buying brand name Viagra and Cialis, or their generic alternatives.

For example, here is a comparison of Viagra vs. sildenafil and Cialis vs. tadalafil on Roman:

  • $2 for single 20 mg sildenafil dose/$70 for 25 mg Viagra dose
  • $11 for 2.5 mg tadalafil dose/ $17 for 2.5 mg Cialis dose

Notice that those prices are per dose, not monthly plans.

The price of the only visit costs $15 trough Roman as well.

Return Policies

Within 30 days of purchasing one of BlueChew’s offerings, you can return it for a full refund except for the cost of shipping.

Roman, on the other hand, does not accept returns for any amount of refund at all.

The only money back guarantee that Roman has to offer is that if you do an online visit and the doctor determines that you do not need a prescription, you can be refunded for the visit.

What States Does BlueChew Ship To?

As of right now, there are a handful of states that BlueChew does not ship to, such as:

  • Louisiana
  • Arkansas
  • Oklahoma
  • Hawaii
  • South Carolina
  • Oregon

Besides those specific states, BlueChew currently ships to every other state, at least at the time of writing this.

The reason that they are not allowed to ship to those specific states does not actually have anything to do with the sildenafil or tadalafil chewables themselves.

It is just a shipping thing that keeps them from delivering to those states.

With that said, BlueChew is constantly working towards becoming available in more states with the hopes of delivering country wide soon enough.

Which States Does Roman Ship To?

It is much quicker to list what states Roman does ship to than the ones that it does not ship to.

Roman currently ships to these states:

  • Montana
  • Michigan
  • Washington
  • Florida
  • New York
  • Nebraska
  • Pennsylvania
  • Virginia

That is only 8 out of 50 states which limits their customer base.

Of course, Roman does plan to expand and there is plenty of room to considering the small portion of the U.S that they ship to.

When you compare that to the 40 states that BlueChew is available in, it makes Roman seem much less attainable.

Until they are able to grow and branch out to other states, Roman is only available for people in those few specific states.

Which Works Better, BlueChew or Roman?

While Roman is effective, BlueChew seems to work better and has a better track record.

With that said, both Roman and BlueChew are great options.

If you want to get more bang for your buck out of monthly plans, BlueChew is the better option.

The quality of their chewable combined with the generosity of their return policy and customer service puts them a step above the competition.

BlueChew also kicks in quickly because of the fast absorption caused by chewing it as opposed to swallowing them as a pill.

You can choose between sildenafil and tadalafil in two different strengths with 4 monthly plans for each with BlueChew.

One advantage of Roman, however, is that they offer a variety of medications besides just erectile dysfunction solutions.

Roman also provides a solution for premature ejaculation with their sertraline pills.

The Notable Advantage of BlueChew Over Roman

The best thing about BlueChew is the consistency.

Not just in the quality, but in the monthly shipping.

Roman claims to provide 2 day shipping, but if you look at some of the customer complaints, the delays in their shipping is one of the biggest ones.

BlueChew makes it so that you don’t have to worry about reordering.

Each month, your BlueChew supply will show up discreetly.

BlueChew Vs. Hims

Compared to BlueChew, Hims is much less cost effective.

  • $30 a month for 10 20mg Sildenafil pills and $5 online visit
  • $425 a month for 5 50mg Viagra pills and $5 online visit
  • $240 a month for 30 5mg Tadalafil pills and $5 online visit
  • $29 a month for 5.2ml of Premature Ejaculation Spray and $5 online visit
  • $29 a month for 5 50mg Sertraline pills and $5 online visit

It must be noted that the $5 online visit fee is a onetime charge.

Hims Return Policy

Hims does not accept returns at all.

When compared to BlueChew, that is a bit of a letdown.

Although, I will say that most erectile dysfunction pill distributors do not offer as generous of a return policy as BlueChew does, so it should not be a surprise that Hims does not accept returns.

According to their website, the reason that Hims does not accept returns is because o the nature of their products.

That could very well be true but considering that BlueChew does and not all of Hims’ products are even related to sexual health at all makes that seem like a bit of a stretch.

You postpone or cancel your subscription altogether through Hims, however, if the pharmacy has already processed the new order, they cannot guarantee that you can get a refund.

Which States Does Hims Ship To?

As of January 2020, Hims now ships to all 50 states in the U.S.

They also ship to some places in the United Kingdom as well.

Hims UK currently ships Sildenafil and Finasteride to Northern Ireland, Scotland, England, and Wales.

That makes Hims one of the more widely available online erectile dysfunction solutions.

Which Works Better, BlueChew or Hims?

While Hims may be slightly more available than BlueChew, it is not more effective.

In my own experience and in all of the user reviews I have encountered, Hims tends to be a little bit of a letdown in potency.

I do not know whether that has to due with formulation or the quality of ingredients, but Hims is not as effective as BlueChew.

The only real advantage that Hims has besides the extra 10 states is the variety in medications.

Although, the pricing for that variety is not great.

Sertraline, for example, costs $29 a month for 5 pills that are only 50 mg.

I know that they do not accept insurance and that affects the pricing, but $29 for a 5 low doses of an antidepressant that may possibly delay ejaculation is a lot to ask for.

Which One Should I Buy?

That depends on what you are looking for.

If you want a cost effective, widely available selection of potent male enhancement pills, BlueChew is your best bet.

Maybe you aren’t as worried about saving money, however, in which case you probably would not mind Roman’s prices.

If what you value the most is selection, you may want to go with Hims despite the fact that the potency is somewhat lacking.

All in all, BlueChew is the best option because of its consistency in quality, affordable monthly plans, refund policy and wide availability.

BlueChew when compared to both Roman and Hims has a better track record for great results.


While Roman and Hims are a good selection for some people, BlueChew is the best choice and provides the most impressive results.

Essentially, BlueChew hits on all of the key factors that can determine whether or not a male enhancement pill provider is good.

BlueChew produces highly potent chewable male sexual enhancement solutions available in monthly plans that are fairly priced.

It does not hurt either that BlueChew has a 30 day refund policy fully reimbursing you for the entire cost except for the shipping price.

The whole point of getting erectile dysfunction medications this way is to save money, save a trip to the doctor, and maintain some privacy.

While you may have privacy with Hims or Roman, you don’t really get to save money in the way that you would with BlueChew.

Besides that, it seems to be that BlueChew is growing and expanding its reach all the time.

As of right now, there are only 10 U.S states that BlueChew is not available in.

The 40 states that you can have BlueChew delivered to you will soon expand until it is available in all 50 states.

Check out BlueChew if you want to get prescription strength erectile dysfunction medication without having to leave the house to go to the doctor.

In fact, you won’t even need to leave the couch.

Top 3 Male EnhancementAffiliate Disclosure

#1 Rated – Vigrx Plus

#1 Rated - Vigrx Plus

Out of the 100+ male enhancement products Ive tried, Vigrx Plus was the best.

Click Here To Learn More »

#2 Rated – Bathmate Hydromax

#2 Rated - Bathmate Hydromax

The Bathmate is a proven water-based vacuum pump that can help dramatically increase your size.

Click Here To Learn More »

#3 Rated – Phallosan Forte

#3 Rated - Phallosan Forte

Phallosan Forte is a GREAT option for those looking to grow both length AND girth, permanently.

Click Here To Learn More »

Honorable Mention/Inexpensive Alternative:Magnum Rings content/uploads/2017/01/magnun rings

Magnum Rings are a VERY affordable option to getting both girth and length gains, at a fraction of the price of the Bathmate or Phallosan Forte.

Click Here to see our full Magnum Rings review.

Ultimate Mojo Review – Does It Really Work?

If you try enough male enhancement supplements, you come to recognize patterns.

Sure, there may be thousands of male enhancement supplements readily available, but how many of them are that much different than one another?

If you have tried many yourself or simply perused a selection of them, you probably can recognize the same ingredients, language and promises over and over.

The fact is many of them are similar in both formula, effects, and marketing strategies.

As with any industry, there are big trends that various manufacturers pile onto and try to carve out their own customer base.

Unfortunately in the case of male sex pills that typically means less than trustworthy marketing or shady business practices.

Of course, there are tons of great male enhancement supplements that are highly effective.

More often than not, as you will see, you come across supplements that simply leave you scratching your head for one reason or another.

Unless you try them all, however, there is no way to know for sure.

One male enhancement supplement many have suggested to try is Ultimate Mojo.

Ultimate Mojo, for all intents and purposes, is, or at least was a male enhancement supplement.

I cannot say with certainty because despite hearing a bit of a buzz about it, there is not a single trace of it online.

That is, except for one little trace of it that is somewhat disturbing that if true makes it akin to the worst of the worst when it comes to untrustworthy male enhancement supplements.

Unfortunately, when you look into what is or once was Ultimate Mojo, what you find more than anything is red flag after red flag.

What is Ultimate Mojo?

ultimate mojo pillsThe only thing that is not a negative that I can glean about Ultimate Mojo is that it is a male enhancement supplement.

That much we know.

What no one can truly know, however, is what it is made out of, how it works and who is behind it.

With that said, there are a few little hints that the online presence, or lack thereof, surrounding Ultimate Mojo has to suggest about its quality, integrity, and present state.

The first red flag that is probably raised for the majority of those curious enough to google Ultimate Mojo is the lack of results.

Or should I say, the mixed bag of results.

When you google Ultimate Mojo, you will see a variety of results ranging from a different male enhancement supplement called Hard Mojo to another one of those pesky Shark Tank scam pages.

If you are not familiar with the now classic Shark Tank scam, let me fill you in.

Dozens and dozens of male enhancement supplements use a template article with the same photo with the only difference being the name of a supplement pupated to have been a success on Shark Tank.

Now, of course, none of them that boast this actually were on Shark Tank.

It is the same recycled photo over and over and they simply change the name of the supplement in the article and nothing else.

Real creative, I know, but it must work at tricking people otherwise they would not still do it probably.

Interestingly enough, when you google Ultimate Mojo, you can find your way to Shark Tank scam articles by clicking on several different links.

Now, considering that a pill does pop up called Hard Mojo, it could lead someone to think maybe it is Ultimate Mojo under a different name.

While that could be the case, I am leaning more towards it being a different supplement altogether as they do not claim to formerly have been Ultimate Mojo or have any relation.

Not to mention, many male enhancement supplements have similar names in general.

How Does Ultimate Mojo Work?

It is not very encouraging that there is little to no information about Ultimate Mojo available.

However, most male enhancement supplements work the same way.

Generally speaking, they often contain a variety of herbal ingredients that function as natural vasodilators as well as aphrodisiacs that put the emphasis on mood.

Vasodilators work by opening up the red blood cells which in turn makes the blood spread throughout your body more effectively which leads to powerful erections.

Not to say that Ultimate Mojo contains any vasodilators, but typically that is how male enhancement supplements work.

What is troubling is that with no traces of it or information about its ingredients or safety, it is hard to judge whether or not it actually is safe.

If somehow it is related to Hard Mojo, that would not exactly be such a great thing either.

Hard Mojo boasts reviews such as “It doesn’t work at all, so it doesn’t matter what bogus ingredients might be in it.

Yet another worthless product, produced to prey upon elder gents and rake in unmerited profits”.

It could be a case of guilt by association and they could easily be unrelated, but I don’t know what would be worse in all honesty.

What Are the Ingredients?

Considering there is no information about the ingredients, it is worth thinking about whether or not it is worth the risk.

That is, if you are somehow even able to get your hands on it.

Which leads me to the most important point.

Generally when male enhancement supplements once had an online presence that is now shrouded in mystery, it is an indicator that something was amiss.

In some cases that means that it was pulled for using banned substances or nondisclosed ingredients.

Other times it may be a case of the manufacturer packing it up because it did not perform as well as expected.

In either one of those circumstances, you should get the feeling that maybe it is for the better that it is not available anymore.

Otherwise, it would probably be just as available as all of the actually effective male enhancement supplements out there.

What Are the Side Effects?

That is a great question, and the fact that it can’t be answered is reason why Ultimate Mojo may be worth avoiding entirely.

When you can’t find information on any given supplement, you can’t say for sure whether or not it will carry side effects that are more trouble than its worth, or simply dangerous.

No matter what the supplement is, erectile dysfunction oriented or not, there will always be some sort of a chance for side effects.

Where to Find Ultimate Mojo

Presumably nowhere.

Maybe that is for the better.

After all, it is usually a bad sign when supplements have this little information available and it is possibly connected to Shark Tank scams.

Let’s put it this way, it is not hard to dig up information on because it was so great that they decided to keep it a secret.

It is more likely that it came out, either scammed people or got horrible reviews, and either packed its bags and hit the road due to popular demand or lack of revenue and positive reception.

If you somehow can find it, I would not recommend trying it considering the lack of information.

Conclusion- Is it Worth Trying Ultimate Mojo?

Absolutely not.

Until there is some sort of resolution as far as available information is concerned, it is hard to actively recommend that people seek it out.

When you don’t know about a supplement, it is always a good practice to err on the side of caution and assume that another one is a safer bet.

Even if you are able to track a bottle of an elusive male enhancement supplement down, there is no way to corroborate what is on the label.

In other words, it could say “Tongkat Ali, Horny Goat Weed, etc. etc.” but if you look it up and there is no digital footprint then there is no way to know what you are getting for sure.

In today’s age, any legitimate company has a digital footprint and just about every male enhancement supplement I have come across operates primarily out of their own official website.

When I catch wind of one with no information available, however, it is almost always accompanied by a lack of an official website, real reviews or any semblance of professional infrastructure.

No matter what the supplement is for, any supplement you take plays a direct role in your health that day.

Because of that, it very important to make sure that each supplement you take is something you can justify as healthy.

If you have to spend a lot of time researching only to wind up with no answers, that should tell you maybe it is not worth ingesting.

Nothing is more important than your health after all.

With that in mind, it is always wise to avoid supplements that you can not verify as being safe for you take.

Besides, there is no shortage of male enhancement supplements out there.

Not to mention, most of them have a wealth of information for you to find without having to look further than the first google page.

Top 3 Male EnhancementAffiliate Disclosure

#1 Rated – Vigrx Plus

#1 Rated - Vigrx Plus

Out of the 100+ male enhancement products Ive tried, Vigrx Plus was the best.

Click Here To Learn More »

#2 Rated – Bathmate Hydromax

#2 Rated - Bathmate Hydromax

The Bathmate is a proven water-based vacuum pump that can help dramatically increase your size.

Click Here To Learn More »

#3 Rated – Phallosan Forte

#3 Rated - Phallosan Forte

Phallosan Forte is a GREAT option for those looking to grow both length AND girth, permanently.

Click Here To Learn More »

Honorable Mention/Inexpensive Alternative:Magnum Rings content/uploads/2017/01/magnun rings

Magnum Rings are a VERY affordable option to getting both girth and length gains, at a fraction of the price of the Bathmate or Phallosan Forte.

Click Here to see our full Magnum Rings review.

Zydenafil Review: 5 Pros and 2 Cons

Male enhancement supplements are somewhat of a mixed bag when it comes to quality.

If you try enough like I have, you slowly come to realize that many of them do not do too much to differentiate from other supplements or are simply ineffective.

With that said, you never know when you are going to come across a true gem.

Because there are literally thousands of male enhancement supplements available at any given moment, it is hard to look at the selection with a discerning eye.

There is a wide selection and in general, many of them have similar enough formulas that choosing between one or the other is tricky.

Personally, I have tried enough that I know exactly what to look for and what to expect, for the most part, out of any given supplement.

Related ArticleBlueChew Review: My Personal Results

Male enhancement supplements when compared to prescription erectile dysfunction pills offer a natural approach to curing problems in the bedroom.

That is what draws a lot of people to them.

Not only are they more cost effective generally, but for the most part they have less side effects and drug interactions.

Because there a lot of duds out there, however, knowing what to look for requires a lot of deep digging.

Most people aren’t able to try hundreds of male enhancements before finding the right one.

As you will see, there are some specific factors, benefits, and ingredients to look out for that could tell you whether or not the supplement in question is worth it.

Zydenafil is a male enhancement supplement with natural vasodilators and several familiar ingredients.

Its main goal is to take of erectile dysfunction which leads to improved performance and most confidence in the bedroom.

What is Zydenafil?

zydenafil pillsZydenafil is a male enhancement supplement that uses natural ingredients to improve blood flow to the genitals and increase sex drive, energy, and performance.

Unlike most male enhancement supplements, Zydenafil offers a 60 day money back guarantee which is a strong show of confidence.

It is a daily male enhancement supplement.

Because of that, it is not the kind of “take as needed” supplement that you take immediately prior to sexual activity in order for it to wok.

According to their own website, they only have a 1% return rate.

If that is true, that suggests that the people that use Zydenafil are happy enough with their results that they see no need to send it back.

How Does Zydenafil Work?

Using a combination of natural ingredients, Zydenafil’s main function is to help boost blood flow to the penis leading to an erection.

Its other primary goal is to improve your sex drive and essentially get you “in the mood” to where you can perform well.

The formula contains some aphrodisiacs that you could possibly recognize from supplement stores and male enhancement supplements you have tried before if you have.

Zydenafil works by building up in your system over time as it is a daily male enhancement supplement.

Its ingredients that support vasodilation work by increasing nitric oxide production which opens the red blood cells so that they blood can spready throughout the body.

Famous erectile dysfunction pills like Viagra or Cialis work exactly the same way and are well known vasodilators.

Male enhancement supplements, however, make use of natural vasodilators instead which cuts back on side effects and is generally safer to use.

Let’s take a look at what kind of ingredients make up Zydenafil’s formula.

What Are Zydenafil’s ingredients?

Eurycoma Longifolia

More often called Tongkat Ali these days, it is most commonly used to help with male sexual dysfunction such as erectile dysfunction, lack of sex drive and poor performance. (Source)

It is also used commonly to enhance athletic performance, potentially help with workout recover and even potentially increase testosterone levels which is the male sex hormone responsible for fertility, sperm count and male sexual function. (Source)

Tribulus Terrestris

It can help to regulate blood sugar and cholesterol levels in people that have diabetes, help boost your immune system, and is a natural diuretic that can help clean your system out. (Source)

Tribulus also has anti-inflammatory properties, has potential to offer relief from pain, but contrary to the legend can not actually increase testosterone levels in humans, only rats. (Source)

Muira Puama

It has properties that can help to alleviate joint pain, enhance athletic performance, ease stomach aches and increase sex drive for women and men alike. (Source)


L-arginine is amino acid that acts as a vasodilator because it breaks down into nitric oxide inside our bodies which causes improved blood flow and strengthened erections. (Source)

It can also help to reduce your blood pressure to a healthy level and alleviate angina (chest pain). (Source)

What Are the Ingredient’s Side Effects?

Euycoma longifolia was found to be safe when consumed for medical purposes on a mostly short term basis, however, some sources of it have a high mercury count which can be dangerous in high doses. (Source)

Tribulus Terrestris can possibly cause insomnia or stomach aches and pains, as well as irregular menstrual periods for women, as well as having negative drug interactions with nitrates and certain blood pressure medicines. (Source)

Muira Puama has not been widely tested so it currently does not have any known side effects. (Source)

L-arginine when taken in large doses can potentially cause diarrhea, stomach aches, gout, bloating and drops in blood pressure. (Source)

Does Zydenafil Really Work?

Zydenafil seems to be a pretty effective male enhancement supplement.

Not only does it contain natural vasodilators that have historically worked their charm and strengthened many men’s erections, it also can do wonders for your sexual desire.

The balance between ingredients that grant energy and blood flow and ingredients that put you in the mood is on point.

Not all men’s erectile dysfunction is causes by lack of blood flow.

In fact, for many men it is simply a side effect of having a lot of stress to deal with or a diminished sex drive for one reason or another.

Zydenafil clearly gets this and that explains the well-rounded formula they have to offer.

With that said, no two people’s chemical makeup is alike.

In other words, Zydenafil, like any male enhancement supplement will affect you differently than it may affect your friend or coworker.

How to Use Zydenafil

As I mentioned, Zydenafil is a daily male enhancement supplement.

To use Zydenfail, take two pills daily.

I have not found a specification as to whether or not they should be taken together or separate times.

However, on their website, they state that some of their users who want faster results double their daily doses which leads me to believe that you can probably take two at once if taking four in one day is acceptable.

To get the very most out of Zydenafil, you need to take it with consistency each day and at the same time roughly if possible.

According to what their website has to say, Zydenafil is made up of the most potent form of each ingredient.

Whether you take two a day or four a day, supplies don’t last that long as is the case with all daily male enhancement supplements.

Because of that, it is good to weigh the options if you have the chance to stock up on them in bulk, otherwise it can be way too pricey for anyone.

Where Can I Find Zydenafil?

You can find Zydenafil easily by going on their website.

If you scroll through their site, you will see that they boast that they are not one of the many male enhancement supplements running a free trial scam.

I have not heard anything about them being one of the scamming offenders, so that rings true to me.

A one bottle, one month supply is $69.95.

If you want to stock up, however, you can get two bottles for $129.95.

The best value available on their site is the three bottles plus one free for $149.95.

In general, daily supplements are more costly because you take them with more frequency than if it was take as needed.

Pros +

  • Natural ingredients
  • Contains some vasodilators
  • Has a low risk for side effects
  • Increases sex drive
  • Strengthens erections

Cons –

  • Expensive
  • Supply does not last long

Conclusion- Is Zydenafil Worth Trying?

Yes, it is worth trying.

The only thing that I could see as keeping people away would be the price.

That combined with the fact that is a daily supplement may be slightly off putting to people that want quick results.

For those that don’t mind waiting a month or two for the full effects to become noticeable, Zydenafil seems like a great option.

If you wind up liking it, I recommend buying bulk, otherwise it is hard to justify spending that much for a one month supply of any male enhancement supplement.

Check with your doctor or pharmacist to make sure that Zydenafil does not interact with any medications that you are on, or whether or not you are allergic to anything in it.

Top 3 Male EnhancementAffiliate Disclosure

#1 Rated – Vigrx Plus

#1 Rated - Vigrx Plus

Out of the 100+ male enhancement products Ive tried, Vigrx Plus was the best.

Click Here To Learn More »

#2 Rated – Bathmate Hydromax

#2 Rated - Bathmate Hydromax

The Bathmate is a proven water-based vacuum pump that can help dramatically increase your size.

Click Here To Learn More »

#3 Rated – Phallosan Forte

#3 Rated - Phallosan Forte

Phallosan Forte is a GREAT option for those looking to grow both length AND girth, permanently.

Click Here To Learn More »

Honorable Mention/Inexpensive Alternative:Magnum Rings content/uploads/2017/01/magnun rings

Magnum Rings are a VERY affordable option to getting both girth and length gains, at a fraction of the price of the Bathmate or Phallosan Forte.

Click Here to see our full Magnum Rings review.

Bluoxyn Review – Does It Really Work?

Problems in the bedroom are something every guy has gone through, or at least will go through one day.

It does not matter who you are, the fact is that sexual health goes through changes throughout life.

The most common of those changes for men as they get older is diminished sex drive and or possible erectile dysfunction.

That combined with low testosterone, stress and other factors can make a man feel down in the dumps and feeling not very confident.

Male enhancement supplements exist as a solution to that.

Instead of having to rely on a prescription for something possibly dangerous, men can get natural ingredient based supplements that do the same thing.

Of course, supplements of any kind vary in quality, but good male enhancement supplements can boost libido and strengthen erections.

Related Article:Sculpt Nation Test Boost Review – Does It Really Work?

The end result is improved sex life and more confidence.

These effects are what Bluoxyn says that their natural male enhancement supplement has to offer.

On their website, they allude to their ingredients being similar to that of a certain famous blue pill.

That is not uncommon, as most male enhancement supplements have ingredients targeted at blood flow.

Let us take a closer look at Bluoxyn and see how effective it is.

What is Bluoxyn?

bluoxyn reviewBluoxyn is a male enhancement supplement that is made up of natural ingredients.

The formula has a variety of herbal ingredients that have been known to have positive sexual benefits for men in particular.

Bluxoyn is not a “take as needed” supplement.

In other words, you need it to build in your system for the effects to kick in fully.

It is a daily male enhancement supplement, and slowly over time the purported effects will kick in for you if all goes well.

How Does Bluoxyn Work?

Not unlike similar male enhancement supplements, Bluoxyn works by boosting libido.

It also stimulates blood flow.

Lack of blood flow to the genitals is among the biggest causes of erectile dysfunction.

Bluonyx mostly is effective at increasing sexual desire, energy and boosting performance all around.

In fact, that is its primary benefit.

As you will see below, the formula Bluoxyn is confident with is made up of aphrodisiacs known mostly for putting people in the mood.

After all, lack of sex drive is a huge cause of lack in sexual activity and confidence.

What Are Bluonyx’s Ingredients?

Saw Palmetto

It is most commonly used to help with prostate problems, such as hypertrophy and can even slow down the spread and growth of prostate cancer cells. (Source)

There is research that shows that may help to boost and regulate testosterone production, which is what is responsible for male fertility, hair growth, muscle development, sperm count and sex drive. (Source)


It has strong anti-inflammatory effects, has anti-cancer and anti-tumor properties, can possibly reduce liver damage, and is used as a treatment for syphilis. (Source)

Wild Yam Extract

It is sometimes used to boost cognitive function, treat osteoporosis, boost libido, alleviate arthritic pains, and boost male fertility overall. (Source)

Horny Goat Weed

Horny goat weed is mostly used as an aphrodisiac and treatment for erectile dysfunction as it can increase blood flow, but it is also used to help treat chronic joint and back pain. (Source)

Tongkat Ali

It can improve and regulate mood, decrease stress, anxiety, and depression, potentially increase testosterone levels, and help with building muscle post workout. (Source)

Nettle Extract

It is loaded with vitamins, amino acids, and nutrients, and it can help treat enlarged prostates, inflammation, high blood pressure, regulate blood sugar, help with hay fever and help to rid your liver of toxins. (Source)

Do Any of These Ingredients Have Side Effects?

Saw Palmetto does not have very many known side effects, but if you are undergoing hormone treatments or have cancer that is hormone sensitive, it could have an ill effect due to its effect on testosterone. (Source)

Sarsaparilla can possibly cause upset stomach such as nausea or cramps. (Source)

Wild yam extract does not currently have known side effects; however, it can possibly cause or increase the risk of blood clots for people that have protein S deficiency. (Source)

Horny Goat Weed has several side effects, including nausea, vomiting, bloating, diarrhea, thirst, nosebleeds, dizziness, and dry mouth. (Source)

Tongkat Ali is mostly considered to be safe, however, some sources of it contain high mercury counts.

Does Bluoxyn Really Work?

Bluoxyn seems to be quite effective at boosting libido.

It does have some ingredients that lead me to believe it could have a direct effect on blood flow to the genitals, but without more information I cannot say for sure.

One thing I can say is that it is definitely effective at getting you in the mood and increasing sexual energy which results in improved confidence.

Because it is a daily supplement, it is hard to tell exactly just how well it works until you have been taking it for a few weeks up to a couple of months.

How to Use Bluoxyn

To use Bluoxyn, you want to make sure that you are taking the dose at the same time every day if at all possible.

When it comes to daily male enhancement supplements, there is no way around the waiting time.

That means that you need to do all that you can to make it worthwhile.

To do that, simply set a reminder to take it each day at roughly the same time and stay busy as you wait for the effects to start working their magic.

Nothing happens overnight with daily male enhancement supplements, but when taking the right dose with consistency, the results speak for themselves.

Where to Find Bluoxyn

Luckily, tracking down Bluoxyn is as easy as could be.

Check out their website, and you will notice that you can buy it directly from them.

Buying supplements directly from the manufacturer is a good idea and I like it for a few reasons.

For one thing, that means you know what you are getting.

Secondly, and maybe more importantly, it is easier to make a return or inquire further about the supplement if need be when buying male enhancement supplements straight from the source.

Pros +

  • Natural aphrodisiac formula
  • Low risk for side effects
  • Easy to get your hands on

Cons –

  • It takes a while for the effects to begin working

Conclusion- Is it Worth Trying Bluoxyn?

Yes, I think it is worth a shot.

The only thing that I could see holding some people back is the fact that it is a daily supplement.

Generally speaking, daily supplements mean that you have to wait much longer to reap the benefits.

For some people, the wait is well worth it.

For others, they may wish they had just gone with a take as needed male enhancement supplement.

I think that this one is worth checking out and at least staying with long enough to see how well the effects work for you.

If it winds up working for you, it could be a major confidence booster and just what you and your partner needed in the bedroom.

Of course, always check to make sure you are not allergic to any of the ingredients and only take it as recommended on the label.

Top 3 Male EnhancementAffiliate Disclosure

#1 Rated – Vigrx Plus

#1 Rated - Vigrx Plus

Out of the 100+ male enhancement products Ive tried, Vigrx Plus was the best.

Click Here To Learn More »

#2 Rated – Bathmate Hydromax

#2 Rated - Bathmate Hydromax

The Bathmate is a proven water-based vacuum pump that can help dramatically increase your size.

Click Here To Learn More »

#3 Rated – Phallosan Forte

#3 Rated - Phallosan Forte

Phallosan Forte is a GREAT option for those looking to grow both length AND girth, permanently.

Click Here To Learn More »

Honorable Mention/Inexpensive Alternative:Magnum Rings content/uploads/2017/01/magnun rings

Magnum Rings are a VERY affordable option to getting both girth and length gains, at a fraction of the price of the Bathmate or Phallosan Forte.

Click Here to see our full Magnum Rings review.

Kevin Costner ED Pill Scam

Have you ever come across this ad?

Sometimes, you are just scrolling through your feed and you see something that stops in your tracks.

That is what happened to me the other morning when I came across the bold headline of the ad in question.

“Kevin Costner Bets Big With New Supplement, Finds Cure For ED & Male Aging Issue” is enough to stop anyone in their tracks.

kevin costner anti aging and ed pill

Of course it seemed like quite a stretch and a little bit too good to be true.

But that would not be the first time something that has happened.

I have covered endless cases of ads boasting celebrity endorsements that don’t exactly seem like they are legit, and usually they aren’t.

More and more they pop up and leave as quickly as they came when people catch on that it is totally bogus.

You can find bogus supplement endorsements using the names of endless celebrities ranging from Denzel Washington and Dr. Oz to The Rock and Kevin Costner.

In many ways it has become a common scam that many shady supplement manufacturers employ to drum up sales.

The article refers to a (nonexistent) interview where Kevin Costner states that him and his team of partners created MAX EXTRACT.

Not only that, Kevin himself says that MAX EXTRACT is better than Viagra and other leading ED drugs.

kevin costner max extract

Yes, I know, that seems quite odd.

Why would an A-list actor and producer spend his time, money, and efforts definitely an ED supplement?

I’ll tell you why; he never did.

Of course Kevin Costner is not an ED pill tycoon and allow me to lay it all out for you here.

1. The First Sign

When you click the ad and it takes you to a website that appears to be GQ, they are trying to bait you with a familiar web entity.

However, it does not take a Sherlock Holmes level detective to figure out that it is not the GQ website.

In fact, it requires no sleuthing at all.

Direct your attention to the URL at the top of the page and you will know right away the site has nothing to do with GQ.

Besides the GQ façade, the first thing you may notice is the pictures taken from a faux MSNBC interview.

If you look up any variation of Kevin Costner promoting an ED pill on Hardball With Chris Matthews, you will find nothing except for this scam article.

That is because it never happened.

He did go on Hardball With Chris Matthews, mind you, but it was to promote his movie “Black or White” back in 2015.

Unless somehow there is footage on the cutting room floor that only the author to this scam ad has access to, Kevin Costner did not breathe a word about erectile dysfunction or supplements of any kind.

It takes a simple google search to figure out they are full of it.

Not only that, but it is the leading point of the whole article.

They come right out citing the “interview” and right before the ridiculous claims that it is “90% cheaper and 5 times more effective” than the competition.

2. What Was That About Jimmy Kimmel?

Kevin Costner has without a doubt been on Jimmy Kimmel’s show.

In fact, he is a repeat guest and his appearances are fun and popular.

Of the many topics they have covered over a few interviews, can you guess what never got discussed?

ED pills, that’s what.

He shared fun acting anecdotes but never got around to talking about the ED this scam article claims he is associated with.

So, it stands to reason that Jimmy Kimmel Live’s official Twitter account did not tweet that Kevin Costner was backstage getting ready to talk about his new ED pill on the show, right?

After looking through Jimmy Kimmel Live’s old tweets, surprisingly, that one is nowhere to be found.

Not only that, but I could not find one instance of the them using the hashtag #edcure on any of the show’s social media accounts.

And what was that about him promising to provide free MAX EXTRACT for the public on Jimmy Kimmel Live?

If that had actually happened, that would have been awfully generous of Mr. Costner.

But sadly, nope, he just went on there to promote his latest movie and not an ED supplement that he has zero relation to.

All that you have to do is head to YouTube and you will find a few Kevin Costner Jimmy Kimmel Live appearances to see for yourself.

3. The Link That Leads to Nowhere

You probably noticed the several links to MAX EXTRACT scattered throughout the bogus article.

Well, clicking on doesn’t do much of anything.

Instead, you’ll be directed to a page telling you that it cannot be found.

Hey, maybe that is just because they have a new website and the unbiased “author” of the silly ad was not aware.

Doubtful, but let’s see.

When you google MAX EXTRACT, however, you can find

That does not make things any less sketchy, however.

When you click “buy’, you are taken to a buy page, but not one for MAX EXTRACT.

Instead, you land on a page prompting you to buy Apex Alpha Testosterone.

With supplements that have scamming tendencies, that can usually point to a couple different things.

The first one is that manufacturer has to shut down their brand because it got negative feedback or outed as a scam.

The second reason is that either it was discovered to have undisclosed ingredients or simply that the parent company moved onto the next scam.

There is no telling which is the case in this instance, but one thing is for sure; everything surrounding it is a muddled mess.

What leads me to believe that it is discontinued is that you can find it on a few random supplement websites but not on its own.

All of the language and tactics surrounding MAX EXTRACT is eerily reminiscent of similar scams and should be more than enough to get anyone to stay away.

And the absolute LAST thing I would do is jump at the chance to do a “free trial” associated with anything even remotely connected to this product.

If only Kevin Costner knew what a silly scam his name has been attached to.

I’m guessing he knows what MAX EXTRACT knows, which is that what they are doing is illegal.

Either way, MAX EXTRACT clearly does not seem to care about tarnishing their reputation or getting in trouble because they did absolutely nothing to try to be even remotely convincing that it was a legitimate product.

Why Go to Such Trouble to Scam People?

Simply put, they are just trying to make a quick buck.

And realistically, they are not even trying that hard.

It is so easy to see through their façade that just about anybody could glance at the faux article and determine something was amiss.

The reason that they went about it the way that they did is the same as many other shady brands.

All that they are doing is playing on the fact that people know and enjoy Kevin Costner’s work, and using that to piggyback a shady ED pill onto his name to get you to part with your dollars.

That is also why they refer to Jimmy Kimmel Live and Hardball With Chris Matthews.

Those are popular TV shows and something many people relate to.

It creates familiarity with the reader and that combined with GQ can sell someone that is not paying full attention to it.

That is not the only way that they are trying to appeal to you using shady tactics.

Look no further than the laughable “comments” (yeah, right) section at the bottom of the scam page.

There are plenty of comments at the bottom saying only the most positive things possible with time signature of 12 minutes ago, 25 minutes ago, etc. etc.

Interestingly enough however, that never seems to change.

Go back and visit the scam article in question at a later time.

The times won’t be any different.

They are either paid testimonials or more likely, just fake accounts made by the same uncreative scammer who wrote the base article.

I mean, really, how does one of the “customers” in the comments have a discount code that she can offer up for future customers?


Now, I hope you see what you can do to easily pick a scam article apart.

The biggest lesson to learn from all of this is that shady people will do anything to make a quick buck.

They will go so far as to emulate established entities, falsely claim celebrity endorsements, and create false narratives.

As long as you can take a step back when something seems to good to be true you will realize that in most cases, it is.

The last thing that you want is to fall victim to a company that is so shady that they could only get your attention with silly lies.

Top 3 Male EnhancementAffiliate Disclosure

#1 Rated – Vigrx Plus

#1 Rated - Vigrx Plus

Out of the 100+ male enhancement products Ive tried, Vigrx Plus was the best.

Click Here To Learn More »

#2 Rated – Bathmate Hydromax

#2 Rated - Bathmate Hydromax

The Bathmate is a proven water-based vacuum pump that can help dramatically increase your size.

Click Here To Learn More »

#3 Rated – Phallosan Forte

#3 Rated - Phallosan Forte

Phallosan Forte is a GREAT option for those looking to grow both length AND girth, permanently.

Click Here To Learn More »

Honorable Mention/Inexpensive Alternative:Magnum Rings content/uploads/2017/01/magnun rings

Magnum Rings are a VERY affordable option to getting both girth and length gains, at a fraction of the price of the Bathmate or Phallosan Forte.

Click Here to see our full Magnum Rings review.

VasoStam Review – Does It Really Work?

Male enhancement supplements have come a long way since they first started coming out.

They used to be taboo and did not get talked about in mainstream avenues.

Those days are long behind us, however, as there are hundreds and hundreds of options for male enhancement supplements for guys to choose from.

Male sexual health involves a lot of things, and different male enhancement supplements are intended for different aspects of it.

You can find supplements that are intended to increase pleasure or help with premature ejaculation.

Perhaps the most common male enhancement supplements, however, are aimed at helping with erectile dysfunction.

Erectile dysfunction is extremely commonplace, as is men seeking aid to eradicate it.

One route is the old school, expensive route of paying $15 a pill for prescription ED pills.

The cheaper, often more natural route is turning to natural supplements.

One such erectile dysfunction supplement is VasoStam.

VasoStam has generated some talk in the male enhancement supplement community.

Like many modern ED supplements, it is a natural formula.

For a lot of people, natural formulas are an alluring alternative to synthetics that have a higher risk for side effects.

It boasts an interesting formula with the potential for a wide range of effects.

The website even states that there is a 100% money back guarantee, so clearly, they are confident in their supplement.

Let’s dig into VasoStam a little further and see how it works and if its ingredients are enough to help with erectile dysfunction.

What is VasoStam?

vasostam pills reviewAccording to VasoStam’s website, it is a natural male enhancement supplement that can boost libido, strengthen erections, and give stamina.

It has a wide range of ingredients that are known to offer various health benefits besides the sexual effects.

The website states that it gives you thicker and longer erections, stronger orgasms, and better performance overall.

Now, the website does claim that it can “maximize penis size and girth”.

There are no supplements that can increase size or girth, but we can give them the benefit of the doubt and assume they mean going from flaccid to erect.

It is a reasonably priced supplement when it comes to ED pills, and according to their website, it works for 98% of users.

That is a bold statement for sure, but if true, that would make it one impressive male enhancement supplement.

With a quick glance at the ingredients it appears that may be true, but let’s dig deeper and see how it works and what it’s made of.

How Does it Work?

The main purpose of VasoStam is to increase blood flow to the genitals.

When a man gets an erection, it is the result of blood flowing to the proper tissue.

The inability to get proper blood flow to the penis is the nagging problem behind many men’s cases of erectile dysfunction.

In general, the most common way to treat that issue is with vasodilators.

Vasodilators generally work by increasing nitric oxide (NO) levels and increasing blood flow throughout the body.

Possibly the most famous example is sildenafil, or as most people know it as, Viagra.

That is not the only vasodilator, however, and there are several naturally occurring ones that wind up in male enhancement supplements.

Some of them such as VasoStam combine a few different vasodilator ingredients in an effort to do as much as possible to strengthen your erection.

It also has some classic aphrodisiac ingredients that appear to be responsible for the libido boost that the website refers to.

Let’s look at the ingredients inside VasoStam.

What Are VasoStam’s Ingredients?


A plant that has been used to treat everything from depression and premature ejaculation to inflammation and Alzheimer’s Disease. (Source)

Some studies suggest that it has anti-anxiety effects and can offset erectile dysfunction caused by taking antidepressants. (Source)

Vitamin D3

Plays a role in regulating mood and potentially even alleviating stress, anxiety, and depression in some cases. (Source)

It can also be preventive for certain conditions such as heart disease, multiple sclerosis (MS), the flue and more, as well as helping to strengthen your bones. (Source)


Tribulus is a fruit bearing plant that can help with chest pain, possibly boosting athletic performance, and treating eczema. (Source)

It is also commonly used as a male fertility aid, libido booster, and possible treatment for erectile dysfunction. (Source)

Tongkat Ali

It can be used to help improve muscle mass, possibly increase natural and free testosterone levels and in turn help with erectile dysfunction and infertility. (Source)

Some studies show that it can be affective as a mood regulator and can help to alleviate stress, anxiety, and some symptoms of depression. (Source)

Maca Root

A classic aphrodisiac, maca root is fertility and libido booster for both men and women alike and can also reduce certain symptoms of menopause for women. (Source)

It can also help with mental health as it can give relief from depression and anxiety. (Source)

Korean Red Ginseng

It can help to make you more alert and improve energy, as well as help to get and maintain an erection. (Source)

There is some evidence that Korean Red Ginseng can help treat or prevent certain heart conditions, alleviate stress, and strengthen the immune system. (Source)

Do Any of the Ingredients Have Side Effects?

Saffron can cause flushing, dizziness, headache, dry mouth, exhaustion, diarrhea, constipation, and sweating. (Source)

Vitamin D3 does not typically produce negative side effects however, too much of it can cause high calcium levels which is not good people who are allergic to it should avoid it. (Source)

Tribulus has the potential to cause nausea, vomiting, insomnia, diarrhea, constipation and in extremely rare cases, possible kidney damage. (Source)

Tongkat Ali does not currently have any known side effects until more testing and clinical trials are done. (Source)

Maca Root has been deemed mostly safe to take, however, people that certain thyroid conditions should avoid taking it all together. (Source)

Korean Red Ginseng can possibly cause changes in heart rate, dizziness, headache, difficulty falling or staying asleep, and high blood pressure. (Source)

Does VasoStam Really Work?

By all accounts and appearances, VasoStam seems to be fairly effective at treating erectile dysfunction.

It certainly cannot increase size and girth like the website suggests in a few places, but it has good effects.

What VasoStam has going for it is the combination of vasodilators in the formula.

That does not mean it will work for everybody, of course, as everyone has a different make up.

However, cases of ED caused by lack of blood flow may be helped by this supplement.

It attacks ED from a few different angles because of the fact that it has ingredients aimed at increasing desire and sexual energy.

VasoStam is designed to treat several of the root causes of erectile dysfunction as once thus increasing the chance of your success in the bedroom.

How to Use VasoStam

VasoStam is a daily male enhancement supplement.

Each day you simply take two VasoStam pills and wait for the effects to begin working for you.

According to their website, you have to take VasoStam consistently for two months or more if you want to see good and lasting results.

A little bit of patience is required if you want to get the best possible results with this particular supplement.

Where Can I Find VasoStam?

Finding VasoStam could not be any easier.

They have their own website that you can easily order from which is a nice change from having to hunt down some male enhancement supplements.

Like with many supplements, you get a few options for purchasing VasoStam.

For $89.95, you can get one bottle of VasoStam, and for $159.95 you can get two bottles plus one free.

If you absolutely love VasoStam, you can get a large supply of three bottles plus two free for $199.95.

Pros +

  • All natural ingredients
  • Increases libido and sexual energy
  • Helps with erectile dysfunction
  • Minimal side effects

Cons –

  • Expensive unless you get bulk
  • Claims to increase size but it cannot

Conclusion- Is it Worth Trying VasoStam?

Yes, it seems like it is a mostly safe bet.

It is slightly pricey unless you choose to go with the bulk options, however.

That is a minor bummer for those that want to try one bottle to see if it is for them.

Considering it takes two months to reach peak efficacy, buying in bulk might not be that bad of an idea.

Because it is a daily male enhancement supplement, you have to make sure that you take it with consistency.

The only way to get the best results out of a daily supplement is by sticking to it and trying to dose at the same time each day.

Being able to buy straight from the source is always a great opportunity.

That way, you know exactly what you are getting, because online, many people make counterfeit supplements and it is hard to know what you are getting if you don’t go straight to the source.

Top 3 Male EnhancementAffiliate Disclosure

#1 Rated – Vigrx Plus

#1 Rated - Vigrx Plus

Out of the 100+ male enhancement products Ive tried, Vigrx Plus was the best.

Click Here To Learn More »

#2 Rated – Bathmate Hydromax

#2 Rated - Bathmate Hydromax

The Bathmate is a proven water-based vacuum pump that can help dramatically increase your size.

Click Here To Learn More »

#3 Rated – Phallosan Forte

#3 Rated - Phallosan Forte

Phallosan Forte is a GREAT option for those looking to grow both length AND girth, permanently.

Click Here To Learn More »

Honorable Mention/Inexpensive Alternative:Magnum Rings content/uploads/2017/01/magnun rings

Magnum Rings are a VERY affordable option to getting both girth and length gains, at a fraction of the price of the Bathmate or Phallosan Forte.

Click Here to see our full Magnum Rings review.

Ultimate Focus Stack Review – Does It Really Work?

Nootropics are as popular as ever.

A few years back, they were mysterious and new, and no one knew much about them.

Now, it seems like there are new nootropics all the time.

In short, nootropics work by giving a boost your cognitive function.

It’s almost like an oil change where you aren’t changing what’s there too much, you’re just making it work better.

People use nootropics because it can increase productivity, focus and overall brain function.

Many find that the best way to get use out of nootropics is by stacking them.

One such stack is the Ultimate Focus Stack.

What Is the Ultimate Focus Stack?

ultimate focus stack reviewThe Ultimate Focus Stack is comprised of three nootropics.

It is made up of Adrafinil, phenylpiracetam, and Citicoline capsules.

This stack is not for daily use but is meant for times when you need energy the most.

When you take the stack, you can expect enhanced cognitive ability, focus and energy for 5-8 hours.

Different nootropics have different effects.

When put in a stack, nootropics compliment one another and boost each other’s effects.

Not only that, they supplement each other’s effects.

Maybe one nootropic is ideal for improving memory or keeping you awake, while another one is best for increasing your focus and giving you energy.

By stacking nootropics, you get the best of both worlds and maximize your cognitive ability.

Let’s get into each nootropic that makes up this stack and see what makes it work as well as it does.

What is Phenylpiracetam?

phenylpiracetam - nootropics dot comPhenylpiracetam is a nootropic that addresses many issues and can improve the day in several ways.

For one thing, it is a stress reducer.

Stress can get in the way of anybody having a productive day.

Besides that, it also increases concentration.

It is 10 times stronger than the similar nootropic, Piracetam, and it is known for increasing productivity.

People also use it as a pre-workout enhancer.

Because it increases focus and can improve memory, it is also conducive to studying, taking tests or doing busy work.

What is Adrafinil?

adrafinil - ultimate focus stackWhen you consume Adrafinil, it converts into Modafinil.

Modafinil is a wildly popular nootropic that makes you alert, focused, increases your brain function and creates energy.

Because of that, it is used by a wide range of people who enjoy its effects.

One of the many things that it is known for is offering improvement to cognition for a up to a full day.

What is Citicoline?

citicoline - nootropics dot comCiticoline is often paired with other nootropics.

It plays a direct role in the production of neurotransmitters.

Ultimately, Citicoline effects both memory and focus.

It lasts slightly shorter than some other nootropics, such as Adrafinil, but when put in a stack can last even longer.

Upon taking Citicoline, effects kick in fairly shortly thereafter with an hour after being the latest you will notice improved cognition in most cases.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Q: How do I take it?

A: Take one capsule of each nootropic in the stack up to two times in one day if necessary.

It is not a stack that is meant to be taken daily.

Only take it once a week if needed and do not exceed the recommended dosage.

Take the Ultimate Focus Stack with a lot of water.

Not only to make it absorb better in your stomach and go down easier, but also while it is in effect.

They recommend that you drink more water than you usually would after having taken the Ultimate Focus Stack in order to stay hydrated.

Q: How long does it take to start working?

A: The onset of the Ultimate Focus Stack is moderate.

After taking one of each capsule in the stack, you may begin to feel effects at roughly the 45-60 minute mark.

This timing can vary from person to person for a variety of reasons.

Once it has kicked in, you will notice the peak effects for a full 5-8 hours.

After the peak effects have worn off, you can expect lingering effects that are still noticeable for up to 10 hours afterwards, possibly more depending on the person.

Metabolism, how much you’ve had to eat, and dosage can all play a role in when it kicks in.

Q: What can I expect to feel?

A:There are a wide range of effects that the Ultimate Focus Stack produces.

That is due largely in part to the fact that it is comprised of three distinct nootropics that each boast many effects on their own.

When combined, you essentially get the best of each of the nootropics in it but amplified by the presence of the other nootropics that is stacked along with.

You can expect your mood to be enhanced, an increase in drive and motivation, vitality and more fluid speaking due to the brain surge.

Also, it can increase your physical abilities as far as athletic performance mostly in the context of exercise goes.

Besides that, the Ultimate Focus Stack, as the name would suggest, gives you a major increase in focus.

That is, after all, what most people want out of nootropics.

Couple that with the social benefits it provides and improvement in work ethic and quality, and the Ultimate Focus Stack has effects anyone would covet.

Q: Are there any side effects?

A: It is mostly low risk, but it does have some potential for side effects.

For example, some people report difficulty sleeping due to the Adrafinil in the stack.

Also, Adrafinil can negatively interact with hormonal birth control and make it less effective possibly.

It can cause anxiety because it is stimulating and taking too much Citicoline can cause depressive episodes in people already predisposed to depression.

You should not consume alcohol if you are taking the Ultimate Focus Stack.

Where to Buy Ultimate Focus Stack

You can find Ultimate Focus Stack directly through their nootropics site:

The stack is $149 for a 60 count of each nootropic in the stack.

Because it is only to be taken once a week, if that, a supply lasts an awfully long time.


The Ultimate Focus Stack is a highly impressive example of the benefits that combining multiple nootropics can provide.

It is essentially just a combination of three heavy hitting nootropics that are each known on their own as rock stars at boosting cognitive function.

What could be more perfect than that?

It is as effective as it is due to the fact that each nootropic in the stack is distinct enough to bring its own benefits and unique traits to the stack, while similar enough that they complement each other.

Personally, I recommend the Ultimate Focus Stack.

The effects it provides could come in handy for literally anybody so long as they take it as recommended by the manufacturer.

As far as side effects go, there are not very many and they are not very severe, which is encouraging.

If you are prone to depression, however, consider leaving out the Citicoline.

The stack does not have many interactions, however, if you or someone you know is taking the stack while on hormonal birth control, be aware that its efficacy may be reduced.

I recommend the Ultimate Focus Stack and hope it helps you boost your cognitive function.

Top 3 NootropicsAffiliate Disclosure

Mind Lab Pro

Mind Lab Pro

Mind Lab Pro is a VERY effective nootropic for focus, concentration, short / long term memory, and more.

Click Here To Learn More »

Ultimate Noots Stack

Ultimate Noots Stack

The Ultimate Nootropics Stack by is one of the most effective stacks I’ve taken.

Click Here To Learn More »

L-Theanine & Caffeine

L-Theanine & Caffeine

The combo of L-Theanine and Caffeine is a well known nootropic stack that really works.

Click Here To Learn More »

Serexin Review – 1 Pro and 3 VERY Big Cons

If trying hundreds of male enhancement supplements does one thing for you, it instills patience.

Patience as far as waiting for effects to kick in, finding the right one, and in some cases, even tracking them down.

As with any industry, the male enhancement supplement community has many trends and patterns.

When you try enough of them, you start to pick up on what they have in common and which patterns are important to look out for, for better or worse.

Just like with any product or supplement, a male enhancement supplement is not as good as it could be unless they provide all of the necessary information.

When that information is hard to track down or is misleading, well, it is usually not a great sign.

Male enhancement supplements are so common because problems in the bedroom are so common.

The fact is every man at one point, or another could benefit from taking a male sexual enhancer to lend a hand in the bedroom.

Years ago, that was a point of shame or embarrassment, but those days are far back in the rearview.

You no longer have to go the doctor or pay $15 a pill for something that will strengthen your erections at the cost of some nasty side effects.

Supplements have just about eliminated the need to schedule a visit to the doctor to overpay for something like Viagra or Cialis.

Not only that, over the counter male enhancement supplements make it so that you can feel confident in the bedroom without having to go to extreme lengths.

It is a safer, cheaper, and more natural solution that something like hormone replacement therapy which is unattainable to many.

One male enhancement supplement that is intended to naturally resolve erectile dysfunction is Serexin.

It should be noted that at this present moment, it does not appear that Serexin has an official website.

I know that they used to based on links that were once hot that now lead nowhere.

That is somewhat common with male enhancement supplements, and it is hard to track down why in many cases.

Sometimes it is a matter of the product being pulled, rebranded or simply that the manufacturer no longer wants or need an online presence.

It can sometimes be a bit of a red flag, but what counts the most is how it works and where or not it is effective.

Let’s explore Serexin, how it works, and what its ingredients are.

What is Serexin?

serexin reviewsSerexin is a supplement that they claim can give you bigger and longer lasting erections.

The current trend in male enhancement supplements is natural formulas.

Serexin makes use of this and each ingredient is natural.

They ensure that within 90 days of beginning taking Serexin you will begin to experience the sexual benefits that it has to offer.

How Does Serexin Work?

That is a tricky question.

Normally, that would not be difficult to answer, but because all traces of Serexin online have seemingly disappeared, the ingredients are all that anyone has to go off.

By looking at the formula, one can assume that it works by increasing sex drive.

Lack of or diminished sex drive is ultimately one of the main causes of erectile dysfunction.

Formulas that include herbal aphrodisiacs often times do a good job of getting over the mental hurdle and increasing libido.

Some of the ingredients also suggest that it stimulates blood flow.

Blood flow problems are at the root of thousands upon thousands of men’s erectile dysfunction.

Typically, nitric oxide (NO) production is what causes blood flow to make it to the penis.

Let us take a look at what ingredients are in Serexin’s natural formula to get a better understanding of how it affects the body.

What Are Serexin’s Ingredients?

Horny Goat Weed

Also known as Epimedium, it is most commonly used for improving both male and female sex drive and erectile dysfunction in men. (Source)

People also use it to treat mental and physical ailments ranging from memory loss and mood to osteoporosis and joint pain. (Source)

Ginkgo Biloba Extract

It can stimulate vision, treat asthma and COPD, increase blood circulation, enhance libido, and it is full of antioxidants that help with repairing damaged cells. (Source)

Ginkgo extract can also help with certain psychiatric problems as well as problems associated with dementia and Alzheimer’s by increasing blood flow to the brain. (Source)


Most commonly, it is used to offset the sexual side effects of certain antidepressants that can cause erectile dysfunction or low sex drive. (Source)

It is also used by diabetics suffering nerve pain, high or low blood pressure, chest pain and as a weight loss aid and athletic performance enhancer. (Source)


It is an amino acid that is effective in treating erectile dysfunction because it breaks down into nitric oxide (NO) which opens the blood vessels and stimulates blood flow. (Source)

Commonly, it is also used to treat heart problems, high blood pressure, peripheral arterial disease, angina and in some cases, kidney disease. (Source)

Ginger Extract

It can lower blood sugar for diabetics, can improve certain heart conditions, discomfort during menstruation for women, and can help joint pain and inflammation in those with osteoarthritis. (Source)

Most commonly, it is used to help people with ongoing indigestion problems, nausea and vomiting, high cholesterol, and as a workout recovery aid following exercise. (Source)

Muira Puama

While there is not a wealth of understanding as to how it works, Muira Puama has been used to increase sexual energy and libido, and possibly frequency of sex. (Source)

There is no evidence to currently support it, but many have used Muira Puama to help alleviate joint pain, menstrual pain, nausea and even as a way to improve their athletic performance. (Source)

Do Any of Serexin’s Ingredients Have Side Effects?

Horny Goat Weed can cause dry mouth, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, allergic reaction, and dizziness in high doses or in those who are sensitive to it. (Source)

Ginkgo Biloba can cause stomach aches, nausea, diarrhea, and chronic headaches in some people. (Source)

Yohimbe has some severe side effects ranging from shaking, seizures, abnormal heart rate, diarrhea, vomiting and nausea, to serious breathing problems, coma and even death. (Source)

L-Arginine can cause low blood pressure, allergies, gout, bloating, nausea, vomiting, and abdominal pain. (Source)

Ginger Extract may increase the risk of bleeding or cause acid reflux, CNS depression, abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea in high doses. (Source)

Muira Puama does not currently have a lot of research available to indicate whether or not it has side effects, so check with our physician to see if you are fit to take it. (Source)

Does Serexin Work?

That is slightly complicated.

See, some of the ingredients are in fact staples when it comes to male enhancement supplements.

There is no doubting that, however, there is no way to tell how much of each ingredient is in the formula.

That is often times more important than the actual ingredients themselves.

The L-arginine is the most promising of all of the ingredients, and usually when it shows up in a formula it is a sign of future blood flow.

With that said, there is one ingredient in Serexin that is pretty concerning.

The ingredient in question is Yohimbe which can be quite risky.

For a long time, Yohimbe popped up in so many male enhancement supplements, and clearly it still does.

The issue with Yohimbe is that it has a huge list of side effects that range from uncomfortable or painful to coma and death.

Of course, that does not mean that everyone that takes Yohimbe will have side effects.

Everyone has a different body and reacts to substances in their own unique way.

However, when it comes down to side effects that are as severe as what can come about by taking Serexin, it is always a good idea to err on the side of caution.

Yohimbe does seem to have some sexual benefits when it comes to blood flow and sex drive, but it makes you wonder if it is worth the risk.

The other issue that comes up with Serexin is that there is a pretty serious lack of information.

That makes it hard to not only make a judgement about it, but also know exactly what you are taking and where it is coming from.

The only thing that comes up besides old Serexin reviews is a different male enhancement supplement entirely called Alpha Serexin X.

I am not sure if the two are related whatsoever, but judging by its Amazon reviews, it is probably best if it is not.

Luckily, there are still screen grabs that you can find from their old website to try and weave the information together yourself.

How to Use Serexin

Exact dosage information is not easy to come by, but there is a little bit of information about how to use Serexin.

Based on one of the old “reviews” that uses the same kind of language as Serexin’s old ads, it is a daily male enhancement supplement.

One old review that features a link to what was their old website alongside screen grabs from it states that you take two a day every day.

According to Serexin, you will have to wait 90 days before you really start to experience that maximum effects it has to offer.

If you are somehow able to get your hands on Serexin, be patient.

Sometimes you have to wait a while for daily male enhancement supplements to kick in.

Daily supplements also mean that you will go through your supply faster, but if you see good benefits then it is well worth it.

Where to Find Serexin

As of right now, that is a mystery.

From old reviews that have screen grabs from their old site, you can see that a bottle is or was $69.99.

That is somewhat steep for a month supply of a male enhancement supplement, especially considering the lack of information available.

With that said, if you have your heart set on Serexin and are able to get your hands on it somehow, I see no reason you shouldn’t try it.

As long as you exercise caution.

I mentioned earlier that there is a product called Alpha Serexin X that I am unsure of whether or not it is related.

That is available on Amazon and has a bevy of negative reviews, however, it could be a total coincidence that they share a similar name.

Pros +

  • Natural ingredients

Cons –

  • Contains the dangerous Yohimbe
  • Currently does not have a website
  • Appears to be unavailable for purchase at this time

Conclusion- Should You Give Serexin a Try?

I do not think that there is any reason at all to try Serexin.

When you look at the huge sea of male enhancement supplements that are proven and are easy to get information of, it makes Serexin seem unnecessary.

Having to jump through hoops to find out whether or not something is suitable to take makes it hard to trust whether or not it is safe or worth it.

Couple that with the expensive price, if it is even still available, and mostly unexciting formula, there is not much to look to.

Not to mention, it does contain Yohimbe which is dangerous.

Sure, lots of supplement have some Yohimbe in it.

That does not mean that it is a safe ingredient though.

It has too many side effects to justify taking it.

There are enough supplements out there that are cost effective and work to overcome ED that you can give this one a pass.

If your heart is set on it, good luck trying to find it, but I hope it works well for you.

Check the ingredients list to make sure that it does not interact with any medications that you are currently taking.

If you are allergic to anything in Serexin, avoid taking it and if you are unsure, contact your doctor.

Top 3 Male EnhancementAffiliate Disclosure

#1 Rated – Vigrx Plus

#1 Rated - Vigrx Plus

Out of the 100+ male enhancement products Ive tried, Vigrx Plus was the best.

Click Here To Learn More »

#2 Rated – Bathmate Hydromax

#2 Rated - Bathmate Hydromax

The Bathmate is a proven water-based vacuum pump that can help dramatically increase your size.

Click Here To Learn More »

#3 Rated – Phallosan Forte

#3 Rated - Phallosan Forte

Phallosan Forte is a GREAT option for those looking to grow both length AND girth, permanently.

Click Here To Learn More »

Honorable Mention/Inexpensive Alternative:Magnum Rings content/uploads/2017/01/magnun rings

Magnum Rings are a VERY affordable option to getting both girth and length gains, at a fraction of the price of the Bathmate or Phallosan Forte.

Click Here to see our full Magnum Rings review.

Sculpt Nation Test Boost Review – Does It Really Work?

Testosterone is the building block for many aspects of a man’s life.

It is the reason why we grew at puberty, why we have facial hair, can build muscle, and much more.

Throughout life, testosterone levels go through many changes.

The most troubling of those changes is when your testosterone levels begin to dip.

It happens to everyone and usually comes around age 30 and begins the gradual downgrade.

Update 12/28! Check Out My Top Choice For T Boosting

If you’re looking for an effective testosterone boosting supplement, check out a product called Prime Male.

prime male testosterone review
Read my full review here.

It’s by far the most effective all-natural Testosterone boosting supplement we’ve tested to date, and we’ve tested 100’s of them.

Click Here to read my full review of Prime Male.

The decline takes time, but it has an effect on all aspects of life and can be hard to deal with for a lot of men.

Thankfully, in today’s age, you can find testosterone boosters easily.

A testosterone booster’s goal is to increase your levels of the hormone and get it flowing.

Many men find their way to testosterone boosters because it is a cheaper and, in some cases, safer alternative to hormone replacement therapy.

You can find a wide variety of testosterone supplements out there today, and many of them are natural ingredient-based formulas.

One such testosterone supplement is Sculpt Nation Test Boost.

Sculpt Nation Test Boost, according to their own website, can help you get your libido up, build lean muscle, increase testosterone production and lose fat.

Their formula features some time-proven ingredients that you may recognize from other similar supplements.

Let’s check out Sculpt Nation Test Boost and see how it works, what it’s made out of and how effective it really is.

What is Sculpt Nation Test Boost?

sculpt nation test boost reviewSculpt Nation Test Boost is a natural testosterone boosting supplement.

One of the aims of the supplement is to help you build muscle and burn off some fat.

Because it naturally increases testosterone, it can also help to improve sex drive and everything that comes along with that.

It also directly addresses erectile dysfunction with a few of its ingredients, including Epimedium (horny goat weed).

How Does Sculpt Nation Test Boost Work?

Sculpt Nation Test Boost works by increasing your testosterone as well as boosting your blood flow.

The result is that, if it works for you, you will have more free testosterone and will be able to perform better both athletically and sexually.

It is a daily supplement and it may take a little while before you see peak effects from it.

They are so confident in Sculpt Nation Test Boost that they offer a full 60-day money back guarantee if you are not happy with your results, or lack thereof.

As with any supplement, it is only as good as its formula.

Let’s take a closer look at the ingredients and see what makes Sculpt Nation Test Boost tick.

What Are Sculpt Nation Test Boost’s Ingredients?


It has been used to treat many illnesses and ailments, such as eczema, enlarged prostate, erectile dysfunction and infertility. (Source)

There is a myth that Tribulus can increase your testosterone, but in reality, the science shows that this is only true for some animals, not human beings. (Source)

Panax Ginseng

Panax ginseng can be used to treat many cognitive issues such as loss of memory and overall cognitive function and can be used to lower the risk of contracting the flu or other illnesses. (Source)

It is also used take care of erectile dysfunction and even strengthen the lungs for people that have COPD. (Source)


Loaded with antioxidants, it can help treat inflammation, possibly improve kidney function, and can improve sports performance by stimulating the muscles. (Source)


More than anything, it is used to alleviate stress and anxiety. (Source)

It also increases sexual desire and can possibly improve sexual satisfaction. (Source)

Hawthorn Berry

It can be used to treat inflammation, lower your cholesterol levels, impede hair loss, and it can lower your blood pressure. (Source)

Hawthorn berry can also help you with digestion, provide relief from anxiety, and promote heart health. (Source)

Longjack Root

Also known as eurycoma longifolia, it can treat male infertility and sexual dysfunction. (Source)


Often referred to as horny goat weed, Epimedium is an aphrodisiac that boosts sexual appetite and helps with erectile dysfunction. (Source)

Do Any of the Ingredients Have Side Effects?

Tribulus has the potential to cause insomnia, constipation, nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, and stomach pain. (Source)

Panax Ginseng can dizziness, nausea, fluctuation in blood pressure, itchiness, diarrhea and headache. (Source)

Cordyceps mushrooms are believed to be safe and mostly without side effects, however, they can trigger a response from certain auto immune disorders. (Source)

If you take too much Ashwagandha, there is a possibility of stomach pain and vomiting. (Source)

Hawthorn berry can cause vomiting and nausea occasionally. (Source)

Longjack root can cause lead or mercury poisoning if you consume it in excessive quantities. (Source)

Epimedium can cause nausea, dizziness, diarrhea, vomiting, excessive thirst and possibly breathing problems. (Source)

Does Sculpt Nation Test Boost Work?

It certainly works to boost several areas of male health.

As far as significantly increasing testosterone levels goes, I am not quite sure that it does that.

It does however seem to be a great libido enhancer and it does seem to increase athleticism.

Some of the ingredients that it has that are supposed to be responsible for the boost in testosterone have only been found to be able to do that in animals.

There are certainly several ingredients that help with building muscle and overall workout recovery, however.

As far as the sexual effects of Sculpt Nation Test Boost go, it seems to be quite effective.

It features some classic aphrodisiacs and they have garnered their reputation as mood enhancers for a reason.

So in many ways, yes Sculpt Nation Test Boost does work, just not in the exact way that you may expect based on the name and some of the claims that they make.

How To Use Sculpt Nation Test Boost

Sculpt Nation Test Boost is a daily supplement.

That means that not only do you have to take it daily, but that it will only work as well as it possibly can if do so.

In a lot of ways, daily supplements of this kind can be easier than “take as needed” pills.

Especially when it comes to sex where you can’t always anticipate it so when it comes time, you have to pop a pill and wait an hour.

With Sculpt Nation Test Boost, that is not an issue.

With that said, I can also see why some people prefer to not add a new supplement to their daily regimen.

You don’t need to worry if you skip a dose, but if it works out for you, you probably won’t want to.

Where Can You Buy Sculpt Nation Test Boost?

Luckily, they have a website that you can buy Sculpt Nation Test Boost from directly.

In general, when given the option, I usually opt for buying directly from the supplement in question’s website.

That way, there is no question of where it is coming from and whether or not it is knockoff.

There are three different options for purchasing Sculpt Nation Test Boost.

You can choose the 1 bottle package with auto refill for $41 or $49 if you choose the one-time delivery option.

For a better value, you can get 3 bottles for $44 per bottle, or for bulk, you can get 6 bottles and pay $32.50 per bottle.

They do offer a 60-day money back guarantee, so you should head to their website to read the terms to make sure that you can take advantage of it if you need to.

Pros +

  • Natural ingredients
  • Can enhance athletic performance
  • Increases sexual desire and energy
  • Helps with erectile dysfunction

Cons –

  • It is somewhat pricey


At the end of the day, Sculpt Nation Test Boost is a well-rounded supplement.

It does a lot of things right, and it does not go too far over the top in its claims.

The only one of them that I am not sure of is how much it actually increases testosterone production.

Without a doubt, it seems to help with a lot of the things that testosterone plays a role in, but I have not seen enough evidence to say if it boosts it actively.

Some of the ingredients known to have an effect on testosterone have been found to only affect animals in that way.

Beyond that, it is a great supplement.

Its sexual effects are just as good as its energy and sports performance effects.

It does seem to be quite effective in workout recovery and helping you get the most out of a heavy exercise session.

Choosing the 1 bottle option may seem a little pricey if you do it without the auto ship option, but if you can swing it, it is worth a shot.

You can always cancel if you don’t like it.

As always, check with your doctor to make sure that Sculpt Nation Test Boost does not interact with anything that you are currently taking.

Top 3 Testosterone BoostersAffiliate Disclosure

#1 – Testosil

#1 - Testosil

Testosil is the most effective testosterone boosting supplement on the market that I’ve tested.

Click Here To Learn More »

#2 – Prime Male

#2 - Prime Male

Prime Male is another very effective testosterone booster that uses clinically proven ingredients.

Click Here To Learn More »

#3 – Testofuel

#3 - Testofuel

Testofuel is a VERY popular testosterone booster that contains ingredients to help older men.

Click Here To Learn More »

Primal Grow Pro Review – Does It Really Work?

It was only a few years ago that male enhancement supplements were a touchy subject.

Men used to be shy about the topic due to an unspoken taboo.

Simply put, male enhancement supplements were the elephant in the room.

Nobody likes to put their problems on front street, especially when they feel most vulnerable.

Sexual health is a sensitive topic, and for the longest time, men had to decide if they wanted to have an awkward doctor’s visit and pay $15 a pill for something that could be dangerous, or simply do nothing and continue to deal with erectile dysfunction.

Now, however, we are in a completely different time.

Erectile dysfunction and other male sexual health topics are far from taboo and bringing it up at the right time is not something to be ashamed of anymore.

That is largely due to how many male enhancement supplements and products are out there now.

They have become so commonplace that nobody even bats an eye when they see one, unless they need it, that is.

Whether it be at the vitamin store, online or on the shelf at your local gas station, male enhancement supplements are everywhere.

One recent male enhancement supplement to make somewhat of a splash is Primal Grow Pro.

Overly flashy and salesy language and claims on their site aside, they are mostly just a male enhancement supplement to help with ED.

There seems to be claims of increasing size, but that is impossible despite many supplements making the claim.

Either way, Primal Grow Pro has some ingredients that are interesting and takes its own unique approach to the male enhancement supplement game.

Let’s take a closer look at Primal Grow Pro.

What is Primal Grow Pro?

primal grow pro reviewPrimal Grow Pro is a male enhancement supplement that uses a wide range of herbal ingredients.

If you go to their website there are some truly wild claims that I doubt anyone would take seriously, but that is par for the course with male enhancement supplements.

They make claims of using “banned African penis rituals” and other wild stuff, but the core of it is that it is an herbal ED remedy.

If you cast aside every male enhancement supplement that makes wild claims, you’d be left with none, so I never let that play a factor in the beginning.

How Does Primal Grow Pro Work?

Primal Grow Pro uses an herbal remedy to treat several factors in ED.

It addresses blood flow which is essential for a male enhancement supplement.

Blood flow, or the lack of blood flow, is what causes erections and helps you keep them.

Some of its herbal ingredients also have anti-anxiety effects which is known to relieve erectile dysfunction.

Another big part of sexual dysfunction is mental factors.

Stress, anxiety and even depression are at the root of many men’s erectile dysfunction, and treating it can often improve problems in the bedroom.

As you will see, some of the ingredients in Primal Grow Pro are aimed at taking care of stress so that you can get in the mood, so to speak.

By looking at the ingredients, you can understand exactly how Primal Grow Pro works and why it affects people the way that it does.

What Are Primal Grow Pro’s Ingredients?

St. John’s Wort

It can give relief to people dealing with anxiety or depression. (Source)


It is an amino acid that can open up the red blood vessels which increases blood flow throughout the body and to the penis. (Source)


Similar to L-arginine, it is also an amino acid and plays a role in blood flow and has potential to enhance athletic performance. (Source)

Gingko Biloba

It can be used to relieve inflammation, boost circulation and heart health, enhance focus and cognitive function, and treat erectile dysfunction. (Source)


It is effective in boosting the immune system, recovering from a workout, enhancing athletic performance and building muscle mass. (Source)


Unusual for a male enhancement supplement, Vinpocetine can help people that are recovering from a stroke and can boost cognitive ability to help stave off memory loss. (Source)

Do Any of These Ingredients Have Side Effects?

St. John’s Wort can cause nausea, dizziness, vivid dreams and headache. (Source)

L-arginine can cause gout, bloating, nausea, diarrhea, vomiting and bloating. (Source)

L-carnitine may cause heartburn, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, seizures, headaches or dizziness. (Source)

Ginkgo Biloba can interact with blood thinners and other medications, as well as cause rash, stomach pains, nausea, diarrhea and vomiting among other side effects. (Source)

L-Glutamine has been found to have no direct side effects, although taking it regularly may affect the way that your system deals with amino acids. (Source)

Does Primal Grow Pro Really Work?

It does not work in every single way that they claim it works, but it does work in some ways definitely.

There is zero chance that it can have any effect on penis size as that is impossible for any supplement to do.

What it does do, however, is increase sexual desire and ultimately help to achieve and maintain an erection.

I pin that on certain ingredients such as L-arginine and Ginkgo Biloba.

Those two ingredients in particular are very effective in treating erectile dysfunction, and when they show up in a male enhancement supplement, it is typically a pretty good sign.

Of course, ingredients are ingredients, but what really counts is how they are concentrated in the formula.

From what I can tell, the ingredients that matter are in a high concentration at least.

Some of the ingredients that show up in Primal Grow Pro are confusing and I wonder why they are even in there, but who knows, maybe that is why it is effective.

How to Use Primal Grow Pro

Be patient, because Primal Grow Pro is a daily male enhancement supplement.

Sticking with the same dose around the same time every day is the best way to see results out of it that really count.

Don’t get too stir-crazy waiting for the effects to kick in.

Stay active during that time and maybe focus on activities such as cardio or weight training that can also help with erectile dysfunction.

According to Primal Grow Pro, you have to wait a full 30 days to see effects working, so try not to get antsy; it will work eventually.

They say that you should take it with food in the morning, so if you are not a breakfast person, consider becoming one to make sure you get the most out of each dose of Primal Grow Pro as possible.

Where Can I Buy Primal Grow Pro?

You can buy Primal Grow Pro directly from the source.

It is nice to be able to buy male enhancement supplements straight from where it came from.

The fact is, there is a ton of counterfeiting and scamming going on online and in the world of male enhancement supplements.

Not just with supplements, but with anything that you can buy online.

Buying a supplement from the manufacturer does not entirely guarantee that you won’t get scammed in some way, but it the best way to avoid it.

Not only that, it is nice to support manufacturers if you find that their supplement helps you.

That is how you keep it all going and keep the supplement community strong.

Pros +

  • Uses entirely natural active ingredients in the formula
  • Available straight through their own website
  • It does not have a lot of side effects

Cons –

  • It makes some wild claims that are not true
  • They do not provide a lot of information about the product, and piecing it together is tricky
  • It is a bit pricey


I do not think that it would hurt.

That is not a glowing recommendation, however because it does not deliver on all of its promises.

For one thing, it definitely cannot increase penis size in any way at all.

Besides just that, there is an overwhelming number of ridiculous claims to be found on their website.

I mean, truly, check it out for yourself if you are curious.

Primal Grow Pro does seem to be a good aphrodisiac however and I do believe it has some good effects as far as providing relief from ED goes.

Because of that, I think that it is definitely worth giving a shot if you have the means to do so.

There is no such thing as a male enhancement supplement that has the same effect on everyone.

Results vary from person to person based on hundreds of factors, so any given supplement affects you differently than it would your neighbor.

If you are patient and wait out the 30 days, you can see for yourself if Primal Grow Pro works for you.

Check in with your doctor to see if there is anything in Primal Grow Pro that causes a bad interaction with medications or supplements that you are currently taking.

Top 3 Male EnhancementAffiliate Disclosure

#1 Rated – Vigrx Plus

#1 Rated - Vigrx Plus

Out of the 100+ male enhancement products Ive tried, Vigrx Plus was the best.

Click Here To Learn More »

#2 Rated – Bathmate Hydromax

#2 Rated - Bathmate Hydromax

The Bathmate is a proven water-based vacuum pump that can help dramatically increase your size.

Click Here To Learn More »

#3 Rated – Phallosan Forte

#3 Rated - Phallosan Forte

Phallosan Forte is a GREAT option for those looking to grow both length AND girth, permanently.

Click Here To Learn More »

Honorable Mention/Inexpensive Alternative:Magnum Rings content/uploads/2017/01/magnun rings

Magnum Rings are a VERY affordable option to getting both girth and length gains, at a fraction of the price of the Bathmate or Phallosan Forte.

Click Here to see our full Magnum Rings review.

Massive Male Plus – Does It Work?

While I was browsing a, let’s say “adult film” website, I came across this banner ad that drew my attention.

massive male plus banner ad

Enticing, sure, but a claim like that is pretty bold, and that is the point.

Clicking on this ad will take you here.

Now, assuming you just watched the video, you definitely heard some pretty wild claims.

Some of these claims are so wild that many would say they are too good to be true.

If you skipped the video, I will get you caught up:

  • Every inch that you lack takes 5 years off of your sex life
  • Massive Male Plus will increase your penis size by 3 inches in 30 days
  • This supplement has successfully helped over 64,000 men with penis growth.

Along with that, there are also a series of testimonials from men who have supposedly used Massive Male Plus and yielded great results, as well as testimony from the women who apparently benefit from their man’s gains.

These claims are awfully enticing and are definite attention grabbers for those already looking for a cure all penis growth wonder pill, but how do they hold up?

The Massive Male Plus Video

Over the course of 3 minutes, the Massive Male Plus advertisement video you can find scattered across several “adult” sites wastes no time telling you about how sure and proven they are as the top male sexual enhancement and growth supplement out there.

massive male plus reviews content/uploads/2020/02/massive male plus

They are definitely rather confident and try their best to be relatable.

As with many male enhancement supplements, it begins with a story of a man whose small or average sized penis led to him being cheated on by his significant other in favor of a man with a larger penis.

While this version of the story that many of these brands spout has a lot of interesting touches, who is to say how valid it is.

I’m going to go with not very valid at all.

But alas, as the story goes, this led to his breakthrough discoveries that led to him being the foremost innovator in the world of male enhancement supplements.

After pinning down that countries along the equator had the biggest average penis sizes, he determined that there must be some common denominator among them that led to having such a reputation.

He goes on to explain how their active ingredients are aimed at expanding the actual size of your erectile tissue as well as boosting your testosterone levels.

Sounds great on paper for sure, but there is little to be found in the way of statistics and numbers besides the testimonials provided on their own site.

Massive Male Plus Ingredients

Massive Male Plus is made up of several ingredients, many of which you may recognize if you have experience with or have researched male enhancement supplements.

So, what exactly is Massive Male Plus made out of and how does it contribute to penis growth and/or sexual performance enhancement?


This is a naturally occuring substance that includes nitric oxide.

The benefits of nitric oxide include vasodilation which allows increased blood flow to the penis, thus making better sexual performance and penis growth (Source)

Entengo and Mkongoraa

These substances are found originally in Ghana and Congo, but they are quite interesting because there is a large amount of Vitamins B3 and E.

These are Western African aphrodisiacs and have been proven to make a penis longer and helps men sustain erections for a longer duration (Source)

Horny Goat Weed

This is a common remedy to enhance sex and the reason being is that it’s proven to increase stamina for a longer sexual duration.

It also allows greater blood flow which means your erections will have greater size as well (Source)

Maca Root Extract

Men with premature ejaculation issues swear by Maca Root Extract.

In a study with 50 men, this was shown to provide significant improvement in sexual performance and more satisfying erections as well (Source)

Tongkat Ali

This is a substance that has been long respected for its ability to boost libido.

It is also excellent for reversing erective dysfunction, and the reason is that it allows blood to flow more freely to the penis (Source)


This is one of the most famous substances to open up the blood vessels and get the blood to flow that much more into the penis.

This will lengthen the penis and allow you to have a greater erection and sexual function (Source)

Each of the ingredients in Massive Male Plus hold their own reputations as natural libido and/or erection remedies, some of which have been used for hundreds and hundreds of years.

It is important to remember that while these ingredients have earned their reputations as male enhancement supplements, there is no absolute sure-fire guarantee that it will work for you.

Everyone’s body is unique and reacts to supplements differently.

Massive Male Plus Reviews

So, you’re probably wondering what customers have to say.

Well, the thing is, it can be a little tricky to discern whether many of the reviews you find are from verified customers, or if they it is simply an extension of the promotion of the product.

With a quick Google search, you will find both reviews that applaud the Massive Male Plus for its effects on libido, stamina and erectile health, as well as reviews critical of just how well it actually works.

Ultimately, results for male enhancement supplements are going to vary from person to person.

One common result that is hard to deny is the boost to testosterone that Massive Male Plus provides.

There is less evidence as to the size gains that are to be had as far as penis growth, but Massive Male Plus does seem to carry a good track record in regard to increasing testosterone levels.

That is important because although that does not necessarily work as an indicator as to whether or not it boosts penis size, it can do a lot in the way of showing that is does work as a testosterone aid.

With that being said, when you are considering purchasing a product, especially one as sensitive as a male enhancement aid, there are certain things to look out for to discern whether or not what you are reading is indicative a typical user’s results, or just simply another advertisement by the manufacturer.

For instance, say you do a quick Google search for “Massive Male Plus reviews”.

A wealth of results are going to come up, and it can be tricky to know where to start.

massive male plus google results

One of the first things that you will notice is that several of the article headings reference the doubt that may be in many prospect customers minds as to the validity of the product.

When you click further and explore some of these articles, the first thing you will see is a whole rundown of information worded similarly to the language of Massive Male Plus’s official advertisements.

That can be a clear indicator that the review that you are reading is just another facet of their marketing.

If you want to get a more accurate portrayal of what customers like yourself are actually thinking about their experience with it, you are better off looking into customer reviews.

The user reviews section of Amazon can be a great litmus test for what a wide range of customers have experienced and can do a lot to tell you whether or not it is worth trying out for yourself.

As you will notice in the picture below, the verified customer reviews on Amazon run the gamut from overwhelmingly positive to downright scathing and negative.

This should not come as a surprise, as all humans are different and even wholly natural remedies will affect each and every one of us in a unique way.

I would caution you to read as many reviews as possible, as some users report negative side effects lasting up to a full 48 hours.

Double check the ingredients to verify that you do not have any allergies or are on any medications that would have an adverse interaction with any of the active ingredients.

Where To Buy Massive Male Plus

You can find Massive Male Plus through their official website, as well as Amazon.

They offer their male enhancement supplements in three sizes, no pun intended.

Their “basic” package includes a one month, one bottle supply ringing up at $69.

For a two month, two bottle supply, their “standard” offer comes in at $59.

If it really strikes your fancy and you are confident that Massive Male Plus will help you make the gains that you desire, they offer a “premium” selection which features a four month supply with four bottles for $49.

All of the options that they provide offer free shipping within the US, within packages being shipped out of the US carrying standard shipping fees.

With the price of a one month supply being so high, it can be tempting for a first time user to be drawn towards the standard or premium option.

I can understand that sentiment, but I would urge you to exercise caution and decide if it is worth plunking down hard-earned money on a 2-4 month supply of something you have yet to try.

However, if the user reviews and information that you come across is a clear indicator that it will work for you, I can understand that urge to do so.

The “Guarantee”

Massive Male Plus, like several other male enhancement options, makes several promises and guarantees.

Perhaps the most glaring guarantee that you will find is that you will see results after one pill.

Now, I have not come across any information that indicates that is true, but I cannot speak to the validity of that statement.

Perhaps more important to potential customers is the 60-day guarantee that you will be reimbursed your money in the event that you do not find Massive Male Plus useful.

Giving credit where credit is due, such a guarantee is not only a good business practice in general but is a sign that at the very least the people behind Massive Male Plus are confident in their product.


  • 60-day money back guarantee makes for a less risky purchase.
  • All-natural herbal ingredients that are easy to find information about.


  • The very limited real, true, verifiable customer reviews that you can find are largely negative not only about the results, or lack thereof, but point to possible adverse side effects.
  • Their claims ranging from the company history to the efficacy of the supplement itself are impossible to verify and use extremely bold language that could be construed as being misleading.
  • A quick watch of their video or read through of their website frivolously states facts about penis size, sex life, infidelity, relationships and how they are all related that are unsubstantiated anywhere else online. They even contradict statistics in regard to spousal infidelity and penis size within the same page.
  • Massive Male Plus makes promises of noticeable, instantaneous penis growth which is simply and scientifically impossible.

Use Caution

There’s nothing as humans that we should be more cautious of than what we put inside our bodies.

Every time that we ingest something, we are trusting that what we are taking in will have the promised and desired effect, as well as being safe and beneficial.

Unfortunately, in the world of male enhancement supplements, among other things, it is hard to pin down and get a hold of a product that you can know with certainty will work for you.

And that is okay.

The fact of the matter is, whether a male enhancement supplement is made up of entirely 100% natural herbal ingredients, or a concoction of lab-born chemicals, there is no guarantee that it will work for you.

Even Viagra doesn’t work for everybody, and furthermore, Viagra was never even intended as an erectile dysfunction drug in the first place.

What it ultimately comes down to is judgment and scrutiny.

No one is a better judge of what is good for you than yourself, but I cannot urge you enough to do the necessary caution and spend as much time thinking as possible before making your decision.

What Matters Most

My mind is made up on Massive Male Plus, and that is, don’t even bother taking it.

There is such a wide range of negative and positive reviews, all of which are hard to verify and contradictory.

Contrary to their bold and confident statements, it seems hard to believe that it is the cure-all miracle penis growth supplement that they boast about so freely.

Couple that with the fact that it’s super expensive, contains very low levels of the ‘right’ ingredients, and it’s impossible to find accurate reviews of the product, and I say give it a hard pass!

Top 3 Male EnhancementAffiliate Disclosure

#1 Rated – Vigrx Plus

#1 Rated - Vigrx Plus

Out of the 100+ male enhancement products Ive tried, Vigrx Plus was the best.

Click Here To Learn More »

#2 Rated – Bathmate Hydromax

#2 Rated - Bathmate Hydromax

The Bathmate is a proven water-based vacuum pump that can help dramatically increase your size.

Click Here To Learn More »

#3 Rated – Phallosan Forte

#3 Rated - Phallosan Forte

Phallosan Forte is a GREAT option for those looking to grow both length AND girth, permanently.

Click Here To Learn More »

Honorable Mention/Inexpensive Alternative:Magnum Rings content/uploads/2017/01/magnun rings

Magnum Rings are a VERY affordable option to getting both girth and length gains, at a fraction of the price of the Bathmate or Phallosan Forte.

Click Here to see our full Magnum Rings review.

Grow Extra Inches – Does It Work?

So, I’m guessing you just watched a video about this product?

Me too.

And it piqued my interest.

It tells the story of a man who couldn’t necessarily satisfy his wife in the ways that she, let’s say, needed, until of course he discovers Grow Extra Inches.

I know, it may seem crazy, and reasonably so with the amount of penis enhancement supplements, medications, and devices out there, but Grow Extra Inches actually works for a good number of users.

grow extra inches review
The Grow Extra Inches bottle.

Unique in its ingredients and performance, it is possibly most enticing because of its quick results for him, and desirable results for her.

While that sounds enticing, particularly to people already in the market for such a product, it is fairly difficult to verify the vast majority of the claims that Grow Extra Inches makes in regard to the efficacy of their product.

They certainly make a case for themselves, as you will see, but just how accurate is it?

If you’re looking through an “adult site” and come across the banner below, you’re one click away from a rather NSFW video trying their hardest to pitch you on their male enhancement supplement.

grow extra inches banner ad

The Grow Extra Inches Video

Old school and hard ball, the Grow Extra Inches video wastes no time letting you know why you may or may not need the product as well as how significant the results can prove to be.

The video attempts to pulls you in with the story of Mark Morris, a man who was happily married and found no reasons to have any doubts or worries, until overhearing his wife on the phone speaking about some of his “shortcomings”.

With his head reeling thinking of whether or not previous girlfriends had the same complaints and if this problem was driving his current girlfriend into the arms of another man, Mark needed results.

After confronting her about it, Mark promised her he would find a solution. And he did.

Then he found it.

Reading a research paper on the topic led him to a link that shed light on exactly what he was missing.

The research paper detailed a study conducted of 423 men suffering from “micropenis” that were put on a penis growth regiment for a 30-day period.

After a long search for remedies he came across a study with crazy results that he just had to know more about.

After finally reaching the German doctor responsible for the study, Mark learned an awful lot from him about the shady penis growth industry and just how sneaky and dishonest certain brands can be.

The doctor gave Mark the program and he began.

As the story goes, it led to him getting massive gains and knocking his wife’s socks off.

At least that’s how the story goes. Charming, right?

Ultimately, what is most important is the actual results.

More specifically, verifiable results, and unfortunately, 99% of that story is near impossible to verify.

Long story short, Grow Extra Inches claims that this guy somehow convinced a doctor to share his secret with him, and now, altruistically, he is sharing it with the world.

Yeah, I know, take it with a grain of salt.

Essentially, this is the bare bones structure of a vast sum of male enhancement supplements.

You’ll find it usually starts with your man whose shortcomings in the penis size department leads to them having their heart ripped from their chest, only to eventually find the right product that will give them the gains to win the heart of their significant other or the women of their dreams.

The Grow Extra Inches Formula

So, what exactly is in Grow Extra Inches and what sets it apart from other growth supplements?

Well, Grow Extra Inches is a mixture of ingredients and vitamins that are 100% natural and you will find in other growth supplements.

Vitamin E and vitamin B3 are two of the most recognizable ingredients.

Found in Entengo and Mkongoraa, vitamins E and B3, carry the reputation as powerful penis enlargement herbs, and with good reason.

They also work towards strengthening the cartilage in the penis shaft which contributes to stronger erections.

Grow Extra Inches also contains a powerful ingredient that unites the mind and body to focus every bit of energy possible into penis growth.

This key part of the formula is known as Muira Puama, and let’s just say that is has more than earned its nickname as the Viagra of the Amazon.

Muira Puama essentially acts by repairing testicular damage, sending male potency hormones from the brain directly to the penis as well as directly counter acting Andropause.

Possibly the most enticing ingredient in the Grow Extra Inches formula would be Damiana Aphrodisiaca, 2,000 old herbal remedy that oxygenates the inside of the penis. Damiana Aphrodisiaca effectively takes care of one of the main causes of penile shrinkage.

Now, it is important to remember that while this formula may sound enticing, there is little to no proof of these herbal remedies being found highly effective amongst a large population of people.

Particularly not as large as the Grow Extra Inches website claims.

Please note that there are no verifiable sources that support Grow Extra Inches’ claims of results and there are no certifiable numbers that indicate it is accurate.

As to where these numbers are coming from, I can’t be sure, and neither should you.

Grow Extra Inches Ingredients List

The ingredients found in Grow Extra Inches are all natural and you may be familiar with some of them if you have looked into or used other penis growth remedies in the past.


Otherwise known as “horny goat weed”, this is used to keep enzymes from stopping blood flow needed for erections. This is a natural way to end ED (Source).

Chinese Hawthorn

When looking for erections that last a long time and lengthen the penis by getting maximum blood flow, you want Chinese Hawthorn. This is a naturally proven ingredient that is an anti-inflammatory helping you get more size (Source)


This naturally occurring herb is used to give the penis a stronger, better sustaining erection. The way this happens is by relaxing the muscles within the penis so that blood flows in smoothly (Source)


This is used to boost nitric oxide levels in your system which relaxes the arterial walls. The relaxed walls let in more blood to lengthen the penis size and sustain strong erections (Source)

Muira Pauma

This is a naturally occurring herb and what it does is increase your libido. It does this by relaxing the corpus cavernosa in the penis which means blood flows in a way that is deeper into the chamber for a great erection (Source)

Asian Ginseng

This has the effect of opening up the blood vessels which means the blood flows into the penis at a better rate. The greater the blood flow, the more inches on an erection (Source)


This substance helps make erections that much stronger and long lasting. The best part about it is upon climax and ejaculation, there is more power behind it (Source)

Saw Palmetto

This particular extract is known to have men sustain erections for much longer than normal. It also helps lengthen the penis and also known to open up the blood vessels allowing for greater flow (Source)

Oat Straw

Because this is loaded with nitric oxide, that means you have a natural vasodilator working in your system. Vasodilation is important because it contracts the walls of arteries and gets blood flowing to the penis (Source)


If the penis has damage, then that damage prevents growth and healthy erections. Fortunately, cayenne has properties that will repair the damage and allow growth along with healthy erections (Source)

These ingredients are aimed at everything from penile damage repair, sexual performance and erection strength, to libido and blood flow.

In combination, the idea behind Grow Extra Inches is that the ingredients will work together to attack several different problem areas and create synergy.

“Idea” being the key word.

All of this would be good and dandy if there were more positive reviews by actual users, not just blog postings.

Unfortunately, you will be hard pressed to find a positive review unless you are reading a blog post.

A quick search lets you know what you are in for.

Grow Extra Inches Reviews

While all of the information provided by Grow Extra Inches themselves is quite informative and paints a very positive picture, it is ultimately up to the user base to determine whether or not a product is effective.

You won’t have to look hard to find negative user reviews, not only of the efficacy of the product, but of the business practices of the company itself.

Several users have reported having been billed again several weeks after a purchase.

The language of the Grow Extra Inches advertisements and specifications paints a picture of a foolproof and sure-fire solution for penis size growth, but I always urge potential customers to take a look into real customer feedback and testimonials before deciding on a purchase.

With that being said, there are a number of positive reviews that reaffirm much of the positive results that Grow Extra Inches boast.

On the other hand, you will of course find some users that not been able to yield the desirable results that Grow Extra Inches offers.

Discerning whether or not a user’s review is legitimate or if it was written upon the request of the manufacturer to talk up its best possible results can be difficult, but looking out for “verified purchases” is an easier way to tell.

When sifting through feedback, it is important to note that while Grow Extra Inches consists of a powerful formula made up of a number of herbal remedies to help in the size department, there is simply no way to tell if they will work for you.

While they do have a good track record, everybody’s body is different, so sometimes trial and error are the only way to determine the best product for you in your journey towards growth.

What To Look For?

While perusing the internet for information and reviews on Grow Extra Inches, be wary of the language of the review in question and see how it compares to the wording of the company’s own advertisements.

If the review opens with a clear pitch, chances are it is not an accurate portrayal of a real user’s experience.

Often times, you will even find advertisements for the product itself in many of the reviews available online which is fairly telling as to its validity.

Another clear indicator of what to expect is how the “user review” section of suppliers compares to the long form, blog style reviews found online.

User reviews are typically succinct and honest.

Some reviews of Grow Extra Inches report that besides being ineffective, they were also repeatedly billed for the product long after their purchase and/or having discontinued a subscription.

Where Can I Buy It?

You can get your hands on Grow Extra Inches and see if it will do the trick in helping you in the bedroom for yourself through their official website.

You will find that Grow Extra Inches offers three options: Basic (1 bottle), Standard (2 bottles), and Premium (4 bottles).

Basic comes in at $49 with standard and premium ringing up for $59 and $49 respectively.

Because of the insufficient information in regard to how effective it actually is, if you so choose to try out Grow Extra Inches for yourself, I would caution you to go with the basic, one month and one bottle supply as there is not enough information to show that is actually useful.

Furthermore, be careful and think before using your valuable card on a product that several users have reported being unexpectedly charged by.


  • Reasonably priced for a male enhancement supplement
  • Natural ingredients
  • Does not interfere or have known interactions with other supplements


  • It is very difficult to verify or substantiate many of their claims.
  • Several users report that it is ineffective.
  • Some customers have reported being billed long after having purchased Grow Extra Inches and have even had trouble getting their money back.

Finding Alternatives

There are alternatives for male sexual performance that are more viable and verifiable effective, such as Blue Chew or similar products.

When looking for an alternative if you want a more reputable product, pay attention to some of the signs I have detailed that are key to look out for.

Don’t just look at blog post style reviews, look out for verified customer reviews and pay attention to what they have in common.

In Closing

Hopefully, this guide has informed you about Grow Extra Inches as well as why you should exercise caution before giving it or other similar products a try.

Each manufacturer of male enhancement supplements will of course try there hardest to sell you what they are pushing, but always give yourself as many sources to check as possible.

Always remember to double check the ingredients to ensure that you are not ingesting a supplement that interacts with any medications or supplements you are currently on.

You will also want to check to confirm that you are not allergic to any of the ingredients.

Always do your research and explore as many options as you can while exercising caution before clicking “buy now”.

Most importantly, remember that there is ultimately no miracle penis growth or erection strength drug that will work for all customers.

It may take trial and error, but you can and will eventually find a legitimate and healthy alternative.

Top 3 Male EnhancementAffiliate Disclosure

#1 Rated – Vigrx Plus

#1 Rated - Vigrx Plus

Out of the 100+ male enhancement products Ive tried, Vigrx Plus was the best.

Click Here To Learn More »

#2 Rated – Bathmate Hydromax

#2 Rated - Bathmate Hydromax

The Bathmate is a proven water-based vacuum pump that can help dramatically increase your size.

Click Here To Learn More »

#3 Rated – Phallosan Forte

#3 Rated - Phallosan Forte

Phallosan Forte is a GREAT option for those looking to grow both length AND girth, permanently.

Click Here To Learn More »

Honorable Mention/Inexpensive Alternative: Magnum Rings content/uploads/2017/01/magnun rings

Magnum Rings are a VERY affordable option to getting both girth and length gains, at a fraction of the price of the Bathmate or Phallosan Forte.

Click Here to see our full Magnum Rings review.

Titan Gel Review

Size really does matter, particularly when it comes to the bedroom.

There have been numerous products that have come out over the years promising to increase your size.

While pills seem to be pushed on us the most, other methods include pumps, extenders, manual exercises, and yes, gels.

This is where Titan Gel comes in.

What is Titan Gel?

titan gel review

Titan is a gel that was designed to increase both the size and girth of the penis while also increasing sensitivity.

This gel helps enlarge your penis but can also be used as a lubricant.

Titan gel is primarily designed for use specifically for intercourse.

It’s not necessarily a daily application but rather a gel that you apply to enhance both size and performance when it’s needed.

This gel cream can also be used daily for effective growth results.

The gel works by increasing blood flow which accelerates the growth of the penis in both length and girth.

You can combine the gel with exercises, extenders, and vacuum pumps for increased growth as well.

Titan gel provides growth through natural ingredients and has a list of additional benefits. Here are a few of them.

  • 3x longer endurance for sexual activity
  • Increased libido
  • Improved prostate health
  • Once daily application
  • Better erections
  • Penis enlargement of up to 7 cm with continued use
  • Recommended by porn stars

Titan guarantees results or your money back.

They also warn against potential fake products that pretend to sell the same thing but really sell an alternative that is not made with natural ingredients and can have negative side effects if you’re not careful.

Purchase straight from the source.

Titan Gel Ingredients and How They Work

Titan gel is made with all-natural products and components.

It has 4 main ingredients, including:

  • Epimedium extract
  • Thistle extract
  • Lichen
  • Peruvian Maca


Epimedium extract provides alkaloids, flavonoids, and contains steroids. (Source)

This is a common Chinese herbal medicine ingredient that is used for healthy sexual activity.

The leaves are suitable for use as an aphrodisiac that is impotent.

This can also make a male’s sperm more viable, increasing his ability to conceive.

Thistle Extract

Thistle extract helps to prolong endurance through sexual activity. (Source)

This ingredient increases desire and libido and works to stop testosterone deficiencies and get your levels to a normal place.


Lichen improves overall circulation, which leads to growth and increased arousal. (Source)

Peruvian Maca

Peruvian maca is an aphrodisiac ingredient. It will improve libido and when used regularly also promotes growth. (Source)

This ingredient can help with erectile dysfunction related to heart, blood flow, and blood vessel disorders. (Source)

Some reports state that Titan gel also includes glycine, L-Arginine, and magnesium but those claims are unsupported.

It is possible that these are found within the natural ingredients listed.

How to Use Titan Gel

Titan provides specific step-by-step instructions on how to use the gel to get the best results.

If you review their site, the instructions are meticulous and well laid out for your understanding.

If you want the best results possible, you should follow their steps explicitly.

Remember that Titan gel can be used just for intercourse or it can be used daily as a growth and enhancement tool that also increases libido.

Here is a quick review of the instructions as to how to use the gel.

  1. Apply the gel to a clean area
  2. Be sure to dry the penis well prior to use of the gel
  3. Erect the penis
  4. Use a small drop (approximately .5-2 ml) of the gel
  5. Distribute the gel evenly, covering all of the skin evenly with a thin layer of gel cream
  6. Rub the product well until it is absorbed by the skin
  7. Practice any special exercises to help in the process
  8. Take a shower and clean the gel the off

For effective growth results that are continued, Titan recommend following these steps 2-3 times a day and continuing them for up to 2 months.

You should start seeing a noticeable difference in your penis size within about 3-4 weeks’ time.

The results should be long-lasting.

Length and girth could see a total increase of up to 7 cm with continued use as directed.

Titan Gel Side Effects

Many male enhancement supplements can cause side effects that make you question whether or not it is truly worth the use of the supplements.

With Titan gel, thanks to the natural makeup of the gel side effects reported appear to be minimal.

According to lab tests, there were no major side effects reported. The most common reported effect of the gel was a tickling, heated sensation that lasted for a brief time after application.

Overall, all tested and reported side effects were incredibly mild, if there were any at all.

According to testing results, more than 90% of testers did not experience any side effects at all.

Some of the side effects reported included skin irritation, inflammation, burning, stinging, redness, and swelling but these effects were considered rare and mild with use.

Titan Gel Reviews

There are not a ton of reviews available for Titan gel to truly know how effective it is from verified purchasers and users.

If you look for the product on Amazon, there are multiple listings but each have very few reviews and the reviews are mixed.

Of course, this could be one of those fake products that the company warns about. It’s hard to know for sure.

On the official Titan gel website, there are some reviews but again they are limited. The reviews on the site are primarily positive.

Here are some overviews to give you an idea of what customers are saying about Titan gel.

One customer says the following:

“There were no results for the first 5-7 days, but now they are visible…I have been lubricating with this gel for a month and have increased three centimeters.”

Another satisfied customer says she bought this gel for her husband after discovering he was too small on their wedding night and they saw a 5 cm increase.

There was not a single negative review on the website so either the product is truly great or the company filters out the bad reviews and only shares the good stories.

However, the 18 positive reviews all have specific results and stories associated with them that leave Titan gel in a positive light.

Titan Gel Pros and Cons


  • You can purchase Titan gel with no prescription.
  • Titan gel is not overly expensive for the product.
  • Titan gel is made with all-natural ingredients.
  • There are very few reported side effects of using Titan gel. Those reported were mild and short-term.
  • It is tested and proven to cause penis growth up to 7 cm.
  • Titan gel can increase sexual endurance.


  • Review information is incredibly limited for the product.
  • There is the potential for some mild but uncomfortable side effects.
  • Instructions for use are inconsistent. In one place, Titan says “once daily” use but in another place, they recommend following their application instructions 2-3 times a day.
  • Some men that are working through specific medical treatment (blood flor or cardiovascular-related) may not be able to safely use the gel.

Overall, the advantages and the benefits of Titan gel far outweigh the disadvantages.

Just be sure to purchase from a reliable source so you know you are getting the real product and not a fake make-believe product that won’t deliver the results that Titan promises for their product.

Where to Buy

Titan gel is available several places online for purchase.

You can find multiple listings on Amazon but be careful as the company warns there are many scams and fake products out there that mimic Titan but are not the real thing.

Here are the qualities that Titan says might reflect an original compared to a fake.

  • High-quality branded black packaging
  • Gel packaging contains a small black cap
  • Manufacturer and composition information listed on the packaging
  • Instructions for use included on the packaging

On Amazon listings, the products range anywhere from $15-25 per bottle.

You can find Prime listings that will get you free shipping as well.

Or, you can elect to buy straight from the source and go through Titan’s online store.

With the concern about fraud and the mixed reviews on the Amazon site, this is probably where we would point you.

Here are the prices on their site.

You can purchase one bottle for $30 but you will pay $20 for shipping also.

You can get a bundle deal by purchasing 4 bottles at $120 and you get free shipping if you purchase 4 bottles, which makes this the best deal overall.

However, no matter which way you do it the prices are quite reasonable.

Shipping is ridiculously $20 for less than 4 bottles but the overall price is still decent.


Titan gel appears to be a sensible product with tested and proven results.

While review information is limited, it’s refreshing to know that the product has been tested and that side effects are slim-to-none.

The side effects are also fully manageable things that only last a few minutes.

The price is reasonable enough and the product is made with all-natural ingredients so at least you won’t be pumping your body full of steroids and harmful products that cause worse effects in the future.

Top 3 Male EnhancementAffiliate Disclosure

#1 Rated – Vigrx Plus

#1 Rated - Vigrx Plus

Out of the 100+ male enhancement products Ive tried, Vigrx Plus was the best.

Click Here To Learn More »

#2 Rated – Bathmate Hydromax

#2 Rated - Bathmate Hydromax

The Bathmate is a proven water-based vacuum pump that can help dramatically increase your size.

Click Here To Learn More »

#3 Rated – Phallosan Forte

#3 Rated - Phallosan Forte

Phallosan Forte is a GREAT option for those looking to grow both length AND girth, permanently.

Click Here To Learn More »

Honorable Mention/Inexpensive Alternative: Magnum Rings content/uploads/2017/01/magnun rings

Magnum Rings are a VERY affordable option to getting both girth and length gains, at a fraction of the price of the Bathmate or Phallosan Forte.

Click Here to see our full Magnum Rings review.

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